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March 11, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-11

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National Committee to Acquaint
Country With Achievements
of Hoover Regime.


Agriculture Advisory Council
Attacked by Democrats,
G.O.P. Independents.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, M a r c h 9.-The
machinery of the Republican na-
tiona1 committee will soon be
thrown into high gear in an effort
to acquaint the country with the
work of the Hoover administration.
Plans looking toward 1932 were
outlined today by
Chairman F e s s,
after a call at the
White House. He
said, however, he
would not go over
the program with
President Hoover
until later.
A little la t e r,
J a m e s Francis
Burke, general
counsel of t h e
-committee, issued
a statement say-
IMEOQNFES' ing it would not
meet soon because
the country "is suffering of an
overdose of politics."-




Indicates More Development Is separate service of nation-wide
Needed Before Receivers broadcasting.
Are Put on Sale "It is felt that in the practical
*P sense of the term, television must
(Ps Associated Press) develop to the stage where broad-
NEW YORK, Mar. 10.-Television casting stations will be able to
NEW ORKMar.10.-elevsionbroadcftst regularly visual objects
has been "brought definitely, nearer in the studio, or scenes occurring
commercial application," but no at- at other places through remote con-
tempt will be made to market radio trol where reception devices shall
receiving equipment this year, the be developed that will make these
Radio Corporation of America scat- objects and scenes clearly discern-
ei its annual report today."- ible in millions of homes; where
The report said "further research such devices can be built upon a
and development must precede the puc iesanlei teupota
manufacture and sale to the public pingadiscswileliminate roary
>f television sets. scnning iscdh-

"Television has been brought
nearer toncrmnprcl-'id ICvUlonmf211

by the research and technical prog-
ress made by your corporation dur-
ing 1930," the report stated. "While
television during the past two yeas
has been repeatedly demonstrated
by wire and wireless on a labora-
tory basis, it has remained the con-
viction of your corporation that
further research and development
must precede the manufacture and
sale of television sets on a com-
mercial basis.
"In order that the American pub-
lic might not be misled by purely
experimental equipment and that
a service comparable to sound
broadcasting should be available in
support of the new art, your corpor-
ation has devoted its efforts to in-
tensive research into those prob-
lems, to the preparation of plant
facilities and to the planning of
studio arrangements whereby sight
transmission could be installed as a

Democrats Attack Lucas.
Meanwhile, Democrats and inde-
pendent Republicans assailed the
announcement last night by Robert
H. Lucas, executive director of the
Republican na tiona1 committee,
that, an advisory council for agri-
culture had been formed to tell
the farmera bwht; the administra-
thin: had done for them.
Se.nar Fess said the commkittee's
plan called for more intensive pub-
lictythe organization of sub-com-
niltte, and the speeding up of,
state'Republican organizations.
Burke Criticizes Politics.
Burke said too much politics was
one of the worst maladies that can
inflict a nation, particularly when
it is struggling to recover from
economic disorder.
He added the national committee
would not attempt to "usurp the
functions of the national conven-
tion in shaping political policies,"
and praised. President Hoover for
his efforts to advance business re-
Stat Duietins
(By As.. dated Pro~s)
Tuesday, March 10, 1931
BAY CITY-J o h n Lenard and
Francis Comtois, narrowly escaped
death this morning when a truck
belonging to Lenard in which they
were riding slipped from the pier
at Wenonah park and plunged into
15 feet of water. The men were
working for the city hauling snow'
and had just dumped a load into
tho Saginaw river.
DETROIT-One half of the fed-
eral prohibition force here today
began a two weeks course of in-
struction in the fine points of crim-
inal investigation as it pertains to
the prohibition law, under the tu-
telage of two Washingtor instruc- 1
tors. At the end of the two weeks,
the instructors will move on to an-
other city, returning here in about
two months to offer the same in-
struction to the other half of the
NORTHVILLE-Harry S. German
was president of this Wayne coun-l
ty village today as a result of the1
election held yesterday.' German,i
who resigned from the presidencyt
of Northville Jan, 26, after charges c
of misconduct in office werel
brought against him, was re-elect-1
ed by a vote of 531 to 421 forl
Charles J. Dolph, his opponent.
GRAND HAVEN-Grand Trunk1
offices here announced today that
car ferry service was continuing on#
schedule. The storm that has lash-
ed Lake Michigan for the last two .
days has abated.

J. P. Cotton, Undersecretary of
State, Succumbs at Johns.
Hopkins Hospital.
{ - --. soci r ess)
BALTIMORE, Mar. 10. - Joseph
PotterCott fi, who as under-secre-
tary of state for nearly two years,
gained a reputation for frank and
direct diplomatic methods, died
late today at John Hopkins hos-
pital, where he had undergone two
major operations in the last six
Death came at 5:10 o'clock, afteri
the administration of 'oxygen had
failed to prolong his life. At his1
bedside were his wife and daughter,
Isabel, and his New York law part-
ner, Georges Franklin.
Earlier in the day, Dr. Joey T.
Boone, the White House physician,
was a caller, and last night Secre-
tary of State Henry L. Stimson, in-
formed that his colleague was
dying, visited him.
Mr. Cotton was 55 years old. He,
underwent an operation for spinall
infection on Jan. 21 and on Feb. 165
his right eye was removed.
The under-secretary' bore the
chief burden of the state depart-'
ment's work during the absence of2
Secretary Stimson at the London
naval conference and his health
failed last summer. In the fall he
took a two months leave of absence,
and had his tonsils removed, but
this failed to restore him and he{
became a patient of Dr. Walter E.
Dandy, the brain specialist, at
John Hopkins, early this year. .
Capt. Ira Eaker Damages Plane
as Trans-continental
Flight Is Halted.
(14y Associ cd /'ress)
TOLU, Ky., March 10.-Captain1
Ira Eaker, noted Army flier, was1
forced down and damaged his plane1
near here today on a trans-contin-l
ental flight. He escaped with min-
or scratches, and after discoveringi
he could not continue the flight,
hurriedly set out for Cave-in Rock,
Ill., to spend the night.1
Captain Eaker landed near the
farm of Jack Thomas from where
he telephoned a telegram to be
sent to Long Island, N. Y., his des-
tination on the flight that started
from Long Beach, Cal., early today.1
At the farm it was said his plane
stuck in the mud on landing and
was badly broken up. He was said

; trois anU otner movaie parts an
t where research has made possible
tthe utilization of wave lengths fo
sight transmission that would not
- interfere with the use of the al-
ready overcrowded c h a n n e 1 in
space." ,
Ann Arbor Residents to Attend
Banquet in Grand Ballroom
of Book Cadillac Hotel.
Many Ann Arbor residents will
go to Detroit Friday to attend the
banquet in the grand ballroom of
the Book Cadillac hotel planned in
honor of President Alexander G.
Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven by the
University of Michigan club of De-
President Ruthven will speak on
the campus highlights of 1931, Re-
gent R. Perry Shorts of the Uni-
versity will discuss "Faculty and
Alumni," and .Charles F. Kettering,
scientist and humorist, will ap-
praise the universities under the
searchlight of industry and com-
mercial research.
Frank Cody, presiding officer, will
introduce a list of notables who
have wired that they will attend.
Among the honored guests are
Frnk Murphy, mayor of Detroit;
R6V. John R. MeNichols, pesident
of the University of Detroit; Paul
WV Voorhies, attorney general of
Michigan; Regent James 0. Murfin
of the University; and Dr. G. Carl
Huber, national president of the
University Alumni association..
A formal reception will precede
the dinner. Following the program
there will be an informal reception.
Music will be furnished by sym-
phonic ensemble consisting of seven
members of the Detroit Symphony
Ypsilanti Track Star
Recovers From Injiury
Roger Arnett, Ypsilanti track star
was greatly improved at University
hospital today where he has been
since Sunday following an auto-
mobile accident between N il e s,
Michigan, and South Bend, Indiana,
on U.S.-31, Saturday morning. Ar-
nett was driving with several friends
to the Central Intercollegiate track'
championship meet at Notre Dame
scheduled for Saturday night when
his car was forced off the road and
into a deep snow bank where it
overturned, injuring Arnett badly.
The extent of the track star's in-
juries were said yesterday to be two
broken vertebrae, one of which may
have to be removed. Doctors were
certain that Arnett would never run
again. He was considered one of
the greatest track stars ever turned
out at Michigan State Normal, hav-
ing been a consistent winner at
middle-distance races for the past
two years.
Rudy Vallee to Offer
Campus Songs Tonight
Special buses will leave from the
Union at 6 o'clock tonight for the
Michigan theatre, Detroit, where
Rudy Vallee and his orchestra will
present a special Michigan Night
program consisting entirely of Uni-
versity songs, Gayle Chaffin, '31M,
announced yesterday.
Reduced rates will prevail for all
students who are planning to go
by bus, Chaffin added. The group
will arrive at the theatre in time'
for the second performance of the
bill and will leave for Ann Arbor
immediately after the show.
Hamaguchi RecoversI

From Gunshot Wound
(Rv ssocad .res


Prosecution Strengthens Chain
of Incidents Around Death
of Detroit Announcer.
Asks Opportunity to Study Text
of Radio Talks to be Used
as State's Evidence.
'(y Assocrated Press)
DETROIT, March 10.-A woman,
a -taxi driver and a truck driver
took the stand in recorder's court,
today to weld together a chain of'
incidents which they said happened
at about the time Gerald E. Buck-
s ley was shot to death in the La-
Salle hotel July 23.
Had Triple Significance.
Today's testimony at the trial of
Ted Pizzino, Joe Bommarito, and
I Angelo Livecchi, the three men in-
dicted for the slaying, had a three-
fold significance for the state's
case. It mentioned Livecchi as the
man seen to emerge from the Ade-
laide street entrance of the hotel
and beckoned to "a group of men
standing nearby just before the
shooting. It mentioned Joe Bom-
marito as one of the men in this
group and it brought out the facts
that an automobile was stalled in
Woodward avenue in such a way
I as to block traffic just after the
The day's testimony also men-
tioned a small automobile which!
was seen to shoot out of Adelaide
street into Woodward avenue soon
after the shooting stopped. The
trial was adjourned until Friday
morning to give the defense oppor-
tunity to study Buckley's radio ad-
dresses which the state intends to.
offer in evidence.
State's Witncsss Testify.
Two of the state's list of "eye
witnesses" appeared today. They
were Gus Reno, a taxi driver, and
Curtis Hook, a driver of a Detroit
watching Livecchi summon three
men into the LaSalle hotel from the
Adelaide street entrance just be-
fore the shooting occurred. Asked
if he could identify any of these
Free Press truck, Reno told of
three men, Reno stepped from thel
witness stand and placed his hand
on the shoulder of Joe Bommarito.

Rear-Admiral Again to Attempt
Exploration of Antarctic.
(By Associated Press)
MIAMI, Fla., March 10. - Rear-
Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, aer-
ial conqueror of polar waste-lands,
is planning- another voyage toward
the South Pole, he announced to-
Byrd said no date had been set
for the second voyage, but it will
not be started until after scientists
who accompanied him on his first
exploration have completed their
"There is a vast unexplored area
on theotheraside of the South Pole
about which nobody knows," he
said. "It may be another continent,
and I am eager to find out."
Airplanes would be the mode of
travel best suited to the trip, he
National Executives Term Move
of Sir Oswald 'An Act of
Gross Disloyalty'.

(By Associated Press) I
LONDON, March 10.-The name
of Sir Oswald Mosley was expunged
today from the rolls of the Labor' Associated Press Photo
party, until latelytthe possessor of Gay. Henry H. Horton,
his political affections. Administrator of Tennessee, who
Terming his foundation last week declared he would fight to the bit-
of a new political party, "an act of ter end to clear his administration
gross disloyalty," national execu- of accusations brought out in a re-
tives of the Labor party ousted by cent probe into state affairs.
'unanimous vote the 35-year-old _____msafai.
member of the House of Commons
who has sat in that body as an
independent, a Conservative, and a
Sir Oswald, still abed with a cold
which prevented his. presence at
the formal inauguration of his own!
party several days ago, vouched no
comment in his expulsion from the Plans for Program of Annual
Labor ranks, an action which was Razz-Test' Announced
not unanticipated. His wife, LadyF
Cynthia Mosley, h e r husband's by Russell.
"right hand man" in the NewParty,
had resigned from Labor's ranks a Tickets for the ninth annual,
week ago. Gridiron banquet were placed on
Mosley's New Party, which has sale today by Edward S. McKay,
tariff reform as its main purpose '32, chairman of the sale and treas-
and which sponsors a limited dic- urer of Sigma Delta Chi, profes-
tatorship in British government by sional journalistic fraternity spon-
an inner cabinet of half a dozen soring the event which is sched-
ministers, was formed, its founder uled for April 8 at the Union. A
said, for the rehabilitation of Brit- reduction in price from the $3
ain. 1charge which has been set in the





B o y l e s Recommends
(B Asociated Press)
LANSING, Mar. 10.-A tech-
nical error was discovered today
in the capital punishment act
signed by Governor Wilber M.
Brucker which brought threats of
litigation by opponents of the
death penalty, in an effort to keep
the question off the spring elec-
tion ballots.
Governor Brucker, in effect,
signed an enrolled act that was
not passed by the legislature.' The
act provided that a person con-
victed of murder be taken to Jack-
son by the state police to await a
Sreview of his conviction by the su-
preme court. As it passed the legis-
lature the bill provided that the
sheriff transport the condemned
person to the prison.
Corrected Proof Rushed.
The clerical force of the senate
was busy tonight rushing a cor-
rected proof to the printer for a
new act which will be placed be-
fore the governor for his signature.
The action was taken on the ad-
vice of Emerson R. Boyles, deputy
attorney general, who recommend-
ed that the governor sign a cor-
rected act and that the secretary
of state certify the amended docu-
rne nt to the county clerks'of the
lBric er i expected to sign the
new bill Wednesday mornin. The
technical charge, it was pointed
out, has no bearing on the intent
of the act. Governor Brucker did
not have the legislative bill before
him for comparison when he signed
the act.
Petition May be Filed.
While the staff of Fred I. Chase,
secretary of the senate, was rush-
ing through a new enrolled act to
the governor, opponents of the
death penalty were planning an
attack on the proposed procedure.
Representative Vincent P. Dacey, of
Detroit, who opposed the capital
punishment bill in the legislature,
said petition may be filed in the
courts to restrain the secretary of
,sate or county clerks from placing
the question on the ballots. He
pointed out that the department of
state cannot possibly certify the
act 30 days before the election, as
required by the general statute.
Friends of the measure, however,
claim the referendum clause which
provides that the question be voted
on at the Apr. 6 election, is suffi-
cient within itself for placement
on the ballot.
Harry Riseman Sees
Communistic Nation
"Community ownership of prop-
erty in America must come, wheth-
it comes by revolution or by peace-
ful re-organization," said Harry
-Riseman, chairman of the Old Age
Pension league, in a lecture last
Riseman pointed out the disad-
v-,ntages of the laboring classes
caused by "low wages, old age, and
unemployment," and contrasted the
theories of socialism and commun-
After the lecture, an open discus-
sion was held,
Scholastic Deficiency
Causes 205 to Leave
Students dismissed last semester
from the literary college because of
low grades numbered 205, Prof.
Wilbur Humphreys, assistant dean
of the college, announced yester-
day. Approximately half of the

i number were freshmen, he said.
A year ago 255 were asked to
leave the Uniyersity because of low
scholastic standing. Last spring 150
were placed on the "home list."

r i

Brucker Approves Act
Not Passed by

Publication Sold Out
on First Appearance
S e v e n hundred-fifty copies of
The Diagonal, comprising the total'
printing of the new publication

!commenting upon campus topics,
'International Night' Comprises were sold before noon yesterday,
Elaborate Series of A - the first day of the sale, Robert L.
b cts; Sloss, '33L, editor, revealed last
50 Appear in Cast night.
The first number of the magazine,
More than 2,000 persons last night will not go into a second printing,
attended the eighth annual Inter- Sloss said. Plans are now -,under
national Night program, "The way for the second issue which is
Cruise of the S. S. Cosmos," given scheduled to appear before the
under the direction of the Cosmo- spring recess.
politan club, foreign student organ-_
ization, in Hill auditorium. Mchiganensian
The program was elaborate and'
varied and included acts presented to be Redeemed Toda y
by eight different nations and to- I
taling more than 50 actors, several Pledge stubs for the 1931 Michi-
of whom have distinguished them- ganensian will be redeemed at the
selves in their fields. regular price until 5 o'clock today
Among the presentations was the in the offices of the yearbook in
German act, given by the German the Press building, it was stated
club, under the direction of Prof. yesterday by George E. Hofmeister,
J. A. C. Hildner, of the German '31, business manager.
department, A large number of the stubs are
The presentations also included still unredeemed, but the price will
a program of Russian folk songs be raised after today, Hofmeisterj
and dances by the famous Russian said,I

l last eight years to $2.50 for the 1931
banquet has been made.
Plans for the program were an-
nounced yesterday by Joseph A.
Russell, '31, general chairman for
the banquet, and include skits bur-
lesquing, campus events and per-
sonages, a second all-campus movie,
and short addresses by famous per-
sonages in the University, the city,
and in national life. Visiting jour-
nalists will include editors from
many of the foremost newspapers
and magazines in the country.
Invitations for the 1931 banquet
will be isued by the end of the
week, Harold Warren, Jr., '31, chair-
man of invitations committee, said
yesterday. The form of this year's
invitations has not been divulged,
but it is said that it will conform
to the general theme of the grid-
banquet concerning a recent cam-
pus event. Hundreds of invitations
will be sent to members of the fac-
ulty, student body and residents
outside Ann Arbor.
Jugo-Slavians Huddle in Tents
as Countryside Is Again
Stricken by Tremor.
(by Associated IPress~)
BELGRADE, Jugo-Slavia, March'
10.-Inhabitants of the windswept'
c o u n t r y side where earthquakes
brought death and terror during
the week-end still huddled in the
open under tents today as the
ground twitched and shifted like a:
restless giant,.
The latest of the settling shifts,
none of which caused major dam-
age, came early this morning. Seis-
mologists have warned that interior
disintegration of the Greek moun-
tains probably will bring major dis-

Balalaika orchestra from Detroit,
This group, with the other act pro-
cured from Detroit, were obtained
.through the International institute,
at the head of which is Mrs. W.
R. Alvord, Detroit clubwoman.
Other acts were by the Mexican,
Roumanian, Norwegian, Chinese,
Japanese, and Filipino groups.
Fuller Stresses Place
of Debate in Schools
Debate, bringing attention to the
world's happenings, and giving op-
portunity for discussion of import-
ant controversial matters, is an
important adjunct to the aca-
demic world, said Richard C. Ful-

Ruthven Will Discuss
Mill Tax at Banquet
President Alexander G. Ruthvenc
will discuss the Mill tax at the an-
nual banquet of the University of
Michigan club of Ann Arbor which
will be held Wednesday, March 18,
at the Union.
More than 150 members are ex-
pected to attend the function, T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary
of the Alumni association, predict-
ed yesterday. Negotiations are be-
ing made to secure an out-of-town
Pag-e Prepares 'Primer'

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