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March 18, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-18

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and the local news pblished
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postare'granted by Third Assistant Post-
uia~teir General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.S0.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FxA E. CooPER, City Editeo
Newt. Editor ................Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books.........Wm. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor.......Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor...........George A. Staute
Copy Editor..................Wm. F. Pyper

sub-committees appointed from the
larger governing body.
This in brief is the plan for mak-
ing respectable and potent the ideal
of student representation in the
conduct of their affairs. Its obvious
merits of simplicity, of fitness for
the existing scheme of campus
and individual needs, and of quiet
efficiency need no elaboration. The
Daily is further moved to suggest
this plan because it will give stabil-
ity and balance, in both member-
ship and outlook to the student
governing body.
Quite naturally the present in-
cumbents in the student council
jwould hardly take to a plan de-
signed to cut short their own ten-
ure; perhaps they would be as slow
tacitly to admit the unpleasant
truth of their situation as they
would be reluctant thus to commit
political suicide. Yet, if they value
more the shibboleth of intelligence
and responsibility for their actions,
they cannot dodge the implications
of their present stricken position
and refuse to admit at once the
feasibility, to say nothing of the
necessity, of accepting the general'
principles of the plan submitted
The Daily earnestly believes that
a tradition cannot be saved any
more than a ripe pear. A revised
committee on student affairs fol-
lowing the nature of the suggestion
herewith submitted to the student
body must ultimately prevail if we
are to return respectability and
common sense to student self-gov-
On the way to the Coast, Mayor
Jimmy Walker passed the Grand
(Canyon. To date, however, no one
zin ni t d that r ck tM him

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warrens

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Ctlten Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford
Thomas M. Coole Wilbur J. Meyers
Morton Frank Brainard W. Nies
Saul Friedberg Robert L. Pierce
Frank B. Gilbreth Richard Racine
ack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal
oland Goodmas Karl Seiffert
Morton Helper George A. Stauter
Bryan Jones John W. Thomas
Denton C.-Kunse Tohn S. Townsend
Powers Moulton
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall
Nanette Dembitz Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien
Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon
Emil G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
)ean Levy_ Margaret Thompson
DorotnvMagee Claire Trussell
Susan Manchester
Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Maogu.
K"Pxx R. HALVERSON, Assistant Magager
Advertising ............Charles T. Kline
Advertising..............Thomas M. Davis
Advertising........... William W. Warboys
Service .... ,.........Norris J. Johnson
Publication . ......... Robert W. Williamson
Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts ......... .....homas S. Muir
Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenaa
Harry R. Begle, Erle Kightlinger
Vernon Bishop Don W. Lyon
William Brown William Morgan
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeer
William W. Davi Keith Tter
Richard H. Hiller Noel D. 'vrner
Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder

A Review By Dan Baxter Who Is
Wishing He Hadn't Gone.
Well, the girls expect me to do
something to earn those lovely com-
plimentary (not very when you
know what they said when I asked
for them) tickets, although almost
anyone would think I had done
enough just by sitting through the
thing. Here goes, but I fear that
in this much space I can't begin
to do it justice. Never mind-I'll do
it justice well as I can.
To generalize a trifle, the plot
is lousy. The climax comes' in
the middle of the second act
where the hero, who looks like
a Play Production Pansy, says
that he had thought the Hero-
ine was square. The strangest
thing about it all was that I
thought she was somewhat that
way myself-but nothing on
most of the choruses, I assure.
Helen Dooley was the girl they put
in to dance. They put in some oth-
ers but they must have forgotten
their purpose in the sceme of things,
if it really had one.
Knock-kneed people should
stay away from Ballets, but the
wrestlers in that chorus were
simply sublime-for wrestlers.
There was rather less of the
typical coed wit in it than I should
have expected, but I am not kick-
ing a bit.
BOB CARSON earned the
rosiest raspberry of the evening
when, seeing that his old trick
of messing up the time for the
dances didn't disconcert the
r chorusesdsufficiently, did his
best for the glory of the male
(almost) by having two per-
fectly awful soloists climb lan-
guidly to their feet and give
excellent, imitations of some-
what damaged Kazoos.
* * *

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E . r



,as a r i~u eC La u u a U 111. f
]Editorial Comment
(The New Republic)

Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
Tosephine ConvisseO
Maxine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Sylvia Miller
Helen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Those who feel that critics ought
to be made to practice what they
preach will be interested to know
that Dr. Abraham Flexner, author
of the recent widely discussed book
on universities, is to be the director
of an unusual institution of higher
learning. Its probable location will
be somewhere in the vicinity of

For some time the student coun-
cil has been sounding its death-
knell; during the past few years
it has done nothing meritorious or
worthy of serious regard; during
the present regime it has ceased
to function at all. We submit that,
in the interests of economy in cam-
pus organization, of preserving an
ideal of what student government
should be, and above all of clearing
the field for a more honest, effi-
cient and less pretentious agency,
the obsequies should quickly be said
and the remains decently disposed

Newark, New Jersey, and it is made
possible through the generosity of
Louis Bamberger and Mrs. Felix
Fuld. The recently published pros-
pectus of this "Institute for Ad-
vanced Study," is one of the most
exciting educational documents to
appear in recent years.
Only post-graduate students will
be received, and the institute will
bestow "the Ph.D. degree, or pro-
fessional degrees of equal value."
A startling, and in our judgment,
wholly admirable, declaration of
policy is made in the discreet words
that "in the appointments to the
staff and faculty, as well as in the
admission of workers and students,
no account wil be taken, directly
or indirectly, of race, religion or
sex." To this might have been

Then, when this campus has a added, "or economic status": ample
clean bill of health, the way will funds will be available for scholar-
be open for adopting the practical ships, so that no promising person
plan of reorganization, the general need be turned away because of
principles of which are outlined be- poverty. There will be a Board of
low. To take over the main func- Trustees-such a board is a tech-
tion of a student governing body, nical legal necessity - but every
namely representing student needs precaution will be taken against its
and views to the administration, we interfering in any way with the
would recommend a revision of the freedom of the faculty and students
present Senate committee on stu- to work along whatever lines, and
dent'affairs. In place of the sevenI in whatever way, seems best.
faculty members and five students The faculty will consist of the
'appointed ex officio, the committee best men available, and of nobody
as reorganizedawould consist of else: if in some department a first-
seven faculty and seven student cass man or woman is not im-
members. Three of the student mediately available, the subject will
members would be ex officio: a simply be omitted until such a per-
woman to represent the various son appears on the horizon. What is
women's organizations, the manag- particularly important is that
Ing editor of The Daily and the gifted research men will not be
president of the Union. The four arbitrarily required to teach classes
Temaining student positions would if they had rather spend their time
be filled by campus election. In in laboratory or library. Salaries
order to reduce the evils of political will be exceptionally high, in order
maneuvering, the committee on to attract and hold individuals of
student affairs would receive the the quality desired, and to free
petitions and statements of views them from the necessity of doing
of those seeking nomination. Of
any sort of hack work by whichj
the nominees thus provided, four to supplement their incomes. The t
would be selected by the campus. absurd awarding of honorary de-
The dean of students would remain, ;rees to Thomas, Richard and
as at present, chairman of the com- Harold for political or financial
mnittee. r .,n snnPnir yn rvcn


the Graduate Seminar Chorus. I
'particularly enjoyed the one in the
nice red shirt. She was nice and
tall and sang alto,-watch for her.
And allow me to mention
again that Helen Dooley was
very fine. She can't sing, but
neither could anyone else ex-
cept the duet in the dormitory
scene and they were afraid to.
y Y,
The Hungarian scene or whatnot
took a lot of working up to and
seemed scarcely worth the trouble
lexcept that the girls did look very
fetching in those Austrian cos-
tumes, and I'm willing to bet that
the lady that sang the song really
sang it in Hungarian. As a matter
of fact, I rather suspect that all
the songs were either sung in Hun-
garian or rather out-of-date Can-
tonese from what I could hear of
And to think that they had
to work up that whole scene
just because somebody kned a
Hungarian song . . . . Highty
Tighty! ... Supposing some one
had known a Hawaian song. I
shudder to think.
* *
The waiter's chorus was very'
lovely except for the fact that Car-
son and his band of cacophonists
managed to play loud enough to
drown out the sound of their tap-
dancing and left all the work of
putting it "over on the capable
shoulders of the little girl on the
left end who succeeded in working
the old stunt of missing her exit
into something really good to be-
I didn't hear any real good
tunes, but with the great Car-
son there to disguise them, I
couldn't very well say there
weren't any. I do know, how-
ever, that the lyrics were just
barely mediocre. They had
some good ideas, but displayed
an utter lack of rhyming in-
genuity that put Gilbert's songs
and poems over in srnilar sit-
uations-God forgive me forf
that 'similar'!
S* *
And let me say right here that
I was vastly disappointed by my
failure to catch anyone lilting in
his chair. Maybe they'd all given
it up for lent.
And in conclusion let me sum
up by saying that if you don't
write that letter to your repre-
sentative pretty darn soon it

A Review.
There is no denying the force-
fulness of O'Neill's play. The De-
troit production which I saw last
year made it tremendous; and even
the rather casual, occasionally slop-
py, production given it by one of
I the lesser Guild companies Mon-
day night in the Whitney did not
disguise its strength.
But for all that, I think the ques-
tion of the success of the play must
be decided in formal terms. O'Neill
has defied the conception of the
drama that found its master in Ib-
sen; and yet he has used it as the
basis of his play. He is content to
use the realistic frame-that is, to
use life-characters and life-situa-
tions as symbols-but he has con-
trived an idiom for mixing the soli-
loquoy and the aside with dialogue
for the more complete presentation
of character. He presents a scene
quite in the manner of Ibsen, using
realism as a frame. But he wishes
to make all phases and implications
of the scene not only intelligible
but actually "audible." Hence, the
new idiom and the length of the
pBut the point to be made, I think,
is that in spelling everything into
the ear he has quite perverted the
peculiar appeal of the drama as an
art-form-which is that of sugges-
tion and invitation to the audience
to exercise intelligence in grasping
the implications of the situation
presented. This device of O'Neill's
of probing the secrets of the mind
and then blurting them all out is
the legitimate property of the
novelist; in fact, its use constitutes
the novel's reason for existences
and its claim to a real art-purpose.
In claiming the wholesale omnis-
cience of the novelist, O'Neill is not
being a dramatist; for the drama-
tist has always prided himself that
his formalizations have been so
subtle that they suggested "all"
without needing to state it.
O'Neill has robbed me of the pleas-
ure of independent perception
which robbery, I think, denies what
the aesthetic experience of drama
should be.
Of course, some will immediate-
ly complain: "But O'Neill's mater-
ial demanded this open-hearted,
blurting-out treatment because of
its complexity." If he believes that,
then he will perhaps be justified in
thinking "Strange Interlude" a
great drama. I can't believe that
the necessity for blurting-out exist-
ed. Undoubtedly, the suppressions
of opinion necessitated by the de-
inands of polite social intercourse
make ordinary conversation quite
unrevealing of all the subtleies of
the Freudian underworld of consci-
ousness. But it seems to me that it
is the job of the dramatist to so re-
work his ordinary dialogue as to
make this modern reticence dram-
atically sufficient (that is, suffici-
ently revelatory) by the ingenious
use of hints and silences, by clever
selection, and by calling out the art
of the actor. Others have done it.
A contemporary novel touches on
this question. In his "The Sun Also
Rises," Ernest Hemingway, who is
essentially a dramatist, handles an
intricate psychological situation
throughout the pages of a novel
without employing any but the
tricks of the dramatist. All the
words his characters speak are
"mere rubble on the side of a vol-
cano"; the excitement of reading

is the excitement of intuiting the
volcano from the rubble. Jake, sad-
ly incomplete if you remember,
strolls through the book saying "I
feel pretty bad." That is probably
under-writing from a novelist; he
should have made clear just how
bad Jake feels and should not have
pushed the burden on us. But Mr.
O'Neill as a dramatist would write:
"I feel pretty bad (God! I feel like
hell-I am physically incomplete-
therefore I feel like hell)." From
a dramatist, that is inartistic, for
O'Neill seems to be writing out the
actor's part.
O'Neill's situation, as I see it, is
no more intricate than Heming-
way's or than Ibsen's many. He
certainly thought it was, for his
main virtue as a craftsman has al-
ways been honesty. But we don't
have to agree with him, even
though he realized his conviction
with strength. His story was bound
to impress no matter what its form.
But I think that he erred in think-
ing that it demanded the resuscia-
,tion of the "aside." His simple sort
of intelligence-the intelligence of
a child who wants to tell every-
thing-has perverted the drama as

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The other routine duties of the that su
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