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March 02, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-02

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SUYNAY, MARC!! 2 1930

. . «. ,

Published every morning except Monday
during the Tniversity year by the Board in
Control ui Studcent Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorlal
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches creditedato it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
h erein.

Entered at the postoffce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carried, $4.06; by mal-
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street,
1hones: ditorial, 4925; Business, 21214,
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley
City 3:ditor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Elitor..............Donald J. Kline
ports lditor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
W'omenz's Editor.......... .Marjorie Follmer
Telegrap Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson
M1usic and D ramla........ William J. Gorman
Literary Editor...........wrence R. Klein
Assistant City ditor.... Robert J Feldman
Night Edi itors-iEditorial Board Members
Frank 1. Cooper Henry J. Merry
Williamn C. Gentry Robcrt L. Sloss
Chails R. Kailfnfan Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williamss
Pertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Bare Margaret Mix'
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
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(Iirnevra, Ginn Jane Thayer
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Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
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cean Levy C. Lionel Willens
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Department Managers
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Business Secretary-Mary Chase

w f

tages. It would offer the necessary'
additional remuneration for the
doctors, and do it without causing
a diversification of their interests,
it would develop harmony and cre-
ate a better morale among ithe
facultymen as they would be work-
ing together in the same institu-
tion whose name would be con-
nected with that of the University.
It would likewise surround, ag neat-
ly as possible, the delicate ques-
tion of whether or not a patient
should be used as clinical mater-
ial. The patient could choose to
the contrary and still receive the
services of the highly qualified doc-
tors at the University.
With the simultaneous needs of
retaining the high calibre faculty
that has given the Medical schoolI
its national reputation and of the
doctors acquiring additional in-
come, the "geographical full-time"
plan is especially desirable and we

most active in defending this sys-
tem seem to feel that the success
of student government depends on
it, and that only by spying can a;
"consciousness of student govern-
ment" be instilled. Would it be
heresy to suggest that a student,
government based on student spies
and the goody-goody principles of;
a few girls who pretend to see a E
purer, holier light than the rest of#
us is little if any better than fac-j
slty tyranny?
The type of student government
that is being developed by the
Women's League seems to us' little
more than a bigoted, sycophanticI
oligarchy set up by a few girls
whose chief qualification for office
is complete sympathy with the ad-
ministration. Then their closed,
corporation proceeds to perform
the combined' functions of a secret
service, prosecuting attorney, trib-
unal, and jury, all operating under


The Rolls Honorary Degree sys-
tem has been met with a roar of
approval. Wel1, at least a murmur.
Well; a ripple, anyway. A lot of
the contributors forgot that Rolls
is primarily a campus institution
and strives to print only those
things that take place within the
radius of a square mile or so. That
seems like a small territory from
which to glean sufficient meterial
to fill a column like this but just
bear in mind that there are, ac-
cording to the latest statistics, 11,-
555 students contained therein,.
Tha-t night to rovide e nougrh !

Byrne M. Badenoch
J amnesIP. Cartwrigl
Robert Crawford
Barry B. Culver
Thomas A. Davis
Norman Eliezer
James IToffr
Norris Johnson
Charles Kline
T)rothy floomgardn
Laura Codling
Agnes Davis
Bernice Glaser
liortense Gooding

Marvin Kobacke
it Lawrence Lucey
Thoums Muir --
George R. Patterson
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Joseph Van Riper.
Robert \Villiamsqs
Williain R. Worboy
er Alice MoCully
Syhvia Miller
Helen E. Musselwhite
W eanor Wlkinshaw
Dorothea Waterma

Night Editor, CHAS. R. KAUFMANi
Many problems arising out of thei
nature and the operation of thej
Medical school and the University;
hospital, that have been brought!
to the public eye lately, are in thef
process of being solved in a man--,
ner that will be as agreeable asI
possible to all affected parties. To-
ward this end, we offer a sugges-
tion concerning one of the most
fundamental and perplexing con-
troversies, the conducting of pri-;
vate practice by doctors on the fac-'
The policy now in effect permits
them to develop a practice, in addi-
tion to performing their pedagogi-
cal activities. This system arose
out of necessity, MTere being a lim-
ited appropriation and a need of
professors of outstanding abilityl
and reputation. It was developed
on the sound theory that a goodj
part-time faculty is better than a ,
poor full-time one.
The plan has, however, imany
objections. With a large share of+
their income dependent upon work
in an office in downtown Ann Ar-
bor or Detroit, the' interests of the
doctors become divorced, to a con-
siderable degree, from the Univer-
sity. This results in a undesirablel
effect on the morale of the faculty
and the interruption of the regular
operation of the school. All in all
the negative results have beenl
found to over-balance the positive
A solution of the difficulty has
been brought to our attention. The,
proposal has the semblance of a
compromise but in reality incor-
porates the advantages of both the
part-time methods and posseses
additional benefits in itself. It has
been suggested that the doctors be1
provided with a private hospital in
the vicinity of the University hos-
pital, a plan known as "geographi-
cal full-time" and which has been
employed advantageously at' other
Circumstances here are favora,:
ble to the installation of such a-
plan. With the University observ-J
atory soon to be vacated an ap-

recommend it for establishment at a code of ethics derived from . g p
the University. Methodist Board of Prohibition, mateal for two clumns.
oI Temperance, and Public Morals. *k *
OILING THE MACHINERY. H. W., '31. Dear Joe: Is there any pecuniary
Among the prominent organiza-' - -reward attached to the Rolls Hon-
tions on the campus which should INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS# orary Degrees? Is postage refund-
occasionally stop and oil its ma- ON THE CAMPUS. ed for contributions? This is my
chinery is the Pan-Hellenic associ- I eighth (probably successful) con-!
ation. Its recent revision of its To the Editor: tribution under various names, but
constitution is highlycommend- I read with interest The Daily I am suddenly smitten by the fear
able, since' it shows a sincere ef- ral that perhaps you might print some
fort to better realize ultimate aims Better Relations," in which youf them, and by my discursive tac-
urged the Student Christian Asof hm n b ydsurietc
by providing a more practical and crgeo t fthe th "sta - tics I would lose out on a substan-
smoothly-running organization. tial reward in the form of a stamp
Probably the most important in- ment of a more intimate and cor- [brook, or money, or whatnot.
tegral change in the organization dial relation between students of or Seth Johns.
will be greater continuity in the foreign countries and the general
membership of the Pan-Hellenic student body." . I am in hearty ac-
council. Where, formerly, delegates cord with all efforts that show That gives me an idea, Seth, and
were elected for only one year, pro-promise of establishing closer ties that is this: Cubs will receive a
vidig for an entire new board aft-and better understanding between nice new shiny two-cent stamp
er the sorority election of officers our foreign students and their when they have attained that de-
each year, now, half of the dele- American classmates. But I think gree, Reporters will receive a 25
gates will be elected for a term of The Daily errs in implying that the cent book of twos, and Assistant
toers.l Feerthedfcorditer ofS. C. A. is neglecting this phase of Editors will be p'resented with a
ttwo years. Further, according to its program. 50 cent book. But remember, you'll
tr qu ed constitut or edelegateesv The S. C. A., as your editorial have to sign your name and ad-
reeting, Voting by, proxy being no , suggested, has been helpful in aid- dress to all contributions so I can
meeting; otingab,Iprthe P n-eniing closer relations between the keep track of them.
longer legal. If the PanHellenic various national groups, luding
oragnization is to make itself felt the American, by such projects as
in the maagemt of campus affairs, And Seth, you'd better stick to
then it must rely upon an informed ne hopitality represend one name hereafter. Names, of
body of voting members able to annual International thdkby he'n course, don't assure the success of
present some degree of unity within a contrib but it prevents con fus-
itself. banquet, (2) sponsoring the suc ion And hey, what does discur-
cessful series of international fo-At
AA second change that is a wide rums, and (3) making available, in sive mean?
departure from former practices Lane Hall, club rooms, and rooms
is the election of officers in place for general meetings. Dear Joe: Noticed near campus
of an automatic system, whereb But I need hardly say that yesterday, a boy on' a bicycle yell-
the sorority representatives rotated friendlier relations between stu- ing "FORE!" to warn the pedes-
in office according to the age of dents from different land's and dif- trians. Wonder if the kid uses
their organization on the campus. ferent backgrounds are not pri- corresponding golf terminology
The foremost argument in favor of marily a matter for organized pro-' when the bike winds up in the
the old system, namely, that the gram-effort. For example, I doubt rough the way mine used to?
newer groups will be at a disadvan- the efficacy of any organized plan''tsar Patrick.
tage in gaining the important of- idesigned to urge fraternities to in-
fices, is answered by the fact that ' vite foreign students for dinner
women who rarely attended meet- and talk. Such arrangeme'nts I dunno, Tsar, but if he were toI
ings of the Pan-Hellenic council would be likely to help in only attach a motor wheel to his bike
held office. Under the electoral! those instances where invitation he could putter around, do you see
system merit will become more comes from a fraternity member what I mean?
nearly the basis for office-holding, already acquainted with the pro- j *
as delegates who are better known spective guest. Friendship, or a Dear'Joe: Here's one overheard
will more often be those who have natural, easy exchange of ideas in on campus-An oboe is an ill wood
done most work for the organiza- informal talk, cannot otherwise be wind that nobody blows good.
tion. realized. The Beachcomber
If the aim of the Pan-Hellenic i In general, does the American
group is as stated in its constitu- student, as your editorial states; P. S.-Cabot is now a has-dean.'
tion, to regulate rushing, sponsor meet the student from abroad with x I
and further cooneration among|"an air of frigidity?" Too often, I You're" right about the oboe, I
sororities, and unify the interests fear, opportunities for friendship Beachcomber, but your grammarI
of sorority and non-sorority | are negelected, overlooked-in the is terrible.
women, then this organization has ( classroom, in the gymnasium, in
taken a forward step which could the rooming house, in the Library. *
well be imitated by others. In some instances, the reserved or Dear Joe: Since the University1
busy foreign student is at fault; rulers probably anxiously await
but more often, the casual or in- your column from day to day (1) I1
different or standoffish attitude of thought I would call your atten-I
Campus Opinion1the American student is to blame. tion to the matter of lecture seat-
contriutoseasked o If The Daily or the S. C. A. or any ing arrangement. Under the pres-
a edt hebrconfining themslves to less than 300
words of possible. Anonymous com- 'other insirumentality can assist in ent arrangement the lecturer's at-
names of communicantons will, however breaking down these subtle bar- tention seems irresistably drawn
be regarded as confidential, upon re- riers to international exchange at to that portion of the room where
quest. Letters published should not be
ontruen as epressing the editorial Michigan, then strength to that or- the women are seated. Now if the
I opinion of The Daily. ganization. "attracters of the gaz" were dis-
It may not be amiss, at this tributed about the room, the lec-
GOD SAVE THE GIRLS. point, to say that the Cosmopoli- tuner's gaze might alsq wander.
To the Editor: tan Club welcomes American stu- iabout the room (2), and the men
It is a bit disconcerting to those dent members, provided such stu- could a' Ieast fool themselves into
of us who believe in frankness and dents have a sincere and constant thinking that they are part of the
square'-dealing to find the women interest in the club's work-which audience. Furthermore, students
leaders on the campus so smugly is devoted to a wholesome interna- should be placed according to the
complacent about their spy-system tional give-and-take. length of their legs: the longer legs'
for the apprehension of cq-ed , May I also add that the building in the middle of the seating sec-
drinkers. In the letter which they of an international house at Mich- tion and the shorter outside, to'
published last Friday in your col- igan, providing for perhaps 200 avoid, the great difficulty of getting
umn they acknowledged that students, both foreign and Amer- over the lorig members of the long-
Senior Society and Mortar Board man, would make an enduring con- er members (3).
members had reported cases of tribution to international under-. Oscar.
misconduct and that the almighty standing of this confusingly large**
I Judiciary council prosecuted the campus. Such a student home1 (1) I doubt it, Oscar, very much.
cases so reported, and yet they had would of itself encourage pleasant, .(2) What do you want to do,'
enough smugness to assert "at no I enduring friendships, based on cause an epidemic of eye trouble
time has there been a system of mutual exchange and mutual es amno ngst the faculty?
spying suggested or accepted by teem. (3) Write to yonr congressman.
these organizations (Senior SocietyI CARLTON F. WELLS, e

and Mortar Board), or by the Ju- Faculty Advisor of Foreign And Anon sends ne the follow-
diciary council in regard to drink- Students. ing head, clipped from The Daily:
ing, or to any other matter of dis-
icipline. " Certainly we are at lib- AN INCONSISTENUY. ARBER MADE P RESIDE4T
erty to wonder, what do they think I To the editor: OF ENGIN1EMRING SOCIETY
a: spy is? I wish to call your attention toy*
Tot our way of thinking, when the inconsistency of thought of
one girl sees another acting as those concerned with Dr. Cabot's perhaps thats just his avocation.
though she might be intokicated or resignation. Dr. Cabot's oppo- Anon.
drinking something that might nents object to the admittance of
contain alcohol, and reprsorts the ini- private ptet oth nvriyREPtRT,
cident to the disciplinary authori- hospital, the objection being that Contributors ........7
ties, that girl is a spy, whatever less it takes practice from state doctors. Cubs.... ..............0
outspoken appellation may be given On the other hand, exception is Reporters ...............0

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