WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1931 ° MICHIGAN 1Ri . ar x .. ~H MICHIGA D + sst team Minnesota has had sice 1919. A good shot who ami,.ed96points, he also was a goo LaI handler, strong de- fenively and g:od leader. Daniels maintained Michigan's mark of seldom going without a first team player and was the Wol- verine's high scorer, with 93 points. He was the keyman in Michigan's offense and his shooting was con-! sistently effective. He succeeded a great center in Bob Chapman, 1930 Wolverine leader, but shaped up well by comparision. He is a junior and will captain t h e Wolverines next year. Fesler, playing h i Tst season, Yeceivect six first team votes but was not mention- ed by the other coaches. W o o d- en's margin over Marshall of IF Northwestern, Al- tenhof of Michi- the second year in suc and the fifth time sincet cuit, as now constituted, ganized in 1911, Colum captured the eastern ii legiate basketball league Columbia clinched th title last night by w Dartmouth. vms or - Theta Chi successfully defended bia hasits water-polo championship by tereol- out - swimming and out - scoring crown. Alpha Kappa Lambda, 2 to 1. As a ip p931 Iesult of this win Theta Chi drew 'hipping up closer to the league leading Alpha Kappa Lambda in the all- year point standing for fraterni- hoe ccession the cir- Edward R. Slaughter, Former University of Michigan all-American guard, who has just been named line coach at the Uni- versity of Virginia. Slaughter has been line coach at North Carolina State for the past four seasons. TO TAKEPENNHT FOR MATTOUFINJE Parker and Bennett Still FightI for Position in 155 Pound Division. (Continued frcm Page 6) the fireworks in this class with the luck of the draw slated to play a deciding factor. On paper form, Sigwart is conceded a slight edge despite the fact that he bowed to Aldrich in a dual meet earlier iii the year. Otto of Michigan and Dooley of Illinois are far and away the class of the field in the 126-pound divi- sion, with neither one having any aparent advantage on the dope sheet. I 'i , r epp nents by scoring early in the j ;EI AY CARNIVAL rst quarter. From this goal on the going was fast and the chain- More than fifty teams are ex- pionship was not certain until the pected to compete in the Relay final whistle. In the third quarter Carnival at the Field House tomor- both teams scored. row night. Fraternities, classes, The fourth quarter was the stiff- rooming houses, and societies are est period of the fray with both represented in the entries. teams fighting; Alpha K a p p . This is the largest entry list that Lambda to score, and Theta Chi to the relay carnival has ever gather- keep them from tying. ed. Phi Kappa Psi will be the de- fending champion and have an HOCKEY excellent chance to win again. Their team is well balanced and In the closest game of the inter- contains many of the 1930 chain- fraternity hockey season, Theta pionship squad. Kappa Nu won the right to enter Each team made up of four the play-off series by defeating the runners who will scamper around Rangers, 3 to 2. Three overtime the 2 ha trac ce apiecd periods were needed to settle the The 220-yard track once apiece. disute Seera weks go he ameThe winners of the class and inde- dispute. Several weeks ago the same pendent teams will be decided on teams played to a 2-2 score in four the time they turn in for total run. overtime periods. . The four teams turning the best At the end of the regulation time te uneagaing ther times will run against each other the score was 1-1. Neither team during the Cornell-Michigan meet scored in the first tworovertime on March 21. periods. As the third extra session started Fontana of the Rangers CLASS HANDBALL hooked the puck past goalie Car-CB penter to forge into the lead. Theta The first round of the inter-class Kappa Nu came back to win as handball league opened with the Chapman and Port tallied during Frosh Medics (Griedward) defeat- the last minute of play. ing the Senior Dents (Collins). Both teams played an excellent Phelps led the Junior Laws to a brand of hockey and kept the play victory over the Frosh Dents (Gay- going at top speed throughout the lor). In the third match, the Senior game. Chapman, Emerson, and Engineers (Bowman), defeated the Port scored for the victors and Business Ads (Walker). - - --- -l 'Theta Chi got the jump on their Gabby Street's Team Will Have 'gan and Fish of Chicago, was slim. Strong Opposition in Fesier was as much forward as 1931 Fla Raguard and led his team in scoring Flag ace. with 64 points. Wooden, the sen- sation of the 1930 season, had not (Continued from Page 6) quite as much help as a year ago, tomley, regular guardian of the and failed to play as brilliantly. first base cushion for the past sev- However, his dribbling was the best in the league, and his shooting, eral seasons, for the first time in which gave him 86 points, won him several years has some real com- favor again. He is a junior. petition for the job. Bottomley's The second team selections were: Belshaw Given Edge. Captain Belshaw of Indiana is conceded a slight edge over the field in the 135-pound class al- though both Chicago and Michi-I garn have entries who are capablej of upsetting the dope bucket. The Michigan entry, Woodard, finished third in the race last year, but has j never been able to take Belshaw's measure and for this reason he canI miserable showing towards the lat- Inarles Harper, Illinois, an RielNorthwestern, frwarc ter part of 1930 and in the World McCarnes, Northwestern, Series has resulted in the purchase and Ray Altenhof, Michiga of a slugger, Collins. from the Frank M a r sh a 11, North Cards' Rochester farm. Collins can guards. paste the ball high, wide, and hand- some, and may even win the regu- SIZE OF DIAM'O ar position away from "Sunny S IUrA C Frankie Frisch is a cinch for the,.® keystone sack post, while Charley Norm Daniels Is Only R Gelbert and Sparkie Adams are just Who Has Not Report is sure of being stationed at short and third when the season opens. (Continued from PageE Andy High has been given his curves. His imperfections atr walking papers, but a newcomer, are of minor importance and Meyers, and Holm will help the in- be easil removed in the co ield problem. much practice. Gus Mancuso, Jimmy Wilson, and An addition to the siugg Gonzales will take care of the the Wolverine roster may be rnrl Rnrt t teams makes it more than likely catching burden. Mancuso is ra-i oped in -astman, who has re that the Wolverines will be hard pidly improving since his debut in heavier this season and ha pressed to take points in some the majors and now has reached finding the apple quite oft events which they have been count- the stage where he is a really cap- quite heavily in the batting ing on all season. able receiver. Wilson is a familiar Such an addition is alway Illinois, Northwestern, and Iowa figure in the National League, and come to the fans who like t are the teams that may give the fcan be counted upon to steady the! game full of hits anytime it Wolverine hopes a severe jolt if Cardinals' rookie fingers. erence to a pitchers' battle, their men come through in their best form. li=- Liut 4,LUt U is; Bob be given little better than an out- center, side chance to cop. in, and Competition in the 145-pound vestern class is expected to furnish more thrills than any other on the sched- ule. Every school in the Big Teni 'has been blessed with a capable VD grappler in this division and if any LSES candidate is given an edge on paper it is at best a rank guess. However, on the basis of early per- egular formances, Hall of Ohio State andI ed. Captain Garrigan of Northwestern are generally regarded as the out-I 6) standing performers. present Dyer of Chicago, whether he com-I should petes in the 145 or 155-pound class, urse of will enter the meet as a prime fav- orite to cop first honors. Champion, ers on in the 145 last year, he has had devel- some difficulty in making the re- turned quired weight and will probably be s been entered in the heavier division. en and Ross of Indiana and Poyner of' cages. Iowa are capable performers, how- 's wel- ever, having emerged victorious in o see a al of their dual meet battles thus n pref- far, and may furnish some excit- ing competition. BAVTAVE ~'7 H. HIRATA vs. K. ANDO Flyweight JACK YUEN vs. PETE MORGAN Bantam PAT McBRIDE vs. DAVE GALLUP Featherw'ght JOE WOODARD vs. DAVE GOLDEN Lightw'gt HAROLD KNAPP vs. A. KALONIC Welterw'gt GUS TROMETER vs. RALPH SHAHEEN Midl'w HARVEY BAUSS vs. JACK STAR WAS Lgt. H'y BILL HEWITT vs. BOB MORGAN Heavyw'ght I MAIN GYM Admission 50 cents ,, FA J Howie Morenz Leads Pro Hockey Scorers (By Associated Press) MONTREAL, Que., March 10. - Howie Morenz, Montreal Cana- diens center, apparently has built up a lead that will win for him the individual scoring crown of the National Hockey league. Morenz has six more points than Goodfellow, of Detroit. CLEVELAND-The Cleveland In- dians will leave their New Orleans training camp next year to train on the Pacific Coast, probably at either San Diego or Pasadena. , \ i-, _ ____.. . _ I .Schann jt Punter :ei -EC: tlKi 3 !f lilt 77v / .. _ F ty <<,; * 9' ' r f r ' yf - You will get more out of your University ca- reer if you are able to type your i own not,-s, themes and theses. Your er if you take them in shorthand. Hundreds of Michigan students have learned typewritir.g and shorthand at Hamilton' Business College. Many have used it to earn money on the side or during vacation. 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