WEDT1SDAY, MARCH 4, 1931 THE MICHTC-:A.N DATL PACE THRIA TI-IF.MCI-4cfa s rflAT! V P A1. rn .rr i kx f University CAMP IN NORTHERN z MICHIGAN L ARG EST OF KIND l I IMDLD Prof. George R. LaRue Has Held Position of Director Since 1917. VARIED WORK OFFERED Founded in 1909, Under Prof. Jacob Reighard; 21 States Represented Last Year. Bloological sta B lo Aowl-% Ar ML V P t l Twenty-Third Season ------------ oology Department Maintains Station for Research; 97 Students Attend Session During Summer of 1930 The University's biological station, located at the tip of < the lower peninsuia of Michi- an, will open its twenty- third consecutive session this summer. To the righIt, is a scene on t h e main street named after Ann Arbor's State street. This is a part of the "residential" d i s t r i c t and shows the cabins where the students live. To the left, is a view of the beautiful setting Then re 'he t cf- +i'p & c ,s" - EMto, PLOYERS DESIRE STUDENT__RECORDS Registrar Reports New System for Duplicating copies of Student Marks. More large mdustries than ever before are requesting students who apply for positions to furnish tran- scripts of their college work, Ira M. Smith, registrar, whose files re- veal the scholastic rating of every student in the University, has de- clared. A new plan ,for the economi col Daily Official Bulletin (Continued from Pagp;8) Thursday afternoon in room DA Alumni Memorial hall, at 4:15. Women's Inter-Class Basketball .Teams pictures will be taken .at thq Barbour gymnasium, on Thursday, March 5. The Junior and Seniop pictures will be taken at 12:00, and* the Sophomore and Freshman pic- tures at 12:15. Michiganensian Business Staft meeting will be held on Thursday of this week instead of Wednesday. All tryouts will .be expected to bq present at that time. World Court: Profs. Muyskens, Slosson, Steiner, and two students will speak on the World Court at 4:15, in Natural Science aud. today, Druids Luncheon in the Leagu today. SHQWS POPULA3RITY By Rola A.Gd , . ithel lar; The largest inlasd bile-gal sta- with the lbor tion in the world, tI at mai tainm Ghe ines poi by the University for sumaimer study Grapevine pi in the natural sciences, will open distace its twenty4wrd consecutive annual --------- season on June 29 of this year, with Prof. George . LaRue, -of the ool- Approxiadelyoneek ofu y C1n ogy department, as director, a posi- will be added to each course bya tion he has held since 1917. The early registration will permit, It is one of the most important Monday classes to be held the first of its kind An this country, said week, anl examinations will be giv- Professor LaRue, last year drawing en at tie last meeting of eac :students from 21 states of the un- class, while formerly the last three ion, and three foreign countries. days of the session were given over Varsity Glee Club to Organize The station is located in north- entirely to them. First Year Men to Serve ern Michigan, the tip of the lower Many Viian 'eachers. peninsula near Cheboygah. Approx- The administrative staff includes aspprentices imately 3;300 acres of land are in-T.f cluded, extending from Douglas Director LaRue, Alfred H. Stockard, Tryouts for the Freshman Glee lake to Burt lake. This land com- of the zoology department, secre- club, which is being organized and lri es the, 5ogardus tract, which is troftesain rfEmyW.pnoedbthVriyorgiza- t re o the nivr Sink, physician to the station, all ion, will report at 4:30 o'clock this is devoted exclusively to the work from the University, and Mrs. Grace afternoon in the Musical Activities of the station. The terrain is var- W. Nichols, of New Haven, Conn., room of the Union. ied, and there is a large variety of All first-year students who in- plant and animal life. Others from the University on tend to become affiliated with the Reighard Retired in 1912. the station faculty are Prof. Paul Varsity Glee club next year, either It was founded in 1909, under S. Welch, Prof. Frank N. Banchard, as an actual participator or as a Prof. Jacob Reighard, who was the Frankt. Eggleton, of the zoology member of the business staff, will first director,,and in addition taught department, Prof. John H. Ehers, be required to have served an ap- all the zoology. Prof. George Burns and Prof. Carl D. LaRue, of the peiceshp with the freshman or- aided. him, having charge of the botany department. ganization this year. The organ- botanical work. Professor Reighard Visiting teachers include Prof. ization of the new club has become retired as active director in 1912, Frank C. Gates, Kansas State Agri- necessary, due to the fact that and is now professor emeritus in cultural college, Prof. George E. much valuable time at the begin- zoology. Nichols, Yale university, Prof. Her- ning of every year has been wasted Prof. H. A. Gleason, acting direc- bert B. Hungerford, University of teaching new members the Michi-{ .or in 1913-14, was made head of - Kansas, Prof. William W. Cort, gan songs. ter n 113-4, as adehea ofJohns Hopkins university Prof. , the camp in 1915. He was succeed- Chns H. unversityg of. The plans for. the club do not, ed by Prof. O. C. Glaser in 1916, Chty W. Deasr, Cnd legof heJ call for any public appearances duef and Professor LaRue took over the Thomas,Uf Detroit, and Illinois.yJ. to a University ruling that fresh- duties in 1917. o, University of men cannot represent the Univer- the enrollment has grown from Cottages ,or Students sity as members of a University so- 13 in 1909 to 97 in 1930. The limit Living arrangements at the sta- ciety.- kas been placed at 100 students, tion include a number of small cot- Direction of the new club will be and for several years there has been tages accommodating two or three under John White, Spec., and Ed- a waiting list. When the engineer- students each, and several houses ward Hunsberger, '33, who also was in moved their summer camp to for fachtlty members. - -r n -mstrumental in the plans for or-j Wyoming in 1929, more than 40 A store is operated on the ganizing it.- houses were added to the station, grounds, where books and supplies- so that there are now approximate- are sold. In addition some equip- Dr. Adams to Addres k ly buiUings for lvigg quarters, inent is loaned. Meals are eaten at aWd U25 altogether, including ad- a community dining hall, and each Rotary Club's Session 1Wa~ifAtin structures. member of the station is required igr .i al Wrk 4e. to pay :a comnmissary fee. Dr. Randolph Adams, librarian Mach work of defnite econaonic Most lnds .of outdoor recreation of the William Clements library,! v ; as been acoompshed ainmaiy be carried on while in attend- will speak at noon today on "Pon- Uhe his ory of the station. Ever avnce, an~d some sort of party or tiac's Seige of Detroit," at the regu- since its inception some .duties on entertainment is given each Satur- lar meeting of the Ann Arbor Ro- the parsites of fishes have been day night. tary club in the Union. carrd -on, though interrupted a k___l ti11l:Em# Al9intti0i ltiillim llimim ill{IPILI few Pimes for short ntervals. escay important has been the worjk on diseases of tame and wild duasa'. The 4aising anad restocJking o 4ueks i the northern part of - i 4gan has long been almost en- tirjy .Prevenrited by ,a blood para-E. site. Last sinumer Dr. Earl C. Aga sprng s here with its evi- Y'Roke renewed the work of Dr. ^eo a Emest Hartmnan on this suject. He fore clon and new lfe ca''ied the study Farther than the to renew our hopes for the future. previous investigator had, however, and 4icovered definitely the means It should give to each of us re- by which the parasite is transmit:p . - ted. lnewed confidence In our ability to Jatogether, 246 research papers Cary on to the goal we have yet have been issued on various bio-rw . I logical subjects from material gath- So take heart with these warm e ed at the station, sice it was fouredin 1909. . days and if saving is part of your 4dvanced Curses Given. -b any s udent who has had ele- Froga m a zI should be, double S yatiry college work in biology your eff in s direction. mky ;"tend the station, though a 104 e proportion .of thOze Vho en-= Th good bank is here to help - irll are graduates. Eight courses in oot aiy and seven in zoology are yOu. o ered ,or undergraduates, in addi- tipp to directed research work for m e h m c advced Students, all bearing Uni- r Fak agistration for the 1931 session . wil weltllbd on June 27, and regular . 205 East Huron 330 South State Street cf work will begin on junie29. Wovk will continue, broken by sev- fF hl eral parties and excursions, until Fifty years of a thful Service" Au. 2. I ' pmuiii i u & i w1 pFIi¢Iaan 1ua1uyumuum1 aJ:u .ImSn1m1lIi 1 m111111mi Ill II6 3l WIll i ilk - - - - - - -- - -- -- L !. fc La 'ch ^ xfr .s s, crrrx nr a--- - reproduction of copies is being tried Douglas laout by the registrar. Linen tracing nt shows in tecloth, such as engineers plans are drawn on, is used as a permanent record sheet for each student, and j __copies can be quickly made at a Economist Advocates r cost of approximately three cents Cooperation i Buyin Vteach by the blueprint method. --- 1Thus students may receive a com- Hnistorical aspects ofrtr e coopers-plete transcript of their records at tovcmlvaments of Enld c ra it Lthe end of the year, as well as cop- tive moement in Amrngid and its CodFLIU ies for faculty and administrative e,, ent and nature in Anmerica andlofiesortemoys.whigo on the continent were discussed by - officers, or to employers wishing to Dr. James P. Warbasse in a lecture IPhysical Education Department scan a prospective employee's Uni- before the Economics club at the Will Present Complete The number of transcripts is in- Union last night. The speaker es- pecially emphasized the coopera- Program in Work. creasing rapidly, 5,584 being issued iive movement as an alternativIin 1930, an increase of 500 over the for Socialismn Courses in physical education preceding year. Competition for and related fields will be offered entrance to medical scb'cols is so RIOTS CUT SHORT during the 1931 Summer Session on great that many file Transcripts with a dozen institutions; school STA TE ASSE.BL Y both the undergraduate and gradu- boards demand them of new teach- ate levels, according to the educa- ers, and many high schools and Police Seize Demonstrators at tion school's bulletin of the depart- private schools ask for records of ment of physical education. grades. A call for 50 or more tran- YorkCap The Smnmer Session of the scripts a day is not unusual in the (Iy Associate d ress)I School of Education will open June registrar's office. ALBANY, N. Y., March 3.--Shout-I 29 and end Aug. 21. All courses in I physical education run for the en- Chamber of COmmerce inn.uul mutngt r tire eight; weeks, except the special +Olffc*r s New City Map tual small riot by 200 demonstra- ttlnletic coaching courses forpmen. __NCia tors for the unemployed brought These courses run for only four A new map of Ann Arbor and its the assembly session to a halt weeks beginning June 29 and end-| nvirons has been compiled and shortly afer the session began to- mg July 25. published by the Chamber of Com- day. State police troopers seized The courses will be offered to j merce of the city, and includes a demonstrators by the dozen and meet the needs of college students drawing of the campus and the ejected them from the chamber who wish to secure credit towards buildings of the University. while others in the galleries shout- a degree, teachers of physical edu- The new map also includes a ed and waved their arms. cation, and coaches, supervisors, guide to the streets of the city and When the police started to clear I and directors of physical education, on the drawing itself, the principal the galleries; some of the Coin- recreation executives, and school buildings of Ann Arbor are located. munists shouted "figh." The police administrators. An index of the chief points of in- swung their clubs vigorously and For coaches desiring intensive I terest, the parks, drives and air- at the end of ten minutes had evict- work in coaching athletic sports, ports and the golf courses in the ed every one from the gallery over courses will be offered which will vicinity is also published with the the speaker's rostrum and had ist only four weeks. These courses map. forced the exit of those who were carry one semester hour credit for - in the rear of the chamber. each course. They will be given in About 150 students from Stephens The officers then cleared the cap- J addition to the regular courses in college, Columbia, Mo., will go on itol steps. athletics that run for eight weeks. a spring tour to Havana. - - Broadcast of Band Lessons University Receives Wide Favor. by Popularity of the University week, ly broadcast of band instructions, the first course of its kind to be given over the radio, is shown by the numerous letters received by| Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, of the musik school, who directs the work. Classes in more than 49 towns have reported that they follow the lessons weekly. Towns with the large classes are Newcastle, Pa., 70;i Mosherville, Mich., 20; Jonesville, Mich., 20; La Porte, Ind., 40; Hills- dale, Mich., 25; and Maryville, Mich., 42. The lessons are given at the re- quest of boys and girls in all parts of the state, especially in the small- er towns, where the schools cannot afford band teachers. lie etiv sp - COMPOSER. OF LABOMEME, LATOSCA and MADAMA BUTTERFLY rote his I orl4., W l'o alt\ Y w l r4 .C 1 fi'k 3Fhh 1 t Jf , 1 -3 w w an L 17lip F f *- c=/ . _ _w, ; i ~a - ,m-- greatest Operas with a ParkerPn GUARANTEED FOR LIFE You, too, can capture your pregious ideas on the fly, if you 'have this Pressureless Writing Parker Duo- fold Pen ever handy on your person and desk. Parker Pressureless Writing -as subconscious as breathing -.avoids all interference with thought. Go and see the new streamlined Parkers that rest low and unexposed in pocket or hand lag, wichout bulge; yet hold 17.4% more ink than average. The same pen is con- vertible for Pocket or Desk Base. TIIE PARKER PEN COMPANY Janesville, Wisconsin Pencils to match, $2.50 to $5 Ella err r": ALL f . C z t 9t F i tsP Yg Y 1;11- ell j , 94, Noll' v ;a Fi '' " 4 } ' r 3 .. , , rF Men's and Wome.ols, 1f .' ",Y :: x ' . ,. a 4 ; . f, s i .'; ,. "1 i 'i I Our recent Bid Sale left us with many styles broken I I I