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March 18, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-18

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VOL. XLL No. 119





Celebration of Legislative Act
Forming Catholespistemiad
Suggested by Robbins.
First Board of Regents Included
Twelve Members, Chancellor
Appointed by Governor.
Michigan's ninety-fourth anni-I
versary of the legislative act which'
organized the University in sub-
stantially its present form, will be
celebrated in Ann Arbor today.
Observance of the act will take
no official form in the University,
whose real birthday is August 26,.
1817, although a communication
was received by The Daily yester-
day afternoon from Dr. Frank E.
Robbins, assistant to the President,
suggesting that a moment or two l
be taken "to recall what happened
March 18, 1837, 94 years ago."
Not Birth Date.
"That was the date of the act of
the Michigan state legislature," Dr.
Robbins continues, "which organiz-
ed the University of Michigan, in


Wisconsin Senator Deprecates
Efforts of Insurgents in
Coming Campaign.
Independent Claims Progressive
Voting Indicates Country's
Political Well-Being.

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Mar. 17.-
..)-Senator Robert M. LaFollette,
Iof Wisconsin, said today a third
party, which he called the bugaboo
of nearly every presidential cam-
paign, often is talked but never de-
veloped into a serious branch of
contention and will not do so in
]LaFollette Vacationing.
Robert M. LaFollette, Senator LaFollette is here with
Who yesterday shatered the third Mrs. LaFollette for a two weeks va-
party movement leaders' hopes forc "Whatever outlet a so-called third
his support by deprecating the
Schances of any insurgent political Iparty will find, it will not be in a
movement in a presidential cam- ofprepresentatves butfine ecto
paign._constituencies f r e e with t h e i r
thought and support their inde-
III 1 pendent actions in Congress," the
E" c ~I It mI aI

f '>x

charge of a Board of iRegents wichii d11111 ILL I 11iL UI U L
has been perpetuated ever since
that time. It was not the birth date
of the University. That is general-
ly recognized as August 26, 1817, hT- -. a QUr~
when the governor and judges of
the territory of Michigan organized Ruthven to Discuss University
the 'Catholespistemiad or Univer- Problems; Men's Glee
sity of Michigania.' But it may
rightfully be considered to mark the Club to Sing.
time when the infant put off itsf
baby clothes. During its first period Charles A. Sink, who was named,
of existence, the 'University of president of the University of Mich-
Michigania' had operated only an igan club of Ann Arbor at a special
elementary school and an academy. meeting of the board of governors
It remained for the University as Monday night, will preside at the
organized under the Act of 1837, club's annual banquet at 6:30 1
and brought to Ann Arbor, to un- o'clock tonight in the Union.
dertake for the first time instruc-! Other officers named by the gov-
tion of collegiate grade. The date, ernors were George J. Burke, vice
Marclh 18, 1837, therefore, marks president, - and Paul Wagner, re-
a real epoch in Michigan's his- i elected secretary and treasurer.
tory." President Alexander G. Ruthven
12 Members on First Board. will head the list of speakers. In
Dr. Robbins continues with the addition to Dr. Ruthven, C. H. Lang,
story of how the first Board of Re- a director of the Alumni associa-
gents was provided for in the state tion, and comptroller of the budgett
act, which stipulated that it should of the General Electric company,
consist of 12 members and a chan- , Schenectady, N. Y., will talk. O. E.
cellor, who should be ex-officio Hung, vice president of the Gen-
president of the board. They were eral Motors corporation, will serve
nominated by the governor, and as toastmaster.
appointed by him with the senate's Students have been extended an
advice and consent. The governor, invitation to attend the banquet as
lieutenant governor, judges of the have others who are interested in
supreme court, and chancellor of hearing the President discuss prob-
the state were to be ex-officio mem- lems of importance to the Univer-
bers of the board, but not counted sity. Special arrangements have
in the quorum. - been made for non-alumni to hold
"This rirst ouard included the fol- associate memberships in the club,
lowing," Dr. Robbins states. "Gov- it was announced yesterday by offi-
ernor Stevens Thomson M a s o n, cers: Those who wish to take ad-
Lieutenant-Governor Edward Mun- vantage of the new arrangement
dy, Chancellor Elon Farnsworth, should communicate with Wagner.;
and Justices William Asa Fletcher, Membership inculdes the privilege
George Morell, and Epaphroditus of attending the banquet.
Ransom, of the supreme court. The
appointed Regents were John Nor-
vell, and Ross Wilkins, Detroit, John i
J. Adam, of Tecumseh, Lucius Lyon, H UVY ER AID SOUG1T'
of Detroit, Isaac E. Crary, of Mar-
(Continued on Page 3)

Votes Disregarding Party Lines.
"Perhaps in the distant future,
and everything points that way
now, there will be gradual disinte-
gration of the present parties. The
voters are thinking independently
of party lines. They are growing to
think so every year. But the ma-
chines will continue, perhaps be-
cause no feasible substitute' has
been found for their function.
"Independent or progressive vot-
ing," Senator LaFollette continued,
"is a good indication the country is
alive and thinking. It will be view-
ed seriously only by those politi-
cians who fear defeat."
Motive Not Advance for Death
of John Ballard; Was Known
as Musical Entertainer.
Suicide by taking poison is be-
lieved to have caused the death of
John W. Ballard, '33D, of 516 Wal-
nut street, Dr. Edward C. Ganzhorn,
Washtenaw county coroner, said
last night.
An autopsy, performed yesterday,
and a microscopic analysis, made
in the pathological laboratories of'
the University, point to suicide, Dr.
Ganzhorn said. No authoritative
report, however, has been given out,
he stated.
Ballard, a son of Mrs. Rose L.
Ballard, of Ann Arbor, died sudden-
ly Monday night while visiting at
the home of a friend. The sudden-
ness of his death prompted Dr.
Ganzhornto immediately order
that an autopsy be held.
No motive could be advanced as
to why he took his life.
He was widely known on the
campus as an entertainer, and had
spent a year's study in the School
of Music.
The Weather
Lower Michigan: (p)- Cloudy
Wednesday, probably followed by
light rain or snow Wednesday night
or Thursday; not much change in

State Department Receives Note
of Complaint on Incident
of Josephine K.
Question Right of Coast Guard
in Use of Violence to
Capture Vessel.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 17.-()--
Formal protest against the firing
on and seizure of the Canadian
rum runner Josephine K was made
to the state department today by
the Canadian government.
This was the second major diplo-
matic incident between the Wash-
ington and Ottowa governments to
result from prohibition enforce-
ment efforts by the coast guard.
First was 'I'm Alone'.
The first grew out of the sinking
of the I'm Alone off the Louisiana
coast in 1929.
The Josephine K was fired on by
the coast guard cutter CJ-145 in
January off New York.
The Canadian protest, based on
testimony of witnesses and evi-
dence, centered around two main
These were that the Josephine K
was outside one hour's sailing
distance from shore, provided by
treaty as the limit of the American
right to search and sieze suspected
vessels, and the question of whether
the violence used, which resulted i
the killing of the Josephine K 's
captain, William P. Cluett, was jus-
State Department Receives Protest.
The state department formally
acknowledged the note which was
delivered to the Canadian legation
here. It will be referred to the
treasury department for transmis-
sion to the coast guard and to the
department of justice for trans-
mission to the prohibition unit be-!
fore a reply is made.
A large cargo of liquor was seized
on the vessel as well as a garbage
scow and tug which were along-
side it.
The I'm Alone protest was re-
ferred to arbitration after the two
governments had failed to agree in
diplomatic correspondence.I
Pipes With Numerals I
Available to Seniors
* Seniors of the literary college will
be given the opportunity of secur-
ing pipes, having the class numer-
als engraved on a silver band about
the bowl, it was announced by'
Frank E. Cooper, '31, chairman of
the pipes and canes committee, yes-
Distribution of the pipes, which
are being offered for the first time
in history to. the graduating liter
ary students, will begin at once at
the United Cigar store. Students'
may either buy pipes or have the
numerals placed on one of their
own pipes.
Dickinson to Speak
on Russian Question
Professor E. D. Dickinson will
address the Research club at its.
meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in room
2528, East Medical building, it was
announced yesterday. His subject
will be "Some Legal Consequences
of Withholding Recognition from

BRISTOL, Pa., Mar. 17 -(p)-
Railroad men and Bristol police to-
day viewed the derailment of a
Pennsylvania pasenger train here
last night with no loss of life and
serious injury to only one person
as remarkable.
Six cars of train No. 230, bound
from Philadelphia for New York,
left the rails. Three days coaches
and a baggage car toppled down a
steep embankment, coming to rest
on the edge of Grundy Lake, which
is 30 feet deep. Less than 10 feet
of muddy, slippery earth separated
the coaches from the lake. All cars
were steel.
When firemen and police had ex-
tricated the passengers from the
overturned cars all but six or eight
were found to have escaped unhurt.
Stifled Joliet Rebellion Surges
to Anti-Climax; Officials
Absolved From Blame.
iOLIET, Ill., Mar 17-(')-Stifed
rebellion at the two Illinois peni-
tentiaries here surged to a new
anti-climax today. It began with a
fight among 20 convicts at the new
Stateville prison. Five were wound-
It penetrated to the quiet room
where a coroner's jury absolved
prison officials of blame for the
death of two convicts in a riot Sat-
urday, and there a sister of one
slain man attacked the guard who
shot her brother.
But it petered out in the dining
room of the old prison as three
mutineers attempted to renew hos-
tilities but were hustled away be-
fore they could arouse their fellows.
An impromptu insurrection be-
gan in a practice session of the
Stateville penitentiary band. Some-
one suggested a "riot" in the ab-
sence of guards and the 17.players
thought over the idea with their
instruments as weapons. Five were
treated in the hospital.
At the end of a day of sulliness
and recurring disturbances the cor-
oner's inquest determined the con-
viets slain Saturday came to their
death while assaulting guards dur-
ing a riot. T'he jury exonerated
Guard Frank Cutchin who testified
he fired the only two shots sent
from the walls into the milling
mass of men in the yard.
As the jury listened to Cutchin's
testimony, Irene Yarbeck, sister of
Convict Albery Yarbeck, rose with
a scream and rushed upon the wit-
ness, crying "Murderer." She was
dragged away, still hysterically
shouting Warden Harry C. Hill's
name in the terms.
Accounts of Illinois Company
Furnish $1,109,000 for
MOLINE, Ill., Mar. 17.-(P)-Em-
bezzlement of $1,109,000 from the
Peoples' Saving Bank & Trust Co.
of Moline was laid in a formal joint
statement by officers of the bank
and of Deere & Co. to R. C. Shall-
berg, vice-president and cashier of
the bank.

The statement said the shortage
"has been made good in full by
Deere & Co. and by certain direc-
tors and stockholders of each in-
sitution." Shallberg had confessed
Saturday to peculations.
Shallberg confessed he had taken
the money to spend chiefly on real
estate in various cities. The money,
he said, came from the cash ac-j
counts of Deere & Co., which is
h e a d e d by William Butterworth,
chairman of the board and Presi-
dent of the United States Chamber
of Commerce.
Both sides of the capital punish-
ment question were presented last
night in an open forum held by
Alpha Nu, literary forensic society.
Prof. Francis Onderdonk, of the l
t n rh ~ .ti , l cn"n l _n - n+"i"


Thirty-Nine Passengers Recorded as
or Missing; Survivors Suffering
From Cold Reach Land.



ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Mar. 17. - (') - Horse Island's
feeble wireless dot-dashed piece by piece tonight the story of a
major tragedy at sea, the explosion, burning and sinking in White
Bay Sunday night of the grizzled sealing ship, Viking.
In terse, broken sentences that gave what meager facts it could
learn; 39 dead or missing; r18, including Captain Abram Kean, Jr.,
safe on- the island, many suffering from exposure and weakness-
three Americans, Varick Firssell, New York; A. J. Penrod, New
York, and Harry Sargant, Boston, still unaccounted for and believed
dead; seven men in a dory fighting their way among the tossing ice
---------- floes toward the island.
BILL PRESENTED A company of the survivors
whom themselves had succeeded
TO REPEAL LAW only last night in reaching the
NA island by trekking across the
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Mar. 17.- broken ice field, set forth shortly
(P)-Legislators squirmed in their after noon in an effort to reach
seats today as a bill to repealth doywa exrsd
Tennessee's anti-evolution law the dory. Fear was expressed
was announced ready for intro- they would be too late. Five of the
duction and the law-makers saw men in the boat appeared from
the prospect of taking a stand shore to be seriously hurt. The
approving or disapproving the other two were having difficulty in
measure that brought on the making progress. The dory was
famous Scope's trial. more than four miles out when
A bill to repeal the act was sighted at deaybreak, and was little
prepared for introduction today closer tonight.
by young Robert M. Murray, rep- Supplies Haven't Arrived.
Sesentative from Carroll county, Rescue ships from St. John's, the
but he decided not to submit it tug Foundation Franklin, and the
until tomorrow. steamer, Sagona, carrying doctors,
Murray said the anti-evolution nurses, food and medical supplies,
act had "never prevented the had been expected at the island
teaching of evolution" shortly after noon; but early to-
night they had not arrived.
----- -_---A sealer from the fleet of which
the Viking had been a member,
T managed to break through the ice
dam which had blocked the Strait
of Belle Isle, and was standing off
Horse Island (LaBarbe).
The explosion of the Viking oc-
cured on one of the rare occasions
_-- when a single ship was separated
Blumenthal to Discuss 'Human from the rest of the sealing fleet
which operates along what is
Nature and Psychology' known among sailors as "the
at Open Forum, northern front."
Explosion Cause Unknown.
To consider the problems of stu- Nearly 48 hours after the tragedy
dents who are undecided as to what there was little information as to
lienof woro rengaeind Dr. Gust the cause of the explosion. Captain
line of work to engage n. Dr. Gus- Keen, who was on the bridge of
tave A. Blumenthal, expert voca- the ship when the explosion oc-
tional guidance specialist, will talk cured said he was thrown 12 feet
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in to the ice. Members of the crew,
Natural science auditorium, and quartered forward, were knocked
will be in Ann Arbor for the three down or tossed from their berths.
days to consult with individual stu- Most of them, however, had no
dents. difficulty in making their way from
At the present, Dr. Blumenthal is ship to ice; but when some of them
doing special vocational guidance sought to return to the boat for
work in Detroit. He maintains an personal belongings they were driv-
office there, and is employed by en back by dense smoke. Fire al-
several of the city's largest cor- ready was roaring in the hold.
porations in an advisory capacity. The explosion is generally be-
The subject of his talk today will lived to have resulted from too
be "Psychology and Human! Na- great a head of steam, put on in
ture." During his three day stay an effort to drive the 50-year-old
here he will maintain an office in Viking through the ice.
Lane hall and will be available for
consultation from 9 until 5 o'clock.
According to the statement of ID M T E IW
Prof. Thomas Diamond~of the lschool U
of Education, Blumenthal's visit to
Ann Arbor should turn out a dis-
tinct success. He has a long record
of scientific research and public
service. Born and educated inwEu- Rea Advocates Change in Present
rope, he has done extensive work
in anthropology in Australia, Africa System; Favors Reasonable
and China. Student Taxi Service.
Merit of Honor Clubs Action by the city council to delve
further into the city's problem of
uitaxi cab rates Monday night was

State Bullefms
(13y Associaed Press)
Tuesday, March 17, 1931
DETROIT-The freighter J. T.
Reid, of the Nicholson Universal
Steamship company, cleared here
today with the first large cargo to
be moved through the lower J akes
this season. The ship had a cargo
of automobiles for Cleveland.
MARQUETTE--George T u c ke r,
70, prominent in Michigan frater-
nal circles, died today in his apart-
ment at the Northland hotel here.
Mr. Tucker was a 33rd degree Ma-
son, a past grand president of the
American Order of the Sons of St.
George, was prominent in the Odd
Fellows and the Knights of Pythias.
MUSKEGON-Elisha Lee, vice-
president of the Pennsylvania rail-
road, announced here this evening
that plans for the establishment
of car ferry service between Mus-
kegon and Milwaukee had been
completed. It will be the second
car ferry system between Milwau-
kee and this city.

Macy Asks President to Promote
Legislative Inquiry Into
City Administration.
NEW YORK, Mar. 17.-(41)-The
intervention of President Hoover
was sought today in the fight to'
authorize a general legislative in-
quiry into the New York City ad-
ministration, while officials investi-
gated the death of another witness
against vice squad policemen ac-
cused of "framing" girls.
W. Kingsland Macey left Monday
night for Washington to ask the
President to use his influence on
t h e two Westchester Republican
state senators whose votes control
the passage of the resolution for a
city investigation. The senators area
Seabury C. Mastick and Walter W.
Westall, and they have so far op-
posed the resolution which is pend-
ing before the legislature.

Father Iden Tells Story of Life studies with a year at the Univer-
Replete With Experiences sity of Berlin, in 1891. After spend-1
of Student Contact. ing nine years teaching Chemistry
at Butler University, he transferred
A. Mastro Valerio, nationally re- to the state Teachers' college at
nowned portrait painter and in- Emporia, Kan. He came to the Uni-
structor of drawing in the school versity in 1913.
of Architecture, will do the oil During his teaching career, he
painting of Thomas M. Iden, known had conceived the idea of an Upper
to more than 8,500 members of the room, where students might meet
Upper room now scattered through- to discuss religious questions with-
out the world as "Father" Iden, out heed to denomination. Devel-
that will be unveiled sometime dur- oping his idea at Butler, he gave
ing Commencement week, such impetus to the Saturday night
Lewis C. Reimann, '16, a past bible classes that the enrollment
member of the Upper room bible of the Emporia class contained'
classes and chairman of the com- more than 97 per cent of all men
mittee that persuaded Mr. Iden to enrolled in the college.
sit for his portrait, announced last Coming to Ann Arbor at the invi-
. _ _ ._ 17. . . . - *-.. . - " ._ . c- -. . 4. .' - -9 !,.. .,, V 7 T1_ -.. - ^F + ,

Contentions that honor societies
should be abolished because the
marks they are based upon do not
represent true achievement and
ability, and because they serve no
real purpose were met by the state-
ments that their members make
a real contribution to the com-
munity, and that some recognition
of superiority is necessary, in a de-
bate conducted last night by Adel-
The organizations were opposed1
by Gilbert Bursley, '34, and Robert
Howard, '34, and were supported byj
Lester Houck, '33, and Louis Zlat-
kin, '31. Carl Urist, '33L, a member
of the society, gave a critical deci-
sion in favor of the latter.
Week's Meat Supply
Awarded for Alimony
CHICAGO, Mar. 17.-(A')--A wo-
F -n malit.nc man hP 2 n.tinai

tfollowed by no little comment on
the campus. The extreme use of
cabs under the present auto ban
makes the issue one of importance
to the student body generally, and
to those of social design particu-
larly, it has been pointed out.
In an interview yesterday After-
noon, W. B. Rea, assistant to the
dean of students, stated that he
was in favor of any change in the
present rate system which would
make taxi service for students any
more reasonable.
"It is probable that 80 per cent
of all the taxi business in Ann Ar-
bor comes from the student body,"
Rea said, "and any action which
would bring the rates to a more
reasonable standard would certain-
ly not be out of place."
Rea said the proposed clause re-
quiring taxis to have meters instead
of charging flat rates would be of
considerable benefit to the students,
if a low mileage rate were assured.

0 1

Attorney Plays Uboe
to Finance Education
PITTSBURGH, Mar. 17.-(P)-On
motion of Samuel G. Wagner, at-
torney, in the Pennsylvania Su-

ADRIAN-A new financing plan

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