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March 01, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-01

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I ' A I. t,


1 1'1 .L' 1VL.1-\,. AA A "1 A. t- ____ _ ___ ____


Forestry School{ Asks
for Dead Game Birds


Investigation of Parasites
Alnua s. Wiii be !Madse
by Dr. O'Roke.




SATUDAYMAR~l 1 193 No.105 Openi announcement to all lovers
of the hunt enrollced in the Uni-
NOTICESC versify that they sendci all deed#
To All Fratrinties: Fraternities are reminded of the fact that the quails, artridges ; mcipheasants
rules of the Interfraternity Council provide that "No student shall bce '
initiated into a fraternity without a certificate of scholastic eligibility, to found during the remainder of the
be issued by the Dean of Students." Before holding an initiation a fra-( winter to the School of Forestry
ternity should call at the Office of the Dean of Students for this cer- ( and Conservation, ivas made yester-
tifie"te. day throuj~Th~nof~ii~n~gh the University conser-'

Returns From Europe
Word Slips Gathered for
Oxford Dictionary.


Linguistics Experiments Show
Speaking Faculty Is
Not Voluntary.

University of Michigan Offieial Publication: The Editorial Office
announces the issue of the Bulletin in Courses in Library Science for
1930-1931, which is No. 48 of Vol. XXXI of the University Official Pub-
lication. Ira M. Smith
University of Michigan Official Puiblication : The Editorial Officej
announces the issue .of 1t1e Ainuow-ucun of the Medical School for
1930 1931, which is No. 50 of Vol. XXXI of the University Official Pub-
lication. Ira M. Smith
Graduate School: graduate students who have not handed in sec-
ond semester election cards should do so this week.
Students who have changed their eetbons since submitting elee-
tioi' cards should call this week at the office of the Graduate School,
1014 Angell Hall. This involves the dropping and adding of courses,
the substitution of one course for another, as well as the change of
SSabina Conrad, Recorder
New York Timnes Current~ Events~ Contest: Time-Tuesday, March
4, at 3 p. in.; Place-Angell Hell. room 2023. Open to all undergradu-
ate,. Three local cash prizes will be awarded as follows: $150 for the
best paper; $25 for the second best paper written by a senior or a
junior; $75 for the best paper written by a sophomore or a freshman
who does not win the ,major, prize. The winning paper will be sub-
nittedl in competition for the, intercollegiate prize of $500, awarded in
addition to the laical prize. Three hours' time will be allowed for the
exainatioli, divided into two parts: I. Facts: A. Brief identification
of names and events; B. Sigle word answcrs' to questions concerning I
notable persons and events; C. Answ rs, iiot exceeding forty words,
concerning important public affairs. TI. Editorial comment of 250 to
500 words on'five topics chosen from a t of fifteen or more. 'The timhe
alloted for Part 1. will be one to ow' and one-quarter hours and for
Part II. one and three-quarters to two hours. All paper required for the
examination will be supplied by the committee in charge.
.1. L. Drumnm, Chairman
Social and Industrial Conference:mM All students who are interested
in attending this conference to be held in Detroit on the week end of
March 7, 8, and 9, under the direction of Dr. Jerome Davis of Yale
UilivroIty, klndly register at the Student Offices at Lane Hall. I
Senior Meebitjcal Engiee'rs: Will those seniors who have not yet
purchasged to cls picture and wl,,o wish to do so kindly attend to this
at once, They can be obtained in boom 221 West Engineering Building
for Vwc ntfy-dive cents.
It. C. Anderson
First Semester Students of M. E 2 and 2a: Will to~e men who took
M. E. 2 or M~. E. 2a from Professors Cal hoon and Mick le please call for
their examination papers, eand drawing room. plates on or before March 7.
F. N. Calhoon, F. A. Mickle
Eniglish 143: A Make-up examination li this course for all those
who have valid excuses for their absence from the regular examination
will be gOven at 9 o'clock, Saturday, March 1, Room 2235 Angell Hall. I
0. J. Campbell

vation department. It was explain-~ Voice Records A."' Calculation'
ed that the winter-killed game o ie osmeti
birds of Michigan harbor certain I Mkn ons
parasites about which ~very little ___
is known and an investigation will As a result of researches. cons-
be conducted by Dr. E. C. O'Roke,I ducted since 1927, Miss Hide Sho-
former parasitologist of the Cali-{ hara, graduate student in general
linguistics and Barbour " scholar
fornia Fish and Game Division, up-;fr'o m Japan, has developed con-'
on any birds found by student hun- ;erlus>ive proof in the field oif pho
ters.; netics to show that speech is whol-
Success in the undertaking, itI ly the result of a rythmical pro-
was stated, depends upon receiving ics.Tesuy ie hhsrr
abundnt exerimetal mterilu hder? an analysis of more than
abunant xpeimenal ateralsix hundred consonantal cornbina-
it is probable, but not yet definitely 'tions, comes as a support to mod-
determined, that game birds killed ern Blo-Linguistic Theory of speech
by severe weather are often weak- developed by Prof. Clarence L. Mea-.
ened by internal parasites. It is der of the department of general1
expetedthatspeimes wil fr- linguistics.
expeted hat peciens ill ur-Speech Not Voluntary.
nish valuable clues as to conditions Through the long and exacting
causing mortality in normal times. I process of voice-recording, and
To determine this, crop and stom- through calculation of the time
ach analyses and records of physi-; consumed. by muscles producing'
cal conditions are also to be made, sounds, Miss Shohara has foundS
Data obtained from the investi-I remarkable relations indicating!
gation will yield important facts on that speech is not a voluntary pro-1
the little-understood subject of ,cuss. Further investigation tended
win ter -killing; all material garner- toward the conclusion thiat the dis-
ed will be used in furthering con-{ tribution of energy in sipeech is dc-
servation work. Students who wish tinitely rythmical. As to the cause.
to send birds to be used in the re- of this condition, Miss. Shohara at-
search should ship them, packed.I tributed it to "a positive increase
frozen, to Mr. R. E. Yetter, care ofa of energy expenditure following a
University School of Forestry and pause rather than a perception of
Conservation. nothingness." of
______________--Pause is Part ofSpeech
Council Will Discuss s!~snr;-te res ausofhe as
Alumni Ten Year Plan a part of speech, Miss Shohara de-
i ! Gldared, "The pert-Option of thne
IDiscussing the participation of I length of pause on t'e art of the
Ialumnae in the University alumni I list~eiei is directly p)'roportiona,,,l to I
ten year program. a special corn- the amount of enierg:y spent bzefore
mnltte~e of, the Alumnae Council and after the pause, Eand is not int
headed by Mrs. Arthur Coltoin, '15,' any wvay a function of t he taniount
} will mueet with Dean G Carl3 of time spent on the Pause itself." I
yHuber of the Graduate school, and# According to Prof. John Hi. muys-
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the I ens, of the department of ge,:(neral
alumni associa tion. linguiStics, these rese archiesinmay
The discussion, which will take prove very, valuable in that they
t Ie form of a consultation on ways eniphasi ze the organic f alction of
and mxeanzs, is to take piace at a speech, and trend to discouzrage the
luncheon at the Women's League common belief that speech is sornO.
building on March 5. product of the mind.

HAS 2,000,000 PAPERS
IAfter a nine months' tour of
Europe in search of material for
the new Early Modern English dic-
tionary, Prof. Charles C. Fries, of
the English department, has re-
turned to take up his duties in con-
nection with th~e work here at the
Uniiversity. As a result of 'his' trip'
.{ ~more than 2,000,000 slips have been.
sent to this country.
IThe~se :ii are, for the most part,
Imater ial that was gathered for the
+ Oxford dictioniary but wa never
used. _T1c y ,ire of prime impor-
.tance in the making of the new'
1 dictionary, and on completion nof
the project, they will become the
property of the University. 'They
,ill constitute the best available
ma;terial in the world for the study
lt 0:,1*Jy modern English and the
solution of many linguistic and lit-
Spi'o itins of the sixteenth
-and seventeenth centuries.
While in Europe, Professor Fries
addressed a meeting of the Phi-
:::,:::..: tolc'gical society in, London.
z Great indignation resulted when
The Daily NebraskaA~ and The Bee-
News stated that a local chapter of
Astor{ d 1 S/It a national sorority, ,had a kissing
,hts a cigarette for his new premier, booth as' their contribution to the
,nd the manoeuvers of the Spanish carnival," and that "they put the
price at twvo fo)r five." The kisses

! King Alfonso of Spain (right) hgl
Geueral Berrenguer, while they attej
armned forces near Madrid.
Engineers Laboratory
Has New Equipment1
One of the most rcentadi
ad-tions to the dynamics laboratory,
located on the third floor of the
euigineerig annex, is a, Tini s-O1-
son. crank shaft balancer whaich heas
been given the Ui versiJtyv by the
Tv. Prus,,iar Machincry . of Dc-I
troi ,. A wac;n ae for bai ancing the
fly wheels of gasoline: c gines was]


Last Perform'ante
w do d&-
1.11silow OF

also donat ed at the same timle.
The balancer is a large onec andlo
quite valuable. Work of installing
the machine is going forward rap--
idly, and it is expected that it will
he in working order in a short time,I
according to Egbe~t Davis, '31 E,
and J. Vernor Davis, '31E, who have c ag ft e w r n e h i
rection of Prof F. N_ Mln rP F t- -





at B
enl p

Chtildren's Rhythm Classes: Children's Rhythm Classes will meet'
Barbour Gymnasium instead of the Women's Athletic Building.
The hours are as usual, 10Q o'clock for the younger children and 11
ock for the older 'group.
Senior 11ierhanical Engineers: Mr. R. N. Keppel of the Standard
Company of New Jersey, will be in Room 221 West Engineering
Iding today for the purpose of interviewing any men interested in
loyment with tais company.
11. C. Anderson
Play Productioli Students tryout, at 2 p. m. at University Hall.

the engineering mecchanics depart-
of the Political Science department will lead an informal discussion ment.-
on "Colonial Problems in the Far East." IWhlen in operatilon thle machine r
will be used for U emontlr'ting the
AX'pha KIappa Delta: The next meectin~g will be hetcld on Thilrsday, principles of clyt~n is and s 4z° ac ,isedo ensaMrc ,a rvosyanucd ,qiiru s ecmpaaedi.tei' l e t
crank shaft of a motor car. D~vP o u t~
Congregational St'dent Fellowship: Arthur B. Boar, Professor of Before the Prussian company ob- ro-c~
Ancient History, will give an illustrated talk on "Archaeological Work tamned the balancer it was owned,
in Egypt" at 6:30 p.,in. Sunday. The talk will be proceeded by a social by the Chrysler Motor Car Co. in CURTAI AT
half hour from 5:30 to 6:00 and a luncheon from 6 to 6:30. ,,.Detroit, where it was used in the
production work of the company.
..... . ~ ~ ~-.- __________________
Scalp and P*adle: Meeting in
the Union Sunday, March 2, at 2:30



p. k..

Hygene 8ejniar, 215: Hygiene 8-i'ai nar will not meet Monday,
MaZrch 3: The next meeting will bev Wdiecday evening, 7:30, March 5.
John Sundwall
Selpaor Literary Class: There will be a meeting of all members of
the Finance, Auditing, and Memorial c oitf-tees of the Senior Literary
Glass in room 302 of the Michigan Union on Sunday, March 2, at 4:00
The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, March 3, at 7:30 p. 1z.
in .RooMe302 Museums Bldg. Mr's. Erlanson will talk on "Hybridiza-
tion and its effect on flowering plants."

Detrit Sa~chstra

Ilie Play Readinig Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet on
Tuesday, March 4, in the lobby of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in
the Michigan League Building. The
Imeeting begins promptly at 2:30 p.
The Mfonday Evenin~g Drama See-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet on Monday, March 3, at
7:40, at the Michigan League Build-

Choral Union serie


,just Receilved
"ThePari's Gun"
The B~ombardnment of Paris by the German Long Range Guns and the
Great German Offenses of 1918, by
of the University of Michigain
$3 75


Ossip Gabrilo itach and is Orchsr
Auditorium .1*MR hr


A Limited Number of Tickets Sill available
Office of School of Music.

at $1.50, $2.00, 2 50 at



Presents Seventh Annual


'T A' ituNiLAW JMIGm 7r'

Bulgarian Folk


v - w Lt s a- _ - M SC4^ IY~

nt- Pfnx t-bsx. r I

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