PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1931 ,-__________________________ Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- iratches credited to it' or not otherwise credited an this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- zaaster eneral'. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FRANK E. CoOPER, City Edito= News Editor.............Gurney Williams Editorial Director...........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor............:aoseph A. Rssell Women's Editor .......... Mary L. Behymner Music, Drama, Books........Wm. J. Gorman Assistant City Editor.. ,.... Harold 0 Warren Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor.........George A.EStantet Iopy Editor G................Wn. . Pypet NIGHT EDITORS -.- - -- - - - - - ~ ~ - S. Beach Conger Carl S. Forsythe David M. Nichol John D. Reindel Charles R. Sprowl Richard L. Tobin Harold 0. Warren SPORTS ASSISTANTS Seldon C. Fullerton T. Cullen Kenned, Charles A. Sanford , a a REPORTERS Thomas M. Cooley Morton Frank P ut Friedberg rank B. Gilbreth ito k Goldsmith oland Goodman Morton Helper James Johnson Bryan Jones Denton C. Kunze Eileen Blunt Nanette Dembitz Elsie Feldman Ruth Gallmeier Emil G.Grimes ineLevro n te Susan Manchester Powers Moulton Wilbur J. Meyers Brainard W. Nies Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine erry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter ohn V. Thomas john S. Townsend Mary McCall Cile Miller Margaret O'B~rien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell ties of other schools more capable' of paying for their services. While the phrase of Dr. Ruthven that "The vultures are gathering" is somewhat inclusive, in the light of the several dangers to which the University would be exposed per- haps its ambiguity is justified. One would have far to seek for a more deserving recipient of the $400,000 than the University to which it belongs. MOSLEY'S "NEW PARTY" No one having the slightest inter- est in international politics can deny the commotion which Sir Oswald Mosley's "New Party" will stir up in English politics. This young radical statesman whom all the leading political lead- ers of England are beginning to consider seriously as a threat to the long established tradition of the three great parties has awak- ened other incorrigibles of the na- tion and with them has organized a party which is certain to cause a furore in the politics of Great Britain. As he himself has said, the new party is formed to make a work- shop instead of a talkshop out of the present economic crisis of Eng- land. As much as anyone else, Mos- ley realizes the dire straits in which his country is plunged, with mil- lions unemployed and a general feeling of unrest throughout the whole Empire. It need hardly be said that Eng- land's present predicament is ex- ceedingly precarious. The incum- bent Laborites are striving man- rfully to keep the government on an even keel and has all but been sub- merged in a rough political sea. Mosley's new party is not pro- posed as a cure for the ailing Brit- ish lion, neither is it to be a pre- ventive for all of the peculiar and dangerous ills which have been cen- tered in Parliament. It is however, the simulus which England needs. Led by a man who is known for his honesty, frankness, political ability and standing, it has gather- ed unto itself young blood-men who will be England's leaders in future years when the present crop of statesmen will be history. These men have young ideas and can put these ideas into England's politics, thereby rejuvenating much of what is slowly dying in that na- tion. It is not a sudden burst of life that we would expect from this party, but a slow process of recon- struction, truly and typically Eng- lish, which the other parties appa- rently cannot undertake. .p About Books... I .= --- --- _ - ALL'S RIGHT WITH THE STUDY OF LITERATURE? Queer things seem to be happen- tion to John Livingston Lowes I ing at Harvard which I, who have whose "Road to Xanadu," what- never been to Harvard, choose to ever else it did, showed what a interpret by a process of giving terrific discipline literary criticism them rather distant significances as is. And then, of course, I am told depressing. that Mr. Kittredge has spent his H. W. Garrod, who holds the Pro- life at Harvard insisting on the fessorship in Poetry at Oxford Uni- very same thing; that is, on the versity, was last year appointed to tremendous discipline of scholar- the only other seat like it in the ship that must be brought to bear world - that at Harvard. The on the minutest aspect of criticism Charles Eliot Norton lectures which until the adequate solution of any Garrod delivered there have just one minute problem almost makes been published (Poetry and the one the "universal man," knowing Criticism of Life: Harvard Univers- all. How does this compare with ity Press. The last lecture in the criticism as "a field of infinite de- book called "Methods of Criticism light in which our talents and our In ((why not Of) Poetry" may be ingenuities may wander harxiless- only an unimportant anachronism. ly . . . and our personalities maust But considering that the holder of be emphasized . . . and our read- the two greatest lectureships in ers must be pleased, etc. . .. poetry in the world delivered it at I insist that if Harvard had been one of the greatest universities, I loyal to the traditions for which chose to see it as a vicious contem- it is noted, it would have booed porary event. The amiability of the lecture Garrod, made a scandal of his ami- must have been charming in the able self-satisfaction, sent him back lecture hall. It is a poor substitute to Oxford with his "all's right and for sound, serious thinking in print. easy with criticism" attitude shat- The nature of Mr. Garrod's think- tered by the force of more serious ing could not be reproduced. Mr. Garrod like a true gentleman and strenuous convictions. They achieves a comfortable fusion (or should have informed him of the erasure) of all the problems of motives which prompted them to criticism. Basic in the lecture is an bring I. A. Richards to Harvard incredible "all's right with criti- and the motives which prompt their cism" attitude, the gracious stupid- love of Kittredge, Lowes, and Irv- ity of which would make a French- ing Babbitt. man scream. But the lecture has to Or perhaps they shouldn't have i _...__.._____. ._.___- av - A_____ - 'I U I _1 i~ School of Nursing of Yale University .R Profession for the College Woman interestecin the moden, scientific egencies of social servicc. The thirty months course, pro- viding an intensive and varied ex- perience through the case study methods, leads to the degree of BACHELOR OF NURSING Present student body includes gradu- ates of leading colleges. Two or more ea-rs of approved college work required for admission. A few scholarships avail- able for students with advanced quali- fications. The educational facilities of Yale Uni- versity are open to qua:ified students. For catalog and information address: The Dean The SCHOOL of NURSING of YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN : CONNECTICUT 11 -I 11 t i r I- I- BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. , IN VESTMENT SECURITIES Orders executed on an ex. changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. lot FLOOR SCHOOL OF MUSIC CONCERTS.. (No Admission Charge) UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DAVID MATTERN, Conductor Sun., March 15, 4:15, Hill Auditorium HANNS PICK Violoncellist, and ALICE MAN DERBACH Accompanist Sun., March 22, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater WASSILY BESEKIRSKY Violinist, and MABEL ROSS RHEAD Pianist, in Sonata Recital Sun., March 29,,4:15, Mendelssohn Theater JOSEPH BRINKMAN Pianist Sun., April 5, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater T HELMA NEWELL Violonist, and LOUISE NELSON, Pianist in Sonata Recital Sun., April 26, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater SCHOOL OF MUSIC TRIO ! __ it II'l III ,..' ) AFTER THE DANCE For Fountain Specials Toasted Sandwiches Quick Service The Betsy Ross Shop 13-15 Nickels Arcade We Deliver Dial 5931 1A .m BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2,2x4 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager KAsrz 11. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERs Advertisirg..............Charles T. Kline Advertising .............Thoma AM. IDavis Advertising...........William W. Warboys Service ...........Norris J. Johnsn Publication ...:........Robert W. Williamson Circulation............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts........ ........homas S. Muii B usiness Secretary ........... Mary J. Kenat Harry R. Beglev Vernon Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan William W. Davis Richard H. Hiller Miles Hoisington Assistants Erie Kightlinger Don W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Stratemetr I Keith Trler Byrou C. Veddet Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal Marjorie Rough l Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese l i l i F _ _i _ 1 Ann W. Verne Marlan Atran Helen "Bailey D oehine Convlsm axine Fishgrund Dorothy LeMire - Dorothy Laylin be read to make that understand- been so passionate but should have able. been silent in contempt. But a re- I can, however, quote and com- !cent news article from the Harvard FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1931 Night Editor-CARL S. FORSYTHE "THE VULTURES" Any success which attends the plans of the state legislature to cut off part of the University's revenue from the annual mill tax would not be without its ironic consequences.' For the past decade the University has been urged and stimulated to undertake more and more responsi- bility for the offspring of Michi- gan's 'taxpayers who happen to be attending the state university; the institution has not only assumed the onus of this task, but has ex- panded its curriculum and improved its teaching staff. Despite this good faith, state officials look to the university as a most desirable, if iot the most natural, place in whicl: they can economize. Further, aftei a period of internal stricture and ennui folowing President Little': resignation, the University needs all of its resources to recover it: weakened morale and personnel When President Ruthven's admin- istration has just completed its re- habilitation and adjustment pro- gram and stands on the brink of undertaking some solid construc- tive efforts on its own, the loss of $400,000 in annual revenue would be disastrous. But to point out the irony of such a possible situation is perhaps toc seasoned an outlook. Any move to cut the mill tax funds would be false and dangerous economy. It would not involve a reduction in taxes, but would divert $400,000 from the mill tax income of the University to other purposes. In actual figures, however, the pro- posed reduction would mean a saving in taxes of half a dollar on a $10,000 valuation. The principle of economy is not only false and negligible, but the political issue concerned is likewise without substantial precedent. For sixty years the University has been free from the necessity to lobby for funds; the mill tax has insured a constant income, freedom from political influence, and the ability to undertake the work of educating Michigan students under circum- stances approaching the ideal for a state university. In fact, much of Michigan's genuinely deserved re- nutatlion foren.mpah-P and o,-,,4 Campus Opinion Contributors ate asked to be brief, confining themseh es to less thaL. 300 words if possible. Anonymous com- nmunications will be disregarded. The names of commnunicants wili, lbowtver, be regarded as confidential, upon re- test. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. WATKINS ON LIQUOR To the Editor: I notice by this morning's Daily 'hat you quote a part of Mr. John .. Watkin's speech before the Na- tional Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform, but rou do not quote answers to it from ,tatements made by Col. Heinrich k. Pickert, collector of customs, or Thomas H. Brennan, Michigan )rohibition administrator. I do not know how many errors hese three articles contain, but I, to know that Mr. Watkins is grossly n error when he says what he does tbout conditions in Ann Arbor vhen he was in college and now. le says: "But I know that between ment on some of the more outrage-t ous statements in it. Reference isX made to "the solid and impressiveG body of agreed opinion there isr about the best poetry . . . For in truth, is anything about poetryl more marvelous than the fact thatj we nearly always agree upon it?" 2 To comment on that, I mention that the Harvard faculty this sem- ester contains a man I. A. Richards, another Englishman. Last year Mr. Richards published a book "Prac- tical Criticism" which showed thej terribly disquieting results of work he had been doing with students1 at Cambridge University, England. Advanced students ( Mr. Richards insisted on calling them "proto- cols" to show that their right to the name was subject to experi- ment) in English literature at' Cambridge, and thus I take it fair- ly representative of educated taste, were submitted certain poems without their author's names and given a few days to write a critique on each one. The results were so astoundingly diverse and incor- rect that any remark about "the impressive body of agreed opinion about poetry" should be, just at present, absurd. The protocols were aware of the "agreed opinion" about the men who had written the best poetry. But Mr. Richards took them off balance by submitting them anonymous poems. That was unfair. It was also disastrous. For, using loose figures on the basis of 100, the only poems that received majority judgement were a poem from "More Rough Rhymes of a Padre" by a Rev. G. A. Kennedy and a poem by one J. D. C. Pellew. One of the best of Donne's divine sonnets (the one beginning "At the round earth's imagined corners ..), an excellent poem of Hardy's and another one of Gerard Hopkins re- ceived 30 per cent approval. At any Crimson, reprinted in the New York papers, seems to suggest that the students in literature at least, are rather on the side of Mr. Garrod. The piece of news is amusing, but I shall wish to insist, disgrace- ful. It seems that the students en- rolled in the course in Comparative Literature 11, conducted by Profes- sor Babbitt, have formed a lottery based on the number of writers which he mentions in each lecture. Tickets, numbered 1 to 100, are sold for ten cents a piece. The man holding the ticket corresponding to the total of writers that day wins the lottery. The average total is given by the dopesters as 47, but anything in the 70's is always a good guess.nAn idea of the people being quoted: Byron, Wordsworth. IWackenroder, Hazlitt, Novalis, Her- der, Rousseau, Goethe Voltaire, St. Augustine, Confucius, Iristotle, St. Paul, Socrates, Dante, Plato, Mar- cus Aurelius, etc... Now all that is jolly. Good un- dergraduate fun, entirely under- standable from almost any students on the Harvard campus except the students in the class. The students in his class, I take it, are nearly the cream of Harvard students of liter- ature. And with that in mind, their elaborate whimsy can only be in- terpreted as vulgar mockery of Prof. Babbitt's conviction that, they would be grateful for an inclusive ap- proach to p r o b1e mn s discussed. Mockery, that is, of his feeling that they seriously believed discussion of literature to be a strenuous affair, mockery of the ideality of his con- ception of teaching and of his view of them. I purposely elaborate the signifi- cance of the lottery-jollity. Be- cause, symbolically at least, it seems to have that significance. The cream of England's taste could not even read poetry. The cream of America's students of literature think Mr. Babbitt's erudition a huge joke. Taken together, they show why Mr. Garrod's geniality from the two chairs at Oxford and Harvard is vicious. It is the persis- tence of such amiable reassuring optimism as his which eventually accounts for the other two events. Literature is not approached strenuously enough. It is approach- ed by too many people, by too many students in America who lack sig- nificant interest in it. In all Ameri- can classes of literature there are large flocks of students who have no notion of what the reading or the study of it involves. Mr. Gar- rod's attitude only strengthens them in their determination to re- fuse to become aware of what is involved. The teacher of literature is probably fighting a losing battle against such flocks. He is very probably stunned by their refusal to see the reading of literature as a discipline as strenuous as that of life- more strenuous in that, taken in body, it represents life's most intense and significant moments. The teacher of literature, it seems, The new season color tones are de- lightfully carried out in all new Spring hosiery, es- pecially designed to wear with the new Spring suits and frocks-dull, sheer, full - fashioned to insure a good fit -and the best quality to insure long wear. Shop Around Hosiery Section Joseph Brinkman Pianist Sun., May 3, 4:15, Mendelssohn Theater PALMER CHRISTIAN In Organ Recital EVERY WEDNESDAY, 4:15, HILL AUDITORIUM Wassily Besekirsky Violinist .: ;a, ,.: Hanns Pick Violincellist i And priced at $1.95 $1.50 $1.00 i SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY j .a1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS he saloons that were in Ann Ar- rate, the books showed conclusively >or at the time I was in college that good poetry had no advantage end the conditions existing there over bad poetry, that not only were ow, there can't be any compari- good students unable to reach crtiiII9) . ;,, ~ r . iviU . h 44-n or son,. Let us do a little figuring. When \lichigan adopted the dry amend- nent. November 7, 1916, it was con- )ervatively estimated that Ann Arbor was spending $500,000.00 in ts saloons every year. The popula- .ion of the city and the number of -tudents has more than doubled Since then. I am told that the price )f liquor has advanced more than our times. Now the produce of our and two is eight and eight imes $500,000 makes $4,000,000. Is wnybody so dumb as to think that j this city, including the students, is spending annually this enormous Sum for liquor? L. D. Wines. To the Editor: I know that the Ann Arbor police serve a valuable purpose in inspir-; 'ng Gargoyles, but I don't think I "abel myself a Philistine when I >uggest that they do something else also. I refer to the amazing uraffic situation at noontime on the southern corner of the diagonal. Since the university cannot for- hirl fin rnhlin a on loomnn theimp ,on f I agreementi in jdgig, u prvuu themselves incapable of the act of reading a poem. But to return to Garrod: "We should be better critics, I fancy, if we more often thought of criticism as a field of infinite delight in which our talents and our ingenu-j ities may wander harmlessly . . . Of what has been written about poetry the best, all the world over, is, I cannot but think, what has been written freest, with the least worry of head, the least disposition to break the heart over ultimate ques- tions. The laws of poetry are serv- iceable not that the critic may for- ever be reminding us of them, but because so secure are they that he can afford to forget them. He can afford to indulge his temperament, he can allow himself infinite ex- periment, he can be a creature of likes and dislikes." That by the above, Garrod means that criticism best locates itself over the tea-table, he himself cor- roborates: "Indeed, when I ask what the aim is, or should be, of Our Stock of Mai Announcin difference. corporated the NEWl Musical Instruments Is Such That Ample Selection Is Possible. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED rtin Brass Instruments the master saxophone made by Martin. There is a Come in and see, feel and hear what can be in- J t g into a sax. There are numerous refinements also in MARTIN trumpet and trombone. Gibson String Instruments The master craftsmen of Gibson.have developed- BANJOS-GUITARS-MANDOLINS - UKULELES We Offer Competent Repair Service on all Makes of Instruments. - - -- II