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March 05, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-05

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VOL. XLI. No. 108



Hoover S h ow s Relief
as Filibustering
Closes Term.
Senator Thomas Holds
Floor During Last
Three Hours.
(By Associaled Press)
WASHINGTON, March 4. -
The seventy-first Congress passed
into history today with the tu-
mult and contention of its two
years existence prevailing to the
President Hoover, who took'
office two years ago today with
this Congress, came back to the
capitol to sign the last of the
measures to get through the fili-
buster-bound Senate and the weary
He smiled broadly as the nine
months Congressional recess began
at noon and seemed unperturbed
that the Senate filibuster had re-
fused to permit even the appoint-
ment of the customary committee
to notify him formally of th ad-
Signs Hospital Bill
The $20,800,000 veterans hospital
construction measure with a $5,-
000,000 appropriation to start was
all the major legislation that
emerged in the closing hours. Mr.
Hoover quickly signed it.
In the Senate, Thomas, Demo-
crat, Oklahoma, stubbornly held
the floor in the last three hours of'
the Senate session.
Refused to Yield.
.Snapping. off all entreaties, the
tall Oklahoma senator resolutely
refusOd to yield the floor to the
exhsperated Senate as he sought
unsuccessfully to obtain a vote on
the resolution ordering a Senate
inquiry into the oil industry.
In his hour at the capitol Presi-
dent Hoover remained in the presi-
dential room just off the Senate
chamber where his policies have
met consistent opposition from a
dominant group of Republican in-
dependents since the opening of the
special session when called for tar-
iff revisior and farm relief at the
outset of his administration.
It was a smile of obvious relief
that spread over the president's
countenance as well as over the
faces of the worn Senate Repub-
lican leaders as Mr. Hoover received
them. He congratulated Senator
Watson, of Indiana, Republican
State Dulletins
(By Associated Press)
Wednesday, March 4, 1931
PONTIAC-The special Oakland
county grand jury which is inves-
tigating county government affairs
returned its first indictment today.
It charged Floyd B. Babcock, for-
mer business manager of the coun-
ty tuberculosis sanitorium, with em-
bezzlement of $1,500. When ar-
raigned before Circuit Court Judge
Frank L. Doty, Babcock stood mute,
and was released under $3,000 bond



of Queer Tasks
Relate Stories in
Hash Houses.


' By R.L. T.
Rarely, in Michigan-s history, has
there been such an influx of hell.
weeks as are now in progress on
the campus. Local police are quite
sure that they have never seen so
many bcdraggled freshmen, plod-
ding wearily along the silent streets
as they have every night this week.
But more significant than usual
is the series of tasks with which the
class of 1934 is being confronted
this year. There are half a dozen
newly discovered oddities about the
Defends Honor of Native Coun.
try and Also Own Standing
Against Critics.
(I?y Assocated Phess)
NEW YORK, March 4.-Sinclair
Lewis, defender of the honor of his
native country!
Well, believe it or not, the tall,
lanky red-head from Sauk Center
essayed that role when he returned
on the Europa today with the Nobel
prize for literature in his pocket.
"So J. B. Priestly said New York
has the noisest streets?" he asked.
"Well-London has the noisest lec-
turers!" Priestly is a London au-
thor a n d lecturer now touring
Mr. Lewis defended himself, too.
He had read all the unkind things
said about his speech of'acceptance
at Stockholm and he was "shocked
and surprised."
"I am now anti-America," he de-
clared hotly. "Why, I was careful
to explain in the speech that any
criticism I made of America could
be mAde equally well of ,any coun-
try in Europe. I spoke of the Amer-
ican scene because I know most
about that."
Until he arrived, he hadn't heard
that Priestly told a Brooklyn audi-
ence Sinclair Lewis' career was vir-
tually over.
"It was Brooklyn," Lewis decided.
"People have said some mighty'
strange things when they found
themselves in Brooklyn. It must be
the sea air.

campus which have never made
their appearance before, facts and
phenomena which have never been
published. Among the popular ones
this year are the now-famous pen-
knife in the diagonal, and the vari-
ety of inscriptions on the new law
Last night saw just about the
height of the tempestuous wander-
ings by the class of 1934. They con-
Rregated at A n n A r b o r eating
houses in droves, they discussed
round-table their mutual problems,
they gave assistance to their fellow-
sufferers without much regard for
house differences. Something seems
to happen inside a freshman when
he sees a stranger in trouble-he
loses that something, of course, the
Monday morning after initiation.
This week's major activity seems
to have an extra warmth -in the
fact that it is very possible there
will be no more winter probation
weeks, what with deferred rushings
and all, From now on, the major
events will take place either in the
fall or late spring, with scarcely
any hell going on between times.
Right at present, however, altru-
ism is theby-word among the low-
lier. If you don't believe it, go into
some hash house about 4 o'clock
any morning and see for yourself.

June 23 to 27 Is Date
Set for Alumni
No Examinations Will
be Demanded of
Alumni from all parts of the
country will gather in Ann Arbor
during the five days immediately
following commencement, June
23 to 27 inclusive, to attend the
Alumni University which will be
conducted for the second time
this year by prominent faculty
members through the efforts of
the bureau of alumni relations.
Last spring, the experiment
evas tried for the first time at
Michigan with approximately 100
alumni enrolled for the special
sessions. This year it is believed a
much larger number will take ad-
vantage of the work.
Will Interest Adults.



Measure Expected to Become Principal Issue
in Regular Spring General Election
on April 6.
(By Associa tedPress)
LANSING, Mar. 4.-Governor Brucker publicly advocated cap-
ital punishment as a crime deterrent as he signed a bill submitting
the issue to the voters in a general election April 6.
The Foster electric chair measure came to the executive desk
late in the afternoon. He immediately attached his signature. Short-
ly afterward the governor issued a statement declaring "the death
penalty is the strongest preventive of murder" and commending the
legislation "to the public vote." His unsolicited endorsement came
as a pleasant surprise to proponents of capital punishment. It had
been anticipated he would merely sign the measure and let .it take
its chances with the people.
The governor's stand in favor
MICHIGAN GETS of executing first degree murder-
NA TIONAL PARI ers was the opening signal of a
campaign expected to sweep the
(Bv Associated rress) state. Capital punishment un-
WASHINGTON, M a r c h 4.- doubtedly will overshadow all
President Hoover today signed a other issues in next month's elec-
bill for the establishment of the tion. Little interest ordinarily is
Isle Royale national park in the displayed in the off-year spring
state of Michigan. The bill pro-bloig With the death penalty
vides that Isle Royale in Lake balloting.
Superior shall be a national row certain to be on the ballots,
park. It is contemplated that however, advocates and enemies'
the island will become one of of this method of dealing with
the great game preserves in the criminals are expected to swing
national park system. into action.
Opponents Active.

Prof. Thomas H. Reed,
Director of the bureau of govern-
ment of the political science de-
partment, will be one of the 10
speakers to address the Alumni uni-
versity to be held June .23-27, fol-
lowing Commencement.

Spring Games to Occur
2; Cap Night May 8;
Day May 10.

May 1,

Radio Cruisers Near
Hotel Receive No
of Killing.

La Salle

(Hv Assocwiled Press)
DETROIT, March 3.-The ques-I
tion of why the radio waves which
carried Gerald E. Buckley's politi-
cal speeches to thousands of De-
troiters should have failed to carry
the news that .he had been shot to
death in the LaSalle Hotel July 23,
was taken up by the prosecution
today in the trial of three men in-
dicted for the slaying.
The radio station with which
Buckley was identified was a pri-
vate one. The state today fixed its
attention on radio station WCK,
operated by the Detroit police de-
partment to carry orders a n d

Selection of dates for the spring
games for the spring all-campus
elections, for Cap night, and for the
traditional round of senior events,
octipied the attention of the Stu-
dent council at its regular meeting
last night. Committee chairmen of
the events were named at the time
by Merton J. Bell, '31, president.
Underclass rivalry will again be
renewed on May 1 and 2, it was
decided. The tugs of war will feat-
ure the first day's activities between
the sophomores and the freshmen,
while t h e obstacle race, pillow
fights, cane spree, and "hog-tieing"
contests will be on the program for
Cap night will be celebrated by
freshmen of the University Friday
night, May 8. Graduating students
will observe Cane Day on Sunday,
May 10 and two days later, will
parade across the campus in their
annual swing-out.
The annual s p r i n g all-campus
elections will be held May 19, with
plans for registration a few days
previous. Student council members,
including the new president, will
be selected at this time, as will
members of the Board of Control
of Student Publications and thef
Athletic association.
Those appointed to head commit-
tees in charge of the events follow:
Harry Benjamin, '32, spring games;
Richard A. Furniss, '31E, Cap night;
J. Harrison Simrall, '31, Cane day;
Edwin A. Schrader, '31, Swing-out;
and Jerrold W. Curry, '31, all-cam-
pus elections.
Government Gives Idle Aliens
Free Passage to Other
(BB Associated Press)
BUENOS AIRES, March 4.- Ar-
gentina, which has been receiving
moresimmigrantsdthan the United
States, has closed her open door
until it is barely ajar.I
Consuls have been instructed to
discourage would-be immigrants,
and fees on passports of these peo-
ple have been increased ten-fold.
Tourists, however, are not affected.
The government also has opened
an office which grants free passage
homeward to newcomers who have
been unable to find work in this
country. From the start more than
1,000 applicants for the tickets ap-
peared daily, and about 700 re-
ceived them.
Those repatriated were mostly
PnIpnq r7.enh.4zTalinn, - r oA 1r.c

lie Control of Industry"-- Prof. I.
L. Sharfman, of the economics de-
partment. "Evolution in its Latest
Interpretations"-Prof. A. F. Shull,
of the zoology department. "Prob-
lems of Local Government"-Prof.1
Thomas H. Reed, of the political:
science department.
In addition, the medical school
will hold a series of lectures and
clinics in diseases of the heart on
June 18 and 19. They will be open

pending trial. alarms to several score of cruisers.
Questioning by the state's attor-
JACKSON-Macomb county au- ney and by counsel for Ted Pizzino,
thorities today used an army trans- Joe Bommarito, and Angelo Livec-
port plane to bring two prisoners chi, the defendants, brought out
to the Michigan state prison, after the fact that although there are
learning that an attempt would be eight radio-equipped p o 1 i c e cars
made to rescue the men. The pris- within easy cruising distance of the
oners, George Miller and Ben Schi- hotel at the time of the slaying, no
merin, were sentenced to from nine alarm was broadcast.
to 25 years yesterday for their part Patrolman Harry McLeod, who
in a hotel holdup in Mt. Clemens, was on duty at the police switch-
Feb. 22. board at the time of the slaying,
was asked by Prosecutor Harry S.
GRAND RAPIDS--When Dr. John Toy to explain this apparent paral-
F. Failing, city physician, handed ysis of the police radio system.
City Manager George W. Welsh the Patrolman McLeod said he re-
budget today, there was a bottle ceived first reports of the shooting
marked chloroform attached. at 1:41 a. m., dispatched severall
"What's this for?" Mr. Welsh police cars to the hotel but did not
asked, pointing to the bottle. utilize the radio for this purpose.
"I was afraid," Dr. Failing re- Further questioning brought out
plied, "that when you looked at the the fact that there were 30 radio
budget you would want something cruisers in the city at the time and
to kill the pain." that the microphone which would
The budget request carried a to- have appraised them of the killing
t1 of 4 11 50 a sonmnared with was at Patrolman McLeod'slhnw.

Special lectures covering fields of
particular interest to adults will be Senate Group Declares Expense
given by 10 faculty members. Their Account of Campaign
names and topics are: Fud E
"The Modern Stage"-Prof. Oscar un xcesive.
J. Campbell, of the English depart-
ment. "Contemporary Currents in ( y Associated Press)
Philosophy"-Prof. D. H. Parker, of WASHINGTON, March 4. - The
the philosophy department. "The senate campaign funds committee
Psychology of the Pre - School absolved Senator Davis of Pennsyl-
Child"-Prof, Martha G. Colby, of vania of dishonorable conduct in
the psychology department. "Mod- his election campaign Tuesday, but
ern Architecture" - Prof. Emil said the expenditures in behalf of,
Lorch, of the architectural college. his ticket were "excessive and
"Contemporary Social Evolution"__ inimical to the public interest."
Prof. R. C. Angell, of the sociology A report filed with the senate by
department.~Chairman Nye-listed the expendi-
Hobbs to Speak.tures in behalf of the Davis-BrownI
"G ogy toheLan-ticket in the Pennsylvania primary
"Geology in the Landscape" - of last year at $622,928. Francis
Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the Shunk Brown was the unsuccessful
geology department. "The Sym- candidate for the Republican gub-
phonic Poem"-Prof. Earl V. Moore, ernatorial nomination.
director of the music school. "Pub-T The -committee listed the total
z. n 4... _x '..7 . L.. " _1. T

I President Has Busy Day Signing
Last Minute; Legislation
of Congress Term.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 4.-Presi-
dent Hoover signed a score or more
bills at the capitol today but left
many more to be acted upon within

The Association Against Capital
Punishment, an organization which
has bombarded members of the
legislature with literature and oral
arguments, has indicated a vigor-
ous campaign against the proposal
will be waged. Many newspapers
already have taken a stand either
for or against the penalty. The
State association of Police Chiefs
is on record as favoring death for
If the majority vote of the elec-
tors favor the electric chair it will
become operative next January 1.
Crime Deterrent.
"There is only one way to deal
with the modern criminal and
that is with a certainty of punish-
mn t h t is - h,'sb h wift .d ,Pv

to all graduates. Lectures by lead-(
ers in the chemistry industry will
feature meetings of the Society for
the Promotion of Engineering Edu-
cation which will be in session dur-
ing the Alumni University.
Most of the lectures will be given
in the mornings in order that the1
alumni may have the afternoons1
free for recreation. The Ann Arbor,
golf clubs will offer special privi-
leges to those attending the Alumni
University. Evening entertainments
will be planned and announced1
Faculty members who will deliver;
the lectures have prepared reading,
lists that will be furnished those,
attending the classes. No University-
credit will be offered for the work',
and no examinations will be given.
Fees will be $10 payable to the
treasurer of the University the
opening day of the session,
March Gargoyle Sales
Break Previous'Record
With the heaviest buying record-
ed in a number of years, Gargoyle
yesterday scored a complete sell-
out of its March issue. The num-
ber, which treated of the liquor sit-
uation on campus and reported
details of t h e recent fraternity
raids, was entirely disposed of be-
fore 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
"We can't sell any more," de-
clared Bruce Palmer, '31, business,
manager of the publication, "be-'
cause we haven't any more. Stu-
dents who want copies will have to
get them at the news stands and
drug stores that aren't out of stock
Debaters Will Meet
Detroit City College


primary and election campaign ex- the next 10 days. Ac ourageous offense with capital
penditures of the Davis ticket at With his desk piled high with last punishment against gangdom is
$'1,117,649. minute legislation the president the best defense for the people of
had asked Attorney General Mitch- our state," he continued.
ll if he had to sign them all be fore "The capital punishment bill has
been received from thelegislature
Congress adjourned at noon today. for executive action. I do not shrink
The attorney general looked it up from this duty.
and answered no, that he had 10 "This bill punishes murderers in
days from the time he received the first degree, that is the killing
them to sign or reject. of a human being, which is neither
Americanized Einstein Tricks With a sigh of relief the chief excusable or justifiable and which
executive left off reading and sign- follows deliberation and premedi-
Reporters; Takes Cab ing, put on his top hat, and went tation on the part of the killer.
to Liner. up to the capitol to sign two im-
---P portant bills and a score of minor
(W Y Associated Press) ones.wCiIL R AD
NEW YORK, March 3.-A new The president's room at the cape-
Albert Einstein - an Americanized tol was full of cabinet officers and'
Herr professor for whom the boom commission heads when the chief
of flashlights has lost its terrorm executive made his way to theFR L luvun mum.
'chamber through crowded corri-
sailed home to Germany tonight. dors. After greeting his official fam-State Investigators Arrive Here
Wearing the same round hat, ily, he lighted a long, black cigar.
black coat and sagging suit, the Messengers hurried in and out to Begin Survey of Campus
relativity wizard said good-by with with bills and reports. The presi- Liquor Situation.
a smile after playing a little trick dent called a cabinet member to his
on reporters to show he was master side for a brief conference before University officials were paid an.
of the situation. signing a measure. When there were unexpected visit yesterday after-
Hopping nonchalantly from a ' no more bills, he smilingly con- noon by the special committee ap-
train that brought them from the sented to sign a score or more cards pointed by the Michigan~ house of
west, Professor and Mrs. Einstein for autograph seeking House and representatives to investigate the
were greeted by the usual crowd Senate pages. campus liquor situation.
of reporters and photographers, The House officially notified Mr. President Alexander G. Ruthven
whose presence had struck such Hoover a few minutes before 12 and Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dismay into the flustered German o'clock, that they had adjourned dents, were interviewed by the
scientist when he stopped here en but the Senate never got around group which was led by Oscar Hill
route to the coast, to it. of Detroit. Following the confer-
Waving his hand airily, Einstein ence the committee left Univer-
consented to pose for a picture. sity hall, and their destination was
nAber only one, he cried with a not learned. Thomas M. O'Brien,
smile. WJHflUJ 9UU II HIchief of police, stated no visit was
There was an explosion of flash- paid the police department.
light powder and when the cloud of It is understood that the commit-
smoke had cleared the Einstein's tee will conduct its investigation
ere gone. They were in a taxicab without the service of anyone on
racing to the liner Deutschland's' - the campus. The inquiry will prob-
pier. a Harmony Prevails as Democrats ably take two weeks, and there will
Gather; Smith Raskob e no report until the investigation
PRIMARY FIGURES Attend. has been completed. Names of wit-
Atted Inesses will not be revealed, since
CORRECT IN DAIL Y(B A the committee is anxious to have
(By Associated Press) I niu v
Official figures in the returns WASHINGTON, March 4. - The em spea reely.
from Monday's primary city elec- prohibition bogey which of late hasF d
tions, available for the first time .c E el Ford Believes
yesterday at the office of Fred C. haunted Democratic statesmen, to-
Perry, city clerk, showed almost no day was all but laid. omi
deviation from the totals published' Harmony was spread thick over (Bi Associated Press)
by The Daily Tuesday morning. disturbed feelings as the party's MIAMI, Fla., March 4. - Edsel
Prepared for presentation to the chieftains began to assemble for Ford believes all manufacturers will
orvn mnin,-+ tcm p ±n,-+ the Thiirsdahv narlev of their na- 1enma +the +h n o m, mlac

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