ESTABLISHED 1890 G f Air Ap Itr t an Aw - V 4 vi 460 atl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 114 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS STATE SCIENTISTS TO CONVENE HERE MA-RCH 26, 27, 28 Professor Conklin of Princeton Will Make First Talk of Meeting. NEW SESSIONS ADDED MICHIGAN EXECUTIVE CLEARS DESK FOR WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON TEAS Contacts With Students Recall has never fallen below 60 since the Days of Dr. Jngel's year, and at one of the teas nearly Hospitlity.100 came to pay their respects to Hospitality. Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven. The teas, It desnt mtte ifhe' inNewaccording to Miss Ethel McCormick, It doesn't matter if he's in New social director at the office of the York on Sunday, Monday, and dean of women, are breaking down Tuesday, or if he leaves for Chi- whatever natural barriers ever ex- . cago Wednesday night, regardless isted between the dignified' Presi- of what else is on his program, Dr. dent of the University of Michigan Alexander Grant Ruthven is at and the humble underclassman. It home between 4 and 6 o'clock on isn't that students meet Dr. Ruth- the first two Wednesday afternoons ven, but that they are actually get- in everymonth.-1ting acquainted with him, Miss Mc- It's not a Regents' meeting he Cormick said. They come again has to attend, it isn't an argument and again, they talk over their with the state legislature on appro- problems, discuss the campus enig- priations, nor is it an important mas with the executive himself. alumni conference. They can all Shades of President Angell! Hos- go hang because there's a student pitality long forgotten at Michigan tea scheduled and nothing is more is coming back! If you don't be- - - - University Faculty Members Will be Active in Sessions. The 36th annual convention of the Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters will take place next Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, it was announced yesterday by Prof. L. H. Young, of the forestry school, secretary of. the Academy. Two general sessions have been planned to supplement the regular section meetings. At the first one, Prof. Edwin G. Conklin, of the Princeton University biology de- partment, will talk on "Fitness, the Greatest _ Problem of Biology'" at 4:15 o'clock Thursday in the Na- tural Science department. Professor Waterman To Speak. Prof. Leroy Waterman, of thel semetics department, leader of the Toledo Museum of Arts-University of Michigan archeological expedi- tion, will describe some of the ac-1 tivities of the group at the second general session. The topic of his address will be "The Fourth Sea.- son at Seleucia on the Tigris," and' it will be delivered at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. At the luncheon for members of the history and political science section, Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political science department, will speak on "The Political Situa- tion in Germany." 13 Separate Sections Planned. In addition to the general sec- tions, there have been planned 13 separate sections, which will be: anthropology, b o t a n y, economics and sociology, forestry, fine arts, geography, geology and minerology, history and political science, langu- age and literature, mathematics, psychology, sanitary and medical science, and zoology. Seven of these sections will be headed by Univer- sity faculty members. At these meetings 226 various lectures will be given, which will all be open to the public. The annual meeting of the Academy, which will be held at 3 o'clock Saturday, will be open to members only. At 12:30 o'clock on Friday, at the luncheon of the economics-socio- logy section, Prof. Jesse E. Pope will speak on "The American Agri- cultural Situation and Outlook." At 7:30 o'clock that same day, the annual banquet will be held, which will be open to all guests of the Academy, and at which Dr. Eugene -McCartney, of the graduate school, will deliver the presidential ad-1 dress, titled "Folklore Heirlooms." An exhibit of supplies for biologi- cal laboratories and classrooms will be held in room 2111 of the Natural Science building. Stae Dulletins (By Associated Press) Wednesday, March 11, 1931 important to Michigan's executive. Student teas began last year with the installation of Dr. Ruthven as Dr. Little's successor. The attend- ance wasn't very good at first, be- cause the c a m p u s in general thought it was just a gesture on the President's part to appear to be nice to the undergraduate body. But at the beginning of this last semester things began to improve, and the feeling of honest hospital- ity, the genuine reception which was accorded every student who knocked sheepishly on the front door, the very warmth of the front room itself finally dispersed all doubts that the teas weren't just a social gesture by the new Presi- dent and his wife. Yesterday's attendance of 75 was an average gathering. The number GAIGE EXPEDITION MAKES RARE FINDS University Party Makes Unusual Progress in Researches in Guatemala. Unusual discoveries mark the first month's research in Central America by the University expedi-I tion into Guatemala, :according to letters received from members of the party by Frederick M. Gaige, director of the University museum of zoology, under whose supervision the trip is being conducted. The party is composed of Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, who is collect- ing birds, Dr. Adolph Murie, who is directing the search for mammals, and Harley H. Bartlett, who is gathering plants. lieve it, go over to 815 Ave. s o m e Wednesday and find out. University afternoonI i i NAME GEOCRAPHER FOR CHICAGO TALK Prof. Robert Hall Will Describe Cradle of Japanese Civilization. Prof. Robert B. Hall, of the geography department, has been selected to present this year's lec- ture before the Chicago Geogra- phical Society. His topic will be "A Morphological Study of the Yamato Basin." Professor- Hall describes this Basin as "the cradle of Japanesel Civilization which, because of its dense population, has been altered as much as any place in the world." His studies in that country in 1929 and 1930 revealed to him some of the oldest wooden buildings in the world-a few well preserved for over a thousand years. "The system of dividing land in the Yamato Basin was copied after a Utopian system which was de- veloped in China," he said, "but1 never actually applied there. The land is marked off into squares and numbered much as our present range and township divisions are. It is in compartively recent times that the people have been allowed to break down these custom-aged barriers and seek residence where- ever they chose. A record of all significant events of Japan have left an impress on the landscape of Yamato," he concluded. The Geographical Society's an- nual spring lecture, usually pre-I BRITI SH PUBLISH THI-POWER NAVAL COMPACT TERMS. Agreement Limits Building of Cruisers, Submarines, and Battleships. HAS NOT BEEN SIGNED Powers Wish to Incorporate Compact Into London Naval Treaty. (By Associated Press) LONDON, Mar. 11.-Limitation ofI French and Italian naval programs until 1936 is definitely laid down in the terms of the British-Franco- Italian naval accord made public today. But even more important than its technical provisions, in the opin- ion of the three governments con- cerned, the agreement brings Euro- pean peace measureably closer and provides a point of departure for the disarmament conference at Geneva next year. Covers Building Program. The accord covers building pro- grams for battleships, cruisers, air- craft carriers and submarines in substance as follows: Battleships - Both France and Italy are given the right to com- plete before Dec., 1936, two capital ships whose displacement shall not exceed 23,333 tons and whose gun calibre shall not exceed 12 inches. Cruisers-Both nations agree that after completion of the 1930 class they will build no more big cruisers with armament larger than six inch guns. Aircraft carriers -Each nation may build 34,000 tons in this cate- gory. No More Submarines. Submarines-Both countries agree! not to include any submarines in the 1931 program and not to lay down any furtheir submarine ton- nage before 1933. The essence of the agreement is maintenance o f the status quo in 1 tonnage r a t i o s, * France retaining an estimated su- periority of 150,- 000 tons. g / The terms were made public here CORRECTED DEATH Bill WIL BE PUT Technical Error in First Bill Is Eliminated From Measure. PLAN ELECTRIC CHAIR State Attorney General Gives Approval of Legislature's Procedure. (y Associated Press) LANSING, Mar. 11-Barring court I intervention, capital punishment appeared today to havetbeen rein- stated as an issue in the April 6 election. The proposal to install the elec- tric chair in Michigan suffered a sudden sinking spell when it was discovered that a bill signed by Governor Brucker, March 4, sub- mittingthe measure to the voters, was defective. Today, however, the error was hastily corrected in a manner which the attorney general held was legal. A new enrolled act was printed and signed by the ex- ecutive. It contained the phraseol- ogy actually adopted by the legis- lature, namely that sheriffs shall escort convicted murderers to Jack- son prison. The bill formally ap- proved by the governor, through a clerical error, bestowed this duty upon the state police. Measure Goes to Fitzgerald. The new measure, after the gov- ernor fixed his signature, was trans- mitted to Frank D. Fitzgerald, sec- retary of state. Although Fitzger- ald approached the matter warily, demanding to be shown by what authority he may withdraw one en- rolled measure and substitute an- other, Paul W. Voorhees, attorney general, supplied him with an opin- ion holding that the proper course to pursue is to certify the new act to the county clerks. Fitzgerald said he would study the opinion until tomorrow, when if he is satis- fied he will certify the new act. Ten-Day Period Did Not Expire. The attorney general held, the copy of the capital punishment bill signed by Governor Brucker was not the bill passed by the legisla- ture. Inasmuch as the ten-day period in which the executive must approve or veto bills has not ex- pired, Brucker was privileged to approve the new enrolled act. There is no constitutional limitation as to the time when the secretary of state shall certify questions to county clerks to be placed on the ballots. There is, however, a statu- tory requirement that such issues be certified 30 days prior to the election. This requirement is direc- tory, and not mandatory. Varsity Debaters Meet South Dakota Team Here Tonight Michigan's Varsity affirmative de- bating team meets the University of South Dakota squad, which is engaged in a tour of Middle West universities and colleges, in a no- decision contest at 8 o'clock tonight in Laboratory theater. The question for debate, the Western conference subject for the second semester, is: "Resolved that all colleges and universities should abolish the distinctions between amateurism and professionalism in sports to which admission fees are charged." The visitors include Otto Gruhn, Ralph Rice, and Kenneth Waddell, and are coached by Dallas C. Dick- ey. Michigan will be represented by a team to be picked from HowardR Simon, '32L, Leonard Kimball, '33,1 Franklin Comins, '31, John Lederle, I'33, and Wilbert Hindman, '33. assoctiat'resIPhoto I I Philip Snowden. British chancellor of the ex- chequer, who is ill with influenza, probably will be confined to his London home for several weeks. BRITISH OPEN WAR Four Submarines Sent to Help Two Now Operating Against Coastal Sea-Rovers. J (By Associatd Press) HONGKONG, Mar. 11.-The Bri- tish navy has started open sub- marine warfare against roving Chinese pirates who prey on for- eign and Chinese ships in the Bias Bay area. Four new submarines have been sent from Britain to reinforce the two now operating against the sea rovers off the south China coast, the last stronghold of the pirates. The new submarines are the "P" class, the latest thing in under- water fighting ships. The Poseidon and the Perseus, two units of the new flotilla, are expected in Hongkong this-month. Their sister ships, the Pandora and the Proteus, are undergoing repairs after a collision in Gibraltar Bay and will arrive later. For years the daring pirates of the Bias Bay region have had their own way with merchant vessels. Often boarding them in open sea,' they head. them toward the bay, where the plunder is taken off to the mountain home of the pirates.' Wealthy passengers are often held for ransom. Most of marauders are former soldiers and fishermen lured by thef prospect of easy wealth.. In one instance the ruffians were headed by a well-dressed and bob-haired young woman who brandished a gun in each hand as her comrades ransacked a Japanese steamer. Generally the pirates board the vessel as passengers and reveal themselves only after the ship has passed into open sea. They usually carry out their plans without much interference unless there are armed guards on board. Constant patrol along the Bias Bay coast is maintained by des- troyer squadrons and submarines, but the latter have been found more effective. Ethylene Discoverer to Speak Here Friday Dr. A. B. Luckhart, professor of physiology in the University of l Chicago, who is known for his dis- covery of ethylene anaesthesia, will speak at 8 o'clock Friday night in Natural Science auditorium, under the auspices of Alpha Omega Al- pha, honorary medical society, it was announced yesterday by J. D. Lodeesen-Grevinck, '31M, vice pres- ident of the organization. SNOWDEN SUFFERS1 FROM" INFLUENZA ;r:f: z::"::::. NORRIS10INITIATES INSURGENT ATTACK ON POWER TRUSTS Independents of Both Parties Gather to Flay Present Leadership. TEN SENATORS CONVENE Leader Says Depression Caused by Small Capitalistic Groupings. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 11.-Dis- satisfaction with positions taken by both the Republican and Demo- cratic party leadership s p ra ng forth in speech-making today at the opening of the conference call- ed by independents in both camps. Called for formulation of a legis- lative program, the get-together session heard Senator Norris ad- vance the power problem as the dominant issue. The Nebraska Re- publican said the "power trust" is aiming to control both the national conventions and presidential candi- dates next year. Borah Discusses Agriculture. The thundering Republican from Idaho, Borah, invited to lead a dis- cussion on agriculture, termed the recent speech of Chairman Raskob to the Democratic national com- mittee a plea for protection of the wealthy. He blamed the "accentu- ation" of economic depression in this country on the "inflation and speculation inaugurated by coterie of capitalists." IhCalling the meeting to order at Sthe Carleton hotel, Norris reiterat- ed organization of a third party was not contemplated. He shunted aside at the outset the questions as to legislative policy propounded to the conference by Senator Wat- son, the Republican floor leader. "We can't waste our time with men as far behind the march of civilization as he is," said the Ne- braskan. Senator Cotsigan, Colorado Dem- ocrat, who led the tariff discussion, advocated immediate downward re- vision of the duties, particularly those on manufactured products. Defends Debenture' Plan. Borah proposed the export de- benture principle of farm relief as one remedy to aid agriculture and defended it vigorously. "There is no difference," in prin- ciple between the protective tariff system on manufactured goods and the debenture system for farm pro- ducts, he said. About 175 were enrolled as "mem- bers registering for conference." This group included 10 senators and 15 members of the house of both parties, in addition to the five sponsoring the meeting. HOOVEROA MBIDS TKE BY WILBUR 3 1 1 j I: l ,+ DETROIT-Gregory H. Frederick, acting district attorney for the eastern Michigan district of the federal court, announced that three new assistant district attorneys had been appointed. T h e appointees are: Trent McMath, Vincent Mc- Auliffe, and Julian G. McIntosh, formerly of Owosso. The appoint- ment of a fourth assistant, Louis M. Hopping, has not yet been con- firmed. DEXTER-George H. Winslow, 80, died at his home here Tuesday. Mr. Winslow, who was a member of the University of M i c h i g a n baseball team in the early day of 1870 or 1871, died on the 80th anniversary of his birth. He was born near Ann Arbor.j KALAMAZOO-Frank B. Orcutt, assistant postmaster here, t o d a y started his 51st year in the service of the postal department. For 41 years he has held his present posi- tion. - The first shipment of finds ar- 'sented some time in April, is in the form of a memorandum to rived in Ann Arbor Saturday, and awarded as a recognition of un- Parliament by Arthur Henderson, contained 58 species of bird skins. usual accomplishment and scholar- the foreign secretary, and A. V. Specimens of mammals are also in ship. Alexander, First Lord of the Ad- transit, according to a report re- miralty, who achieved the agree- ceived from Dr. Murie. Seech Dt t ment in conferences with repre- Dr. Van Tyne and Dr. Murie did D p m sentatives of France and Italy. their first research in the lowlands A Student When the accord is formally around Belize, having been delayed nnouncesSudsWgn tha c yor ihr hll on their trip to their original desti- signed, a ceremony for which the nation, Uaxactun, because of im- Oratorical Contest date has not yet been set, the of passable trails, the letters say, while cial text will be made public and Bartlett made a trip south to the The program for the 1931 North- becomeavailablefntconference. Manatee river country to collect ern Oratorical league contest, which eNegotiationsare proceeding among plants. is open to all undergrad'uates of the the interested powers, including the Following their stay in the vicin- University, was announced yester- United States and Japan, as to the ity of Belize, the Michigan party day by Prof. James M. O'Neill, of best method of associating the made a three-day boat trip to El the speech department, who is in agreement formally with the Lon- Cayo, from where they adventured charge of the Michigan prepara- don naval treaty signed last spring. south by mule train to the pine tions. ridge area in the British Honduras, Original oration of not more a region almost unknown to the than 1,800 words may be submit- M collector. ted, and the choice will be madeH Possessing many specimens of here during the first week in April. unknown fauna and flora, the pine The local winner will go to the Uni- ridge area has been penetrated on- versity of Wisconsin to compete DISCUSSES RAIDS ly twice by explorers. Attamng a with the successful orators from maximum elevation of 2,500 feet in the other five universities in the H their search for plant and animal league, on May 8. Hopkins Says Liquor Offcers life, the party worked in the Hon- Through the bequest of Frank Should Treat Fraternities, duras until yesterday, when they O. Lowden prizes of $100 and $50 Clubs Alike. were expected to resume their jour- are awarded to the winners. Each ney toward Uaxactun. year the final contest is held at one (By Associated Press)I of the member universities, each CHICAGO, Mar. 11. - PresidentI Chairman Names Floor one being host in turn. Ernest Martin Hopkins of Dart- Committee for Frolic The league includes the Univer- mouth college, here to attend an sity of Michigan, Northwestern uni- alumni meeting, said fraternity Appointments to the floor cam- versity, the University of Wisconsin, houses and country clubs should be Amitteenof tme nnualFoshe Foicm.Werste Uneseversiverfsiysintreated exactly alike by prohibition mittee of the annual Frosh Frolic, Western Reserve university, t h e agents. which will be held from 9 until 2!University of Iowa, and the Univer- "There seems to be a great dis- o'clock Friday in the ballroom of sity of Minnesota. cussion about the raiding of college the Union, were made yesterday by! Last year's representative in the fraternity houses," said President Warren Kahn, chairman of the intercollegiate finals from the Uni- Hopkins. "I don't want to be put committee. versity was Nathan Levy, '31, who on the position of condemning these Those who will assist him are defeated three other orators for the raids or upholding them. But they Maxwell Gail, Murray J. Vale, Rob- honor of representing Michigan. He should not raid college fraternities ert J. Feldman, Jack Bither, Irving spoke on the subject "A Tradition unless they are going to raid coun- Pearlstone, H e r b e r t Greenstone, in Traditionless America." try clubs and other clubs on the Herbert Schmidt, Bertram Silver- outside. The two stand in exactly man, and Lawson E. Becker. Brainard Will Discuss the same position, and I notice Tickets may still be obtained at B whenever I enter a club that a man special booths in University and Work at Club Meeting who really wants a drink can in- Angell halls, and also at Slater's, variably get it. the Parrot, and the Union. Paul Brainard, teaching assistant "I don't think college men are i .; '1 i r ! California Company Receives Contract] for Boulder Canyon Work. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Mar. 11.-Secre tary Wilbur today accepted the $48,890,995 bid of the Six Compan- ies, Inc., of San Francisco, for build- ing the Hoover dam, power house and appurtenant works at the Boulder Canyon project. Recognition of the company's offer as the low bid was tanta- mount to awarding the contract and cleared the way for starting con- struction on one of the greatest peace time engineering feats ever attempted. Estimated cost of the dam, power system and appurtenances such as the intake towers, spillways and diversion tunnels, total $109,000,- 000, but approximately half of this will be supplied by the government in materials. The company will be notified im- mediately that its bid was accepted and instructed to start work when ready. A contract will be delayed several days as it must be accepted by the company, a surety bond of $5,000,000 posted and approved by Secretary Wilbur. The specifications require that work be started wxithin, 30 days after the builder is given notice to proceed, and the dam must be com- C 3 3 T 7 1 CARELESS USE OF BURGLAR ALARM MAKES IT HAZARDOUS FOR POLICE Supposedly Beneficial Device! Has Brought Chagrin to Officers Here. Once considered the latest de- velopment in the apprehension of bank robbers, the police still-alarm has come through its own efficiency to be a distinct hazard to the de- partment's utilization, according to "There is nothing more embar- rassing," he said, "than to walk into a bank with a drawn revolver, when everything is quiet. This has happened so often that it seems almost certain that some day we will walk unprepared into a burst of fire from robbers' guns." He went on to cite a case in which that had happened to a squad of Detroit police.