MEMBER Ia ESTABLISHED EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 116 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1931 ASSOCIATED PRICE FIVE CENTS BAY STATE TO SEEK DAY1A1W CHANGE IN STATE CONVENTION Resolution Passed by Legislature Calling on Congress for Action by States. APPROVAL GIVEN BY ELY Believed First State to Take Advantage of Guarantee in Constitution. BOSTON, Mar. 13. - (,P - The Massachusetts, legislature called on the national congress today for a constitutional convention of the 'tates to consider repeal or amend- ment of the prohibition amend- ment. The action taken today was the concurrence by the House of Rep- resentatives in a senate amend- ment to' a resolution requesting such a convention. The amendment was adopted without debate and the resolution will be forwarded to congress. Signature of Gov. Joseph B. Ely is unnecessary, but he ex- pressed approval of the legislature's action. First to Take Action. Massachusetts was believed at the state capitol to be the first to take advantage of the constitutional, guarantee that -two-thirds of. the; states can compel congress to call a constitutional convention. The Bay State resolution follows "Whereas, a condition of wide- spread dissatisfaction prevails with workings and results of Article 18' of amendments to the constitution] of the United States; and "Whereas, it is desirable to at- tempt to improve clarify or quiet such conditions; and "Whereas, the only method for' repealing or Modifying said Article 18 are set forth in Article five of said constitution, and Methods "Available." "Whereas, such methods are, available for ascertainingthe will of a majority of the people and for setting any definite program in motion; therefore be it "Resolved that the general court of Massachusetts, acting in pursuit of said Article 5, hereby requests that Congress call a convention under said article for the purpose of proposing an amendment or, amendments to the constitution, amending, modifying, revising, or repealing said Article 18; or that Congress, acting in pursuance of said Article 5, itself propose such an amendment or amendments and submit the same for ratification by convention in the several states.. The methods of dealing with the subject are in agreement with those prescribed in the recent de- cision of Federal Judge Clark of New Jersey in which he declared the eighteenth amendment was un- constitutional, State BulIS (By Associated Press Friday, March 13, 1931 DETROIT - The state banking department took over four subur- ban banks today. The banks af- fected were the American State bank of Ferndale, The American S t a t e bank of Wyandotte; the State Savings bank of Melvindale, and the State Savings bank of Lin- coln Park. M. C. Taylor, deputy state banking commissioner, saidI the banks had been taken over "in order to conserve assets and protect interests of depositors." The banks were not open today. ST. JOSEPH - Charges of anti- syndicalism brought against the group of 65 alleged communists in 1922 were to be pressed at last it was indicated as a result of attor- ney-general Voorhies filing of a petition setting aside an order, granting them separate trial. The' defendants who were arrested in Bridgman last week asked dismissal of the charges and the return to them of more than $65,000 in liberty bonds that had been posted for them. The attorney-general gave as his reason for asking that they be tried together, the huge expense CAME THE DAWN' WILL PRESENT 'DORMITORY CHORUS' AS FEATURE Members of the dormitory chorus in the 1931 Junior Girls' Play are left to right: Roberta Minter, Hortense Gooding, Anna Lyle Spain, Mar- garet Reed, and Mary Bess Irwin. The play will open Monday night WINS COMPETITION IN CURRENT EVENTS Roland A. Goodman, '32, Given $150 Prize in New York Times Contest. 21 FINISH EXAMINATION Jacob Kelman Awarded $751 Sophomore Prize; Senior Gets Third Place. Roland A. Goodman, '32, a mnem- ber of The Daily and Gargoyle edi- torial staffs, was awarded the first prize of $150 in the New York Times Current Events contest, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Everett S. Brown, chairman of the local committee. The second prize of $75, given only to an underclassman, was a- warded to Jacob Kellman, '33, while Jose L. Lopez, '31, won the third prize of $25. Honorable mention was given to Beach Conger, Jr., '32, a night editor of The Daily; Harry Kraus, '33, Charles A. Orr, '32, and Wilfred Weinstock, '31. Judges Experience Difficulty. "The judges experienced great difficulty in determining the win- ner," Professor Brown said in mak- ing the announcement. There was no outstanding paper which was far ahead of all the rest, as has been the case in previous years, be-, cause the general average of the papers was higher than usual. - All those who took part in the contest will be eligible next year,l he continued, except Goodman. Goodman's paper will be sent to New York in the intercollegiate MORROW MAY GO TO NAVAL PARLEY Iowan Thought Big Ten Charges Sound DES MOINES, Iowa, Mar. 13.-(IP) -University of Iowa's faculty rep- resentative at the Western confer- ence meeting in 1929 today told the legislative committee investigating the school's administration he had considered the conference "had the goods on us," when Iowa was sus- pended. LouisvTelzer, the faculty repre- sentative, read a prepared state- ment to the committee of legisla-, tors detailing the story of the Big Ten meeting held May 25, 1929. LENIENCY GRANTED STUDENT DRINKERS Claims Cost Justified by 'Finished Product'. SEES 'STAGNATION' in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. EUROPEANACOHR Decision to Help Franco-Italian Settlement Seems Likely; f Morrow Mentioned.- WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.-(P)- Acceptance by the United States of an invitation to be represented on a committee of the five principal naval powers signatories to the London naval agreement to draft the final form of the Franco-Italian settlement tonight appeared likely. Senator Dwight W. Morrow, of New Jersey, now enroute to Europe with Mrs. Morrow, probably will be at least one of the American repre- sentatives if the United States ac- cepts the invitation. The senator played a large part as 'a member of the American dle-, gationto, theLondon Naval dcor ference in drafting the London treaty. American participation in the work of the committee would not necessarily mean that the Unite States would sign the final draft. For the first time since the Brit- ish-Franco-Italian negotiations be- gan, Secretary Stimson today ex-- pressed the belief that it was not necessary for the United States to sign the accord. The Secretary add- ed he could be converted to another belief, but observers were of the! opinion that signature by the Unit- ed States was highly unlikely. IR1VINE PODUCTION TO BE GIVEN HERE New York Company to Present The First Mrs. Fraser' on March 23. Grace George and her New York company will present "The First Mrs. Fraser" Monday, March 23, at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The play was written by St. John Irvine, author of "John Ferguson" and "Jane Clegg." Besides Miss George, the cast will include, two London actors, A. E. Matthews and Lawrence Grossmith, and Phyllis Elgar, Ruth Benson Blinn, Charles Campbell, Lowell I Gilmore, and May Marshall. Ervine, who was guest critic of the New York World last year, first I became familiar to American audi- ences through his Theatre Guild presentations, "Jane Clegg" and "John Ferguson." He began his playwriting with tragic pieces for the Abbey Theatre, Dublin. Besides 15 plays to his credit, he was for many years dramatic critic of the London Observer. As a novelist he is author of "Alice and The Family" and other stories. At present he is turning "The First Mrs. Fraser" in- to a novel. Two performances will be given at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, a matinee performance at 2:30 o'clock and an evening performance at 8:15 o'clock. New Revolt Threatened By Southern Peruvians T.TMA Per Mar 13.-UP-Provi- UTHYEN OUTLINES IMG F PPA U AT ALUMNI DINNER IN DETROIT Students Move Car: Joke's on Professor It was just another Austin that caused all the rumpus in front of the League. Five or six students were pass- ing by quite innocently, it seems, when they noted the diminutive vehicle parked at the curb. Sense of humor moved them into ac- tion, muscles moved the car-to the sidewalk. The owner, a professor, moved up to the scene. Conversation became strained. IAIAYNF~RA~fl IIY Farm School Undergraduates Minnesota to be Given at Dwight W. Morrow, New Jersey senator and member of the American delegation at the recent London Naval conference, may represent the United States in drafting of the final form of the Franco-Italian naval agreement if, an invitation extended by Great Britain is accepted. V V II 1 it L U1111111UL ' competition with the winners at 4 the 19 other colleges for the $500P PH~~ftBIS BON10 , I t prize. . 0 N [ S Juniors Lead Entrants. lP I .--f RTwenty-six students entered the Way Paved for Return of Money contest this year, and: 21 finished WINS. 1 State Paid for Bond Issue their papers, a somewhat higher to-U I IIIV tal than in previous years. The di- in One Municipality. vision, ,according to classes, was Escapes Defeat in Division by DEROTMa. 3.-GP) Are Ifive seniors, eight juniors, seven Margin of Five Votes DETROIT,ar.13.-(IP)-Are-sophomores and one freshman.e gI sumption of. the Wayne county's 1women took part. . 4N on Mines Bill. grand jury's investigation of trans- The committee which judged the L actions whereby three Detroit sub- p a p e r s consisted of Professor 'LONDON, Mar. 13.-(P)-Prime urbs disposed of certain bond issues Brown; chairman; Prof. John L. Minister Ramsay MacDonald's labor and a court ruling paving the way Brumm, of the journalism depart- government had a bad fight in the! for the return of $1,204,000 which ; ment; Prof. Waldo Abbott, of the House of Commons today escaping the state paid for one of the nuni- English department; and Prof.Pres- dfa.anmorta .divisio b i cipalities' issue were outstand- ton W. Slosson, of the history de- dfe votes.important division by ing developments in the state's partment. The papers were all only five votes. bond purchase case today. numbered, and the names corres- "A hectic half hour" was the way The grand jury assembled this ponding to the numbers were plac- !Mr. MacDonald described it in a afternoon to hear further testimony ed in sealed envelopes. Jspeech at Northampton tonight, but regarding the bond transaction by he added the majority of five was Frank D. McKay when he was "good enough to go on with an-; State treasurer and purchased is- other two years.", sues of Ste. Claire Shores, Inkster, IUThe division occurred on a con- and Garden City for state sinkingservative amendment to reduce by funds. 100 pounds sterling (about $500) In Pontiac, Circuit Judge Frank 4Iand estimate of 14,000 pounds ster- L. Doty dissolved an injunction' _ling (about $70,000) for salaries and which had prevented Ste. Claire - expenses of the mines department. Shores from returning to the state Both Parties Manifest Sympathy The vote was moved chiefly as a $1,024,000 paid for special assess- for Probable Coalition protest against payment of a 7,000 ment bonds. The injunction hadof F pounds sterling a year salary, 2,000 prevented the village from return-' o orces. pounds sterling more than that of ing the money to the state and tak- WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.-(IP)- the premier, to serve Ernest Gow- ing from the state bonds of par An open flirtation between Demo- ers, chairman of the mines reor- value of $960,000 which were pur- cratic leaders and independent Re- ganization committee. Nine labor chased by McKay after they had publicans looking toward the 1932 back benches voted against the been sold by a contractor to the presidential campaign developed to- government but the administration Grand Rapids Trust company. day as an aftermath to the Pro- was saved by 20 liberals, giving the The manner of the Ste. Claire gressives' conference. government a total of 173 against Shores bonds bobbed up again dur- Senator Norris, Rep., Neb., chair- 168. Soon afterwards the estimate ing the day when the Detroit News man 'and sponsor of the confer- itself was carried by 176 to 78. said that Howard C. Wade, former ence, said the progressiives' only In his Northampton speech to- city controller of Detroit, had re- hope for'a liberal presidential can- night the Prime Minister attacked vealed to it that he had been of- didate lies with the Democratic the Laborites who voted for the fered a bribe. Iparty. I conservative amendment. Diplomas. ST. PAUL, Mar. 13.-(P)-Several University of Minnesota Farm school students, suspended yester- day for drinking, will be granted their diplomas, some will be re-7 quired to perform additional schol- astic work, and two, who were ex-t pelted, will not be reinstated. This was a tentative agreement reached today after the Minnesota7 Senate appointed a special commit- tee of four to confer with the school . faculty in an effort to have the ban removed from 17 students dis- missed yesterday.1 First offenders will probably re- ceive diplomas two or three months after commencement, but second offenders will be required to do ad- ditional scholastic work. The num- ber of first and second offenders had not been determined and the names had not been announced. Sen. A. J. Rockne announced the , agreement after a closed confer-, ence of Dean E. E. Nicholson of the; University and the senate commit- tee which was appointed after the legislative body sharply criticized the faculty's action and considered a resolution calling for a special investigation of liquor drinking conditions. During the discussion of the school's action in the senate, which deferred action until Monday on a resolution calling for investigation, Senator George P. Sullivan charac- terized the suspension as "barbar- ous" and "sounding like a ban of the middle ages." He said the action would place a stigma on students for the re- mainder oftheir lives and asserted he would "be willing to back a res- olution calling for' suspension of these men who suspended the stu- dents." The senate committee was in- structed specifically to seek the re- moval of the ban. FIRMS INETGE IDENTTYOFBODY1 Insurance Companies Ask Probe of Theory Victim Was Not Politician. PERRY, Ia., Mar. 13.-(P)-A theory that the burned body of a man buried here Feb. 3 as John M. Smith, Farmer-Labor candidate for governor in 1930, was not that of Smith was being investigated to- day at the request of insurance companies with which Smith car- ried $50,000 worth of policies. The body of the man, burned be- yond recognition, was found under the wreckage of a motor truck near Denison, Ia., and was identified by Mrs. Smith as that of her husband. When exhumed Thursday and subjected to an autopsy it was re- vealed, Coroner L. H. de Ford said, that it had been embalmed before it had been burned. The authori- ties were unable to identify the t-a. 'lfl 0 n .neem-, nn n, ii,- nr ,' Says Action Will Lead to 'Education for Wealthy. President Alexander G r a n t Ruthven told members of the University of Michigan club of Detroit last night that the cost of education was justified in the fin- shed product and that any cut in the state appropriations would be extremely detrimental to the im- mediate welfare of the University. the address was given at the Book Cadillac hotel as the feature of a banquet in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven. "The statement has been made recently by a citizen of Michi- gan," said the President, "that millions could be cut from the state appropriations for education without decreasing the value of the finished product. This assertion be- longs in the same category as the less extreme conclusion sometimes expressed that we in the United States are not realizing adequate returns. I have chosen tonight to make certain comments in the in- terests of clear thinking on the general subject of the costs of edu- cation." Equipment Demand Grows. President Ruthven then said that, in this increased complexity of our present social world, the de- mand for good buildings, equip- ment, and faculty is growing rather than diminishing. Thus a univer- sity such as Michigan cannot help but stagnate When the sourcehof revenue is lowered. "Not seldom has it been intimat- ed, or even bluntly proclaimed, that we are, as a nation, educating too many persons. This statement has been applied more particularly to nigh education and the inference is drawn that we are thus wasting mnoney in our colleges and univer- sities. Certainly a reduced number of students would mean reduced expenditure; but what method of reduction is to be used? The most logical way is by selection on the basis of ability and promise of suc- cess, but entirely reliable methods have not yet been discovered." Cannot Decrease Enrollment. Dr. Ruthven continued that pri- vately owned and controlled schools lould decrease the number of stu- dents arbitrarily with some degree of success, but that this method would never apply to tax-supported institutions where it can operate 3nly by high fees and elimination sf departments. In other words, said the President, it is contrary "to the best interests of society to organize a public school system in such a way that only the children >f the wealthy can secure the best educational advantages." "Since no method of properly measuring educational costs is re- iable," Dr. Ruthven concluded, "be- pause the values cannot be reduced to a money basis, all that we can say of the size of the investment .s that it cannot be considered too iigh when society permits of the imassing of large fortunes and al .ows many persons to go untaxed, while schoolmasters are underpaid, schools are crowded, and capable youngsters cannot secure an ap- prenticeship for life. Education "Political Safety." "We cannot afford to be appre- hensive of the costs, although we are bound to see that they are properly distributed and that waste is avoided." "Education is our only political safety," said the President in con- clusion. "Will we choose the course towards jails, prisons, asylums and a burdensome caste system, or will we heed the warning of Aristotle that 'the fate of empires depends on the education of youth'." Comedy Club Adds I Five to Membership This was folowed by a statement Excavators Prepare from Senator Hull of Tennessee former chairman of the Demo- Tunnel for Heating cratic national committee, pointing , out what he describes as similari- New Press Building ties between the progressive pro- gram and the policies of his party. -- Both belittled the possibility of Excavation has been started on practicability of a third party the tunnel which will supply heat movement. to the new Press building and Senator Caraway, Dem., Ark., wrecking operations have been be- joined in with a statement that heI gun on the house which occupies would like to see Governor Roose- the site of the new structure on velt of New York nominated by the Maynard street across from the Democrats if his colleague, Senator Helen Newberry residence. Norris is not. The work is preliminary to the Meanwhile, members of the House actual construction work on which progressive group said a show down is expected to begin about June 1. on salient features of a program The tunnel is being excavated be- adopted at the progressive confer- tween the two women's dormitories, ence ending yesterday would be de- Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour manded before House control is en- residences. trusted either to the Republican or When completed, the building will Democratic parties. be the finest University Press build- Z * A - Lecturer Illustrates Inefficacy of State Death Penalty Bill Michigan's proposed capital pun- ishment bill is unwise because its mandatory charac ter with no chance for leniency renders it cruel and because capital punishment has proved ineffective in practice,, asserted Prof. Arthur E. Wood, speaking yesterday in an open meeting in Natural Science audi- torium. Professor 'Wood quoted former warden Lawes of Sing Sing peni- tentiary, saying that criminals are never afraid of the death penalty because their occupations make it necessarytochance death anyhow, and because they find it easy to