THE MICHIGAN D'AILY Psi E rx1 ... _. .moo iLn . +',:"- te r, ::.. _ ... .. _ . w . - .., , A ILVVA f.. p F ' fin= C'. I._._TOHO DLIGH CAMPUS{ HOUSES(TC I. E. T O HOLD PLAY(( TOHD PLEDGES BROUGHT INTO SPOTLIGHT 1 T UDENTTOURS MYLSE LE !9T RL[LI LD DURING EVENTS OF RUSHING WEEKCAI po In ihccoi c with its policy Sorority pledges, both new and Mrs. Mary E. Tuller chaperoning. adopted four years ago the Confed-Oold, have been in the foreground of Kappa Alpha Theta pledges gave eration International Des Etudiants, the week's social events. The old a formal dance last evening. Mrs.' iin co-operation with the National Stage and Costumes Will Be List of New Members Elected pledges have been entertaining Franklin Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Senio StudentFederation of America, has Complements in Junior to Be Published After actives, been entertained, and, in Thomas Casady chaperoned. Fre ivtdone hundred American stu- Meetingal have be etn ready, F!Thetaa ania t e et to tour Europe this summer Girls' Play. Second Meeting. o ta iebe etn ed Theta Phi Alpha entertained Mr. I Fourth. Annual Carnival to entt ou urp for G n as its guests. In each foreign coun- and Ms. Frank Doran, Mr. and iven in Barbour try members of the Student Union PURE DESIGN IS USED TUESDAY IS DATE SET Delta Zeta gave 'a tea for the Mrs. Edward Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. DEAD Gymnasium. will act as guides and whenever Inew house chaperone, Mrs. MyraAr possible will introduce their vlsi- Ultra-modern sophistication will In order to afford those women Wilcox, on Thursday afternoon,. hur Stace, and Miss Mary Stace I Gama hi etahel a anc at innr Tursay venng.Seni< PLAN PUBLICITY STUNT (tors to the hospitality of their un- be the key-note of the settings who were unable to attend the G Phi Beta held a fancy'at dinner Thursday evenng. iversities and hmes. dress party for the women in the Alpha Omicron Pi announces theor In Feeling that Europeans know which will provide the background Athena tryouts held last Tuesday house Tuesday evening. On Friday pledging of Adele Ewing, '33, Cleve- tablish Entertainmnent to be Preseritedtheir countries' points of interest 1 for the 26th annual productior of an opportunity to tryout for mem- evening the pledges gave a formal land Heights, Ohio; Mildred An- for in in , Sarah Caswell better and that students in particu- the Junior Girls' Play, "State bership in the society, the organi- dance for the actives. drews, '32SM, Warren, Ohio; and from 3 Angell Hall. lar are best able to judge in what Street." In planning the sets for zation will hold another tryout Guests at a formal dinner given Frances Hines, '33, Akron, Ohio. the Ca tieir fellow students are nterested, the production, an entirely new ap- meeting at 7:30 Tuesday in the Thursday evening by Pi Beta Phi Alpha Delta Pi gave an informal Finished plans for the fourth an- the N. S. F. A. relies entirely upon were: Professor Walter BPillsburyd nual Penny Carnival show 28 the student members of the C. . proach has been adopted by the de- Athena room in Angell hall. ac- were: Pfsory W r .lsbury Martha Cook honored new resi- Dear Iand Mrs. Pillsbury, Professor Henry dentaCokhnre e es- Da E. abroad in arrangements for the signer, Charles Holden, who has cording to an announcement by Adams and Mrs. Adams, Professor dents in the dormitory at a tea Miss booths occupied by the campus itinerarysan MsGrgg, dance, Wednesday afternoon in the itnrr.completed the 'drawings for the Eva Hesling, '31, president. Eearl L. Griggs and Mrs. Griggs, dBlue, roomd. trnon enio houses. The Carval is taking The tours are run on an entirely series of five scenes, which will be I.A complete list of those who have Mr. Jean E. Earhard, and Professor Seior plae rot :3 t 10o'lok' ed nn-poft akig ass. hPet iEr . Er;ack.rfeso IA birthday dinner was held Wed- Grote, place from 7:30 to10 ocock W -non-profit making basis. Those executed by the properties commit- been elected to membership, which Peter M. Jack.A b thdad nedy arch 5, in Barbourebaktllgm gym- spending eight weeks in Europejteudrheieconfted-! Kappa Kappa Gamma announces danih Besyaroin c asiu. The basketball game w range in price from $700 to $ , ur te n the de- will include the names of those th pledg of a d'3 of, n idet whse br is c be played in Waterman gymna- but there is also a somewhat short- Stlizaton anil be tie motif'of3 who were selected both the first Iron Mountain. occurred in January, February, or which sum, the only open entrance to e tnrr hc ot rm$0 tlzto ilb h oi ffrt Bthe entire show. In consideration !and second tryouts, will be pub- Barbara Fleury, '30, and Eliza- March. gymnasium . In all cases this includes of the nature of the book itself, lished after this second meting. Ibeth Curtis, '30, were dinner guests gymnsim third-class accommodations on th exotic settings which catch a few In connection with the regular Friday evening at Kappa Delta. <<= 'con o o o oc Dates will be furnished by the Atlantic and all expenses fr the eoi etnswihcac eiI oncto ihterglr Delta Delta Delta gaveatein- - Alpha Chi Omnegas, while Alpha tour in Europe. essential elements from real life D Dmeeting, Athena will present a honor of Ms. Edward aan, pro- K Epsilon Iota holds a clinic. Alpha I The C I Eis best able to enter- and try to present them in such a s . Y P E W R iTIN Epsilon Phi will conduct a "Hit o a small groups, so parties are way that a complete scene is creat- speaker from outside, whose name vince deputy, on Thursday after-V tto fourteen, including the ed for the audience, have been ad- will be announced after more defi- noon. The patronesses of the so-A "House of Mystery,"AlphaGammastudendleader.Threnaredthirteenopd)eraanite arrangements have been made. rority entertained the pledges at Four Pounds f Delta, a pantomime, Alpha Omega Itours, in all of which time is al- This emphasis of pure design, .included in the list of plans a dinner at the home of M~rs. John: Pi, a check room, Alpha Phi, shoe lowed in London, Paris, and Gene- whereby perspective is rejected fori L. Brumm on Friday evening. l0TYPEWRITERS F( shining, Alpha Xi Delta, profiles. the striking use of impressions, is chAhnaiu Chi Omega announces the pledg- ALSO T "A Trip Around the World"is All students who are interested in a theme relatively new in this during the new semester will be a in t.of..ssie Gilbert, '33, of Wind- promised by Chi Omega, SorosisIthese tours should take prompt ac- country. Only a few organizations, get-together party, to be held in sor, Ontario. will sell ice cream cones, Delta tion in making further inquiries such as the Theatre Guild, have the Cave room of the League build- Collegiate Sorosis angnounces the cill selo i r , Delta a maI- throigh the Women's League a out e successfully attempted its use, but ng a short play, book s pledging of Pauline Milburn; '33, of curing booth, Delta Gamma, a membership in the delegation as it the method has already found! reviews and Chicago, and Emily Frances, '32, of roulette wheel, Delta Zeta, a candy is strictly limited. 'practical application on the conti- i magazine reports by different mem- Lapeer. : 'ce.. -, booth, Gamma Phi Beta will sell_ nent. Its use in Ann Arbor will be bers, and a musical program. The pledges of Alpha Phi enter- cookies, Kappa Alpha Theta will a notable innovation. tained the actives at a formal - paint silhouettes, and Kappa Delta R PLAY REHEARSALS Sets and costumes for the play PURDUE UNIVERSITY - Mid- dance at the house Friday even- wilpeette" rt hp"Kp IINlRPA EEASL:pa oo~ caooto have been coordinated in order week Matinee dances are being mg. paKppa Gamma will conduct agieatrlhr.Te candy booth. n Moiday, March 3: that they may serve as the essen- given a trial here. They are held Zeta Tau Alpha announces the Phid SmStl i 3:30-4:15' chorus F private tial complements of each other. in the Union ballroom each Wed- pledging of Frances Byard, '32, of Phi Sigma Sigma will give dinin room !Particularly in the night club scene l nesday afternoon, large crowds Oneonta, N. Y. Last night the so- Pari ,tp-oruadG, BrivPte-will the costumes blend into ;the signifying approval of the plan. rority held an informal dance with sell frost bites. Sigma Kappa will 4:15-5:00, chorus G, priva etting which has been planned Strict informality is the rule. IMr. and Mrs. Earl Fingerle and tell fortunes, while Theta Phi Al- diing robm.sen ch hasband- ____--____ pha reveals "The College Girl's 5:00-:45, choruses B and E, This mergence of background with Danger Line." The "Bathing Girls" Idiing room action will serve to .create design itopriae AtIcatand' in an emphasized form, rather' Wa ~ thesTeelv of Zeta Tau Alpha will be intro-i 7:00-10:30, thAct I,can an aroach o realim. ialamonds watches C Iks JoW duced, and Couzens hall will con- choruses A, B, C, D, H, stage. actors will be a part of the scene, TDiC duct the fish pond. TuelsdaV, March 4: ' ;I athr ithe atm rybfore i.scenG aeeeric, Betsy Barbour will tell fortunes, rt: , re 4and One scene ha been done especial- t. Repa r Alumnae house conduct a museum, ! and Helen Newberry sell ca i'dy bars.: 330-4:15, chorus A, commit- ly to carry to completion the effect Adelia Cheever will prove that tee room. given by costumes designed by "The Old Gray Mare, She Ain't 4:15-5:00, chorus G, private Margaret Hapgood for a chorus of, What She Used to Be," while Ma- dining room eight members. Although this scene tha Cook offers "Shots at Profs." 4:15-5:00 chorus II' coniit was not a required part of the pro- At the same time, an entertain-t .uction, it was icluded mnorderMa ment, of which Emily Bates is ilteedutoiwainlednorr in 5:00-5:45, chorus F, private that none of the effect of the cos- charge, will be presented in SarahI dining room. tumes would be lost. Caswell Angell hall. The program 5:00-5:45, chorus C, commit- Practically all the work on the will be repeated several times dur- tee room. construction of the scenes is being:SUDDEN ing the evening, so every one may 7:00-10:00, Act II, cast, stage. done by the properties committee, SERVICE see it. Wednesday, March 5: under the direction of Kathleen The publicity, committee, under 3:30-4:15, chorus D, commit- Clifford, chairman. the chairmanship of Frances Biel- tee room. "Those who attend the Junior by, '30Ed, is distributing handbills 4:15-5:00, chorus A, committee Girls' Play may expect to be agree- throughout Ann Arbor, and has room. ably surprised," was the statement several surprise publicity stunts in 4:15-5:00, chorus C, Cave. made by Charles Holden, designer, preparation. 5:00-5:45, chorus E(2), com- of the sets. "The direction of the " mittee room1 production is trying to create the 5:00-5:45, chorus B, Cave. most unusual play that has been NOTICES. 7:00-100, Act II, cast, stage. done, in book, in music, and in to--_ _ __ All chorus members must be tal effect." Jacobson's, Goodhew's, and the' present on time = - e Quarry have offered to give five -enotm--- per cent of all purchases made TYPEWRITER by Michigan women to the Un- REPAIRING dergraduate Campaign Funidof Almkseup Fcines of ma Hark To His Masters Voice! Saying the Women's League. Rose Root meCt and person- Inc., of Detroit, has also made I nl aenderedn the offert often, pvcent. for the ebest in the State. The To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE same purpose. Margaret Sibley, result of twenty years' careful For Ever th Musical '30, chairman of the fund, has building.ot veyt ng ui PuS GRO0PS FETE FRESHMEN s I n v i t e Independent eshman Women to Tea Tomorrow in Cave. N JORDAN WILL POUR or Society, honorary society ependent senior women, es- ed in 1906, is giving a tea dependent freshman women to 5:30 o'clock. tomorrow in ve room of the League build- A Emeritus Myra Jordan and Ethel McCormick will pour. Society, together with Mary vice-president of the fresh- lass, will act as hostesses. a will be the first of a series Senior Society has planned e semester. G PAPER p or 75c R RENT UPPLIES TAVERN desome Foods nnbach suggested that Michigan women avail themselves of this oppor- tunity of adding to the fund by mentioning the League when making purchases at any of these shops. Wyvern, junior honorary so- ciety, is sponsoring a sale of blue books at the candy booth in University hall. Sororities or league houses wishing to place orders for books may do so by calling Helen Cheever, '31, at 7891. ~~ / How time flies - I really ought to buy her something fine." Diamond and sapphire dinner rings $35 up Real stone necklaces of amber. coral, jad-I qSOUTH SOUTH STATE STREET Allow yourself the time to en- joy your meals where the true campus spirit reigns supreme. DELIGHTFUL SANDWICHES l T TU Y T Y R v Y~ i . D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 EUROPE $365 s SIX COUNTRIES- I PASSION PLAY One of 250 College Travel Tours Nearly 4,000 members in 1929 1st Class Hotels More Motor Travel. Get the Book from E. G. KUEBLER 601 East Huron Street Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 6412 Lowest TERMS to Suit. Play while you pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:-, Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, -Columbia, Brunswick Records HI a hibet t b tin MM 2 IjAVI Tao P 7b bstin owk T ~esmradi. i i I : ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. ki1 East William Street Phone 7515 K' Its _ - I THE HILLEL PLAYERS Present 1 "Ca dp 40 IA oANMMCC H Sag It With Knitted Frocks or Suits Novel weaves and flared lines Sizes 14-40 Prices $16. 75445.00 Walter Ham pden's Starring Vehicle By Arthur Goodrich and Rose Palmer First Presentation Outside of Philadelphia and New York 'ICI FRIDAY SATURDAY II IruI i 1i I