FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1931 THE MICHIGAN D A I L Y PAGE SEVEN . . .............. . .. .. .. Semi 41 - c c list All- Campus Boxers to F--If igi c Tnight CLASSIFIE~r j AI3VERT1SING L TENTHREN TC S C Reid, Crossman Lead 7LL I Conference Scorers F 1R TOUNEY'IAT I TRAPM URA 9L.ING Greatest Michigan Boxing Show Heifitz and Knapp will square off Predicted by Coach Philbin; for the second welterweight bout of Ticket Sale Is Large. the evening. Knapp is one of the oldtimers, but he has been out of the ring for a couple of years, how-. FINALS CARDED LATER ever he has a better than even w ---. chance to go into the finals. Completed plans for the semi- Starwas to Meet Osborne. final iounds of the all-campus boy- e e wodard three times holder ing show were announced last night 4f wh xia tei mes holder and the card as it stands proves tooelightwht promes Men be one of the best that tle Mich- lwain hi what promises to be one igan leather pushers have ever run of the features of the show. The off. Starting promptly at eight i t h:vis aen slate o est- u ld n gytonig h the tami u nden in a repetition of last year's Bue battlers will square .offl r tn glove dinging contest and for a matches of three rounds each. "i up of the card Jack Starwas, h the eicisigan State A. A. U. chai- Fromthe igh fan vipion, will go into the ring against these bouts will hold all (if the f ee Osborne. The Starwas-Osborne thrills of a title match and will give ight should be the high light ofs the spectators a line on the boys the ent ire show with both boys that will go in the finals later. Seat- mh good boxing with an ability ing arrangements have been made to hahn out a . O. from either to accommodate the large crowds teeswilbe..nat that the advance ticket sale indi-i' 'mi gates will be open at sevene cates and with the new bowl sys- Ibirty and those that have not so- Keith Crossman, tem every place in the stands will n , Ltkets will be able to obtain Wolverine center, who also scoredI have a ringside view. thattie. Admission price 22 points and the same number of Hennessey to Referee. will b u,(lly thirty five cents for the assists as Emmy Reid who was an- Sam Hennessey one of the lead- s i-final bouts. alounce remmy astd Conferene ing referees in the state will o -ici - nounced recently as the Conference ate at the show while O. R. nn- f -FE secring champion for the 1931 sea- jamin, Detroit, and Walter Adrion, PURPLE TO FENCE !son. Ypsilanti, will be the judges. Open- WOLVES TONIGHT_ ing under the new rules and with a QUINTET TO WIND view of making boxing one of the aI fencing Meet of Season UP SEASON SOON major sports Coach Let Philbin h'.ase °- billed ten of the best fights tat Irngs Northwestern Here.Cn u'Fma have ever been on the Intramural - (Continued From page G) canvas. (Continued From Page G) next year. Minnesota and Pur-1 Two middleweights will take the his sabre touch. due, the two teams which are lid off the show when Shaheen Lovell and Friedman will be the now tied for second place in the meets Helzerman for what prom- j probable entries in the foils with rankings, each have one game ises to be one of the slugging fests the captain. Although DeStefano 1s left, and the probability is of the card and for the second bout slated to work in the sabre event strong that both will win these Gus Trometer will face Galizia. with Gordon, either may be chang- games.. so Michig i must also Trometer has been the favorite in ed at the last moment in order to remain unscathe: if it is to this division by right of an aggres- allow some newcomer to the team stay near the top. With six sive attack and because he car- to gain experience. Several men of wins and four losses to date two ries a wallop in both gloves, some ability are working out with more wins will give the Wolves Golden To Fight Ralston. the squad and Coach Johnstone is a very presentable season, while Dave Golden and Ralston fight- uncertain of his lineup because of two losses will Just reverse mat- inging in the lightweight class are their rapid development in the last tors. slated to go in the third place on week. -j the card followed by two welter- Winig and Powers are the only It is probable that the old com- weights, Red Elliott and Kalonic, certainties to start. Because of the bination of Eveland and Weiss at' who seem to be the leading con- points that they will win, Michigan forwards, Daniels at center, with tenders for the crown in that divi- ought to gain a victory in their last Williamson and Altenhof at the! sion. The veteran Herata and a showing before the Big Ten Cham- guard will be untrusted with the newcomer Greenberg will battle for coniplished swordsmen now and .are task of winning these games. a chance at Ando in the flyweight pionships March 13 and 14. - - class.E- ---- Assessments for taxation of pub- Pat McBride and Bill Pocock in After a 5,000-foot dive in an air- lie utilities showed a general in- the featherweight division are slat- plane John De La Motte, Ravenna, crease in Montana during 1930 as ed for the sixth battle on the card 'Neb., contractor, said he recovered Qsompared with 1929, the largest in- and the winner of this scrap will , his hearing after he had been deaf crease being recorded in power meet Dave Gallup for the title, 25 years. and gas lines. ROGERS HORNSBY POINTS CHICAGO fi a " T rm TOWARDS NATIONAL LEAGUE FLAG WW Injuries Handicapped Powerful Cub Team in Last Season's IT Pennant Campaign. Challenge By Sheldon C. Fullerton to Badger Title; to Hold (Editor's Note: This is the ninth. . of a series of articles dealing with Preliminaries Tonight. the chances of the major league - clubs in 1931) .(Continued From Page 6} Hawley Egleston, the rankingI Although the Chicago Cubs of varsity hurdler, is an almost un- 1930 were a powerful ball club, sev .known- quantity, -for he has plenty oral injuries to leading men on the Iof ability, but has failed to come team and a general slump towards ...ththrough in the past couple of meets. the end of the season relegated the He has plenty of speed for a third Bruins to second place in the Na- place if he does his best, probably tional League pennant race, trailing plceif hedes hiesobanl rotit11 big behind lat field of Indiana the St. Louis Cardinals. Since -hat and Senta of Illnois. The best time Rogers Hornsby, brilliant sec- that can bec hoped for Wolfe in the ond baseman and former pilot of a lin w' f or plac e the Cardinals, has taken over the mile is o:dfourth place when managerial reigns from Joe Mc- rUrnnn ga st Wolsey of Illinois, Carty, ad wil ty hi luc at in-perhaps Letts, or lc etham of the Carty, ad wil ty hi luc at in-I Buckeyes. ning the Cubs another flag.L s r Hlornsby Breaks Leg. Letsi aoie Hornsby sesed aurner is also good for a third Hornsby himself suffered a brok- in the half mile which is almost en leg last season, while both Les- Z certain to go to Letts. Bloor of ter Bell and Riggs Stephenson were Ohio looks good for a second place. handicapped for a long time with great slugger in addition to being a n. sore arms. Then too, the untimely one of the best catchers in the jand Eknovich are (ood fora few dngathe seasoneal aseerelow game today, and barring injuries i counters also. to Cicagos pennant chances. With w. have that position all to him- Indiana's bid for the champion-' a little more luck in the matter of sel ship will center around the dis- injuries, the Cubs should go some I Iornsby himself will take care of tance runners as a nucleus. Brook- place in 1931. the keystone sack position, while smith is an outstanding contender In addition to the veteran hold- Charley Grimm will again be back in the mile with Neese also a threat. overs from last year's mound staff on first base. Elwood English, last Le1s, Watson and Kemp are all Hornsby has added five pitchers year's regular shortfielder, will good for points in the two mile that should be a great help to the again be back on the job at that grind. The hoosiers made a great club this season. Bob Smith, s position, while Lester Bell is ex- showin in the quadrangler meet I cured from the Boston Braves, Les_ pected to take care of the third las t wvye ek against Minnesota, ter Sweetland, a former Philly, and base assignment. Noithwestern, and Purdue ran off Jakie May, from Cincinnati, are all Batting Lineup Powerful. with the meet, placing in every hurlers with plenty of big league This infield, when working as it event. experience who should aid the Cubs should, is one of the best in the l dgers Have Veterans. greatly, big leagues. It has plenty of batting Wisconsiln will depend on the Secure Coast Hurler. punch and is good enough in the veterans of last ,year's champion- Ed Baecht, star Coast League field to outclass most of the other shfip team to again take the title. hurler of 1930, has also been se- big league clubs. With such men as Behr in the shot put, Shaw in the cured by the Cubs in a deal involv- Hornsby, Grimm, Bell, and English high juip, Capt. Henke in the 440, ing seven players and a large cash batting in the same lineup as the. and Thomnpon in the mile, are all consideration, while Lou Warneke, Chicago outfielders rival pitchers g oing to be up in the scoring when an International League mounds- really will have a nightmare when the points are passed around. Il-E man in 1930, is another man that they face the Cubs this season. liois and Iowa will also come in is expected to bolster the Cubs' Undoubtedly Hack Wilson Na- for a big slare of the honors. NOTICE VIOLINISTS! - CELLOLSTS2 I must return to Europe immediate- ly. Will sell old collection (10) master violins, cello. Originals, over 150 years old. Big tones. Real sacrifice at $60--$500 each. Habich, 5853 Belvidere; Detroit. NOTICE-Will the person who took the wrong dark brown hat from the Penny Carnival please call 2-2510 immediately and get cor- rect hat. rect hat. 45 USED CLOTHES bought and sold. Call 4310, 215 E. Washington. H. Benjamin. 2460 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuft Dial 6087. C GEOLOGY 2 TUTORING on ATMOSPH-ERE. Tommie Mack Tutoring Agency 310 S. State Phone 7927 1230 NOTICE--We will pay $25.00 Re- ward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of party stealing the fancy light fixtures from the front of the Den. Fingerle Operated Restaurant, TYPEWRITERS SOLD, RENTED AND REPAIRED. SLATERS INC. S. STATE ST. DIAL 3814 561234(2)C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Single room and suite. Well furnished, close to campus. Reasonable. Phone 4354. 45 WANft'D WANTED-Secretarial position on campus by young woman with university and business training. Unusual experience handling academic routine. Box 164, Mich. Daily. 345 WANT ADS PAY! staff. Among the veterans that will be back are Charlie Root, Guy Bush, Pat Malone, Sheriff Blake, ! Art Teachout, and Bob Osborn. I Gabby Hartnett has the catching position cinched before the season even gets under way. Hartnett is a tional League home run king, Riggs, Stephenson, and Kiki Cuyler will handle the regular outfield assign- ments, although two rookies, John- ny Moore and Vince La ton, are both determined to make strong .ids for the starting positions. When the survivors of the elm- .ation beets tonight are announc cd, the situation may be a little c r er. lvi i e h i g a n, nevertheless, will not be far from the top when the rpikes are packed away for the eturn Irip Saturday night. 'l I . ' -I . .. . ' 'tt "' aGS s .,. _ ,.tio ^a ,_..:z u+at : .. ,+°.. .'t .t i brri17.i3i''"t 4._'::. ? '.Y. .. stn, _-= kitlPJifar. .ywu: t . .. . v.-d. "me;ssme-rr .._.Y V .:F : ,.S , wer+]. C' . .w' '^ ffi_7ft K. "'Y'[y~y°',:__ J."1.' :_73. .4 .S dii.1 . h. , .. }. ..,. _.- .. __... M1... ..., ..._.d. .3Y 5L e .. d61 _ _ _ = ; . ,.. a _ !'' J { n yt 7' i1 y' A $ Vale i/ \AJ' j 1p _ /h f S t ? fez I 1;j~J ~'" ( VF to make room for new Spring Stocks BROWNING KING Not only have we sought the best and selected the most alluria color and material, but determined the c: t& rA SUITS AND- OVERCOATS 4MW ,:S f suit you too. $35 I wo to ea (originally up to $50) All of the remaining Spring and Browning King suits and overcoats, at $50, $40 and $30, is now grouped final sale at one price, $23.50. Winter stock of originally priced together in this These include fine worsteds, cheviots and cashmeres in smart weaves; also a few plain blues, browns and A LARGE SELECTION OF THE New ARO HIRT From to $350 White and Colors oxfords. Because of the exceptionally low price, small charge will be made for alterations. a A4lso shirts, neckties, socks and pajamas at radi cally reduced prices during this final sale only rnu~fiflO TWio A^