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March 10, 1931 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-10

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Sociology 141 (Criminology): The make-up for the final examin- Speech 31 and 32: Make-up for
ation in this course will be given at 3 o'clock, in room 102 Economics. final examinations will be held on
Thursday, March 12, at 4:00 p. m.,
n room 3209, Angell hall.




NO. 112

Physics Colloquium: Professor S. A. Goudsn it will talk on "Theory G. E. Densmore.
of Hyperfine Structure," at 4:15 today in room 1041, East Physics bldg.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
Those who were absent from the
Comedy Club: There will be a meeting today at 4 o'clock in room final examination in February will
203 University hall. take a supplementary examination
on Saturday, March 14, at 9 a. m.,
Athena: Tryouts will be held at 7:30 p. m., in the Athena room to in room 3103, Natural Science bldg.
determine the team for the Zeta Phi Eta-Athena debate. All members A. F. Shull.

Additional Notices on Page 2
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the
University on the first two Wednesday afternoons of each month from
4 to 6 o'clock.
Instructions For Rport'ng Industrial Accidents.
Report all industral accidents in writing or by telephone (Hosp. Ex.-
325) to the Credit Department of the University Hospital, giving name of
employee and cause of accidcnt. All accidents, whether medical care is
rquired or not, should be reported. (A supply of University of Michigan
accident report forms (No. 2547) will on request be furnished by the
Hospital Credit Department).
When an employee requires medical care as a result of an accident,
a written report shoud accompany the employee to the Information
Desk on the main floor of the inivrsi.ty Hospital. This report is author-
ity for the Hospital to render the necessary medical care. Injuries re-
quiring medical care will be treated only at. the University Hospital.
Employees receiving treatment elsewhere will be responsible fbr the
expense of such treatment. (If prompt attention is not received by the
injured employee reporting to or taken to the Information Desk at the
University Hospital, the employee or his representative should in due
course report the fact to the Business Office of the University, which
will take it up with the Hospital authorities).
When an employee does not require medical care the written report
should be mailed by each department to the Credit Department of the
University Hospital.
Emergency medical care will be given at the Hospital without a
written accident report. However, this report should be forwarded as
promptly as possible to the Hospital Credit Department. Emergency
ambulance cases should be taken directly to the ambulance entrance
at the rear of the main building of the University Hospital.
Injuries to members of the academic and administrative staffs need
not be reported unless there is doubt as to the classification of the em-
The State Compensation Law is for the mutual protection of em-
ployee and employer. In order to enjoy the privileges provided by the
law all industrial accidents must be reported to the correct authorities.
Reports entitle each employee to compensation for loss of time and free
medical care as outlined in the law.
An Industrial Accident is any mishap occurring while an employee
is engaged in the activities of his employment which result in either
a permanent or temporary disability, or which might conceivably de-
velop into a permanent or temporary disability.
S. W. Smith, vice-president and secretary.
Junior Medical Students: Lecture. notes for Junior Preventive Medi-
cine are available in room 2, Waterman gymnasium. All notes not called
for by March 20 will be destroyed. John Sundwall.
The University Committee on Discipline: Orie E. D. Brown, '33 Law,
having pleaded guilty before the Washtenaw County Court to the charge
of possessing intoxicating liquor, and having been sentenced by the
Court for this offense, is denied permission to re-enter this University.
A. E. R. Boak, secretary.
Cosmopolitan Club: Members please return money and extra tickets
for the International Night at Lane hall (Cosmopolitan Club room), on
March 10 and 11, between 2-5 p. m. Please be prompt.
Sophomores: There will be a meeting tonight in room 302 of the
Union at 7:30 of all those interested in playing in a basketball tourna-
ment and a game with a representative Freshman team.
Mathematical Club: Meeting at 7:30 p. m., in room 3201 A. H. Three
short papers will be presented:
Mr. Pierce: Systems of differen-
tial equations.I
Mr. O'Toole: Symmetric func- SPECIAL!
tions expressed in terms of power S-t
sus.Spring Suits $3
Mr. Oldenburger: Compositionj Extra Trousers7
and rank of matrices of higherI CHAS. DOUKAS
class. 1319 South University

should come prepared with a three-minute argumentative speech on
a subject of their own choosing.


Adelphi House of Representatives: Richard C. Fuller, of the soci-
ology department, will address the House on "Adelphi as I Knew It"
at 7:30 tonight, in the Adelphi room on the fourth floor of Angell hall.
All who are interested in public speaking are invited. Those who ap-
plied for membership last week will be expected to make three-minute
tryout speeches tonight.
Alpha Epsilon Mu: Meeting tonight at 7:30, Michigan Union, room
304. Please be prompt.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a dinner meeting at the Union at 6:15 p.
m. An important business meeting will follow.

Econo mics 51, 52: First semester
make-up examinations in these
cowrses wil be held Thursday,
March 12, at 3 p. m., in room 207 Ec.
H. L.. Eaverly.
I Mechanical Enginecring Seniors:
Mr. C. -B. Patrie, of the Frigidaire
Corporation,- Dayton, Ohio, will be
in room 221 West Engineering bldg.,
on Wednesday, March 11, for the
purpose of interviewing any men
who may be interested in this com-
pany. Please make appointments.

bers are- urged to be present at
this meeting, and faculty is invited
to come. Professor James Pollock, of
the Political Science Department,
will be the speaker.
Forestry Club Meeting, March 11,
7:30 p. m., room 2039 Natural
Science building. Bartley Koren-
kiewicz will speak on: "Selective
Logging in Northern Wisconsin."
Iota Alpha: The initiation of new
members will take place on Thurs-
day evening, March 12, at 6:30, at
a banquet to be held at the Michi-
gan Union. The speaker of the eve-
ning will be Mr. L. Clayton Hill,
Vice-President and General Man-
ager of Dietrich, Inc. Reservations
must be made immediately with
Professor G. G. Brown, 2028 E. Eng.
bldg., or phone Univ. 465.
Phi Delta Kappa: There will be
a business meeting of the Frater-
nity, Wednesday evening, March 11,
at 7 o'clock, at the Michigan Union.

A full attendance is desired.

Pi Lambda Theta announces an
evening on Thursday, March 12, at
7:30 p. in., in the Women's Ath-
letic building, Palmer Field. Dr.
Howard Y. McCluskey will speak on
the Mental Hygiene Movement.
Freshman .Pageant .Elections:
There.will be election of Freshman
Pageant Committee on Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Senior Women: Senior Supper
tickets and caps and gowns will be
distributed Wednesday and Thurs-
day in the League Ballroom, be-
tween 1 and 5 o'clock. The gown
is $7.50, $2.50 of which will be re-
funded upon the return of the gown
after Commencement. The cap is
$2.50. The ticket for the Senior
Supper is $1.50 and includes with
it a ticket for the Monday night
performance of the Junior Girls'
(Continued on Page 2)

Zeta Phi Eta: There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30.
semester try-outs will be at 8:00 o'clock in the Zeta room.

The secondI

Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Annual election of officers at seven o'clock in the
Union. All members please be present.
Junior Girls' Play rehearsals for today: Choruses G and H at 4
o'clock, and Choruses E and F at 5 o'clock. Act 2 and the choruses of,
the act will meet at 7 o'clock tonight.
Central committee for the Junior Girls' Play: There will be an im-
portant meeting at 8:30 o'clock in the League office.
Clarence Senior, Secretary of Socialist Party will not speak at 8:15
p. m., in Natural Science Auditorium because of sudden illness. Attor-
ney Harry Riseman, Chairman of Old Age Pension League will speak
instead. The subject is "Socialism of Our Times." The meeting is held
under the auspices of The Michigan Socialist Club and The Round Table
Club. Everybody welcome.
Christian Science Organization meets at 8:00 p. in., in the chapel
of the Michigan League building.

- Students ofI Hygiene and Public
Health, and others interested in
Building Illumination: A class in
E. E. 7a, Building Illumination, is
being formed with intention to
adapt it especially to the interests
and needs of students of hygiene
and public health. The first session
will be at 8 a. in., Wednesday, Mar.
11, in room 248 West Engineering
building, at which time the hours
may be changed to suit the major-
ity of those interested.
E. E. Seniors: Bell System inter-
views will occur Wednesday, March
11. Thosewishing interviews must
sign on the posted schedule.
A. S. C. E.: Initiation banquet to
be held at the Union Wednesday
evening, 6:15, March 11. All mem-

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Play Reading Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet


2:30 o'clock in the League.
Faculty Alumni Dance: The fourth
dance inthe serieseofefive dances
will be held this evening in the,
Michigan Union ballroom. Holders'
of season tickets please bring them.
Sigma Delta Chi: Regular meet-
ing at noon today at the Union for
actives and pledges.
Gurney Williams.
Gargoyle Editorial Staff and Try-
outs: Meeting at 4:15 p. m., this
afternoon in the editorial offices.
French Lecture: Mr. J. J. Enger-
rand will give the sixth lecture on
the Cercle Francais program: "Ber-
anger, chansonnier francais," Wed-
nesday, March 11, at 4:15 o'clock,
room 103, Romance Language bldg.

Don't Forget Her

HACKETT-Henry the Eighth
WOODWARD-George Washington
VAN LOON-Story of Mankind
PRIESTLEY-The Good Companion
CARVETH WELLS-Six Years in the Malay Jungle
FRANCK-Vagabond Journey Around the World
DE KRUIF-Microbe Hunters

1.00 each

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VA 1a carte and table d'hote breakfast will be served from 12-2.
iPendelton Library will be thrown open for lounging.
4Favors given out at the door.
Tickets on sale at Union-Wahrs-Slaters and Parrot-at booths in "U" " Hall and
Angell Hall from 10:30-2:30-In West Engineering Bldg. 11-2:30.

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