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March 07, 1931 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-07

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mer
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistan
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Sa

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NO. 110

President and Mrs. Ruthveca will be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock on
the first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the
faculties, their friends, and other residents of Ann Arbor.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and School of Music:
All students, now in residence, who received marks of Incomplete or X
at the close of last semester, must complete work in such courses by
the end of the first month of the present semester, March 16. Where
illness or other unavcidable circumstances make this impossible, a,
limited extension of time may be granted by the Administrative Board,
provided a written request, approved and signed by the instructor con-
cerned, is presented at the Registrar's Office.
In cases where no make-up grade is received and no request for
additional time has been filed, these marks shall be considered as
having lapsed into E grades.
Oratorica Contests: Candidates who wish to enter the University
Oratorical Contest in late March or early April must register in the
office of the Department of Speech not later than March 15. The
winner of this contest receives the Chicago Alumni Medal and will
represent the University in the N. O. L. at Madison, Wisconsin in May.
The prizes in the N. 0. L. are $100 first, and $50 second. Men and women,
both eligible. Original orations of not more than 1,800 words required.
J. M. O'Neill.
Voice Instruction in Classes: A new course is offered to a limited
number of students in class. First choice will be given to seniors second
choice to juniors enrolled in the Public School Music general curriculum.
No students who are at the present time enrolled for indivdual instruc-
tion in voice will be accepted. The course will be offered by Assistant
Professor Littlefield. No additional fee will be charged. Instruction will
be given in small groups, each meeting at least one hour per week.
The initial meeting for organization purposes will be Monday,'
March 9, at four p. i., in Mrs. Littlefield's studio, room 213, School of
Music building. It is advisable that prospective students confer with
the professor before the first meeting of the class.
Aeronautical Society and Glider Section: Members who have taken
part in any aeronautical activity whatsoever during the past year are,
urgently requested to report such activity to the secretary in order that
a report may be filed with the N. A. A. for the Loening Intercollegiate
Contest. E. D. Palmer, secretary.
Junior Medical Students: Lecture notes for Junior Preventive Medi-
cine are available in room 2, Waterman gymnasium. All notes not called
for by March 20 will be destroyed. John Sundwall.
Geography 1, 33, and 113: The make-up examinations will be held
in room 18 A: H., at 9 a. m.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution) A. F. Shull: Those who were absent
from the final examination in the first semester will take examination
in room 3089, Natural Science building Saturday, 9 a. m.
History 11. Lecture II (Mr. Hyma's): The make-up examination will
be given this morning at nine o'clock in room 1020, A. H.'
Children's Rhythm Classes will not meet today.
Mexican Lecture: Mrs. Consuelo de Aldag will give a lecture this
afternoon at 4:15, room 231 Angell hall on "Mexico, A Land of Yester-
day, Today and Tomorrow."
Theosophy: Last of the series of lectures by Mrs. Aldag will be held L
tonight in the Michigan League at 8 p. m. Title, "Towards Fulfilment."
The following specialties for the Junior Girls' Play will meet with
Miss Loomis today: Felske, Torbison, Robinson, and Van Loon at 11
o'clock, Todd and Robinson at 1 o'clock, La Rowe and Dooley at 2
o'clock. Sunday afternon at 3 o'clock Act 2 will meet for rehearsal.
tyvern will meet in the Russian Tea room, at 9:15.
Presbyterian Students: There will be a party this evening at the
church house, 1432 Washtenaw, 9:00 to 12:00. There will be a small
admission. Every one is welcome.
Cosmopoitan Club: International Night Rally will be held at Lane
hall, at 8:15 p. m. Visitors welcome.
The "Upper Rocm" Bible Class meets in the "Upper Room" at 7
p. m. All Universlty men are cordially invited.
Economics 101: Make-up for final examination will be held Wed-
nesday, March 11, at 3 p. in., in room 202 Ec.
Economics 172: There will be a written test on March 9, at one
o'clock in the following rooms: A-J, N. S. Aud.; K-P, 1025 A. H.; Q-Z,
25 A. H.
Senior Eugineering Clas )ficers-Anouncment and Financial
Committee: There will be a meeting Sunday morning of all the Senior

Engineering class officers, Chairman and Members of the Finance Com-
mittee and Chairman and members of the Announcement Committee
in room 302 of the Union, at 10:00.
Acolytes: There will be a meeting Monday, Mar. 9, at 7:30 p. in., in
202 S. W. Prof. Wilder of the Mathematics Department will discuss

c .t-rojsr oncpard Says capata
Punishment Not Feared
by Gangsters.
Certainty of punishment, not fear
of it, is the proper deterrent to,
crime, said Prof. John F. Shepard,
of the psychology department, in,
discussing the capital punishment
bill yesterday in an interview.
States which punish murderers
by death, in general, convict few
such criminals, said Professor Shep-
ard. Either they are not caught, ne
said, or they win freedom through
delays. Most of those eventually
convicted are not confirmed crimi-
nals, but persons who have com-
mitted only one crime, and that to
escape a particular unbearable cir-
cumstance, he asserted.
The gangster is seldom caught,
Professor Shepard pointed out, be-;
cause he knows his business andI
does not leave evidence. The Mich-
igan bill was passed with the par-a
ticular object of hitting at this type

of professional criminal, he contin-
ued, but previous experience has
shown that capital punishment is
"It is better that the life sen-
tence be kept for murderers, be-
cause of the posibility of reforming
the single offender, and also be-
cause of the danger of a mistake,
which would prove irremediable un-
der the suggested change," he said.
Cyclone Causes Heavy
Damage on Indian Isle
( B v ssociat ed Press)
CAPETOWN, South Africa, March
6.- A cyclone raging in the vicinity
of Mauritivs has caused enormous
damage to that island in the Indian
Ocean (formerly the Isle de France),
reports ted-y said. Crops were fiat-
tened. Several ships were reported
in danger, and the steamships
Clangraham and Sandgate Castle
were reported aground.

State-Wide Organization Opens
Annual Institute Today
at Lane Hall.
Summer Camp directors and boys
work secretaries from throughout
Michigan are holding their annual
institute this week-end at Lane
hall under the auspices of the state
Young Men's Christian association.
Discussions, lectures, and lunch-
eon conferences comprise their pro-
gram, which is being directed by
W. H. Wones, national chairman of
Y. M. C. A. camps, and H. C. Lee
of Ann Arbor.
Opening their program yesterday.
with a luncheon in Lane hall Tav-
ern, R. S. Flynn, a University grad-
uate and president of the Michi-
gan association of Boys work sec-
retaries, discussed " Camp Prob-
lems." Continuing the institute's
addresses, Wones, who is also sec-
retary of boy's work in Wisconsin
and director of Camp Mani-To-
Wish, spoke of "Camp Organiza-
tion and Leadership,' to be follow-
ed by Rudy Abrecht who developed)
the subject of "Camp Promotion."
"Business Administration," in-
cluding surveys of camp budgets,
buying and upkeep served as the
theme of a discussion by Flynn andI
George Westerman of Ann Arbor.
"Following a fellowship dinner at
the Women's League building, Boyd
I. Walker described methods of
"Recruiting and Training of Camp
Leaders." Wones conducted the
second of his discussions on the
topic of "Camp Equipment."
Counsellors for the 20 Michigan
Y. M. C. A. boys' camps will arrive
in Ann Arbor today to participate
in discussions that will be held
in Lane hall and the League build-


Rho Chi Society: Important business meeting Monday, 4:30 p. m.,
in room 303 Chemistry building.
Women's Education Club will hold its next meeting on Monday,
March 9, at 4 o'clock, in the parlors of the Women's Athletic building. -
The "Upper Room" Forum meets in the "Upper Room" Sunday
morning at 9:30.
Wesleyan Guild: Sunday Evening Devotional Meeting, 6 o'clock.
Judge J. G. Pray wil] speak on "The Juvenile Court and the Under-
privileged Child." Social hour at 7 o'clock.
Student Volunteer Group: Mrs. H. M. McDonald, of Ceylon, will
meet with the members and friends of the group in the fire-place room
of Harris hall at 9:00 a. m. Sunday.
Liberal Student's Union of the Unitarian Church will present as its
speaker Sunday evening Mr. Wesley Maurer, of the Department of Jour-
nalism, who will speak on "The Public and Crime." The meeting starts
at 7:30 and refresments will be served at 9:00. The Church is at the
corner of State and Huron Streets.
Episcopal Students: The customary 9:30 service at Harris hall on
Sunday morning -has been changed to 8:00 at St. Andrew's church.l
Breakfast at Harris hall at 8:45, followed by three study groups from
9:30 to 10:30. The class in Personal Religion under Mr. Lewis is at
5:15 p m. Sunday afternoon at Harris hall.

' ~~Assoczate VrPqq a ;
Carl W. Ackerman,
Newly appointed director of the
Pulitzer school of journalism of
Columbia university, who will suc-
ceed Dr. John W. Cunliffe to that
Severe Headaches May
be Due to More Brains
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, March 6.--If you are
subject to severe headaches it may
mean that you can throw out your
chest and start bragging about
your brains.
While no official announcement
of results has come from the Uni-
versity of Illinois research hospital,
where a study of migrane or severe
headache has been in progress for
several months, it was learned that
some of the specialists have come
to the conclusion that the disease is
peculiar to the intelligentsia.
Fastbliving and irregular habits
were blamed for the disease, for
were blamed for the disease.

Demand for Seats for Annual
International Night
Program Heavy.
Unusually heavy ticket sales for
the eighth annual International
Night, to be given at 8:15 o'clock
next Tuesday night in Hill auditor-
ium under the direction of the Cos-
mopolitan club, were reported yes-
terday by Maida Kuo, Grad., ticket
chairman for the event.
William Compton, '31, who has
been in charge of the ticket distri-
bution throughout the town and to
the schools, also stated that there
had been an exceptionally large
demand for the tickets.
Since 1915, these programs have
been given under the direction of
Michigan's club for foreign stu-
dents. This year, the club is com-
bining professional talent with the
student acts under the title "The
Tour of the S. S. Cosmos," a my-
thical ocean liner on which the
audience will be transported to all
the ports of the world from which
the foreign students come to Mich-
The aim of the program has been
to perpetuate the traditions and
costumes of the native lands.
Mississippi Valley Hit
by March Snowstorm
(By Associated Press)
KANSAS CITY, Mar. 6--A March
snowstorm, praised by wheat farm-'
ers but feared by cattlemen, swept
into the western fringe of Missis-
sippi valley states today from the
white-capped peaks of the Rockies.
A brisk northwest wind bore the
storm upon Nebraska, Kansas and
Iowa, while its approach was her-
alded in other states ofathe region
by rains, cloud skies and falling

Lutheran Students: Prof. W. E. Bauer, of the history department of
Valparaiso University, will speak at the St. Paul's Student Club meeting,
Sunday, 6:30 p. m., in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 3rd and W. Liberty.
Student supper will be served at 6:00 p. m. Dedication Anniversary
service at 7:30 p. m. All Lutheran students cordially invited.
Jewish Students: Professor William Worrel, of the Department of
Semitics, will speak at Services at the Chapel of the Michigan League,
Sunday, March 8, at 11:15 a. m.
Socialists: Clarence Senior, secretary of the Socialist party in Amer-
ica, will speak on "The Socialism of our Time," Tuesday, March 11, at
8:15 p. m., in the Natural Science auditorium. The Round Table Club,
cooperating with the Michigan Socialist Club, invites all who are inter-




At 2;15-"T ELFT NIGHT"
At 8:15- -" MACBETH"
Presented by
Phone 6300 Prices Popular

444 So. State L(Cor. Jefferson)
Good Music Excellent Lunch


Spring Suits $30
Extra Trousers $7
1:31 South University





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