PAGE EIGT T THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931 P A G E E G H T T H R S D A Y , M A R CH-- -1 9 3 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. - 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL XLI. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931 NO. 108 NOTICES To the Faculty of the University: The next meeting of the com- mittee of the Senate on University Affairs will be on Monday, March 9, at 4:15 p. in,, in room 2009 Angell hall. Communications should be addressed to the Secretary of the Committee, 263 West Engineering building. Louis A. Hopkins. Studepts, School of Education: All students enrolled in this school who did not fill in on their election cards the names of all instructors are asked to do so immediately. This may be done in the Recorder's Office, room 1437, Elementary School. School of Education, Changes of Elections: No courses may be added after Saturday, March 7. Any change of elections of students enrolled in this school'must be reported at the Recorder's Office, 1437, Elementary School. This includes any change of sections or instructors. Senior Engineers: All those wishing to pay their dues please see E. E. Walters, C. M. Clark, J. W. Antonides, or C. C. Torell at any time. Orders for announcements and invitations will be taken about the middle of March. A definite date will be announced later. Any Student who, during his first semester in the University had an average of Half "A" and half "B" and was carrying 12 hours of work, or anyone who had the same average in 24 hours of work for the first two semesters, is entitled to initiation into Phi Eta Sigma, national Honorary Society. If you are interested in being initiated, please turn your name in to the Secretary of your college. Old and New Members of Phi Eta Eigma: You are urged to secure your copy of the Phi Eta Sigma Forum, to which your initiation entitles you, from the secretary of the Dean of Students in room 2, University hall. It includes the report of the last convention. Sophomore Engineers: Entries for the class swimming, track and relay meets are due. If you are interested please sign your name to the proper list on the bulletin board in the lobby of West Engineering building immediately. Hermeneutics 160: Professor Meader's course in General Linguistics 160, meeting Mondays and Fridays at 10 o'clock, has been transferred to room 231 Angell hall. EVENTS TODAY University Lecture: 4:15 p. in., Natural Science auditorium. Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, of the University of Chicago: "The Activity of Nerve and Brain." The public is invited. Zoology Lecture: Dr. Ralph W. Gerard of the University of Chicago will lecture at 7:30 p. m. "Energy relations in nerve metabolism." Room 2116 Natural Science building. All Campus Forum: Fred J. Ireland, prominent producer, playwright, and actor, will speak on "What's Wrong with the Stage," in room D, Alumni Memorial hall, at 4:15. Cercle Francais: There will be a meeting of the French Circle at 7:45, in the Circle meeting room. Professor John W. Eaton is to talk on the Englishman in Eighteenth Century French Literature. Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. W. H. Magruder of the Central Public Service Corporation of Chicago, will be in room 221 West Engi- neering building for the purpose of interviewing those men who may be 'interested in employment with this company upon graduation. Colloquiun in Applied Mechanics: Dr. Clark, of the Engineering Research Department, will present a paper entitled "Creep of Metals at High Temperatures." There will also be a review of periodicals. Time-7:30 p. in., in room 445, West Engineering building. The Political Science Journal Club will meet today in 2035 Angell hall, 3:00-5:00 p. in. The Engineering Council will meet in the Union at 7:15 p. m. -This meeting is important and all members should be present. Fraternities: The judiciary committee of the council will meet this evening to decide on initiation petitions. All petitions must be in by 6:00 p. m. Social Dancing Classes: Advanced class for men and women begins tonight at 7:30, in the Women's Athletic building. Beginners' classes start Tuesday, March 10. Chess and Checkers: Chess and Checker Club will have its second meeting in room 302 of the Michigan Union this evening at 8:00 o'clock. Everyone cordially invited. Election of officers. 'SENATE CONIRMS SHOALS BILLVTO Upper Members of House Cast Only 49 Votes in Favor of Bill. (I Associated Press> WASHINGTON, March 4. - The Norris government operation plan' for Muscle Shoals was dead legis- lation today, but it took its place among issues stored up for future political battles. The Senate late last night failedj to override the veto President, Hoover had sent it a few hours earlier. A majority, 49, voted against the Chief Executive, butI two-thirds was needed to override.1 The Senate's failure made House consideration unnecessary. Although the outcome had been conceded and some friends of the bill were not particularly seeking the showdown, when consideration was fo-ced they engaged in hours of debate. During this Mr. Hoover, was scored for killing the plan, and the "power trust" was coupled again with his name. Democrats Resentful. Southern Democrats, .to whom the Shoals point is a lively local is- sue, said the Chief Executivehad violated his campaign pledges by the veto. Others prophesied before the packed galleries that the issue would rise full force in the next; ,residential campaign. Groesbeck Appointed to Represent Senate - , Assoted I ess lica Alex J. Groesbeck, F o r m e r governor of Michigan, was appointed to the counsel which will represent the senate in i'ts ap- proaching court investigation into the right of chairman Smith of the power commission to hold his of- f ice. WOMAN'S REFUSAL TO BE THE PAYERIR IT SENDSC.O.D. FLOWERS, SHOES BACK VV III Id fl Cl S Husband's Stolen Expense Check "It's $6 collect," he said. Prompts Anonymous Shower "Collect?" questioned the puzzled;IP UI0IIII U U N I fill of Articles. Mrs. Hiles. "My husband would never send me roses collect. Take . T T c n: Atn"P iI I ( 1) vA: ociatcd Press) CHICAGO, March 4. -Whoever said "It's the woman who pays," never met Mrs. Buford E. Hiles. She almost wore herself out Tues- day 'night not paying for the nice things that came to her home- C. 0. D.-during the husband's ab- sence from the city on a business trip. Mrs. Miles was reading when the doorbell rang. A messenger stood at the door, with a bunch of roses} in his hand. t~fliALITY CHEST P c C mmittee Will Nominate Ten of Which Five Will be E Elected. The Community Fund association them aw ay." irorm er . . .Lns. ricLI oLrney He did. Scores Flagrant Law He had no sooner gone, however, : .. Violation.' than another boy with another box of roses and a bill for $5 appeared. (By Associated Press) "Take them away," she ordered. DETROIT, M a r c h 4.-John R. The second messenger left and Watkins, who resigned as United was followed by another, who also States district attorney here in De- carried roses, but Mrs. Hiles knew cnmber, told the Women's Organi- what to do. zation for National Prohibition Re- "If they're collect," she said, "you form Tuesday that "we can't go can rhu yraon'.",yout for flagrant violation of the can run along." law," and that "the time has come They were. for a movement to get rid of this Next came a pair of shoes, size prohibition law." eight, for which she declined to pay, He charged that the prohibition followed by a C. O. D. chair, pay- force in Detroit, as well as the cus- ment for which was likewise re- toms force, was "filled with graft," fused. Then Mr. Hiles came home during his term in office, but that and explained. It seems someone tnnhiinr aaim+rcri F i issue challenge on behalf of his yesterday announced the personnel party.f Mr. Hoover's veto message said the measure was a square presenta- tion of the government ownership issue, and that he stood by his basic opposition to government in busi- ness, competing with private en- i 1 t i Only one Republican regular rose deavor. to defend the President. Otis Glenn. Remedies for power industry of linois, praised Mr. Hoover's abases, he insisted again, rested in '01!rage and welcomed the campaign regulation, and in regulation only Junior Girls' Play Rehearsals for today: Choruses B and G will re- hearse at 4 o'clock, and Choruses E and F will practice at 5 o'clock. Dr. Hartman, noted pathologist of Henry Ford Hospital, will speak today in the Hospital Amphitheatre at 4:30 p. m., on "Methods and! Effects of Increasire the Urinary Constituents in the Body." Everybody welcome. Gandhi and Lenin: Dr. C. G. Kulkarni, Hindu scholar, will speak on this subject tonight at 8:15 in the Natural Science auditorium. The lecture is given under the auspices of the Round Table Club. Women's Inter-Class Basketball Teams pictures will be taken at the Barbour gymnasium today. The Junior and Senior pictures will be taken at 12:00, and the Sophomore and Freshman pictures at 12:15. Play Production: "Mrs. Partridge Presents," a three-act comedy, will be given by students in the Play Production classes, at 8:30 at the Laboratory theatre. Tickets may be secured by calling in person at the Laboratory theatre box-office between 2 and 4 o'clock; there is no l charge for these tickets but they are necessary for admission. Michiganensian Business Staff: There will be a meeting of the entire business staff of the Michiganensian this afternoon at 4:15 p. m. Everyone is expected to be present of the nominating committee, whichj wil list the n'mes of the five nomi- S v who will be selected for the ioard of directors. IThe committee is composed 'of Dr. Dean W. Myers, chairman; Mrs. 0:'to W. Haisley, Miss Sara Whedon, Pi n. E. C. Goddard, and J. Karl ;i ?cohn. s om-imittee will nominate 10 11, rsons, five of whom will be named ,y directors by contributors to the fund. Election results will be made known Monday. The new directors v ill be chosen for three years. Those whose terms expire t h i s spring are Dr. H. A. Haynes, direc- tor of University hospital, presi- dent; Donald C. May, Floyd Ser- geant, Herman Gross, and V. H. Lane.j stole his expense account check from a mail box, tried to cash it at various places by making pur- chases, was refused, and made a graceful escape each time by say- ing:. "Oh, well, just send this stuff C. O. D." Prominent Pathologistj Will Talkat Hospital Dr. Hartman of the Henry Ford hospital will speak at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the University h o s p i t a l ampitheater on the "Method and Effects of Increasing the Urinary Constituents in the1 Body." A pathologist of national repu- tation, Dr. Hartman has done a great deal of work in various kid- ney infections, and his talk should be well received. Dr. Hartman is speaking here un- der the auspices of the Alpha Ome- ga Alpha, honorary medical society. ie prohbtioni department reseni ed all suggestions of an investiga- tion as attempts to undermine it and prevent it from functioning. The customs department heads, he said, "welcomed an investigation" when it was shown that "a great deal of graft" existed in the bor- der patrol. Since the prohibition law went into effect, the former prosecutor said, "anybody not sponsored by the drys-I mean the fanatical drys-found it almost impossible to become a United States judge." The prohibition department, he said, "would ask you to prostitute your profession as a lawyer and when you wouldn't go into , court and ask a judge to believe some- thing you yourself didn't believe, then, you were being unfriendly to the department." He conceded "the bad effect of the saloon on the local communi- ty," but declared "that between the saloons that were in Ann Arbor at the time I was in college and the conditions existing there now, there can't be any comparison. COMING EVENTS Chemistry Teaching Staff: A meeting of the staff is called for Friday afternoon, March 6, at 4:15. Makc-up Final Examination in Political Science 1 will be given' Saturday morning, March 7, at 9 o'clock in room 2023 Angell hall James K. Pollock. History 40, Section 2, at 10 o'clock on Friday, will meet as usual in 1020 A. H., for the remainder of the semester. Herbert Mekeel. Wyvern will meet in the Russian Tea room Saturday, at 9:15. University Club: Club night Fri- day. Mr. Ernest Lloyd on Racing Yachts. The Burgess slides will be shown. Sociology 141 (Criminology): The make-up for the final examination in this course will be given Tues- day, March 10, at 3 o'clock, in room 102 Economics. SPECIAL! Spring Suits $30 Extra Trousers $7 CHAS. DOUKAS 1319 South University BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. INVEST MENT SECURITIES Orders executed on all ex. changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. 1st FLOOR Theosophy: Mrs. Consuelo de Aldagv in the Women's League today, to- morrow and Friday, at 8 p. m. ...: Thursday-The Ancient Wisdom, a' Key to Life. Friday-Special Cre- ation or Evolution by Rebirth. Sat- urday-Towards Fulfilment. will give three public lectures 4ij 'CRUISE on the INTERNATIONAL NIGHT MARCH 10th Hill Auditorium 50c Tickets on sale now at bookstores. -ENGIN.EE Sand ARCHITECTS WILL FIND A FULL STOCK OF TEXT BOOKS, INSTRUMENTS AND DRAWING SUPPLIES AT rEErsity 31.6 SOUTH STATE STREET -' .. S C^_ __ - _ __ __-_ 'i l COME AND HA Played By 11 Y~I'ohL T T x'~~ TC N A hX T T-T TTCN /""%" Z ,VI YTTCVt"%V" l\'l iiul