RCH 1, 19;30 -TH, E -MIC.14-IGAN DAILY WII~~~~. .,90TH IHGA AL w Y w loomw 1 0- ............. AL C, m ATHLET'ICA9WARDSI WILLDEC/YE N AT: .WOMEN'S BA1NUUETi Annual Basketball Banquet Will be Held on March 6. TICKETS - ARE AVAILABLE Classes Will Present Stunts; Further Plans Will be DUCE'S DAUGHTER I GRACE RICHARDS r SCUIOII BECOMES ENGAGED' STATES KEYNOTE f OF CONFERENCE ! "1 cr understanding which t ''a IXIc 31makes fur b ,ter aujustment and i i t 3 :I { I.' I Li Announced Soon. Not only members of interclassw basketball teams, but also anyoneE who has played on an intramural; team, or who is specially interested in basketball, are invited to attend the annual basketball banquet. which is being held at 6 o'clock Thursday, March 6, at the Field house. Tickets are one dollar, and .ab p r h e f o t e a may be Purchased from the team managers, by members of class. teams, or from Elizabeth Hatch, '31Ed., who is in charge of the sale' of tickets The main feature of the banquet will be the awards of various kinds; which will be presented to those ' '-V : who have earned them. A cup will be presented to the intramural team which emerges victorious from the finals of, the tournament, which are takiug place at the Pen- ny Carnival. The .,teams playing are Couzens H.,all and Alpha Xi. Delta.-I EDDA MUSSOLINI, At the same time, numerals will Daughter of the famous premier, be given to members of the inter- whose engagement to Galleazzo class teams who have won them for w the first time. Point awards will Clano, son of the Italian minister be presented to the women who of communications, has recently have earned 300 point M's, 600been announced point pins, or 1200 point M's. Each class,,is presenting a stunt 'Caponsaccbi' Will be for entertainment, which has been Next Production of prepared before the time of the Paes c banquet. The speakers, and theme Hillel Players Here of the affair have not yet been an- nounced as yet, by Margaret Ohl- "Caponsachi," by Arthur Good- son, '30, interclass manager, who rich and Rose Palmer, will be the is in charge of the banquet. next production of the Hillel Play- Tickets should be bought by ers, and will be presented March 7 Tuesday at the very latest, as the and 8 in the Lydia Mendelssohn last interclass games are being theatre. The play is taken from played at this time, and it will be more convenient for members of Browning's "The Ring and the teams to see the managers. Book" and the costumes, which are sixteenth century Italian, are be- ing made by Peter March of De- THE SPOT-LIGH T troit. The women who will take parts By J. C. X. nthe play are Rosalie Goldstick, I112, Bernice Solomon, '30, Gettelel It would seem that since both Steinberg, '32, and Lucile Gross-' Rolls and the D. O. B. have an- man, '32. Samuel S. Simon, '32, is nounced the arrival of Spring, it directing the production. really must be here. In the event Tickets are now on sale at the of which, young men's fancies box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn should soon turn to thoughts of theatre. golf and various extension courses- offered in "The Floating Univer- other case where ignorance is bliss) sity." And after all this we still have to While the B and .G boys-well, pay $5. here is where Spotlight is going to However, therg is the politician get ahead of the game. We feel to consider, and we wonder just that a feminent touch is needed on which one is going to get our the campus and we therefore advo- money. Of course it does take cate the planting of nice big red, more money to elect a senior be- white, and yellow tulips. cause people can't be so easily The student council might even fooled after four years of campus stage a big free for all discussion politics. about this weighty matter in good Also Spotlight would like to in- old Clippy's stadium. form Rolls that it just can't be They might also discuss that lit- bothered with ancient history. We tle matter of Senior dues. We will are out to make our own. Stick to admit that it is wonderful to be a the Library seal if you must but it senior. It's such a relief to know bigger and. better tulips for us. that now you too, like the faculty, are above reproach. But haven't College education over the air is we spent four years of valuable the latest discovery of science. Sta- time trying to see how much work tion WNYC in New York City, in we can get out of so that we might conjunction with the College of the have more time to go to movies and City of New York, conducts what is play ping pong, which I understand called an "Air College." Extensive is now the favorite indoor sport? courses in advanced subjects are And haven't our fond parents al- as yet impossible, but short lec- ready sunk enough into what they tures on varied topics of a cultural think is going to be a worth while aspect are selected to make up the proposition? (and that's just an- curriculum of this "college." consequently happier living was the constructive theme of the con- ference of the National Associatioi of Deans of Women," says Miss Grace Richards, adviser to women. Miss Richards and seven other Michigan women attended the con- vention of the association which met February 19 to 22 at the Chal- fonte-Haddon Hall Hotels in Atlan-I tic City. Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser1 to womeen, Miss Inez Bozorth, direc- I tor of Mosher-Jordan halls, Miss, Mary Lytle, director of Betsy Bar- bour, Mrs. Florence Tousey, direc- tor of Helen Newberry, Miss Mar- garet Smith, director of Martha Cook, Miss Edith Barnard, director of Alumnae House, Miss Grace Manson, of the bureau of univer- sity research, and Mrs. Julius Q. Schlotterbeck, dormitory consult- ant, also attended the conference. Miss Richards was chairman of the; university section of the national association. Dr. Sockman Gives Address. I "Morals in a Machine Age," was i the subject discussed by Dr. Ralph -W. Sockman, pastor of the Madison i Avenue Methodist Episcopal' Church of New York City, who gave one of the principal addresses of the conference following the general theme of adjustment. The machine age has made life easier I physially and :harder spiritually, Dr. Sockman contends. Greater ef- fort must be expended to feel one- 1 self an individual than was neces- sary in a less organized society. The feeling of the young people; of today that they are lost in the crowd, continues Dr. Sockmanr gives rise to restless energy. The man on the street presents a quite different problem from the man1 with the hoe. Stresses Need of Religion. Machines are reducing man thought of himself, hence religion must supplement the education of youth. This was the te4 of Dr. Sockman's speech. With the in crease in material resources, man's1 spiritual resources have been less- ened. We want to be entertained now by things, not to entertain ourselves with things. To overcome this, man should find means to stimulate resourcefulness and "try for a creative approach to life." E An interesting comparison was made by Dr. Sockman between so-i ciety today and the New York sky-t line. Like the 'skyline, men areE closer together physically but, farther apart mentally, greater so-t cial and mental differences are marked now than in a simpler civ- ilization. There are greater indi- vidual successes, but many lesser men incontrast. The democracy1 of a simpler day isidone. The dif-!Z ferences today are vertical. As a result, we need today~ iniderstand- ing, Christianized imanation.r "We need to get facts in focus to be just citizens of the age, and there t is no real citizenship not founded upon justice." Several Psychologists Talk. In creating these new sanctions, Dr. Sockman says that "the sincer- ity, honesty'; and frankness of the youth of today are bed rock." Other speakers of note at the conference were Dr. English Bag- by, North Carolina University, and Mrs. T. Grafton Abbott, clinical 4psycOlogist of the Judge Baker foundation in Boston. Dr. Bagby emphasized the importance of re- turning psychiatry to a basis of common sense. The contributions of the different schools of psychol- ogy in understanding ourselves were presented by Mrs. Abbott. - _ __ _ Chicago police recently seized a number of young women after they had taken leading parts in a com- munist meeting where trouble oc- curred. A .1 S u S MADAME CHARMAND DISCUSSESIFE LIFE SHOWIS ;LE AD BY MODERN WOMEN IN FRANCE "My daughter never attended a War, describing the air raids on dance in her life without me," said Paris and telling of her own ex- Madame Charmand, wife of Mon- periences helping in a hospital. ilctic Association, esour Henri Charmand, visiting Whenever there was an air raid sy professor from the University fthey had to move all the sick and Paris. "In France invitations are wounded to the basement of the nintly. addressed to Monsieur, Madame, hospital which would sometimes 70MEN MODEL an aemoselle and a youny gir happen two or three times a night. is never allowed to go anywhere From her home she could see the -- of early spring without chaperonage," she contin- fri he hoe so In the nza of early spring ued. French girls would love the firing. She had one son in the war, fely. olors was featured freedoni given to American girls Madame Charnand considers it 5 League and Wo-m- for they are not permitted to date a privilege that American girls can sociation joint party or smoke. Life has changed some- attend a large university. She said gue building yester- what since e warthotan that she thought French students girls ;ire taking positions outside- worked harder than American be- New and special their homes, working as stenogra- cause there were fewer distractions se Root were exhib- phi rs, and such, in order to pro- to take them from their studies. In versity women as a tect themselves if there should be a French university there are no ct anothe great catastrophe." typicalsports or outside activities to draw students todetdey. fring and summer Frenchwoman, delightfully charm- .__dent together. flowing afternoon ing. She is not able to speak a ( ! ensembles featur- word of English, nor does she un- JUNIOR REHEARSALS. derstand it when it is spoken to Act I of the cast will meet to- and colored lace her. She talks with animated ges- day at 10:00 o'clock in the ball- matching cocktail! tures in her native tongue and room, as. announced yesterday. ,io and three piece holds her listeners fascinated. She Choruses will not meet at this nd ensembles were related that there are no women'sI time. rt sleeve, high waist clubs in Paris and that women long skirts trend take no part in the politics of the YALE UNIVERSITY-Practise on dresses. Ensembles country. "Women are interested ( wooden horses is used to develop loves, wide brimmed only in their homes, their husbands Yale's polo team, *both the novices r new items of ap- and children and consider mar- and more skilled players drill reg- wns were modeled riage as the greatest career." ularly for periods of half an hour ins, '30' Phyllis Zei- She spoke vividly of the World i on their wooden steeds. Harrigan. '30; Ellen orothy Miller, '30; TYPEWRITER te te, fashion show s Lingerie Special All REakAfaG music for dancing' Saturday achines. Our equip- refreshments were ment and person- ballroom. To vary I jinel are considered cague parties which < among the best in the State. The f weekly throu'ghout 'result of twenty years' careful romen's Athletic As.. building. rclay for the firstI* roes with its sister 0. D. IORRILL n sponsoring this ,314 South State St. Phone 6615 ershiips in (710 League Are READ THE DAI ned in Detail _ ___ ;udents who are now I University or the ool of Music, the Membership in the The kind of lingerie you Michigan League is ,yable within five most like and alway umnaerwho have need- SATURDAY A membership is $100. S T R A sted in past or pres-a a Faculty Directories, Now at Saving of ae immediate famil- McCallum embers or adminis- 1.95 and $1.85 Val either past or pres- rs of the Ann Arbor PajamasTeddies1.5 alues at American Associa- Robcs Step-ins Chiffons a ty Women, for wives Gowns Bloomers I members of ,the GB r- tors of the Alumni Slips I I for women of the3 E es of faculty mem- 537 East L niversity School of bbership is $100. r ______ ship for wives of I ad .forelected Delinquent pledgesI. on membership for , id, after one year maturity unless an me is requested. I --V General Sale to Follow at Box Office. PRICES ARE DESIGNATED Mail orders for tickets for the 1 performances of the Junior Girls' play, to be presented March 17 to 22 in the Lydia Mendelssohn the- ater, will be received on March 3, and thereafter, by Jane Yearnd, Betsy Barbourhouse. It is neces- sary that a stamped, self-addressed I envelope accompany each order. Tickets may be obtained at the general sale which will open March 12 at the League theater box office. Prices for the production are: Main floor, first ten rows, $2.50, remainder, $2.00; Balcony, first three rows, $2.00, remainder, $1.50; Boxes, first row, $2.00, second row, $1.50. Miss Catherine West, a native of Dark Hollow, Va., has been chosen as teacher for' President Hoover's school there. J . ", ยข. 1 4,R \ t. If --------------"- ---------_-s_-_-------_---= ----------------- L _____ _______ _______ _____1112___11':'___ _______I____Lull___i__[21__ _____I -A HATv The much wanted and looked-for;change of style, is today a reality. Hats are more dressy, the hat of former days, for all occasions' does not exist today. There are the sports bats, the tailored hats, and the dressy hats for more formal occasions. Manipulation and use of materials in the construction of the new hats are outstanding, and we once more have the brim hat of fabric, but not in the old style. Trimmings of rib- bon, lace and flowers, and colors are used in a manner that is flattering to the face and tends to accent the present vogue of femininity. 42 SATURDAY SPECIAL H H AT2 S S Felt and Straws Combinations in the Latest Modes K4 Every Wardrobe Must Have One Print When you sec their you'll want several, but to really "go places and do, things," you owe it to yourself to have at least one. They are moderately priced at $10 to $14.95 Tark grounds with light figures- light grounds with dark figures. 1111 I