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March 08, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-08

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VOL. XLI. No. 111





Will Speak About Influence of
Nation's Culture on World;
Depicts Herrick's Work.
Prof. Worrel to Speak on Hillel
Program; Sayles to Talk on
'Quality Mindedness'.
The great debt that Amerika and
the nations of Europe owe to France
for her artistic and scientific works
and especially for her great mass
of consistently good literature will
be discussed by Rev. Frederick B.
Fisher at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the
regular church service. Dr. Fisher
will consider the subject of "Cul-
ture" at the regular morning serv-
To Discuss Herrick.
The unique position of Myron
Herrick in Franco-American rela-
tions will also be described by the
speaker in his discussion of France.
Herrick, Dr. Fisher stated in an
interview yesterday, understood
France perhaps as well as any
American since Benjamin Franklin.
Whereas the other nations of
Europe have produced great literary
figures such as Shakespeare, Dante,
and Goethe. France, he said, has a
consistent record of high achieve-
ment in literature covering a period
of 800 years. While other nations
such as England and America have
been effecting a revolution in our
industrial life and in the field of
world trade, France, he stated, has
gone rapidly to the fore in the ar-
tistic and aesthetic phases of life.1
As an interesting angle on how
France has infuenced our country
in recent years, Dr. Fisher expressed
the belief that owr soldiers after
the war brought home some feeling
~for Frei~ieh cilture and de ,""
4 t her Sermons Listed.
Other local ministers offer a
number of d1ff erent sermons for
today's church services. Rev. R. Ed-
ward Sayles will deliver an address
on "Quality Mindedness" at 10:45
o'clock today at the First Baptist
church. "In the Wilderness - A
Study of Temptation" is the topic
on which Rev. Alison Ray Heapst
will speak at 10:45 o'clock today ]
at the Congregational church.
Prof. William H. Worrel of the'
Semitics department will talk on
"Looking out of the Window" at
11:15 o'clock today in the chapel
of the Michigan League. This serv-
ice is being sponsored by the Hillel
foundation. Merle H. Anderson will
talk at the regular morning service
at 10:45 o'clock at the Presbyterian
church on the topic, "Good Enought
for God."
a Bulletins
(BV Assoa ted Prss)
Saturday, March 7, 1931 t
DETROIT-Joseph J. Burman, di-t
rector of the Detroit branch of the
secretary of state's office, said to-
day that some Michigan motorists.
have been going to Ohio and buy- t
ing license plates at from $3 to $6
for cars that are taxed in this state
at from $13 to $20. He said the po-
lice will be asked to check all cars1
without out-of-state licenses.

GRAND RAPIDS-Peter Dykstra,
l)rominent Grand Rapids grocer,
died today in Blodgett hospital of'
injuries received Tuesday evening1
in an automobile accident. Mr.
Dykstra, who was the son of State
Representative Dykstra, was ridingt
with three other Grand Rapids1
business men when the car skiddedf
and overturned near Lowell.
CHARLEVOIX-A fall of three
and four-tenths feet of the water
level in Lake Michigan at the har-
bor here since July, 1929, is provid-'
ing a 'serious problem for cargo
shippers and private boat owners.
The fall, revealed in readings of'
t h e U. S. coast guard station,
threatens to render useless many
wharves and boat houses along the
water's edge.
ALLEGAN-F o u r Allegan high
school basketball players were cred-
i k rlA ithvniir in' 9c-i f an tfA.

- x
Aasociatcd Press Photo
With a rush of legislation demanding attention as ('ongress ad-
journed, President hoover passed the halfway mark of his term in
office. Here he is with Secretary Adams (left) and Vice-President Curtis
(right) at the capitol to reccive official notification that the seventy_-
first congress, which went into oflice with him two years ago, had ended.'

Democratic Congressman Calls
Hoover Regime Riot
of Extravagance'.
(ByvAssociated Prc s")
-WASHINGTON, Mar.J-PresidentI
Hoover todlay was charged with re-
sponsibility for 'a riot of extrava-
gance" in federal expenditures
"never heretofore heard of in time
of peace," by Representative Byrnes,
of Tennessee.
"The myth of Coolidge economy
disappeared with his regime and
the 71st Congress at the request of
President Hoover has appropriated
the enormous and staggering total
of $10,249,819,000," said Byrnes in a
statement in the Congressional
He is ranking Democrat on the
appropriations c o m m i t t e e and
chairman of his party's congres-
sional campaign committee.
Commitments already made, said
the Tennessean, "will make it diffi-
cult, if not impossible, to reduce
federal expenditures for some time
to come."

Action of Republicans in NamingI


ogers orFarm board May
Resdut si Suit by Daane.
l Vsoi ial/ r rss) ~
'LANSING, Mar. 7.-The possibil-
ity of legal proceedings as an after-
mxath of the state Republican con-'
vention at Kalamazoo, Friday, wasI
interesting politicians all over
Michigan tonight.
The issue was created by the'
apparent uncertainty surrounding;
the nomination of a candidate to I
one of the places on the state board1
of agriculture. The nomination was
a contest between Gilbert Daane,
of Grand Rapids, and A. J. Rogers,
of Beulah.
Howard C. Lawrence, chairman of
the state central committee, said
today that the convention officers
have tentatively taken the position
that Daane was declared nomin-
ated to succeed L. Whitney Wat-1
kins, incumbent.
From Owosso came word that
Seth Q. Pulver, attorney, had been
retained to look after Roger's in-
teresls. He said that he expected
that his client would be eventually
t)nminated as a checkup of votesE

Trial of Members of Outlawed
Party Parallels That
of Engineers.
But Defendants Pledge SupportI
to Government If They
Are Acquitted.
(By Assocfated Press)
MOSCOW, March 7. -- Fourteen
members o the oulawcd Menshe-
viki party stood in a Bolshevik'
court today and almost begged to
be shot.
This trial paralleled that of eight
prominent engineers tried and con-
victed last year. The engineers all
admittedatheir guilt and declared
that as a result of their plotting
against the proletarian dictator-
ship they deserved nothing better
than death, although most of them
hoped for mercy, and got it.
Make Full Confessions.
All the 14 defendants made full
confessons today. The sensation of
the hearing was the lengthy speech
of Michael Yakubovich, former as-
sistant chief of the supply sectionl
of the trade commissariat. :
It was a red hot communist
speech, and Yakubovich's flaming
whiskers, for all the world likel
those of a Bolshevik in a typical1
American cartoon, bounced vio-
lently as he exhorted and gesticu-;
"I was on the other side of the
barrier, he shouted, "and now I am
on this side. The prosecutor wasa
right; I should be shot. I deserve
it and have nothing to say againsti
it. But in my hour of death it will
be my greatest satisfaction to knowd
my heart and soul are with the1
Most Plead for Leniency.
The impassioned orator sobbed
frequently throughout the speech
and was crying outright when he1
took his seat. In the crowded
courtroom there were many mur-
murs of sympathy for him and it
was generally believed he had talk-'
ed himself out of facing a firing
All the defendants made lauda-
tory speeches favoring communism;
and the present government, reit-
crated their guilt and declared they
were ready to give their lives for
the country. Most of them asked
leniency, however, and promised to
devote the rest of their lives to the
support of the communist govern-
So long did the speeches last that
the court was forced to adjourn to-
night before the "last words" were
Senator Announces Meeting for
Working Out Enlightened
Legislative Program.
'C <so '"ior Prvs
WASHINGTON, Mar. 7-An effort
to work out an enlightened legis-
lative program for removing the
effects oI enlightened leadership
was given tonight by Senator La-
follette as the impelling reason for
calling a conference of indepen-
dents here next week.
"This conference is not called

for the purpose of organizing a new
political party," the Wisconsin sen-
ator said. "It is not even a politi-
cal conference in the ordinary
Lafolette, speaking over a na-
tion-wide chain of the Columbia
.broadcasting system in the radio
forum arranged by the Washington
Star, said industrialists had con-
centrated on enlarging production
but had neglected the basic prob-
lem of enabling consumers to buy
the enlarged output of factories.
"Many have offered no solution
of the present situation other than
mergers and reduction of wages,"
he said, and few had "attempted to
display enlightened leadership."
He judged that President Hoover
had not only been remiss in his
duty of advising Congress from
time to time on the State of the
Union but had used the authorit3
of his office as a sanction for mis-


flllll l~
Project to Open Next Sunmer
as Perpetual Memorial
to Shakespeare.
First Production May be Given
in Connection With
World's Fair.

First Issue to Include Expose
of the Recent Liquor Raids
on Five Fraternities.
Magazine Will Present Facts
and Constructive Opinions
of Vital Interest.

A new under-graduate publica- Associated Press Photo The establishment of a new type
tion, in the form of a 32-page Oliver Wendell Holmes, ummer camp, a dramatic camp,
magazlneventaindnglcitocalesdby the newly-organized National
magazie containing critical and Oldest member of the United Shakespeare Memorial Competition
constructive comments on campus States Supreme court, who cle- and Memorial Company of Ama-
institutions, will be placed on sale brates his 90th birthday today. He teurs was announced yesterday by
Tuesday morning, it was announced first took office in 1902, and has Prof. Earl E. Fleischman, of the
last night by the co-editors, Robert been known for his liberal atti- speech department, managing di-
L. Sloss, '33L, and F. W. C. Boesche, tude. rector.
'33L. _____ The Shakespeare Memorial camp,
"Diagonal" Is Name. ---'''will be situated on Lake Charlevoix,
"Diagonal" has been chosen as TRACKMEN WIN and will open next summer. "We
"Diagnal"has een cosenas ae attempting to bring nationally-
the name of the new magazine, BIG TEN TITLE known directors of note to direct
which will aim (to quote from its w h e activities," stated Professor
foreword) "to present facts and The Michigan track team last Fleischmn. "Thea project is plan-
constructive opinions about sub- night won the Big Ten title at ned as a perpetual living memor-
jects in which all members of theM.,an otor-
University have reason to be most Madison, amassing 27 points to ml to the genius of Shakespeare,
vitally interested, to analyze these the 17 garnered by its nearest and the establishment of the camp
problems, to suggest solutions, but rival, Illinois. s only the first step."
chiefly to stimulate thought," The Michigan fencing team To Establish Camp.
The contents of the first issue will won a victory over Northwestern, The prdject provides for three
include an expose of the recent 12-5, in the meet held at the successive stages in an annual
liquor raids on five fraternity Intramural building last night. cycle, culminating.in the produ-
houses and five pages of editorial The basketball five eked out a tia of the designated memorial
comment on matters of University . play of the year by the company.
administration. htony defeatin t Hoo- Te initial unit will be the camp,
Both faculty members and stu- g ,2H which is to provide the necessary
dents have contributed to the first 21-20.1agency for selecti.ing the entrants
issue of the "Diagonal." Professor For Complete Sports Stories, for the National Competition which
Arthur Lyon Cross, of the history See Page 3. is to follow, and to permit candi-
department, has written on "The l j dates to receive the advantage of
Case for the Graded Examination." --" participation under professional di-
The leading article, "Boiled-In CWrectors.
Oil (Another Angle of the Raid),"" H nrnir While membership in the camp
has been written by Sloss. Other >U L illbe o pen to all who are deemed
articles include "Just Another g to poses. the necesary quaifica-
Ga.me ( Campus Politics Debunk- L ions, participation in the compe-
ed)," by Frank -E. Cooper,, '311;SIGN.3 tIWA NER BILL titiom will- be only by invitation.
"Michigan'srGlorious Traditions, "_ Each of the entrants will b judg-
by George A. Dusenberry, '31; '+d oa the basis of work accomplish-
"After the Ball Is Over," by Paul Unemployment Services Arc ed during the camp session. Cer-
C. Showers, '31; "Muzzling the Now Rendered by Federal t' in ones will then be invited to
Daily's Guns," by George C. Tilley, Bureau, Says Hoover. play r'cs in the designated mem-
33L. _orial play of the year.
Is Independent Organ. (By Aociatcd Press) Oeill Praises Work,
Two anonymous contributions, WASHINGTON, March 7.-Presi- iThe Memorial Performance will
appearing under pseudonyms, are dent Hoover announced today he rmark the climax of the competi-
included: "Christ - Another Dr. would not sign the Wagner unem- tion. Plans are still in progress for
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," written under ployment bill because it "unfortu- the first performance, which, it is
the name of John B. Service; and nately abolishes the whole of the hoped, will be given in connection
"Factory Methods in Education," present well-developed federal en- with the World's Fair at Chicago.
the author of which has signed ployment service." IfAlthough the directors for the or-
himself J. T. Hamilton. Mr. Hoover, in a formal state- ganization have not yet been chos-
The magazine is published inde- ment, said he had given earnest en, among those who have indicat-
pendently of any organization, study to the bill in an effort to find ed their interest in the project are
Sloss said last night. It is commit- a method to make it of use in the Gilmor Brown, Frederic McConnel,
ted to no editorial bias, but is in- present employment situation. Clarence Stratton, and many othe-
tended to serve as a forum for .I find upon study, however, that rs. Among those who endorse it are
intelligent discussion of current if I would prevent a serious blow the Drama League of America, the
problems on the campus, he said. to labor during the crisis, I should National Association of Teachers
"The 'Diagonal' is intended to not approve the bill." f of Speech, the President of the Na-
reach only persons interested in the The bill, passed near the close of t ional Council of Teachers of Eng-
University, and its range is limited the session, would provide for set- ,lah, the President of the Shakes-
to this field," Sloss declared. ting up employment agencies under pcare Association of America and
The price of the magazine has state control with the federal gov- the Michigan State Federation of
been set at ten cents. ernment paying half the costs. Women's Clubs.
The present federal employment Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of
service, he said is today finding the speech department, commented
Curriculum Committee employment for men and women on the project as follows: "I think
to Hold Open Meeting at the rate of 1,300,000 a year. a very remarkable scheme has been
The Wagner bill, he said, in or- ceveloped. Its possibilities of mak-
The committee on curriculum of der to secure effective action would ing a very significant contribution
the literary college will hold an require legislation to be passed in to the advancement of good dra-
open meeting at 4:10 o'clock, Mon- the various states which would de- matic work in the educational in-
day afternoon in room 2225 Angell lay the securing of employment stitutions of the country strike me
hall, through federal agencies for at as being really tremenduous."
The meeting is being called in least six months.
order that the committee may re- The president's statement follows
ceive suggestions and criticisms in part:
concerning the proposed formula-' "I have given earnest study to the Freshmen Discover
tion of degree programs. so-called Wagner bill for improve-
Any faculty member who has ment of public employment agen- 1:aintingof Falls
definite objections to the procedure cies in an effort to find a methodnyete-ll-
recommended by the committee or to make it of use in the present cr- inl University [Hall
who has in mind any alternative ployment situation. I find upon
plan which he wishes to suggest as study, however, that if I would pre- Arioig the mysteries of the Uni-
a better way of accomplishing th vent a serious blow to labor during vfrsity, perhaps none exceeds those
desired end, is urged to attend and this crisis, I should not approve the things most common to everyone,
present his ideas. I bill." the places and facts observed every

4/ppropriations for the first two after the convention had adjourn-l
years under Hoover exceeded by ed revealed that Rogers had held a
nearly $1,000,000,000 the last two lead over Daanc. Pulver said that
under President Coolidge" which up in event the convention did not
to that time was the high peak of recognize Rogers' right to nomina-
appropriations Ior peace time ac- tion, a mandamus action would be
tivities of the government," Byrnes instituted.
said. Meanwhile, word came from
"Republican apologists are at- Grand Rapids that John M. Dun-
tempting to leave the impression mham, ai attorney, had been ap-
that drought relief and measures pointed to represent Daane in any
for relief of unemploymenturesult legal action that might develop.
in this startling total," he said. Dunham said he would seek to
n th appropriations for this pun-I prove that erasures and changes
"The 'pprotinseed r20his0pur-,were on the ballots cast for the two
pose wili not exceed $200,000,000, candidates. -
the principal items of which are: Theomxw
drought relief, $45,000,000; loans to IThe mixup occured when an d -
1,, i ginal vote of 678 for Daane and
drought area fanners, $20,000,000's505 for Rogers was announced.
rural sanitation, $2,000,000; loans to Daatw was declared winner.
farmers of five southern states, $2,-
000,000, and emergency construe-
tion, $127,000,000." Heavy Snows Sweep
Byrnes said the veterans loan f
bill had not increased expenditures C ilty; worst Storms
because no appropriation was ne-- o
Practical Art Objects Ihexy snows swept the city last
Dipa"d i Exhibit nigh;lt, reaching a depth of nearly
s ydEi71' inches at 12 o'clock, slowing
Modernistic forms of art which iup iate downtown traffic and caus-
practical as well a artiich ing several minor accidents. Con-
serve practical as well as artistic tined steady fall promised allevia-
purposes are included in the dec- tion of dry conditions, which, ae-
ort design exhibit now on view cording to Associated Press dis-
on the second and third floors of I patches, are the worst on record in
the architectural building. The ex- Michigan.
hibition is sponsored by the Amer- Mcgn
leanUnin o DeoraiveArtsts Commencing late yesterday aft-
ican Union of Decorative Artists ernoon, the snow fell steadily, and
and Craftsmen. with occasional gales of wind de-
Lamps, manuals, table ware, ash I veloped into one of the worst storms
trays, household fixtures, clocks, i of the season. Slippery sidewalks
I travs and wall decorations are a I nccsioned considerable difficulties







Inv'stigation Shows University
Men ./rc Lcadcrs in Many
Kinds of /ctiity.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins' study of
alumni of the University in Detroit
has revealed that large Universi-
ties contribute many valuable men
to city life. They are principally
professional and business men, as
well as many leaders in the official
life of the city's courts, schools and

intendents of schools; while others
are chief engineers of autlmobfli
concerns, editors and city ofliciaLK
Listed by occupations alumni
number as follows: accountants,
30; attorneys, 446; dentists, 309;
physicians and surgeons, 290; ad-.
vertising, 54; architects, 53; auto- I
mobiles and accessory dealers, 143.
Bankers, 87; builders and con-
tractors, 108; chemists, 22; city,
county and national civil service,
96; clergymen, 3; druggists, 22;

day iid yet never really seen at all.
fI,, you don't believe it, listen to
this startling declaration, overheard
tn Ange~r ll hail yesterday. Two fresh-
men evretaing d together and one
a: : ld the other if he knew where
tlS're was a picture of Niagara falls,
ten feet wide and three feet high
in he University hall corridor. The
obthr scratched his head,
"I never saw one," he said. "Let's
ti;k an upperclassman."
The upperclassman was halted
and quizzed with no result. Finally,
the janitor was interrogated and
divulged the secret. It seems that
such a picture hangs on the cross-
beam not four feet from the offices
of Dean Bursley and President

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