THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931 THE MICHTGAN DAILY ...t ........,..MARCH. .5.,.1931.. THE .M..CHIG.AN. ..A.ILY Wclvtrine Hope to Bring Title Back From Big Ten Meet Net Week-end. Although Coach Cliff Keen is spending this week with the Fresh- man squad, his Varsity squad is going through its paces daily under the watchful eye of Assistant Coach Don Donohue. Some of the individ-. ual ire ribers of the feshman squad are planning on competing in the State A. A. U. championships in Detroit, and Keen is helping them polish off a few of the rough spots. Hope to Win Title. With the Western Conference meet a little more than a week away, the members of the Varsity are working diligently, determined to bring the title back to the Wol- V'erine stronghold. Keen will be back with them next week, and no effort will be spared to bring the entire squad to its top form for the meet. Captain Auer, with an excellent chance to cop the heavyweight title, failed to straighten out some scholastic difficulties and has been dropped from the squad. Four Men Are Strong. The Wolverine title chances ap- pear to lie with Sigwart, Otto, Dou- gvito and Stoddard, primarily, all of whom are conceded an excellent chance to secre top honors in their respective divisions. Dougovito is high point man for I the team, with a record of four falls in five matches, and is a top heavy favorite to regain the title won two years ago in the Conference meet. During his entire intercol- legiate career, he has never met dte'feat. HOYT TO LEAVE WITH MEN TODAY Mile Relay Team Doped to Take First Place for Wolves. (Continued From Page 6) best. Sehiefley of Minnesota is also a big 'threat. Wolfe ought to be good for a place in the mile although in con- sideration of plenty of opposition it will probably be well down on the list. Austin is the big Michigan threat in the 2 mile gind and Coach Hoyt is also taking Howell and Hill along, two men who wll provide plenty of trouble for Leas, Indiana, defending champion. The race between Austin and Leas is going to be a thriler and the old mark of 9:26.4 set by Chapman of Wisconsin in 1926 is going to be in plenty of danger. The mile relay looks likean other first for Michigan if Rus- sell, Glading, DeBaker, andE Eknovich can repeat their per- formance of last week, for their times looks the best in the Big Ten, despite the fact that Chi- cago was handed a dead heat in the event. Turner and Brad- en will do the 880. N. Y. Commission Petrolle-Tut Defense After Billy Petrolle knocked cut King Tut recently in New York in the fourth round of their fight, the New York State Ath- letic Commission withheld their purses until further investiga- tion. Charging that no blow was struck in the knockout, the Com- mission listened to the protests of both fighters yesterday. The purses are to be held up until the affair is settled although no official decision on the matter until investigation has closed. LEAE T _....__. intrammmv HOCKEY PLAYOFFS Theta Chi will play the winner of the Ranger-Theta Kappa Nu game on March 11. Phi Kappa Psi meets Phi Mu Alpha March 10 and Xi Psi Phi will cross sticks with Delta Kappa Epsilon on the fol- lowing night. Delta Upsilon will meet the winner of the Delta Alpha, Epsilon-Psi Upsilon game also on March 12. Semi-finals will be played on March 16 and the finals two nights later on the night of the annual Open House. The all-star selections will be chosen after the winner of the playoffs is determined and an- nounced in The Daily the following morning.I M~a a All freshmen mut enter this meet in order te be elig il cfr any subsequent Intramural 'rack meet this year. No contes)ant is per- mitted to enter more than two events. A further limitation is placed, in that no entry may run in any event if he enters a rce over 440 yards. Health cards are required of all men eompeting ii the 440 or over. Other track meets arc: indepen- dents will race on the next night, March 11; the All-Campus is sched- uled for March 19; the interfrater- nity meet is March 24 and the inter-class on March -61. Event Record Folder Record Several Draws and Incomplete ' Leagues Must be Decided , Before Series Start. (Continued From Page 6) ment while Alpha Phi Alpha swept the Maryland division. Phi Sigma Kappa and Pi Lamb- da Phi are tied so far in the Ala- bama league but each team has a game to play yet in the regular sea- son. Phi Kappa Sigma defeated all opponents to win the Sewanee bracket. There is a close race in the Geor- gia Tech league with Phi Beta Pi leading. Phi Lambda Kappa seems to have a slight edge over the mem- bers in the Tulane division. Alpha Sigma Phi has all but won the Missouri league with only one more game to play. Referees of the league games have been looking over the mater- ial for All-Star selections. The playoffs will definitely decide the positions. that are now in doubt. The basis for selection is the in- dividual's worth to his team plus his defensive and offensive ability on the floor. Boxing Show to H'ave Varied Card of Bouts (Continued From Page 6) contended of all titles, with four men led by a freshman Heifitz, Knapp, Red Elliott and Kalonic fighting for the honors in what may turn out to be one of those grim affairs where a knockout will be more expected than a decision. As Starwas automaticly vacates his middleweight title to fight in the light heavy division there will be at least three outstanding fight- ers after the ownerless belt. Sha- heen and Trometer are the lead- ing contenders, but there are sev- eral newcomers that may take the limelight. Bog Morgan ani Bill HLewitt,j champion and runner-up respec- tively, are slated to go in the semi- finals since late entries have swol- len the ranks of the heavies. These boys were originally scheduled for the finals, but anything may hap- pen when the heavy sluggers get together Friday night. ACTIVITIES NEXT WEEK Monday, Mar. 9-Start of the in- terfraternity basketball playoffs. Class handball championships. Tuesday, Mar. 10-All-Frosh track meet. Start of hockey playoffs. Wednesday, Mar. 11-Annual All- Campus Boxing show featuring the winners of the semi-final fights. independent track meet. Thursday, Mar. 12-Relay Carni- val. Friday, Mar. 13-Employees bas- ketball league featuring tre B. & G. team. FROSH TRACK MEET. The Annual All-Frosh track meet is scheduled to take place next Tuesday, Mar. 10 at 7:30 in the Yost Field house. 60-yard High Hurdles Low Hurdles 440 880 Mile High Jump Shot Put Broad Jump Pole Vault J. Campbell 5:5 Egleston 8:6 Egleston 7:6 Allen 52:4 McLaughlin 2:05:0 11.1-. Wolfe 4:38:0 MlHose 5'11" Goldsmith 39' Klein 21' 112" Allen 12' Montreal Canadiens, Bruins Near Titles National Hockey League's two di- vision winners neared determina- tion as the Montreal Canadiens and Boston Bruins need only one and two games respectively to clinch the pennants. 1 hzJ ; > spend 2,0 ,000 1T ^MEL Crtt~ 6. E:have beei in the tobacco business a long time down here at Minston-Salem and we kif, a lot of pride in the quality of the cigarettes make. While we have spent a good many million dollars advertising Camels, we've always held to the old fashioned idea that the thing that really counts is what we put into our cigarette and not what we say about it. If we know anything about tobacco, and we th1iNk we do, Camels contain the choicest Turk- ish and the mellowest, ripest domestic leaves that money can buy. In fact we have every reason to be proud of the quality of Camels as they come from the factory, but the remark of an old friend of ours from Denver some Iac ago emphasized a point that has been the problem of the ,cigarette industry for -cars. As he inhaled the smoke from a Camel we gave him in our ofiecs one morning, he sighed with very evidenl enjoyment and then asked jokingly, "What is this, a special blend re- served for Carmel executives?" "Certainly not," we told him. "This package of Camels was bought at the corner store this morning." "Well," he said, "I've been a dyed in the wool Camel smoker for a good many years, but upon my soul I never got a cigarette as good as this in Denver. If you would give the rest of the world the kind of Camels you sell here in Winston- Salem, you ought to have all the cigarette bmsi- ness there is." F SPRING SUITS Friday and Saturday Sp of lhe tobacco in Camels, whether you buy thiemn in Winston-Salem; Denver or Timbuc- sas ut up to now there has been a very real diference in the condition of the cigarettes by the tine they reached the smoker. The flavor and mildness of fine tobacco depend upon the retention of its natural, not added, moisture content which is prime at about 'ten per cent. In spite of our great pains always to make sure Camels left the factory with just the right amount of natural moisture, no cigarette pack- age had ever yet been designed that could pre- vent that precious moisture from drying out. ThERE are three things about a cigarette that can sting the tongue and unkindly burn the throat. (1) Cheap tobacos. (2) Particles of peppery dust left in the tobacco because of inefficientclean. ing inethods. (3) A parched dry eondition of the to- bacco due to loss of natural moisture byr overheating or evaporation. Always certain of the quality of our tobaccos we had already made Camel a "dustless" cig- arette by the use of a specially designed vacuum cleaning apparatus exclusive with our factory. Now, if we could perfect a package that would actually act as a humidor and retain the natu- ral moisture content, then Yuma, Arizona, could enjoy Camels as much as we do here at Winston-Salem. We knew what we wanted. We tried many things. We asked the PittsburghTesting Laboratory to help us. After many experiments and humidity tests covering all x