MARCH 13, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAI LY | ( ( E | | TITGIAN TS ADD STARS TO ROSTER FOR [Af1I E [ L \ LIST TI-f IS YEARS NATIONAL TITLE RACE By Sheldon C. Fullerton. (Editor's Note: This is the thir- _teenth of a series of articles deal- ing with the chances of the majors Big Ten Nattors Start Quest league clubs in 1931). for Honors Tonight in No team managed by John Mc- Intramural Pool. Graw can ever be counted out of, a pennant race in the National (Continued from Page 6) League, no matter where it finished event apd should qualify both the previous season or whatever Schrmieler and Miller in this event. changes have been made in the* team roster over the winter months. All teams expect Purdue have With a team in 1931 that will in- men entered in the breast stroke, elude the names of some of theĀ° and it is predicted that the Nation- brightest luminaries in the senior al Inter-Collegiate record as well circuit, it seems assured that Mc- . as the Conference mark in this Graw's New York Giants will again live up to the reputation that tnat 'r event will fall, club has established for itself in The 50-yard free style sprint is other years.a a tossup, with fast swimrners from McGraw's chief trouble now is five schools entered. Oker of Chi-, the mere matter of signing up Bill Terry, champion batsman of thel Sago perhaps holds a slight edge league in 1930. Terry has been a on the rest. The Wolverines have determined holdout, and as Mc- several sprinters, including Fenske, Graw does not have a great deal Meigs, Marcus, Smith, and Klint- of patiensen with players of that worth who should give the Michi- class, there is a possibility that gan contingent a qualifier or two. Terry may be shipped elsewhere be- Kennedy, Ladd in Distance. I fore the season opens. the team, will again be the regular Kennedy and Ladd should qualify Terry Good First Sacker. shortstop. His great batting and for the Wolves in the 220 and 440 If Terry signs a Giant contract fielding make him the best man in yard events, while Schmieler is also il Te n Gitn forat the National League at this posi- nhe will have no competition for.e tio expected to go through the 220 pre' first base assignment. He is, with- liminaries. McCully of Iowa, Brock out much shadow of a doubt, the Lindstrom in Outfield. of Illinois, and Farrell of Minnesota best first baseman in the game to- A newcomer from the Pacific are to be feared by the Wolves in day, starring in both batting, field- Coast League, Johnny Vergez, is these events. ing, and general heads-up play. In slated to start the season at third Marsh, Conference champion, the event that he fails to sign or base in place of Freddie Lindstrom from1 Gopher school, will be the is sent to some other club Leslie, who will begin the year in an out- easy favorite in the 150-yard back a converted outfielder, will get the field position. Vergez was quite a stroke, while Michigan will have call at the first base post. sensation on the coast, and if he Schmieler, Captain Valentine, and At second base Hughey Critz is succeeds in filling the shoes o Meigs to rely upon. in a class by himself. Critz is not Lindstrom at the hot cushion wil A large number of entries have one of the greatest hitters in the solve one of the Giant's greates come in for the 100-yard freestyle, league -by a long shot, but his won- problems. and this race is predicted to be a derful work in the field more than Teaming with the hard hitting spectacular event. Michigan's hopes makes up for his weakness at thei Lindstrom in the garden will b rest on Smith, Marcus, Schmieler, plate. Travis Jackson, captain of Fred Leach, veteran flychaser, and and Klintworth. _~jMel Ott, youthful home run slugge Lobdell Picked As Winner. Conference Gymnasts of the club. This trio constitutesa hard hitting and fast outfield, an Lobdell, Big Ten champion rep- jto Compete Tomorrow with Ed Roush in reserve should b resenting Iowa, is conceded the acceptable to Giatn fans. honors in the fancy diving. Raike (Continued From Page 6) Frank Hogan and Bob O'Farrel and Fenske will compete for the Hunter and Goldsmith in the par- will again take care of the bulk o Wolves with Raike favored to take allel bars and should gain somc the receiving, with Cummings bein m l second in the finals. Michigan's points in this class. held as third stringer. Hogan i medley relay should also win, with Both Parker and Goldsmith are slow, but his powerful battin the race for second being keenly relied upon to swell Michigan's to- should be a great aid to the club. contested between the other five tal in the tumbling. Elsworth will teams entered, Chicago, Illinois, also see action in this event. Decker Count on Donohue. Iowa, Minnesota, and Northwest- is the only man entered in the In- Donohue, Walker, Mitchell, Hub ern. dian clubs but is not expected to bell and Fitzsimmons are the mer Admission to the meet which be- go very far. who will carry the brunt of th gins at 7:30 tonight will be one dol- Coach West has built for the fu- burden in the box for the Giants lar for reserved seats and 50 cents ture with his gymnasts as most of The first named was secured fror for rush seats. the team are sophomores. The Cincinnati last season and shoul fo r u so u nt. e t o m Illi n o is i l e th e tu rn in h is s h a re o f v ic to rie s th i uourney to Illinois wil give e e year. Hubbell and Walker are tw Julian Reinhardt, senior guard team much of the needed experi- of the best youngsters in the cir- on the University of Iowa basket- ence, Coach West opinioned. With- cui, wthle Fitzsimmons is one o ball team, has been elected honor- out expecting the Michigan team the established stars of the league ary captain-for the 1931 season. to go to the top, Coach West is Mitchell, while he is a veteran Reinhardt won his second "I" on pleased with the results of the sea- should be of tremendous aid to th the court this year. son. - younger men. Daniels Leads Wolverine Cagers in Scorin L a s s F i E ForRATeams I With 152 Points to His Credit, Weiss econd Qualify for FinalsAVERTI1 (5pecual to The Daikv) 62 points; Weiss, 54; Evuand, 49; Norman Daniels of Detroit, cap- Petrie 27; and Williamson 25. Phi Sigma Kappa won the pre- tam-elect of the 1932 Michigan Mtichi; an p ota o 28. liminaries of the interfraternity basketball team, was the Wolver- Michigan ran up a total of 528 NOTICE points mn its 17 games. 322 of whichl relays last night with a time of ine's high scorer during the past points - in ae, 32 of whch N TICE--____n________ga 1:3.3.Fou tamsquaifed or hecage season, tossing in 58 field goals were scored in the 12 conference NOTICE--6% long term mortgage 1: 38.3. Four teams qualified for thee g santos i8fed as games. This total gave the Wol- loans on new Ann Arbor homes finals in this event which will be' and 36 free throws for a total of gamiesanThisagtota lgtyemWe- laso e n ro o 152 points. Daniels set thisma veres an average of slightly more without bonus or service charge held the night of the Cornell meet. n 17 games, 12 of which r than 31 points per game. The team Clyde M. Smith. Call 4356. 246( Alpha Sigma Phi took second Western Conference competition. scored 203 field baskets; dropped with a time of 1:40.1, Sigma Phi Henry Weiss ranks second to Dan- in 124 free throws; missed 85 free TYPING--Theses a specialty. 1'ai third with 1:40.7, and Phi Kappa iels, scoring 38 baskets and 21 free to and committed 159 person- rates. M. V. H.Artsuff. Dial 9087 Psi fourth at 1:41. throws for a total of 97 points. De- al fouls, an average of 9 1-3 a game. C In the interclass relays the sopho- Forest Eveland was third with 32 mcre literary team made the best baskets and 20 foul throws for 84 WINTERHAVEN - The Philadel- TYPEWRITERS SOLD, RENTED time of the night, 1:35.6. The sopho- points. Ray Altenhof ran close to phia Phillies are not in good shape AND REPAIRED. mope engineers came in second, Eveland, dropping in 28 field goals to start their exhibition games next' SLATERS INC. with the senior engineers third. and 24 free throws for 80 points. Thursday because they have but S. STATE ST. DIAL $81 Of the independent teams en- Bob Petrie came next with 17 bask- three pitchers ready to attempt 561234(2)C tered in the meet the Shamrocks ets and 6 free throws for 40 points real work. came in ahead with 1:41.6, the and Ivan Williamson was last a- -- -- FRATERNITIES & SORORITIE! Lawyers second at 1:42.8 and the mong the regulars caging 14 bask- SAN ANTONIO - Manager Mc- Piano Tuning! Phone ,6776, Victo Michiganders third. ets and 9 charity throws to score Graw of the New York Giants has Allmendinger, the concert artis 37 points. denied emphatically that he agreed tuner. Tuner for Univ. School o VARSIT Y MATMEN Daniels led the next regulars in to $25,000 as a suitable salary for Music. Office at residence, 160 Conference scoring making a to- Bill Terry, houldout first baseman. Morton Ave. 3450 READY FOR BOUTS tal of 93 points. Others of the reg- He said President, Stoneham han- USED CLOTHES bought and sold - ulars scored as follows: Altenhof, dles that exclusively. Call 4310. 215 East Washingto (Continued from Page 6) 1H. Benjamin 246 Captain Belshaw, of Indiana, one ----- of the strongest men in the Con-I ference. Tonight's schedule will be the _ preliminary matches in order to FEMALE HELP WANTED-Refine narrow the field down to the best educated woman to assist i men for the finals tomorrow night. Besides the above mentioned men taking care of two children, age s Coach Keen has taken along with Before buying your new eight and ten. Give proper ir him Wilson Stoddard, Reif, and formation. Address Box 16 Benz to carry the Maize and Blue neckwear we suggest you Michigan Daily. 3 into the 145, 155, 175, and heavy-Cy weight divisions of the meet. Indiana Has Good Chance. e x a m i n e our line o WANTED-Two accompanists fa e Aldrich of Indiana and Puerto tap dancing classes. Jazz music d of Illinois in the 118; Dooley of Illi- SPRING ties with white Call 4121, Extension 721. 34 .1 nois in the 126; Belshaw of Indiana -- in the 135; Hall of Ohio State, back grounds 150 Garrigan of Northwestern, and grounupperclassman or graduate sti Gargno otwsen njdent. Call 4680.2 g Dyer of Chicago in the 145; Dyer, 4ent. C___ 468 t Ross of Indiana, and Poyner ofj O r f $ON6 d Iowa in the heavier weights are the Others 2 for $1.65 r outstanding entries other than the LOST between Ann Arbor Saving a Wolverines and will be the men Bank and State Street, lady d that will give the Michigan grap- black purse containing currenc e plers a tough fight to win the in- Trench Coats, $16.50 Reward if returned to Box 16 dividual crowns. The Hoosiers thus care this paper. 1 have a strong chance to take some T pot f titles and rank as the main con- Spring TopCOatsFRENCH BRINDLE BULL, r g tenders for the honors that Michi- white coloring. Liberally rewar sgan _s aimingaNewis26e$r. ed. Answers to the name g isaiminga- -a All toNew,$2 to$40Brackles. Phone 3729. I Check Colds with LOST-Ryder fountain pen wit name, C. H. Eaton. Finder ca - "SNIFF6175. Reward. n In These .e Dangerous Days n t d SNIFF"'is a premier hel tin the fi ht on colds. Its vapors -o direct to the s membranes. At first sign of a cold, use o on your handkerchief daytimes, on your WANT ADS PAY pillow at niight. But use also to prevent - infection. Carry into every crowd. Let: f children carry it to school. "SNIFF" e costs only 35c at all drug stores. Get it CRIPPEN e_ ANN ARBOR'S THREE RED ARROW DRUG STORES. i 'Y 4, if 4}.1 ( I, a Y , I S I I E IATE THE NEW GENERATION Golden Ta Chrome ray New spring shades which look as good as they sounfd. $35 to $50 Two trousers flcmkLi -iI EEaAfL Many choice suits at with extra trousers /