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Lack of Attempts a
Amendment Mark
House to Get Action
After Decision as
to Effect.
LANSING, Feb. 18. - Capita
punishment was approved by th
state senate with only a trace o
passive opposition today.
Without debate and without
floor attempt to amend, the Foste
bill providing for a referendum i
the state-wide elections April
passed by a vote of 23 to 7. Thos
who voted against the bill wer
standpat opponents of the deat
penalty. They registered their con
victions without raising a voice i
protest of the speedy procedur
which rushed the measure throug
to a final vote under suspende
Indifference Marked.
The senate, largely through th
indifference of those favoring cap
ital punishment, failed to give th
bill immediate effect. On a sho
of h a n d s, Lieutenant Governo
Luren D. Dickinson ruled the re
quired two-thirds were not up. Be
cause immedate- effect is require
if the proposal is to be voted upo
in April, the bill was held over th
motion for immediate effect will b
renewed Thursday. Senator Joe C
Foster, who introduced the meas
ure, said he anticipated no troubJ
in securing the necessary votes. Th
23 members who voted for the pas
age of the bill constitute more tha
the required majority for immedi
ate effect.
Will Go to House.
The bill will be transmitted t
the house after the senate vot
on immediate effect. It probab
will be referred to the judicia
committee t h e r e. Representati
George C. Watson, of Capac, chai
man of that committee, said th
members are disposed to act upo
it promptly and rush it to the floo
to be voted upon in the spring elec
tion. The proposal must have th
approval of both branches andc
Governor Brucker by March 7.
Threatened attempts to strike t
referendum provision f r o m t
Foster bill evaporated in the sena
under the pressure of fear that
attempt to make the change wou
precipitate a legislative b r a w
Friends and foes of the referendu
idea were prepared to debate if t
issue came up.
State Bulletins
(By As ialI Press)
Febrary 18, 1931,
(8vT . 1m as wer I's)
PONTIAC - Nine citizens we
summoned for questioning today1
determine whether or not they ai
fitted to serve on the grand ju
which is to investigate Oaklar
county affairs. When Judge Gler
C. Gillespie and his assistants coi
cluded the questioning Tuesd,,
there were but 14 prospective juro
left from the score summoned du
ing the past two weeks.
Death Ends Career
of Louis Wolheim
AP-,P Rov
(By Associated Press)UL I L
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 18. - The
story of Louis Wolheim has ended.
Death came to the great char- M
acter actor of stage and screen to-
day, closing a life, which, if Wol-
heim had not lived it, might be set Presidential Objection Is Cast
down as only an entrancing tale of Aside as Committee Gets
fiction.Ae somtteGs
t He passed away at the apex of Legislation.
his career after suffering from--
cancer of the stomach. At the bed-- VETO WARNING LOOMS
side kneeled the companion of his --
life and his only survivor, his Administration Leaders HuntI
He was 50 years old but for Holly- for Enough Supporters to
wood he was too young to die. His Sustain Action.
famous portrayals as the "tough -s- r
guy" in many pictures and play (fL1 Asccia('d IPres)
productions had brought him to the WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.---Thrust-s
zenith of his life in the world of ing aside a presidential protest, theN
make-believe, and when death Senate today swept the veteransc
camet here lay before him the loan measure through its finance
greatest promise of his career. committee and decided to vote to-
rsi morrow in an effort to speed thes
e legislation to the White House. P
f TD JTIN The finance committee approvedr
S! OIT the House bill authorizing loans to
a I r veterans up to half the face value
gap a NirH l riaof their compensation certificatesc
r by a vote of 13 to 3 within an hour1
after receiving a letter from the
r - president vigorously objecting tok
e Groups Will Discuss Problems the legislation.
e of Modern Religions at Agreement Entered.
h Church Centers. Agreement was quickly enteredp
n- into a moment
n Searching analysis will be given ^ <later on the Sen-1
e to the problems of the students of ate floor to take
h the University in connection with up the bill to-
d the religious creeds of the campus morrow and itsC
during the next week, Feb. 22 to p a s s a g e by to-
March 1, Religious Emphasis week, m o r r o w night
e sponsored by the various church without c h a n g ej
- groups but will include the mem- was predicted by
e bers of all creeds. It has received Senator Harrison,
w the unlimited support of the fac- ( Democrat, Miss-1
r ulty of the University. f ssippi, in getting
- Liberal leaders throughout the l the a g r e e me n tj
- couitry have been chosen to speak for consideration.
d before the students and to lead dis- Mr. Hoover's
n cussion groups during the week. r letter to Chair-
e Most of the men who will come are m a n Smoot of
ie distinguished for their work both the Senate finance committee as-
C. along religious lines and in educa- serting the measure will "not only
- tional circles. nullify the benefits to the veterans
le The first meeting of the week but inflict injury to the country as
ie will be an informal reception at 4 a whole" was accepted at capitol
s- o'clock Sunday in the League build- hill as full warning of a veto.
n ing at which the students and fac- Watson Joins.
i- ulty members of the University will Senator Watson, of Indiana, the
be given an opportunity to meet Republican leader, joined five other
and become acquainted with the Republicans on the finance com-
to visiting leaders. The gathering is mittee in supporting the House bill
es open to the public in general. after a substitute and all amend-
Ly During the week intensive relig- ments had been rejected.j
ry ious programs will be carried on :
ve at each of the student religious
r- centers in the city. Group meet-O
le ings for discussion and devotion
n are planned for each day of the
r, period and each of these group f l
cei oan eahothsgruTOcmetnswlbeudrtede- e tion of one of the visiting leadersTv iSIT MICHIGAN
>- meetings will be under the direc-
of Among the prominent men who .
will be in Ann Arbor for the Relig- State University Sends Faculty
he ious Emphasis period are such men Men, Solons to Study
he as Dr. James M. Yard who has at-
te tended Princeton a n d Wesleyan System Here.
to universities and has travelled wide-
Id (Continued on Page 2) A (oin tee composed of 17
1. members of the Ohio legislature
m Labor PartyCarries and seven faculty membrs of Ohio
SState university, headed by Pesi-
Dole Houritis ouse dent Pighiire and Lieutenant
______Governor William D. Pickrel, will
(C (n .,ssociaed Press) visit Ann Arbor tomorrow to inspect
IILONDON, Feb. 18.-A few hours the University.
(after the British Labor government The party will arive at, 10 o'clok.
Ihad been defeated in the House of Following a luncheon at the Union
Lords today, Prime Minister Ram- a tour will be conducted by Univer-
say MacDonald's forces swept to a sity faculty members through the
victory in the House of Commons hospital, field house, University
and carried on second reading a High school, League, Union, Law
re bill which would increase the fund club, and any other buildings they
to for the dole. may wish to visit.
re -
irs Policy Committee of Political contact with the actual adminis-
r- Science Association Fosters trator.
Critical Think "The Carnegie Crporatioi has
CrtialThnkng jgovnted t1h fCommittee fft een
Opening Meetings Attended by
More Than 350 Delegates
From hole State.
Dean Herbert C. Sadler Gives
Welcome to Visitors at
First Conference.
More than 350 participants in the
seventeenth annual highway con-
vention, sponsored by the College
of Engineering and Architecture in
cooperation with the Michigan
state highway department and the
Michigan Association of Road Com-
missioners and Engineers, gathered(
at the Union yesterday for the}
opening meetings.
At the smoker in the assembly
hall of the Union last night, thel
address of welcome was delivered
by Dean Herbert C. Sadler, of the
Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture and Lieut. Col. Henry W.
Miller, professor of mechanism and
engineering drawing presented a
lecture on "The Paris Gun."
Gram Presides.
The program for the opening ses-
lion yesterday morning, at which
Prof. L. M. Gram presided, consist-
ed of three discussions of a sub-
ject, which is at present being con-
sidered by the state legislature at
Lansing, namely the proposed re-
form in the state driver's license
law. Dr. Walter V. Bingham, direc-
tor of the Personnel Research fed-
eration of. Nev York spoke on "The
Prone To Accident Driver." Sidney
J. Williams, director of the public
safety division of the National Safe-
ty council, of Chicago, and Howard
D. Brown, attorney for the Detroit
Automobile club spoke on "What
Driver's License Laws Can Accomp-
lish" and "What An Effective
Driver's License Law Can Do For
Michigan," respectively.
Prof. W. J. Emmons presided at
the afternoon session, and the fea-'
ture of the meeting was a discus-
sion of "Low Cost Bridges," by C.
N. Connor, engineer-executive of
the American Road Builders asso-
ciation of Washington. Prof. S. D.
Sarson spoke on "Aerial Highway
Surveys" and Leroy C. Smith dis-
cussed the "Detroit Metropolitan
Second Session Opens Today.
The session this morning will
convene at 9:30 in the assembly
hall of the Union with Grover C.
Dillman, state highway commis-
sioner of Michigan p r e s i d ing.
"Studies of Frost Heaves in Mich-
igan" will be the topic discussed by
A. C. Benkleman, engineer of re-
search of the state highway depart-
nl imiiInfl iII f n
Representatives W ill
Vote on Report of
Rules Group.
*f( fl ~/ vwwlcdPrrss)
LANSING, Feb. 19.-A broad
investigation of liquor conditions
on the University of Michigan
campus was recommended todayt
by the house rules and resolutions1
The committee reported favor-
Associaca Press Photo ably to the floor of the lower
branch a substitute resolution for
Count Ibmanones, the one presented by Representative
Liberal leader, who was largely Frank P. Darin. The substitutet
responsible for the overthrow of the would limit the investigation to aa
Berenguer government in Spain and house probe. The speaker of the
was yesterday named on the cabi- house would be authorized to ap-
net of the new government. point a committee of five members
- --of the house to make the investiga-
tion. Representative Darin's meas-
ure provided for a joint group of
the house and senate.
Given Power to Subpoena.
SP NIH IUThe resolution was interpreted as
directing an extensive probe into
_ every phase of the liquor situation
on the University campus, the raid
Juan Aznar Forms New Cabinet of five fraternity houses, and disci-
While Spain Awaits Quietly plinary action against the students
Its Program of Policies. and fraternities taken by Univer-
sityo cials. The committee would
I h -ii-, thp nrto sbpen~ha w~~it-
MADRID, Feb. 28.-Spain tonight'I nesses and would make a report to
MadRIDn e b.w San oih'the house with recommendations.
had a new government, peacefully Although the resolution does not
formed, and was looking forward name the various matters for in-
to a period of calm after the poli- vestigation, Representative Phile-
tical turmoil of the last five days- mon J. Miller, chairman of the rules
Admiral J u a n Bautista Aznar, committee, said the group makingT
staunch royalist and political neu- the inquiry would be given power to
tral, heads the ministry formed to- investigate the allegation that an
day by King Alfonso in a successful affidavit for a search warrant wasf
effort to head off another military . signed by a fictitious character. t
dictatorship like that of Miguel
Primo de Rivera. n
The kin clled forn patci- I rt n
Th i g c l e o o p r i i a sttion b y le ft , ca lit a d p bi - cil C L
can elements, and their attitude re-
mained problematical tonight. TheĀ£
public generally, however, seemed
to be waiting quietly until the pro-
gram and policies of the new gov-
ernment could be formulated and May be Ordered at Wagner s
put into effect. Clothing Store; Sample 1
The cabinet which replaces that Will be on Exhibit.
of Damaso Berenguer, which re-i
signed last Saturday because of
widespread opposition to Premier Sele of class canes for th
Berenguer's plans for primn senior class of the literary college
taryelgecos ins Marc parliamen- was announced yesterday by Frank
tary elections in March, includes E. Cooper, '31, chairman of the
Berenguer himself, the Count of cloope c airttee
Romanones and the Marquis of Al- Canes may be ordered at Wag-
, hucemas, the men most responsible ner's State street clothing store at
for his overthrow, any time before March 25. The price
It is formed of right monarchists is $4, $2 of which must be paid atI
with liberal, conservative and Ca- the time the order is made. Th'
talin independent's party represen- balac wil be paable when the
tation and, according to its chief, canes are delivered.
the heart of its program will be Distinctive wrought silver insig-
the restoration of legal and politi- nia will adorn this year's canes,
cal stability. Cooper said. Two twisted silver
Premier Aznar was expected :firstbands, each one-eighth of an inch
of all to consider the release of in thickness and separated by an
prisoners arrested after the revolt inch, are placed on the canes. Be-
I of last December, who now are ; tween the silver rings, a block "M"
crowding the jails. a~ildI class numerals in sterling sil-
l- ver appear. A sterling initial plate
The Weather i ,; unk in the reverse side of the
-- cane, opposite the block "M." The
Gy z " jJ/ i' ) I canes have horn tips.
Lower Michigan: Cloudy with The canes are to be manufactured
light snow Thursday and possibly especially for the senior class by a
local rain or snow Friday; slightly New York factory. A sample cane
warmer Friday in west and north will be placed on display in Wag-
portions. ner's window within a few days.
Alumni Submit Plans
for Elimination
of Liquor.
Members of the University
enate committee on student
ifairs yesterday did not change
heir stand in closing five fraterni-
ies following liquor raids last
week. The Senate committee
nade its decision at 2 o'clock
esterday afternoon in the office
f J. A. Bursley, dean of students,
it a meeting which had been car-
ied over from the one scheduled
n Monday.
Dean Bursley and James A. Ken-
nedy, chairman of the alumni
groups represented, issued a joint
statement yesterday afternoon at
5:30 o'clock concerning a proposal
made by alumni of the five fraterh-
ties for the elimination of viola-
ions of University and fraternity
regulations relating to the presence
of liquor in fraternities. The state-
ment ended with a paragraph in
which it was brought out that "the
plan in no way affects the action
already taken relative to the clos-
ing of the five fraternity houses."
Statement Issued.
The statement follows in full:
"The Senate committee on stu_
dent affairs today considered the
proposal made by alumni of Sigma,
Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Thewa,
Theta Delta Chi, Delta Kappa, Epi-
Ion, and Kappa Sigma fraternities.
The plan suggested had the end in
view of eliminating violations of
fraternity and university regula-
tions relating to the presence of
liquor in fraternity houses.
"The Senate committee passed a
resolution welcoming the coopera-
tion of the alumni and expressed
the opinion that if generally adopt-
ed on the campus the proposal gave
promise of being effective.
"Following the action by the Sen-
ate committee, Dean Joseph A.
Bursley met with representatives of
the alumni and the work of devel-
oping the plan in greater detail was
Alumni to Aid.
"A joint statement issued by Dean
Bursley and James A. Kennedy, Jr.,
chairman of an executive commit-
tee of the five fraternities, was to
the effect that the contemplated
scheme anticipates that the alumni
thmselves will be the instrumen-
tality through which the plan is to
be executed, and that its applica-
tion will be considered by the Uni-
versity committee when a substan-
tial number of fraternities indicate
their willingness to cooperate with
its provisions.
"The development of this plan in
no way affects the action already
taken, relative to the closing of the
five fraternity houses."
Oratorical Association Brings
Former Noblewoman to
Lecture Here.
Grand Duchess Marie, cousin to
Announcement Made at Annualj
Staff Banquet; Assistants
Also Appointed.
Bazley Williams Johnson, '32E,
was named editor-in-chief of the
Michigan Technic, student publica-
tion of the engineering school, for
the coming year at the Forty-Ninth
Ar~r~i~l ~a~li'f"of linrphn IS t
OWOSSO--Seth Q. Pulver, former thousand dollars a year for four
state senator of this city, said today "Political scientists as a group and a half years, and the Commit-
that under no circumstances would have been neglecting their respon- tee feels sure that within that
he be a candidate for the office of sibilities to the nation," declared time American political scientists'
chief justice Henry Butzel of the Professor Thomas H. Reed of the will awake to a renewed vision of
supreme court. Mr. Pulver had been political science department yester- their basic duty in a democracy to
mentioned as the candidate of the I day on his return from Princeton, foster independent a n d critical
Wayne county group alleged to have where the Committee on Policy of thinking among its citizens and to
sought the defeat of Justice Butzel the American Political Science As- put at the service of its adminis-
forrnc Re- Isociation, of which he is Chairman, trators the results of scientific in-
publican state convention. He said held its first meeting. vestigation into their problems."
he had called Justice Butzel this "It is the intention of the Com- The Committee on Policy is divi-
afternoon and told him of his mittee on Policy," he said, "to ded into four sub-committees, onel
, . -iniithp with the aid of the funds on research, one on political edu-
Annual 1Banquet 01 the Tec nic iasr
night in the Union. The editor for
the coming year will be David M.
Hannah, '32E, and the busine
manager will be Jack L. Spencer,
The members of the editorial
staff were also named at the ban-
quet last night. They will be: pub-
lications editor, H. G. Seamans
'33E; college notes editor, John E
Ohlson, '33E; assistant college notes
Philip Hanauer, '33E; alumni news
Richard L. Cogger, '33E; architec-
tural editor, D. James Seaton, '33A
1 art editor, John J. White, '32A; and
humor editor, Richard Fahrig, '32E
The business staff for the ensu-
ing year will comprise G. Lawtoi
Valentine B. Windt Has Task of masculine debaters successfully de- the late Czar Nicholas of Russia,
Picking 1O) Student Extras fended the proposition that co-eds, will speak on "My Old World Back-
not being angels, must be devils, ground for a Modern Life" under
for Presentation.I therefore not human beings, will the auspices of the Oratorical Asso-
have a chance to prove their oppo- elation at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
"By Elmer Gantry. nents wrong, for after "water girls" auditorium '
The contention that to be an come "angels." The would-be trage- "The Duchess," stated Henry
actor one must have the tempera- dienncs may try out for the parts Moser, of the speech department,
ment to suit the part that one is of "weeping women," while those "was born into the end of a Vic-
playing, the ability to submerge with lighter tastes will have a torian era, into a world so remote,
one's real self and emerge the liv- chance to act as "dancers." so unlike our present one that it
ing characterization of what one is- For the masculine parts, there is hardly seems to have existed. Her
supposed to represent, will probably also a variety of selection. For the first, ride was made in a golden
have to be dropped into oblivion R.O.T.C. lads, acting as "Roman coach driven by six white horses
for a few days. At least until Val- soldiers," "Temple guards" or le- and surrounded with mounted hus-
entine B. Windt, director of Play gionnaires may. be of benefit to sars in scarlet uniforms. In this
Production, succeeds in obtaining them. On the ethereal side of the way she was taken to the Winter
V ._M-n i-,. mN1 1Ho-s oinclined ma nor- Palace in St. Petersburg. (now Lew