PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUP.SDAY, MARCH 5, 1931 ... . ........... G~lOtil N iIN FOR DELIBERATIONS Cessation of Nationalist Work, Freeing of Most Political ' Prisoners Is Conceded. DIPLOMATS ARRIVE AT AGREEMENT [1 DETROITERS CONSIDER HAMTRAMCK IEUROPEAN NA VAL NEGOTIATIONS i rUD dPOLISHI CRIME CENTER, SAYS CARR ,. 0 CT, 000, o y rofessor Bei e ve s class hrvze.lcda feing that their H sLMsta resion Due city was neglected by the Detroit papers in the two categories of toAjsmn a. sport and society news, though ~Netrolter amPois h ee wherorovd t a t hiewD e nit tnew ap e . Sub-Machine Gun, Revolvers Used in $42,450 Dinner Party Hold-up. (LYD FlaMarSScrd4Press) HOLLYWOOD, Fla., March 4. - ,4 t I ia Meeting of Students crime is rampant, where the streets' re unpaved and where the houses tS araMe America's ; are unpainted and shabby, accord- 'aricipation. ing to a study made during the first} I on ncf v n'' fl n~ n $z:c. xncfinr st' ine Dietroit impression of their Polish neighbor is entirely wrong," Professor Carr continued, "for 95 per cent of the streets are paved, while the houses are as clean and, INDIANS APPPROVE TERMS Action Insures Participation of Naitiorfallsts in Next Rond Table Meeting in India. (13v Associated Prss) NEW DELHIndia, March 4.- Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Nation- a'H.t leader, and Viceroy Lord Irwin at high noon today signed a truce which ends the Nationalist civil dis- abedience campaign and obtains Nationalist co-operation in working out a qualified dominion status for India. The truce culminated negotia- tions of weeks which reached ful- fillment in an agreement at 1:30 a.m. Shortly afterward Gandhi left the viceregal palace in a drench- ing rain to inform the Nationalist 'orking committee at old Delhi. While the committee voted unan- i4ous approval of the terms G andhi curled up on a straw mat at the side of the room and went to sleep. Aftetr he awakened he had his head aid face shaved, donned a spotless white homespun chaddar and loin cloth and set out for his meeting with the viceroy. Grant Concessions. In return for abandonment of the civil disobedience campaign, which the Nationalists inaugurated a year ago in an effort to gain in- dependence from Great Britain, andhi wrested from the viceroy an amnesty for all political prison- 'ets held for non-violent offenses, the right of those residing on the seashore to make their own salt, and adjustments regarding the re- turn of property confiscated for non-payment of taxes. In addition to calling off the dis- obedience campaign, the National- ists agreed to forego their demand for an official inquiry into police excesses in quelling Nationalist demonstrations. Picketing will be kept within the normal laws of the Acctmtry, which allow any citizen to discourage by peaceful means the sae of any commodity. The agreement recognizes that the boycott, which is not punish- able under the normal laws of In- dia, will be directed against for- eign goods, not necessarily British products, with the objects of pro- foliing native Indian industries. All extraordinary laws promulgated to deal with civil disobedience will be withdrawn. Gandhi Demands Compliance. The truce assures Nationalist participation in the forthcoming second roundtable conference to be hield in India, but Gandhi has said that if the Nationalist demands for Itan autonomy in finances and miitary matters are not granteddby Britain there his followers will be- gin anew their agitation for separa- tion from the British Empire. Financial and military supervi- sion are the two principal reserva- tions made by Great Britain in an offer of "dominion status with safe- guards" given to India by Prime Minister MacDonald at the conclu- sion of the recent London round- table conference, in which the Na- tionalists refused to participate. In order to negotiate with Gandhi! and fellow Nationalists for their participation in the second confer- ence the government shortly after the offer released him and other members of the Nationalist work- ing committee from prison. Ends Another Chapter. The truce concluded another chapter of the struggle of Indians to regain control of a veritable sb-continent containing 320,000,- D00 people - after more than a century of British domination. The All-India National congress, meeting at the end of 1928, gave Great Britain one year in which to grant dominion status. The Nationalists met early in 1930 and decreed separation from Great Britain and on March 12 Gandhi and some disciples, having Dino Grandi (left), Italian fore son, British foreign secretary, who w up the naval questions which 'were London naval conference. The work sulted in the apparent success of t tions, and in the arrival of these cou s I M PNL EEP Aged Member of Senate Beaten in North Carolina Primary. I d lC l (By Associated Press) NEW BERN, N. C., March 4. - I While the seventy-first congress; drew to a turbulent close today, a man who has been in the midst of most of its battles of the last gen- eration remained quietly at his home here and saw finis written to his 30 years service as a United States senator. #*s*.mester t i inat ctys pOii in decent as the majority in Detroit. Police combed southeastern Florida 4.PET IONS CIRCULATED the newspaers and PUO opinon This merely is an example of the today for four masked bandits who of Detroit by a research class in S.-. sociology conducted by Prof. Lowell Icg lag in psychological adjust- looted a dinner paty Tuesday 'o.n s Active Minority J. Carr. met to more rapid social change." night of $1,500 in cash and $42,450 prevn4 onges~o ~ TU~dayAll o the members of the class did 4"y fre,'enfs Congressional Profe,.or Carr stated Tuesday not i ei ft lasd n jewelry after lining up the diners - o eote their attentions to theinjwlyatriiguphedes p Ac-o on q stion. that all Hamaitramck news appear- Hamtramck problem. A part of the with a sub-machine gun and pistols. ing in Detroit papers over a period class made an attempt to secure The robbery took place i an ex- American adherence t o t h e of years was carefully analysed, certain information of the, district clusive apartment house. The ban- World Court w l come in the next and found to be factual rather than which it serves for the northeast dits escaped in an automobile. , es i n c , the S nlat." stated Prof. favorably or unfavorably biased i branch of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. Assoc ated Press Poto H. Arthur Steinc, t the 60 per cent of the cases. Peol halls, recreation halls, thea- Mrs. E. O. Smith of Detroit told "The prevalence of the opinion tres, health centers, and "blind police she lost two diamond rings nmnster. and Arthur H ender- imenm meetngthat Hamtramck is a crime center," pigs" of the section were enumer- valued at $10,000 each, a diamond ire largely responsible for clearing held at 4:15 o clock yesterday in Professor Carr stated, "may be laid ated, and a spot map made of child bracelet valued brooh ad at left unsettled at the close of the Natural Science auditorium by the to the great amount of Hamtramck delinquency. diamond studded brooch valued at of Grandi .an Henderson has re- World Court sudeit committee, the crime news, displayed in large he Franco-British-Italian negtia- Student Chisin ciation, thheadlines bythe Detroit press." L t A iC Other victims and their reported ntries at anacrnpicpe. Round Table club, and the Tolstoy iCitizens of the Polish city, them-losswr:AtuJ.R deD- lan anaccordnsprinciple.Tle oth selves, when interviewed by the Sent Out to Colleges troit, host, a diamond ring valued meeting was to encourage Ameri- -- at $600 and $150 i cash; Frank Black, Miami Beach, $1,000 in cash; c 4 y li ° Db te ca's joining the World Court, ando Collections of books and pamph- to present to those who wished, an lets dealing with the question of John Jennings, hollywood Country tote to biosea Nw,.o club dancer, $240 cash; Miss Vir- ______ opportunity to sign the petition to , alcohol in society have been sent to ginia nder,$4 ,shris wa r- Alpha Nu held a practice parlia- the Michigan Senators. 12 colleges in Michigan by the In- valued at $1,80Daridnecklace val- mentary drill at its mneting last Faculty R-presented. tercollegiate Prohibition associa- ued at $50; William Marsh Kimball, night, in conjunction with Athena Although two o t heannounced T tion with headquarters in Wash- manager of Hollywood Beach hotel, and Portia, women's forensic so- speakers, Dean Henry M. Bates of ington, Fenelon Boesche, '34L, pres- $110 cash. cieties. Henry Moser, of the speech the Law School and Prof. John H. William Penn Received Charter ident of the Student Christian as- Mrs. Rhode, Mrs. John Truss, department, presided. Muyskens, of the speech depart-C sociation, announced yesterday. As- wife of a Detroit broker, and Mrs. A debate with the City College of ment, were unable to attend, the FromsCharles II 250sociated student Christian associa- L. Runge, mother-in-law of Mar- Detroit next Tuesday night in Ann faculty was represented by Prof. Years Ago. tions are the sponsors of the prohi- shall, were not molested. Arbor has been scheduled by Al- 'Preston W. Slosson of the history bition organization. The dinner guests told police pha Nu. 1 department, Prof. Francis Onder-- (By Associated 1es) Schools that have received the three of the robbers guarded them Tryout speeches of five-minutes donk of the Architectural School, PHILADELPHIA, M a r c h 4.- liquor publications include Adrian, with the sub-machine gun and pis- duration are being given each week and Dr. Steiner. Pennsylvania today observed the Albion, Alma, Battle Creek, Eman- tols while the fourth collected the under the direction of Byron C. Professor Steiner's main point 250th anniversary of the granting uel, Hope, Kalamazoo, Calvin, Mich- valuables. A coil of rope apparently Vedder, '33, vice president of the was the success that the Wcrld to William Penn by Charles II, igan State, Olivet, Detroit Teach- brought by the invaders withc the society. After they are completed Court has enjoyed since its incep- King of England, of the territory ers and Northern State Teachers idea of tying their victims, was left the members will vote on the ad- tion in 1921. He explained that the that is now the Keystone State. college. behind. mission of those who have tried Court "is not a panacea for world On March 4, 1681, Charles II gave out. ill. bu is rather an advisory and to the famous Quaker certain ter- 1arbitrary body. He stated further ritory "in the parts of America riot that it is not a political group i yet cultivated and planted," lying the ordinary sense of the word, but between the 40th and 43rd parall- Discuss Employment tat. c tnhe cntrary, its dccisiom iea, north latitude, and between the have been. a a rule, favorably re- Delaware River and a line fie do- (By Associated Press) ceiVe" by the nations concerne Igres wet of that stream. LONDON, March 4.-The views of which in ludes most of the nations Pennsylvania failed to officially various widely known figures on a of the earth. rec ognize the day until four years solution for unemployment were pposed by Strong Minority. ago when the legislature passed an revealed at an informal party given Why are we not in the World act designating March 4 as Penn- by Lady Astor,- American-born M. Cour now?" asked Professor Slos- syivania Day. It is not a legal holi- P., in the house of commons Tues- son at the beginning of his talk. day. day evening. Answering this question, he stated . that it was, because, although the Rangers of Yosemite Park, Cal., Charlie Chaplin, one of the guests, opposition to it is a minority, they and Kaibab forest, Utah have said. "If I were a Mussolini I are more active than the majority, m surplus deer to other part should cure it by increased wages' and as a result little has been done ofh the forest to replenish under- and shorter working hours." to effect its passage in Congress.In stocked sections. David Lloyd George, Liberal lead- concluding, he said that if enough "oc-ed sections. . er, believed that an international petitions were sent in to the Sena- - - conference manned by the right tors, it might show them that itI BRIGHT SPOT men could settle the problem easily. would be politically unwise to ig -! o2 PA CKARD ST. Ellen Wilkinson, Labor M. P., saw nose the issue further. TODA AY, : to i:30 the solution in production of goods Dr. Onderdonk also favored the IC EAl I) D '3 T OESS WIT H . for an ascertained market and ex- World Court and compred its ML-AT LOAF AND TOMATO f portation of the balance. ideals with those of the War Re- SAUC James Rothschild, of the famous sisters' International, of which he LVER AND BACON banking firm, ridiculed the others is a member. Catherine RobinsonAC as "croakers," and said that the '32, and Leonard Kimball, '33, rep- A iURG TEAK, present depression would end soon' resentg the student body, ad- DROAST LOIN OF PORK -nd prosperity return. dressed an appeal to the students APPLE SAUCE ---______and citizens of Ann Arbor to help SIRLOIN STEAK, A LA CREOLE NOW SHOWING in any way they could. ROAST LAMB, PEAS 2:O0-3:40-7: 0-9 00 M Will Inestigate _RICED OR OVEN FRIED Ginr -r Extract Deaths Beaumont, Tex., millers are urg- POTATOES ing the public to buy broken rice, CLTTAGE CHEESE OR WILTED LOS(n -ssoci ted P'rss> available at one and one-half cents EITTUCE LOS ANGELES, Match 4-A grand a pound but declared to be equal in 3DELIVE P N jury investigation of the sale of food value to the first grade. DELIVER-PH.NE18241 aultfratedin er extr wriih h 11 'P ! .., faA~ The man was Furnfold M. Sim- mons, whose defeat by Josiah W. Bailey in the last Democrat pri- mary removed him as a figure of first importance in the state and national councils of his party. Ill-health prevented Senator Sim- mons, now 77 years old, from at- tending the closing sessions of con- gress. Always a militant figure in the affairs of his party, the grizzled veteran's irreconcilable opposition to Alfred E. Smith, Democratic presidential nominee in 1928, brought him to the crisis of his po- litical career. i completed a march down to the sea from Ahmadaba&. made salt in violation of the British ionopoly. After several weeks he was incar- cerated, but the Nationa'ist cam- paign kept up, bringing unie1d eco- nomic grief to the country ai: 1re- sulting in imprisonment of i--re than 50,000 persons. document Promises Harmony. The signing ceremony, which took only five minutes, coincided with the most important of all Hindu National religious festivals, that signifying the advent of spring and the dawn of peace. On this day the entire Hindu world forgets the rancor and evils and enmity of the past and pledges itself to concilia- tion, friendship and harmony with1 all mankind. After approving the document i containing the truce Gandhi agreed that certain technical verbal al- terations may be made in it later when it has been called to Wedge- wood Benn, secretary of state for India, for the information of the London government. Its text was understood to contain 3,000 words. has brought death to two veterans and paralysis to 37 others at the National Soldiers' home at Saw- telle, a suburb, was assured today. District Attorney Buron Fitts said he would take the evidence before the grand jury. C o u n t y chemists said rel iminary tests of samples obtained near the soldiers' home showed they contained in- juriouis adulterations. I _. IluiliR I WUI~h~JLU(t, l&£5I~muwqJ~ IT ate. , " c:. a ° 3 Daily at 2:00, 3:40, 7:00, 9:00 NOW PLAYING Comedy-Drama of a Girl Who Could Not Get the One She Wanted i I I swa c .;. j IwaYOC .. I She Used to Flirt and Puck- er-Up Like This J a 1 Her .Fast n 1 c e .She's lovable show you the dizziest lov pace this side of l' ust a great ip whlo's hungry for 4 ell" - u: jC=I 1999 I i K° THE FIRST PRINTER'S MARK I "Read this letter first," sys OLD HAMPSHIRF STATIONERY S when it makes its appearance from (he postman's bag-- and a fine appearance it makes too. For Old I-Lampshireis notabl ygood 0km stationery. Ithas quality, charactc;, sut stance-there is somcthi u bout its crispness, its ii texture, t'lattends to mae even :lc dgue t letter seem positively Cloquc i'. Now She's a Dramatic CLARA 3 I NORMAN FOSTER "NO STUART ERWIN ' I Is Pp ALICE WHITE , <<. 1 , y J IN TIJH YEAR 1457 Joahann Fust and Peter Schaeffer made the first printer's mark as a method of i entifying their work. Thus started a custom that is still alive-to em- phasize a guarantee of excellence with a mark, or trade mark, as it is now called. (A. P.) is a mark almost every one knows. People know that it signifies up-to-the-minute news- accurately written, concise and in- teresting. Every event that is news is covered by an (A. P.) dispatch. lIor beter and more of it read ALSO CARTOON BURNr S & ALLEN TALKING ,r-"n rnx, < LIMIT" A;i 4:A } 1E-1 !I I is I DAIT. DAC.P 1 I 11I i