1 6 MORROW mmomm"
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Itit r t vi 106.- u
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VOL. XLI. No. 109
Harmony Prevails as Delegates
Assemble at Meeting
in Kalamazoo.
Lack of Major Issues Appears
as Principal Reason
for Accord.
(Bv Associat red rss>
BUENOS AIRES, Mar. 5. -The
Prince of Wales and his brother,
Prince George, reached the princi-
pal objective of their South Amer-
ican tour this afternoon. A flag-
draped special train brought them
into the city from El Palomar fly-
ing field.
An hour before the princes, ac-
companied by an escort of 25 Ar-
gentine army planes had landed at,
El Palomar from Mar del Plata. A
arge crowd waited in a scorching
sun to greet them, Thousands of
persons who lined the decorated
streets of this city obtained only a
fleeting glimpse of the princes as
they were whisked in automobiles
from the station to the residence
of the British ambassador. Other
crowds were packed along the routeI
to the Casa Rosada where the royal
Raskob Stirs Dissention with
Appeal for Modification
of Dry Laws.
Wife Substitutes for Sir Oswald
at Inaugural Meeting of
New English Party.
Robinson Roars Repudiation'
Chairman's Proposal for
Party Platform.
(By Associated Press)
KALAMAZOO, March 5.-An at-
mosphere of harmony hung heavily
over the Republicans who gathered
here tonight for their state conven-
tion Friday. The lack of a major
issue to fight over appeared to be
the principal reason for their spirit
of good will, but at any rate fac-
tions that heretofore have flown at
each other's throats, mingled in
Two years ago the forces led by
Edward N. Barnard and William
McKeighan snarled and clawed at
the group headed by former Gov.
Fred W. Green, and Howard Law-
rence, but in preliminary confer-
ences here they vied with each
other in extending courtesies.
McKay Aids Truce.
The hour of brotherly love em-
braced Frank D. McKay, former
s t a t e treasurer, John Gillespie,
newly crowned chairman of Wayne
county Republican, Frank D. Fitz-
gerald, secretary of state, delegates
from the Groesbeck stronghold of
Oakland, Muskegon, and Macomb
and many other groups which in
bygone years have been out, or in,
according to circumstances.
Taking advantage of the strange
a li g n m e n t, organization chiefs
worked diligently to perfect the
picture of party accord. For the
moment, at least, they were able
to say that factional strife has
been buried, 'although no guaran-
tees were offered that the same
situation will prevail. w h e n the
campaign of 1932 rolls around.
Offers No Opposition.
A kive feast, in the shape of a
banquet presided over by Judge Ira
M. Jayne, of Detroit, staunch ad-
herent of former Governor Green,
and addressed by Gov. Wilber M.
Brucker and Robert H. Lucas, exec-
utive director of the national Re-
publican committee, fitted nicely
into the pattern. Governor Bruck-
er, although groups which are con-
sidered unfriendly to him were in
controlling combination, did noth-
ing to disrupt the peaceful setting.
He said he would ask nothing of the
convention, nor would he oppose
any of the candidacies proposed by
the whips. Thus the reelection of
Lawrence as chairman of the state
central committee, was assured.
The only contest which appeared
likely to reach sizeable proportions
on the floor of the convention, was
for the nominations for places on
the state board of agriculture, and
factional leaders intimated they
were not sufficiently interested to
get excited.
State Buletns
(BAs tnt e,*
Thursday, March , 1931
KALAMAZOO-Women members
of Michigan's Republican organiza-
tion gathered here today in a spe-
cial meeting, preparatory to the
state convention which will open
Friday. Addresses were made by
Gov. Wilber M, Brucker, and How-
ard C. Lawrence, chairman of the
state central committee.
BLISSFIELD-Farmers of south-
ern Michigan and northern Ohio
today were contemplating taking
over the Continental Sugar com-
pany's plant at Blisfheld and oper-
ating it in order to save sugar beet
growers from loss. The plant has
been closed and is in the hands of
the receivers.
ZEELAND-George Cabill, super-
intendent of the Grandview poul-
try farm, announced today that
several thousand baby chicks are
being sent to the drought stricken
regions of Arkansas to assist farm-
ers there to restock flock that were
used for food. Daily shipments are
to be continued.
LANSING -The state conserva-
tion commission today voted to give
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, M a r c h 5.-The
prohibition powder keg exploded
today at the meeting of the Demo-j
cratic national committee.
v " u. Av~wh It tore asunder the Democratic i
party went almost immediately for tndrearer 1h2 andlf
an oficil viit.standard-bearers of 1928 and left
an official visit.
the party workers grouping for the
s1 y~gHroad of harmony to which final
pleas of the meeting beckoned.
Chairman Raskob touched off the
spark with presentation of a plat-
form for the committee's consider-
ation which calls for state liquor
control, among other things.
Senator Robinson, of Arkansas,
Club Plans Weekly Rehearsals t h e running mate of Alfred E.
Wednesday Afternoons Smith in 1928, took the platform
at Union. to roar his "repudiation" of the
Raskob platform and his violent
Twenty-seven freshmen' and two opposition to "bringing to the front
sophomores were admitted to the a controversy that will divide the
newly organized Freshman Glee party."
club following the preliminary try- Alfred E. Smith, smiling through
outs held Wednesday when more most of the row,
than 50 candidates sought places, came to the front -
announced Gayle Chaffin, '31M, in response to a,
manager of the Varsity Glee club, plea from the
Those who were successful in floor and t o o k I......
their tryouts will meet once a week Robinson to task
for rehearsal on Wednesday after- for "jumping all
noons from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock. All over Raskob" be-
rehearsals will be held in the Musi- cause he present-
cal Activities room of the Union. ed his own views.
The two sophomores who were Cox Makes1
admitted to the organization are Approval.
Charles Ham and Theodore Van- Finally the vet-
derveen while the freshmen in- eran James M.
elude Paul Bauer, Archibald Beach, Cox, presidential
Allen Cleneay, Stewart Cram, Wil- nominee of 1920, JOSEP- RBIN0M
liam Davis, Samuel Finkel, Herbert
Fletcher, Frank Grabower, Harold comc f or a r d
Hletchr, Frankr Graoe, Harl with an appeal for consideration of
Hancock, Lester Harrison, Karl the differences of the north and
Jean, FredJohnson, Nicholas Arn- south of prohibition and for a unit-
keef, Ulvjn Keeton, Bernard Kon- ed front.
opka, Albert Kramer, Joseph La- Chairman Raskob, calmthrough-
Cava, Joseph DeLuccia, Russell out, concluded with a reiteration of
Matthews, Milton Marmer, Charles i t o ask ith cmeeo
Nisen, William Sabom, John Sil- hisri ske com y llu-
verman, Arnold Soper, Louis Sor- consider issues; enied any co l
kin, Herbert VanNouhuys and Wil- sion with any individual candidate;
lim Young.r aand put the committee on notice
---og he would ask action in his recoin-'
mendation at the next meeting in
December of January.
Roars and hisses resounded as
the prohibition furore reached its
Tfl~flIheight but the Democratic hosts
IN hegt b t t ecBU CK Lleft the meeting smiling and reliev-
ed. Pleas for unity against the
-- common enemy were the keynote
Defense Attempts to Establish of the post-meeting discussions.
Nevertheless, Harry Flood Byrd,
ounter-Motive for Murder of Virginia, a vice-chairman of the
of Commentator. committee, predicted tonight that a
--- majority of the committee was still
(, / A""" i/icdPress) against any declaration of policy.
DETROIT, Mar. 5.-The defense I Mrs. Norton Replies.
i the trial o Ted Piuino, Joe Raskob from the platform de-
Bommarito, and Angelo Livecchi,, clared the d i s c u s s i o n healthy.
indicted for the slaying of Gerland Smith and Robinson went their re-
E. Bucklcy July 23, hammered away spective ways from the committee
at state witnesses today in an effort room and each had nothing to add.
to set up a counter-motive for the It was Representative Mary T.
asassination of the radio politicalNorton of New Jersey, who walked
co.imei tator.Iresolutely to the platform to an-
This effort by the defense paral- swer Robinson after he in thunder-
icled an effort by the prosecution ous tones criticised Raskob f o r
to show what Buckley said and did "needlessly injecting" the prohibi-
during the last hour of his life, tion issue into the party at this
with whom he talked, and his re- time.
actions to the result of the Detroit Mrs. Norton insisted the women
recall election in which he had tak- wanted modification of prohibition
en a prominent part. and accused Robinson of "changing
The contention that the recall his position" since she nominated
movement in the suburb of Ham- him as the running mate of Smith
tramiek rather than the earlier sim- in 1928.
ilar agitation in Detroit, was the ___ __
basis of the attack against Buckley Th W athe
was made by defense counsel in ar- Weaer
gumcnts before Judge Edward J. (I s ,
Jeffries. In his opening statement, Lower M i c h i g a n: Increasing
Pro ,cuutor Harry S. Toy charged cloudiness, possibly f o 1 o w e d by
that Buckley was slain by gangsters snow in south and central portions
wit o opposed his work in behalf of Friday; Saturday cloudy, probably
th_ movement to recall Mayor snow in east and south portions;
Charles Bowles. Anthony Maiullo, not much change in temperature.,
defense counsel, said today that he
had information that ltuckley was C.-Me -
planning to espouse the then-im- Cabinet Men Furnish
Hall Jammed as Granddaughter
of Chicago Merchant
States Plan.
(BY Associated Press)
LONDON, March 5.-Sir Oswaldj
Mosley was ill abed tonight, but
his "New Party," rallying around
for malcontents from the Labor
ranks, was ably launched by his
"right hand man" and wife, the
Lady Cynthia.
Lady Cynthia, who is the daugh-
ter of a British peer, the late Mar-
quis Curzon, of Kedleston, and the
grand-daughter of a noted Chicago
meimhant, the late Levi Laiter, was
an elegant substitute for her mil-.
lionaire socialist husband at the
inaugural of the British infant in
politics at old Memorial hall in
Farringdon street. The hall was
jammed inside and blocked by the
overflow without.
Tall and good-looking, gowned in
black and with her cheeks flushed
by excitement, she shouted defiance
to Conservatives, Liberals and Lab-
orites alike as she pictured the "ab-
normal, dangerous and desperate"
national crisis facing Britain, 1,-
500,000 unemployed, industries in a
chaotic state, the good old days of
"Merrie England" gone forever, and
nobody doing anything about it.
Crowd Cheers.
The crowd cheered her, a few
hecklers worried her, and at one
"Rough h o u s e initiations," in-
cluding physical mistreatment of
candidates, destruction of property,
public disturbances, and interrup-
tion of class attendence, was con-
demned last night at a meeting of
the Judiciary committee of the In-
terfraternity council.
Because of unfortunate incidents
that have occured with frequency
in thehpast, fraternities that violate
the principals underlying the sug-
gestion for a "hell week" that is
not too dractic, will be liable to dis-
ciplinary action, it was announced.
The condemnation is in accord-
ance to a resolution passed in 1928
at the National Interfraternity con-
ference and unanimously reaffirm-
ed in 1930.
The Judiciary committee urged
the cooperation of all fraternities
in this matter.
'As You Like It,' tTwelfth Night'
and Macbeth' to be Given
During Week-End.
The Ben Greet players, under the,
auspices of Play Production, will
open here tonight at the Lydia
Mendelssohnttheatre with a per-
formance of "As You Like It." Two
more productions will be stagedf
during their stay in Ann Arbor,
"Twelfth Night" at 2:15 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon, and "Macbeth"
at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night.
Among the noted English actors'
who will take parts in the shows
arc Sir Philip Ben Greet himself,
Russell Thorndike, brother of Sybil
Thorndike, Enid Clarke, and Muriel
Firemen Unable to Combat Blaze for Three
Hours After Alarm Because
of Dense Smoke.
Fire yesterday swept the F. W. Woolworth company store at
120 Main street, causing a loss estimated at $100,000, and tempor-
arily throwing more than 100 persons out of employment.
A second fire, which broke out while firemen were fighting the
downtown blaze, partly destroyed an apartment building on Thayer
street, forcing a score of persons to seek new living quarters.
The Woolworth store fire was discovered at 8 o'clock by H. C.
Rupp, carpenter, who, along with other workmen, was removing
the basement ceiling because it
was said to be a fire hazard.
SOLONS PROBE Patrolman Clark Earl, on beat
IOWA RECORDS duty at the time, saw smoke pour-
ing from the building and turned
(f~v Associated rrin the alarm. Two other alarms
IOWA CITY, March 5.-Chair- were sounded when it was thought
man H. S. Carroll of the legis- the flames were beyond control and
lative committee investigating would wipe out the entire business
the University of Iowa admin- block.
istration announced this after- Damage caused by the fire could
noon that the committee had not be estimated, although C. J.
taken over the handling of the Andrews, fire chief, said the loss
university business office. would amount to more than $100,-
He stated the committee had 000. The loss is partly covered by
been watching since Monday insurance.
night to prevent removal of the Chimney Believed Cause.
records. A defective chimney, William C.
The committee's investigation Maulbetsch, city building and elec-
was instigated by Verne Mar-
shall, who charged school offi- thcal inspector, believed, started
cials were guilty of maladmin- the blaze.
Iistration. Three other stores, the William
_sra__.Goodyear and company department
store, the B. E. Muehlig company
building, and the E. F. Mills com-
pany store, were damaged by smoke
and water. No estimate of the loss
could be given.
Mrs, Ada Smith, saleswoman in
time a rough house fight in the Hutchinson. They will have the
gallery threatened to disrupt the parts of Jaques, Sir Toby Belch,
meeting, but the smiling and self- Celia, and Rosalind respectively in
possessed young woman remained tonight's performance.
in command throughout. i The players presented three per-
Lady Cynthia was free with ges- formances in Ann Arbor on their3
tures and fanned the air in great 1 9 2 9 - 3 0 transcontinental tour,
circles as she protrayed the failures 1 among which was the first quarto'
of the present Labor governmenII version of "Hamlet." This version
Then, smacking one hand down on had never before been presented in
the open palm of the other, she American until their arrival. It has
pounded home the points of her not until 1823 that the first copy
husband's "national plan" for re- of it was discovered, and there are
form of Parliament, the rebuilding only two known to be in existence
of trade, control of imports, and at present.
cooperation with the dominions be--
yond the seas.
"As my husband says," she de-
England's muddling through. If
the present crisis is not solved, Eng-
land goes under!"
Outlines Plan. _____
The essence of Sir Oswald's plans,
as outlined in a recent manifesto, Service Men Ask Prevention of!
is to dispense with Parliament and # Profiteering Among Those
to operate the country with a gov- Who sta at Home.
erning board of five men. The y
scheme has been labelled a "five (vy Associated Press)
man dictatorship" by some, but Sir Wy, Mar. 5ren w
Oswald denies that is the intent, WASHINGTON, Mar. 5-Men wo
Lady Cynthia was not without fought in the World War demanded
her critics. Throughout the speech today that if they are sent to war
they interrupted with taunts about j again those who stay at home be
attempts to foist fascism on Eng- mobilized to prevent profiteering.
land, her betrayal of socialism and Representatives of the American
the ambitions of her husband.
"He wants to be prime minister" Legion, the Veterans of Foreign
persisted one interrupter. Wars, and Disabled American vet-
The audience roared approvingly Grans appeared before the war pol-
when the speaker silenced with this icies commission to advocate legis-
retort a heckler whoi questioned d
her socialism: lation for universal draft in time
"If you want to find the betray- of war.
ers of socialism, go to the Labor The commission, composed of
government cabinet." members of the cabinet, the Senate
and the House, was set up by Con-
gress to study "methods of equaliz-
ing the burden and removing the
Provisional President of Peru
Will be Succeeded by
(By Associated Irss)
LIMA, Peru, March 5.-The pro-
visional government of Dr. Ricardc
Leoncio Elias today accepted insur-
gent demands for leadership in or-
ganizing a new government.
Dr. Elias, who this week succeed-
ed Lieut. Col. Luis M. Sanchez Cerro
as provisional head of the govern-
I ment, wired David Samanez Ocam-
po, leader of the insurgent Arequirn
junta, of the willingness of the
I Lima junta that he name the pres-
ident of the new provisional gov-
ernment and four portfolios in th(
new ministry.
This development, which virtual-
ly marks the third change in the
government within the last seven
months, followed the arrival by air-
President Will Discuss Campus
Highlights of 1931 at
Detroit Banquet.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Mrs. Ruthven will be honored
by alumni at a banquet and recep-
tion Friday, March 13, at the Book
Cadillac hotel in Detroit. The affair
which will be held in the grand
ballroom is being sponsored by the
University of Michigan club of De-
Campus highlights of 1931 will be
the topic discussed by President
Ruthven. Regent R. Perry Shorts
will also speak on University
affairs. Frank Cody, presiding sup-
erintendent of schools in Detroit,
and Charles F. Kettering, scientist
profits of war."
The hearing today was the first
of a series at which those charged
with the conduct of the last war
will be heard. Bernard Baruch,
chairman of the war industry board
during the World w Ir will testify
Next week, Newton D. Baker,
secretary of war during the Euro-
pean conflict and Gen. John J. Per-
ship, head of the American Expedi-
tionary force will appear.
Ralph C. O'Neil, national com-
mander of the American Legion
urged the commission today to rec-
ommend legislation to ensure the
mobilization of men, money, mate-
rials and food in time of war.
Affirmative Debaters
Meet Detroit College
Michigan's Varsity affirmative
plane Wednesday afternoon of em-
issaries of the Arequipa leader.
The action of the Lima junta
marked one more instance where,
in the long struggle between thE
Lima, the metropolis, and Arequipa
representing the provinces, Are-
quipa imposed its will upon the,
The revolution which last Augusi
'inseated Augusto B. Leguia began
at Arequipa and when Leguia wa.,
deposed and a group of Lima mili-
tary leaders took charge the Are-
quipa leaders refused to accept
them, insisting upon designation of
their own leader, Lieut. Col. San-
chez Cerro, as head of the govern-
But Sanchez Cerro, in Lima, lost
his hold in Arequipa and was ac-
cused of not living up to his pro-
nouncement of policy. Friday, Feb
20, coincident with an outbreak at
Callao which Sanchez Cerro put
down, the garrison at Arequipa re-
volted against the provisional gov-
ernment and set up its own junta
Owner of Rum-Filled
Cocoanuts Arrested
(Bv Assorinted Prrss)
CLEVELAND, M a r c h 5.--Police
who found 200 cocoanuts in the
apartment of George Daviw, 64, de-
cided there was monkey business
somewhere so they arrested Davies,
charging the nuts were filled with
liquor made by man instead of by
nature. They also took 211 gallons
of alcohol and estimated the value
of their haul at $5,000.
Sy -- S -lj aflJ' A ,r ,
Police took part in the fire in
the Woolworth store yesterday
morning when they arrested Harold
ueesc, of Eaton Rapids, as he drove
ais truck over the hose line being
ased by the fire department. Reese
paid Justice Bert E. Fry $9.55 fine
:n court for the offense.
he Muehlig store, was overcome by
moke. She was given medical
reatment and taken to her home.
Several firemen were partially ov-
,rcome and given first aid treat-
nent at the scene of the fire.
Dense clouds of smoke hampered
irement in combatting the blaze.
['hey were unable to enter the store
til several hours after the alarm
ad been turned in. The flames,
]owever, were confined to the
Noolworth building.
Power was shut off until the lines
rom the Woolworth store had been
It was not until five hours later
hat firemen had the blaze under
.ontrol. Police were stationed at
the building as a precaution against
Further outbreaks.
Thousands See Blaze.
Several thousana persons, many
f them students, lined the entire
>ock. Fire lines were erected by
Although the exact number was
zot estimated, it was learned that
;0 persons were employed by the
loodyear store, 20 by the Wool-
iorth Co., 26 by the Muehlig estab-
ishment, and six by the Mills com-
George S. Chubb, owner of the
,.partment which was destroyed by
.re at noon, was unable to deter-
.nine the origin of the blaze. Dam-
age to the three-story frame build-
.ng, estimated at $4,000, is covered
>y insurance, he said. About 20
persons resided in the apartment.
Phree were students. They were
Forced to seek other living quarters.
Six rooms on the third floor and
he roof of the Chubb apartment
vore entirely destroyed. The re-
maining rooms, made into apart-
ments, were damaged by smoke and
Washington's Features
Will Adorn Quarters
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 5.-The
classical features of George Wash-
ington probably will adorn next
year's quarters.
Congress passed a bill to place
f pending recall movement against
Rudolph G. Tonerowicz, the mayor
of Hamtramck.
Witnesses called today included
Leonard A. Dysarz, long prominent
in Hiamtramck political affairs. He
told of a party held after the recall
election in the suite of William T.
Skrzycki on the eleventh floor of
the LaSalle hotel. Buckley looked
Autographs Readily
(Py Assctiated 1ress)
WASHINGTON, March 5.--Auto-
graph collectors have in the na-
tional capital a seventh heaven.
The collector doesn't even have
to supply pen and ink, much less
paper, to get signatures of the cab-
inet members. They are prepared