THE MICHIGAN DAILY' FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1931 v . -r-- Published every morning except Monday during the University ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited inthis paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postofe at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of posta e granted by Third Assistant Post- mnatXe-General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Buainess, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 49235 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Boar4 HENRY MERRY FaNK:E. CooPER, City EditWt News Editor ..............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ..........Walter V. Wilds Sports Editor............Joseph A. Rssell Women's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books........ d. Gorman Assistant City Editor...Harold 0. Warren. Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowli Telegrapb tEditor.........George A. Stauter Copy Editor .......... ....... Wmn. . Pypes NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprowl David M. Nichol Richard L. Tobin Harold 0. Warres SPORT sSSISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Charles A. Sanford REPORTERS Thomas M. Cooled Wilbur J. Meyers Morton Frank Brainard W. Nies Saul Friedberg Robert L. Pierce Frank B. Gilbreth Richard Racine J ack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal Roland GoodmaRi Karl Seiffert Morton Helper George A. Stauter Bryan Jones Tohn W. Thomas Denton C. Kunsa ohn S. Townsend Powers Moulton Eileen Blunt Mary McCall Nanette Dembits Cile Miller Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin )can Levy Margaret Thompson aorotny Manee Claire Trussell Susan Manchester BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 212.4 T'. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Mgensoor KAsnz 1. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising...........Charles T. Kline Advertising ...............Thomas M.. Davis Advertisingo.... ....William.W. Warboys Service.... ...... Norris J.Johnson Publication.......Robert W. Williamson Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts:...................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenait Assistants Harry It.cglea Vernon Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan William W. Davis Richard H. Hiller Miles 1{oisington Ann~ W. Verner Marian Atran .Helen Bailey Josephine Convisse axine Fishgrund Dorothy LeMire Dorothy Laylin Erl e1ightlinger Don W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Strattmelet Keith TrIer Byrou C. Vedder Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough Mary E. Wats Johanna Wiese recognition to Russia. This case is comparablein some ways to that of the French debt situation. While Francophiles cla- mor for reduction or cancellation of war debts; and while the so- called liberals demandhrecognition of the U. S. S. R., they do not take into account the many bondholders who have put their savings into Russian government bonds, or Lib- erty Loan bonds, and, if the wishes of a minority , were respected, would stand to lose their invest- ments, or else would force the gov- ernment to assume that burden. At present Russia is desirous of American recognition in an effort to further commerce, and also to raise their somewhat doubtful standing in the eyes of the world. ITheir propaganda methods, which shave been debated pro and con by 'the many adherents and oppon- ients of communism, and at times vigorously prosecuted by Congress- ;Man Fish, constitute another rea- son for not recognizing them. Each state is bound to permit nothing which will bring about subversion of existing governments. This is manother obligation which Russia declines to assume. At present, the United States has nothing to gain by recognizing Russia. Commerce continues uninterruptedly in the absence of treaties and diplomatic agents. After Russia has passed through a longer period of experi- mentation, perhaps they will see the wisdom of adherence to inter- national standards. Then the Pre- sident and State department may take their case under advisement. Campus Opinion Contributors are aked to be brief, confining them'sc'Ies to less thai. 300 words if possible. Anonymous corn- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, howwer, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor: If Michigan reintroduces capital punishment she will be taking a backward step instead of making progress. Capital punishment does not solve the problem of crime; it avoids the real issue. Modern penology and criminology are showing more and more that even capital crimes are the result of maladjustment and not of inborn evil in the crimi- nal. Murderers, says Mr. Lewis E. Lawes, warden of Sing Sing prison, are almost invariably quiet, de- pendable trustworthy prisoners. The main argument for capital punish- ment seems to be that the execu- tion of a murderer deters other would-be murderers. If that is so why are executions not made public instead of being performed in priv- ate behind closed doors? The fact that capital punishment does not deter the criminal is well demon- strated by the fact that in England when pickpocketing was punisha- ble by death, pickpockets plied their trade even among the crowd as- sembled to watch a hanging. The real deterrant to crime is not the brutality or the ugliness of the thrieat of the law, but the sureness and speed with which the threaten- ing gesture reaches home. Capital punishment is irrevocable. Warden Lawes relates how a con- victed man was reprieved A few moments before he was to be strapped to the electric chair. Later he was proved positively innocent. In New York since 1889, 415 persons were committed to Sing Sing prison for execution; thirty of these were re-tried and acquitted. Is not this percentage of error altogether too high to warrant the infliction of such an unalterable sentence? Be- cause of the large number of per- sons who object to capital punish- ment and the skill of lawyers in playing on their feelings, juries nore and more refuse to convict in first degree murder cases and dan- Ierous criminals are thus allowed to go free. Capital punishment is an act of revenge on the part of the state. We must have a punishment that presents an opportunity for indi- vidual treatment and that is in accordance with modern crimino- logical methods. Can we not have the vision to see the possibilities of the more humane methods of treat- ment, the courage and the faith ,o progress towards these possibili- ties? Next Friday's meeting in the Na- tural Science auditorium should be of interest to students in general, and to those in particular who may have a vote on this issue April 6. Lit. '33. MUSC AND DRAAbout Books - -- -- - - -- -- -- iOUJS; PATY"-E:. M. elafield GEORGE POINAR Ihar'per and Brothers. A Review George Poinar is at once one of Wit without frothiness; si'ewd the most promising student musi- Wiratorzo without rtiesbitercS cians and the best student pro- characterization without bitternes gram-maker in my experience of and common sense without dull- School of Music recitals. And at ness characterize E. M. Delafield' least in my mind, the two judg- latest novel, "House Party." Ier ments are inter-related. His pro- most extraordilary characters seem grams show such courage in good perfectly plausible, although they taste that they should be recom- mended to Choral Union artists. never approach the ordi'nary. Pei- Last year and last night, for ex- haps after all, they are not extra- ample, he defied the rather too ordinary in themselves, but merely easy assumption that because the seem so against the varied back- violin is primarily a single-lined ground of Miss Delafield's imagina- cantabile instrument it should not tion, for Clarissa, the central figure, attempt countrapuntal composi- has a prototype in many women, tions by giving the prominent posi- and the Princess de Candi-Lac- tion in his programs to the Prelude quierriere is a combination of many and Gavotte from the Solo Sonata old ladies of fiction, although more in E Major and the Adagio and erratic and charming than most of Fugue from the Solo Sonata in G them. Minor. Last year, with delicate in- It is the women rather than the sistence on his point, he added the men who give added brilliance to Andante from Bach's Third Solo the highly colored intensity of the Sonata as an encore. Around this plot itself. The neurotic Alberta, Bach, he has played the Corelli La the pelidly uninteresting Aldegonde, Folia Variations and several un- the deceptively demure Sophie, and familiar eighteenth century com- the mournful ghost, Catiche, com- positions. Last year he led a per- pose an interesting gallery of por- formance of the Mozart Quartet in traits, which can hardly be equaled D Major. And then, there have by Reggie, the lazy egotist, Lucien been the Mendelssohn Concerto and the straightforward, or even the the Bruch Concerto in G Minor. excessively tractable Cliff e. It is in I list the numbers from his two these portrayals, rather than in the programs because that list is just conception of the plot that Miss as fundamental a reason for my Delafield's genius is shown. belief that Mr. Poinar is a very The house party is an occasion promising student violinist as alist arranged by the strong minded of the aspects of his technical effi- Clarissa to marry off her docile ciency. A violinist,.who so early in :step-daughter to the best catch of his career wants to prove his talent the London season. The old fash- in such fine contexts, has an es- ioned theory that love will find a sential integrity of taste which is way obstrudes itself here in a most sadly lacking in the 'major per- acceptable fashion, and Sophie and formers on the concert stage (Spal- Lucien, aided and abetted by al- ding substituted a Vieuxtemps Con- most everyone but Clarissa, find certo in Ann Arbor for the solo their problem settled in a neat and Bach he played in New York). precise English fashion, with no That Poinar is physically ade- ngljng maternal objections. quate to his intellectual pretensions "House Party" is not an outstand- his splendidly integrated perform- ing novel, and it will not go down ance of the G Minor Bach Fugue- in history as this generation's an- as imposing a composition as one wer to the current world problems. could wish-amply proved. It was nevertheless, it is as genuinely en- a splendid performance for a stu- tertaining and amusing as any book dent. of the season, and it rises above Poinar 's most striking quality, the drabness of some of Miss Del- which pervades all his performance, afield's earlier works. M. O'B- is his quite obvious desire to real- - - -------- ize all his strong rhythmic impulses ''' within metrical bounds. One of 1~cr Re ectins~ Mozart's letters to his father de-' cee c scribed this quality as "freedo - 4A - ° - - ---- -" within rigidity." Obviously, it is a classical virtue; and it gives PI IN BUISTER'S R OOM strength and compactness to all With Eddie Cantor, Buster Keat- his playing. Last night his concern on, and Charlotte Greenwood all on in realizing that virtue was so great'-n0e bill, the quality of comedy at that his intonation was careless the Michigan is certainly not and uncertain. But maturity (that strained. Said Mr. Cantor makes i mr lizfrtn i , i ilin ,xill hi;flirt appeac rance in some time 1. \.S: Hosier, e Repaj ~Hosiery 35c regardless 4 Glove stitching 20cI a Now Hosiery, $1.00-$1.95 Crass Kid Gloves Special 1.98 Laura Belle Shop 299 South State 5pecial! y and Glove ir Service of size of run per finger 11 1: 1"° .j1 *W* * WANT ADS PA Y! t , g °- ' + . .. ' '' r:, r.,,, ' -____ . 110 The --ulat AND no wonder! Kellogg's Rice Krispies actually snap and pop in milk or cream. That's how crisp these crunchy rice bubbles are. And what a tempting flavor! Toasted rice grains. Packed with taste! Great for any meal. Ask for Rice Krispies at your fraternity house or cam- pus restaurant. Enjoy with milk or cream. Delicious served with canned peaches. Try them as a quick lunch suggestion or for a' late snack. Nourishing and extra easy to digest. Kellogg's Rice Krispies are the only cereal so crisp it crackles in cream. The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clis and fraternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include ALL-BRAN, PEP Bran Flakes, Corn Flakes, Wheat Kruinbles, and Kello-sg NhOLE WHEAT Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffce - the coffee that lets you sleep. You'll enjoy KIellog Slumber Music, broadcast over WJz and associated * e"ing at 1O .3()E. S. T. Also KFI Los Angeles, KOMO Seattle at 10. cereal! RICE KRISPIES I C E RICE KUISPIESJ tations of the N. B. C. every Sunday 00, and KOA Denver at 10.30. J.' X BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. ~- INVESTMENT L S EC U R IT IES Orders executed on a ex- changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23271 ANNARBORTRUSTBLD. Iee nooR FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1931 Night Editor-CARL S. FORSYTHE RUSSIAN RECOGNITION Secretary Stimson's announced study of conditions in Russia has led many pro-communists and so- cialists to hope that Senator Borah's wish .to have the Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics recog- nized by the United States will be fulfilled in the near future. Mr. Stimson, however, himself put the 'damper on these premature pro- phets in a second statement in which he stated that the survey was for commercial purposes only, and that recognition was not forth- coming, or even under consider- ation. The policy' of the United States on the matter of recognition has been to recognize a new state or government that is fairly estab- lished and is able to assume the duties it owes to other countries, regardless of how that government has acceded to the control of the nation. This cardinal principle has been the basis of all decisions of the state department since the French Republic was recognized in. the 18th century. The necessity of! dealing with some government has led the United States to accept the one which appears to be perman- ently established .as the true one, whether it gained control by vio- lence or constitutional methods. Under these circumstances, many Americans find it hard to under- stand why we have not yet recog- hized Russia. The reason lies in the qualifying clause, "the ability and willingness to assume its inter- national obligations." Under inter- national law, a new government succeeds to most of the debts, treaties and other obligations which have been assumed by previous governments. If this were not so, the United States could repudiate its debts every time a new presi- dent came into office; but this method would only insure them of getting no more loans. This, then ds the predicament in which Russia ifinds itself. Instead of assuming the obligations contracted by the Ker- ensky government, which were largely in loans floated by American citizens, or even promising their payment in the future after the s is, more isuenin Gons violn) wilt A va 6Ac correct intoation. The other quali-. in a good talking ty is rare and valuable. Specific short titled "In- faults that seemed to suggest them- surance" wherein selves were a rather too rapid tem- Eddie, the exam- po ip the Bach Adagio and a too - ining doctor, and thick tone-quality in the Schubert a well-built sten- Rondo. W. J. G. ographer provoke " CAME THE DAWN" laughter. Here's1 A Preview by Jean Levy. hoping more of The annual Junior Girls' Play, in these appear in spite of the "play," is not drama. place of some of It is musical comedy, which this t h e inexcusably year goes under the name of "Came rank t w o - r e e 1 the Dawn!", and like all produc- EDD!E CANTQRP atrocities s e e n, tions of its kind, is really a series around here lately. of specialty numbers tied together To delve into the feature, one by a plot. finds the somber Mr. Keaton aided Both the quantity and quality of and abetled by what is probably these specialities depend upon the the best supporting cast and one of talent available for the play. If one he most comical plots with which can draw conclusions from a state.- he has even been favored. Need- ment made by Amy Loomis, direc- less to say, the result is always tor of the play, to the effect that funny and often borders on the the amount of talent this year is hilarious. In fact, someone should almost embarrassing in its abund- certainly develop a device by which ance, the entertainment should be the film could be stopped until the as good, if not better, than that audience regains its composure and of previous years. silence. Many a good line is lost in One of the highlights in the the laughter which accompanies group of specialties this year is a "Parlor, Bedroom, and Bath." chorus picked for the singing abil- Charlotte Greenwood, tall and ity of its members. Several musi- funny as ever, is outstanding in cal numbers will be presented by support of Buster, accompanied by this group. Although there are to Reginald Denny, Cliff Edwards, and be more choruses of men in this Sally Eilers. Slapstick is abundant, year's production than there have but it's all sensibly and competently been in recent years there will also handled. High B+! for this comedy. be the usual number of girl chor- OTHERWISE uses, which will dance and sing. Lois Moran, who has temporarily As far as the cast parts of the deserted the screen for the stage, play are concerned, character is be- is to be seen at ing especially stressed, particularly the Majestic to- that of Professor Horace Holcomb, day in "The Danc- (Catherine Robinson), M a m i e, ers" with Walter (Helen Dooley), and Cecil Sappe, B y r o n, Phillips (Esther La Rowe). In the straight Holmes, and Mae collegiate parts, the more subtle Clarke. Tomorrow characteristics of the people being brings on "East portrayed will be emphasized. Lynne" and Ann "Came the Dawn!" is making a Harding. Mean- specialty of the different types of while the Wuerth students to be found on a college displays the great campus. The graduate student, the Victor McLaglen the professor's assistants, and even as "A Devil With