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March 17, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-17

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VOL. XLI. No. 118
Meters Will be Required Under
Proposed Revision; Meeting
Set for Next Monday.
Reducing Fire Hazards Proposed
by E oin d Alrhd n





Advocates Combining Practical,
Technical Education' With
Teaching of Theory.
FORT MYERS, Fla., Mar. 16.-(/P)
-Paying young people to go to
school is advocated by Henry Ford.
In an interview here Mr. Ford
expressed at length his opinions on
both education and diet, but on the
latter subject he admitted his own
menu might be disagreeable medi-
cine to other folk. In education,
h b h Ta c flrv nnzitivP in

uy jngneer ; iermiaxn nowever, ne was very posi ive in
Newkirk Resigns. urging the establishment of voca-
tional schools which paid their
Proposed revision of the taxicab pupils as a remedy for what he de-
ordinance to require all taxis oper- scribed and decried as wasted effort
ating in the city to have meters will
be brought up for an open hearing by school children.
at 7:30 o'clock next Monday night Mr. Ford would combine practical
in the council chambers, it was de- and technical instruction with the
cided last night by the Ann Arbor teaching of theory. Young people,
Common Council. in all cases, should learn to read
Passage of the $325,000 w a t e rE and write and gain a solid founda-
bond issue, proposal of amendments tion along these lines.
to the building code to lessen the ! But from the eighth grade, he
fire hazard, and acceptance of the said, practice and technic should
resignation of Alderman H. Wirt hold equally with theory.
Newkirk, Republican candidate for "Young people ought to be paid
mayor, were other features of the to go to school," he said. "They
meeting. ought to learn to handle finances
Freeman Backs Move. as well as to do other work."
The hearing on the taxi bill Mr. Ford said he practices what
changes was called at the instance he preaches. At the schools in
of Alderman C. C. Freeman, who is ______________________
in charge of the special committee,
handling the bill. He asked partic-.
ularly that users of cabs as well as
operators attend and present their
views concerning rates, and the
comparative advantages of fiat rate f P 9 [ 6 '9 K T
and mileage charges.
The water bonds, which were au
thdrized by the voters in the March Named by Campbell to Succeed
2 primary election, will be dated
from Aug. 1, and will be retired by Director of Varsity
1960. They are to bear not more Glee Club.
than four and' one-half per cent
Interest, which will be paid semi- Prof. David E. Mattern, of the
annually, in February and August. department of public school music,
Plans have been considered for the School of Music, yesterday was
reservoir which the bond funds will I named to succeed Prof. Arthur
provide, and work will be started Hackett as director of the Varsity
shortly, the city engineer's office Men's Glee club by Robert A. Camp-
has announJc_..heWsplanned toIbell, manager of= .the -club and-the.
complete i tby the end of the year. Varsity-R: 0. T. C. band.
Plan Fire Measures. t Numerous concert engagements
The suggested amendments to the and a desire to give full attention
building code relate to ievision of to business matters, was given by
the provisions for the construction Campbell as the reason for Hack-
of first floors of new buildings.-, ltet's resignation. He came to the
George H. Sandenburgh, city engi- University last fall following a ser-
neer, who made the recommenda- ies of concerts.
tions, said that several fires recent Professor Mattern is assistant di-
ly, could have been confined to f reorf terChorassinand
small damages if the first floors rector of the Choral Union and
had been fireproof. director of the University sym-
I-,__-- -,-+- ,-+phony orchestra. He is a graduate of



Dearborn youngsters are paid for
the work they do in school from
the time they are 12 years old. The
boys divide their time between the
classroom and the technical work.
"Our school is self-supporting,"
he said. "We turn in the work of
2,900 boys to our, factories, and pay
them for it. We have been doing
it for 16 years.",
The burden of the technical edu-
cation should fall on the shoulders
of industry, Mr. Ford stated.
"Let the public schools teach chil-
dren to read and write," he said.
"Then industrysshouldtake them
up. Industry should regard such
action as a pleasure, for it is a
great privilege."
Hoover Committee Head Gets
Optimistic Reports From
WASHINGTON, Mar. 16.-(!P)-
Improvement in the employment
situation was seen today by Chair-
man Arthur Woods of the Hoover
emergency committee in weekly re-
ports from field agents.
"There is a widespread and main-
tained disposition for employment
conditions to improve," he said,
adding it was "proceeding slowly."
"The unemployment situation is
rapidly easing in this territory with
the opening of spring weather,"
Harold P. Fagan wired from Salt
Lake concerning the Rocky Moun-
tains' territory. Railroad mainten-
ance and public construction were
among the avenues of occupation
described as opening.
Thad Holt telegraphed from Bir-
mingham that "the president of the
largest southern steel plant reports
operations now proceeding at 70
per cent of capacity as compared
with 30 per cent operation during
A speeding up of state highway
operations in Mississippi was in
prospect, lie said, adoption by farm-
ing areas in North Carolina, South
Carolina and Mississippi of pro-
grams to diversify crops for the
purpose of local food production
during the coming season also was
William Phillips, committee rep-
resentative at Boston, said there
was "an improved employment con-
dition in Rhode Island, Connecti-
cut and Massachusetts."
Phillips said silk production could
be considered at normal, cotton
textile fabrication was 40 per cent
below normal, metal working 25
per cent below normal with no
change in woolen milling. These
percentages, he added, indicated a
betterment from the conditions of1
last fall.
Public works contracts let in theI

$1,035,113 in St. Clair Shores
Issues to be Refunded
to Treasury.
Administrative Board Accepts
Resolution Necessitating
Approval of Bonds.



LANSING, Mar. 16. -(A')- T h e
state administrative board today
accepted the recommendation ofa
Attorney-General Paul W. Voorhies,
providing for the return to the state
of $1,035,113 invested in a St. Clair
Shores sewer bond issue, now the
subject of a Wayne county grand
jury investigation and litigation.
The action of the board also pro-
vided for the return to the village
of St. Clair Shores of $956,800 held
in the state treasury here. The Richard E. Byrd,
money to be returned to the state Noted explorer and scientist, who
represents the actual cost of the has been awarded $25,000 by the
bonds plus interest of $13,911 and Dan Layman Black estate for hisl
$64,402 in premiums. It has been South Pole expedition, according to
held in escrow by the American a promise made by Black.
State bank of Detroit. ---
Board Adopts Policy.
The administrative board adopt-T
ed a resolution establishing a future!.0-
policy to require the approval of
the board on all bond purchases by . 4
the state treasurer for the sinkingo
fund. Purchases would also be sub-,___
ject to the previous approval of the'
board's finance committee. The Late Newspaper Magnate Leaves
bonds to be returned by the state Promise of $25,000 to
were purchased in December of last Polar Explorer.
year by former State Treasurer xpor
Frank D. McKay. IB AL T I MORE, Mar. 16.--(/)-
Will Cancel Issue. I From the estate of Dan Layer Black,
Voorhies, who has been conduct- newspaper publisher and aviation
ing an investigation into the pur-, enthusiast, Rear-Admiral Richard E.
chase of the bonds, said the village (;Byrd, it was indicated today, was
of St. Clair Shores would cancel to obtain $25,000 for the financing
the issue. He explained that the of his expedition to the South Pole.
proposed sewer project will be The existence of a note fromJ
abandoned in view-of the financial Black, written before the Byrd ex--
condition of the village. pedition started, promising $25,0001
The Attorney-General said that I was revealed today with the filing
66 2-3 per cent of the state tax in of a claim against the estate.
the village was in default. An order Jesse N. Bowen, attorney for the
was issued a few days ago in the Black estate, filed the claim, and it
Oakland circuit court ordering the ( was indicated that the heirs had
return of the bond. I agreed it should be paid.
P. W. Rogan, who was Mr. Black's
secretary, said today that the pub-
lisher did not approve of the An-
[X"PIH S T 65 9 tarctic expedition b e c a u s e he .
thought the danger was too great,
and tried in vain to dissuade Byrd
from making the trip.
--__ "He told Admiral Byrd he would-
Cn't give him 5 cents to help him
Ann Arbor Churches to sponsor commit suicide," Rogan recalled.
Mass Meeting in Hill The former secretary said that
Auditorium. last fall Byrd showed him the let-
ter and asked what should be done,
+ _ "He expressed his distaste for
Examination of the present un- g alaction.. pentTheuiti
tionmpl of mitigating the present con- merely the form acquired by law,"
ditions will be the purpose of a he said.,
mass meeting at 7:30 o'clock Fri- - - ---~ A -
. - ^ vII..,;4.,,.,., I- .,4L U T , [1 I i 7!Y 0 i a


Powder Used to Free Ship From Ice Floes

to Aid Damaged Vessel.
ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, Mar. 16.-The world waited to-,
night for a young girl wireless operator to tap out the news of the
fate of 138 men on a sailing ship, Viking, which was blasted near
Horse island last night. Latest advices said firemen were trapped
in their sleep and that many were blown to pieces. The list of dead
was placed at 20 but the total number of dead is unknown.
Horse island is desolate and barren. There are only three
families who live there the whole winter, and a girl, whose name
could not be learned, is the wireless operator. The survivors who

Members of the University
Senate yesterday voted confi-
dence to President Alexander
Grant Ruthven in his stand
against the proposed reduction
of revnue from the state mill tax
apportionment to the University.
More than 400 members of the
S-- .,... i

came to the island were too ex-
hausted to give any coherent ac-
count 6f what happened. Mean-
while relief ships were rushing
aid with doctors, nurses and medi-
cal supplies.
The explosion occurred when a
magazine containing powder and
dynamite, used in freeing the ship
when caught in the ice floes, ex-
ploded and blew the stern of the
ship toward the forward end.
Firemen Asleep.

Steamers Rush

aw at iLng, u tae paroom ;' Firemen. were asleep below when
Law building, to take part in the the blast occurred and the reports
special meeting. state they were blown to pieces.
Although no official statement The wireless operator has been
was issued following the Dmeeting, deluged with requests all day in an
it was understood that Dr. Ruth- effort to learn the names of the
yen reviewed the facts in the re- dead and injured. Static has con-
duction proposal, stating that spired to cheat the world of the
he would continue to maintain news, at least temporarily. Messages
tthe stand he originally took dis- from the island are few and far
favoring any attempt to cut between.
down the mill tax income of the
University. If the proposed tax The disaster was believed to have
cut is passed by the state legis- occurred when the crew was filling
lature, it is understood that Uni- a receptacle with powder to blast
versity departments and faculty a passage through the ice. The
salaries will have to be greatly powder is carried usually in 25-
reduced. pound kegs and the belief is that
The Senate yesterday gave a while the men were filling the tins
vote of confidence to the Presi- a, spark ignited the powder.
dent on his stand. News of Blast Neglected.
When news of the Viking reached
hcr this morning, little attention
was paid to it. It was not until
Prime Minister Squires read the
had been another great shipping
I .O d ast 50 survivors were report-
ed to havereached Horse island.
Their condition was bordering .on
Warden Blames Rev. Whitmeyer exhaustion and there were only the
for Fomenting Discontent few inhabitants to take care of
Among Joliet Convicts. chem.
'Ph"r~n~nrx nvi n"Fm* inafirlh1


Alderman Newkirk, of the first the Bush C of Music
ward, submitted his resignation be- and of Cornell university, and came
cause of his candidacy, whh he m here in 1929 from Grand Rapids.
had been advised would cause com- At one time he was a first violinist
plica tons ihe hed hispresentin the Rochester Philharmonic or-
position. He expressed appreciation chestrs.
of the associations he had formed r
during his term.
The city engineer was authorized
to obtain options on favorable mar-
ket sites, subject to the final ap-
proval of the market committee.
Appointment of a committee to in-
vestigate the need' of continuing 04H
M a y o r Staebler's unemployment
bureau for another year was ap- Conservation Council Will Meet
proved by the Council.
Peddlers from out of town will Tomorrow; 20 Groups
be made to pay a license fee of $5 Represented.
per day if on foot, and $10 if with
autos, under an ordinance revised Representatives from 20 state-
last night. This is aimed at Detroit wide and regional conservation or-
produce men and bakers. ganizations will send representa-
_ tive to the mtinp of the Mie.hi-


United States last week had a
value, the committee said, of
465,000 the $48,000,000 Boulder
project being the largest.
British Princes Ride



State Bulletins
(Byn Asociaed Press)
Monday, March 16, 1931
PONTIAC-Charging the woman
whom he married after a whirl-
wind courtship had misrepresented
to him her attitude toward religion,
the Rev. John Quincy Martin, Jr.,
former assistant pastor and re-
creational director of All Saints'
Episcopal Church here, has applied
in Circuit Court for an annulment
of his marriage to Mrs. Sarah Jane
Mills Martin, of Detroit.
LANSING-The state department
of labor and industry today pub-
lished a report forthe total in-
dustrial payroll of 422 firms in the
state for the month of February,
and it showed an increase of 53.8
per cent over the wages for the
preceding month. The report also
showed that the number of persons
employed last month was 217,726,'
as compared with 214,880 for the
Month of January.

gan Conservation council which will
convene in Ann Arbor tomorrow.
Discussions will include need of
a law legalizing establishment of
community forests; action of the
department of conservation in re-
versing their former action against
allowing a road through Wilder-
ness State park in Emmet county;
the Rushton Commercial F o r e s t
Reserve bill; the department of
conservation budget, and the state
water code.
Arthpr W. Stace, of Ann Arbor,
is president of the council. Prof.
Shirley Allen, of the forestry school,
is secretary with the executive com-
mittee being composed of F. K.
George, Grand Rapids; George F.
Roxburgh, Reed City; John M.
Bush, Negaunee; George D. Blair,
Jackson, and George P. McCallum,
Ann Arbor.
Thousand Unemployed
Townspeople Recorded
A steadily increasing number of
unemployed have been registered at
the mayor's employment exchange

on Argentine Rancho
Argentina, Mar. 16-(/P)-The Prince
of Wales realized the small boy's
wish today and became a cowboy
for a few exciting hours.
Booted and spurred,uhe rode with
men to whom the lariatis gospel
and the bull whip law, and inspect-
ed one of the largest herds of short-
horn cattle in the Argentine.
The Prince, his young brother,
Prince George, and members of
their party literally dropped into La
Marion Hacienda Sunday night, six
planes landing them here from
Buenos Aires just before dark.

day in Hill auditorium. The ga-th
eying is being headed by Prof. C. F.
Goodrich of the economics depart-
ment, and is under the auspices of
the Ann Arbor churches.
Many noted experts on the sub-
ject of unemployment have been
obtained to deliver talks at this
meeting. Among them are Frank
F. Murphy, mayor of Detroit, F. M.
Broom of Lansing, and Prof. Wil-
liam Haber of Michigan State Col-
lege. The subject of the meeting
will be, "What Shall be Done AboutI
The Weather
Lower Michigan-(/P)-GenerallyI
fair Tuesday; Wednesday increas-
ing cloudiness, not much change in

Leo Brothers, Accused in Death;
Mass Meeting Friday.
CHICAGO, Mar. 16. ---(1P)---Solu-
tion of the Alfred J. Lingle mystery'
may be found in the trial, opening
today, of Leo V. Brothers, St. Louis
gangster, accused of being the manj
who fired the bullet that killed the
Chicago Tribune reporter last June
Both the prosecution, which has
closely guarded the basis for its
charge, and the defense, were con-'
fident of the outcome. Other than
saying Brothers was identified asj
the slayer, the state has revealed
none of the details of its charge.
"We have an air-tight case," said
Charles F. Rathbun, special assis-
tant state's attorney. "We are going
to send him to the electric chair."
The defense pinned its main hope
in an attempt to establish an alibi
-that Brothers was in the Riviera
Hotel-at the exact hour Lingle was
Brothers, arrested in St. Louis 60
times and wanted there for a taxi
war slaying, has never been con-
victed of a crime. He was arrested
in the Lingle case after months of
inquiry which led investigators to
various parts of the country.
Debating Society Plans
Death Penalty Forum


JOLIET, Ill., Mar. 16.-(IP)-War-
den Henry C. Hill said today the
Rev. George Whitmeyer, state peni-
tentiary chaplain, had been asked
to resign three weeks ago, after the
(discovery of evidence that he had
been fomenting disaffection and
carrying letters to and from pris-
Investigators for the "secret six,"
crime-fighting committee of the
Chicago Association of Commerce,
demanded of the prison adminis-
tration that Chaplain Whitmeyer
be removed.
His resignation was received Feb.
25, three days after the fatal am-
bush of three escaping prisoners
whose death he called "murder at
the hands of prison guards."
Officials today began the slow res-
toration of the routine which was
broken here Saturday by the short-
lived uprising in which one convict
was killed and three other wounded.
Warden Hill and his aids super-
vised the reorganization with the
greatest possible caution. Hill was
fearful, he said, that the 1,100 pris-
oners, kept to their cells on short
rations since the outbreak, might
cause further trouble. The 43 ring-
leaders who engineered the out-
break will be kept indefinitely in
solitary confinement.
Adelphi Will Discuss
Honor Organizations
A debate on abolition of honor
societies at the University consti-
tutes the program for the Adelphi
meeting tonight. The members were
organized into parties at the last
meeting, and the Republicans and
Democrats will oppose each other
in this first contest. The meeting is
open to all interested.

Tne deparrment or marine nsn-
cries arranged for the steamer
"Foundation Franklin" to leave
with doctors, nurses and supplies.
The ship sailed at 1 p. in,, today.'
The Sagona, with three doctors,
nurses and supplies, left later.
J. B. Aswell, 16 Years Member
of House, Passes Away
at Washington.
WASH1NGl~l+CTON, Mar. 16, --(/P).--
Jares Benjamin Aswell, a repre
,: ntative from the Eighth District
of Louisiana for more than 16 years,
died at his residence here today of
heart disease.
Dr. Aswell's death was sudden,
,omring at 2:15 a.m., a few hours
before he planned to leave for his
home in Louisiana for the summer.
As ranking minority member on
the House Agriculture Committee,
he took an active part in the form.-
ulation of the legislation that cre-
ated the Farm Board and last fall
he was the leader in the fight
ag.0nst the Administration to in-
ScVase the drouth loan fund to
Dr. Aswell, before entering poli-
tics, was one of the outstanding
ed ucatols of his state. He was pres-
id t of the Louisiana Polytechnic
Iustitute for four years, and served
suiecessive'y as Louisiana superin-
tendent of education, chancellor of
M'ssissippi University and president
of Louisiana State Normal College.
Ramsdell to Address
Foresters at Spokane


'Ill Sec This to Bitter End,'
Says Gas Office Employe
Concerning Intruders.
"I haven't quit yet," was the firm
reply of Ernest E. Gwinner when
questioned last night as to his prob-
able action concerning the "rude
intrusion" on the sanctity of - his
home Friday night.
"The boys who walked in on me
came down to the Gas office to
apologize," he continued, and then
added as a means of explanation,

hear from them soon.
"I understand that the police re-
leased the boys, but a mere apology
will not suffice. No sir, I'm not
satisfied with the way things
The complications arose over the
intrusion of three University stu-
dents who unceremoniously walked
into the residence of Gwinner, at
806 West Liberty last Friday night,-
fully masked, and to all appear-
ances real live genuine robbers. A
bridge party was in progress at
+1, f mn - A _ 1i- n. . . c re

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