THE MICHIGAN IOAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1931 SEVERE EARTHQUAKES CAUSE HEAVY DAMAGE THROUGH B ALKAN SECTION Theatre Guild Cast Will Present O'Neill COLY T~ LEC TUD j u , ,y5 k Drama Here Monday Eugene O'Neill's nine-act drama, - "Strange Interlude," one of three y y PLACK plays by the author to win thei Pulitzer prize for "the best play of SAthe year," will be presented Mon- - -L, day night at the Whitney theatre. T / KoPLJe The play will begin at 5:30 o'clock -ADb R IAT I Cand continue until 11 o'clock, with c sonaly ''a dinner intermision from 7:401 IC } SE A :a- CP sat orsYThe Theatre Guild, of New York, POINAR TO GIVE MUS C SALCIN R TThOTheatr which will present the play, will ----_ m:7.: /nclumo i, its cast six members of db e AEGEAN ~~he rijnal production. Elisabeth B acs Wlb -c~ a ci Cordner, Richard Barbee. Maud. n .. I :::::A5E A.. ?Durand, Maurice McRae, E t h e 1 - . . Westley, John J. Burns, and Jack Dr. Marta Guern cy Colby, of 1 Grattan, will have parts. the pschology dop rtmen , will I. ":::":discuss "T 'e Effect of Fear upon Shaded portion in above map shows renon that sittained heavyr Tf the Peron ity of the Child" t5 damage in a series of severe earthquakes that rocked the Balkan states. o'clock c iay durig the Unwersi q More than 150 weie believed killed, many villages and towns were do- LL broadcast in a program dcdica? Q to the Parent-Teacher o iation. vastated, hundreds of peasants made homeless and bridges and rail- IIGeorge Poinar, violIn