r. nr riwnrr r
Students interested in this course will meet i> room 239 West Engineer- t
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
ing building, at 7:00 p. in., to arrange hours.
Mechanical Engineering 52, Accident Prevention
neering: Students interested in this course will meet
Engineering building, at 7:30 p. m., to arrange hours.
G. L. Jensen,
and Safety Engi-
in room 239 West
G. L. Jensen.
NO. 95
To Department Heads and Others Concerned: The hourly time slips
must be in the Business Office not later than 5 p. m., of February 20,
to be included in the February 23 payroll. The short month and inter-
vening holiday account for the early date.
Edna M. Geiger, Payroll Clerk.
School of Education-Changes of Elections: Changes of elections
may be made Thursday and Friday, February 19 and 20. Changes must
be made in the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, room
1437 University Elementary School.
Membership in a class does not cease nor does membership in a
class begin until all changes have been officially registered in the office
of -the Recorder of the School of Education. Arrangements made with
the instructors only are not official changes.
After February 20 changes should still be made in room 1437 Uni-
versity Elementary School, but only after payment of a fee of one dollar.
School of Education-Changes of Sections: Changes of sections or
of instructors should be reported at the office of the School of Educa-
tion, room 1437 University Elementary School, as soon as they have
been made.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the Women's Athletic building will
be open as usual every day between four and six o'clock, and every
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening from seven to nine o'clock. Men
who are not accompanied by women will not be allowed to bowl.
English 4, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture-The Lecture,
Popular, Scientific, and Technical: A course in public speaking in which
emphasis is placed on the presentation of subjects requiring the use
of illustrative material, lantern slides, models, specimens, and other
supplementary means for demonstration. The hours will be arranged
to suit the convenience of the students enrolling. Tentatively, however,
the hours set are 9 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday in room 220.
Robert Brackett.
English iB, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture-Narrative
Writing: This course is open to freshmen. Tuesday and Thursday at
Win roos 26. C. E. Burkund.
- Education D101: As previously announced in the Daily Bulletin, this
c urse will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 in room 4009, Uni-
ve sity High School. Francis D. Curtis.
Political Science 81 for Engineers will meet with Professor Crane in
r0,41403, General Library, at 10 o'clock on Monday and Wednesdays.
Political'Science 81 (R. T. Crane): Will meet in 403 Library.
Sociology 132 (Section 2): This section will meet Tuesdays and
Taursdays at 10 in room 2014 Angell hall.
.Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist will give the
filowing program Wednesday, February 18, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill audi-
tolum, in place of the program announced recently by Mr. Zeuch:
r' Maitland: Concert Overture; Wolstenholme: Sonata in the Style
o0Handel Fugue in D; Karg-Elert: Pastel (Op. 92 No. 1); Ferrari: Tocca-
tinia; Saint Saens: The Swan; Sinding: Norwegian Rhapsody.
French Lecture: Mr. Manson M. Brien will give the fifth lecture
otrthe Cercle Francais program at 4:15 o'clock, room 103, Romance Lan-
guage building, on "Orleans et Jeanne d' Arc."
39athematies Staff-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
There will be a meeting of those members of the Mathematics staff
teaching first year courses in room 3010 Angell hall at 4 p. m.
. Lecture in Business Administration 102: Dr. Walter V. Bingham,
sector of the Personnel Research Federation, will lecture on "Personnel
_,pects of Accident Prevention in Industry" at 4 o'clock, in 101 Econo-
nics building. Students enrolled in Business Administration 102 are
eispected to attend, and others interested are cordially invited.
Candidates for Teachers' Certificates: February seniors who did not
t te the Professional Examination last Saturday may take an examin-
ation at 2 o'clock in the University High School Auditorium. This ex-
amination is required of all student receiving the Teacher's Certificate.
Chenical Engineers: Mr. Ralph C. Shuey of the Research and De-
velopment Department of the Bakelite Corporation will speak on and
show motion pictures of "Recent Developments on Bakelite." Mr. Harry
Cprlson will have a Bakelite product display at 7:30 p. m., in the
A. I. Ch. E. Chapter room, 3201 East Engineering building.
M. E, 52, and M. E. 53: Students in these classes are advised to attend
the morning session of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Highway
Eiigineering, at the Michigan Union, beginning at 9:30. If unable to
attend the whole session, any portion would be beneficial.
Mathematics 224. Galois Theory of Algebraic Equation: Next meet-
ing will be Wednesday, February 18, at 1 p. m., 3001 A. H.
Mathematics 271. Seminar in Analytic Functions: Meeting to decide
on hours, at 4 p. m., 3001 A. H.
Psychology 32 (H. F. Adams): This course will meet Wednesday at
9 in room 210 Pharmacology.
Psychology 220: First meeting today at 3:30, in 4129 N. S.
Psychology 140: First meeting today at 3:00, in 4129 N. S.
English 111 (Milton) will meet today in 2225 Angell hall.
Warner G. Rice.
Political Science 252 (11. A. Steiner): Effective February 18, will meet
in 2019 A. H.
Political Science 142: Will meet in 2003 N. S. today
Arthur W. Broknage.
Chemistry 122, Photochemistry: Meeting to arrange for hours, at
5 p. m., in room 426.
Botanical Seminar meets at 4:30, room 1139, N. S. building. Paper
by H. J. Brodie-"The oidia of Coprinus lagopus and their relation with
Research Club: Regular meeting will be held at 8 p. m., in room
2528 E. M. The following papers will be presented: "The Aerological
Results of the Greenland Expedition of the University of Michigan," by
Professor W. H. Hobbs; "Materials for the Dictionary of Early Modern
English," by Professor C. C. Fries. The council will meet in room 112
R. L., at 4 p. m.
Michiganensian Business Staff: There will be a meeting of the
entire Michiganensian staff at 4:15 p. m. The entire staff will be
expected to be present.
Music Section of Faculty Women's Club meets at 8 o'clock in the.
Michigan League.
Athletic Managers of all Sororities and Dormitories will meet at 5
o'clock this afternon in the League building. The room will be announced
on the bulletin board.
University Lectures: Thursday, February 19, 4:15 p. m., in Natural
Science Auditorium. Dr. Robert Hegner, of Johns Hopkins University:
"The Invisible Fauna of the Human Body" (illustrated with slides).
Friday, February 2'0, 4:15 p. m., in Lydia Mendelssohn theater. Mrs.
Muriel Masefield, Lecturer of the Extra-mural Delegacy of the Uni-
versity of Oxford, England; "At Court and in Society with Fanny Burney
(1778 to 1840).
Friday, February 27, 4:15 p. m., in Natural Science Auditorium. Pro-
fessor Martin Sprengling of the Oriental Institute of the University of
Chicago: "Tahu Husayn, the Blind Social Philosopher and Literary
Critic of Modern Egypt."
Professor Boris A. Bakhmeteff will present his main lecture in two
February 19, 1931, at 4 p. m., room 348 West Engineering building and II.
Friday, February 20, 1931, at 4 p. m., room 348 West Engineering build-
ing. Professor Bakhmeteff will also speak at the Applied Mechanics
Colloquium on "HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING IN RUSSIA" on Thursday,
February 19, 1931 at 8 p. m., in room 445 West Engineering building. You
are cordially invited to attend each of these lectures.
English 293-Bibliography: A preliminary meeting in this course
will be held at 5 o'clock, Thursday afternoon in room 1209 A. H.
Seniors and Graduate Students in Chemical Engineering: Dr. H. M.
Weir and Mr. Walter B. Murphy of the Atlantic Refining Company of
Philadelphia will be in Prof. A. H. White's office on Thursday, February
19, to interview seniors and graduate students interested in their field.
Please make appointments with Miss McKim who has a circular giving
more information concerning the positions which are open.
James Returns From
South American Trip
After an absence of seven months,
spent in what he describes as "a
geographic study of the cities of
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero,.
Brazil, and their hinterlands,"
Prof. Preston E. James, of the geo-
graphy department, has returned to
Ann Arbor, and will resume his
University classes immediately. Ac-
companied by Mrs. James, who
made the entire trip with him, he
landed in New York on Jan. 26,
returning to this country by way of
Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, the
Canal Zone and Cuba, after com-
pleting his Brazilian studies in the
midst of the recent revolution.
Freshman "How to Study" Group:
Freshman Engineers advised to at-
tend this class will meet in room
239 West Engineering building on
Thursday morning, February 19, at
8:00 o'clock. Attendance is volun-
Pi Lambda Theta business meet-
ing Thursday, at 4:15, in the Michi-
gan League.
Young Women Foreign Students
who were in Methodist Mission
Schools in their own country and
also the daughters of Methodist
ministers are invited to a tea from
3:30 to 4:30 Thursday afternoon in
the Kalamazoo room of the Michi-
gan League to meet Mrs. Evelyn
Riley Nicholson, wife of Bishop
Thomas Nicholson. Those who plan
to attend please phone Mrs. John
E. Martin, 9489.
Newcomers' Section, F a c u 1 t y
Women's Club: Regular meeting will
be held on Thursday, Feb. 19, at
2:30 o'clock, in the Grand Rapids
room, Michigan League.
at 4:00 p. i.
Colloquium will be held in room 300 Chemistry building
Mr. Frank H. Moser will speak on "The Pinacol Re-
Mr. P. W. Boynton of the Standard
arrangement-The Comparative Migratory Tendencies of Aryl Groups."
Radio Club: Regular meeting at 7:30 p. m., at the Michigan Union.
Undergraduate Physics Club will meet in the West Lecture room of
the West Physics building at 8:00 p. m. Basil Anagnost, '32, will discuss
the theory and operation of polarimeters in a talk on Stereoisomerism.
All are invited to attend.
Mechanical Engineering Seniors:
Oil Company of New York will be
in room 221 West Engineering
building on Friday, February 20, for
the purpose of interviewing seniors
interested in that company. Please
fill out applications prior to that
time in room 221.
Observatory Journal Club will
:neet Thursday afternoon, Febru-
pry 19, at 4:15 in the Observatory
lassroom. Dr. D. B. McLaughlin
gill discuss "Star Clusters" by Dr.
larlow Shapley.
The thoughtful Ann Arbor Housewife is as "careful" in the water she
serves the family as in the food she provides.
This is proven every day by the number of cases of
that we deliver to the homes of Ann Arbor.
Let us deliver a case to YOUR home today.
We can also supply you with chemically pure distilled water.
Glider Section at 7:30 in room 343 West Engineering bldg.
will be reorganized for new term. Full attendance requested.
Theosophy: Regular meeting at 8:00 p. m., in the Michigan League.
An Adyar Symposium to commemorate Adyar Day will be held. Every-
body welcome.
416 West Huron
Phone 8270