THE MICHICAN DAILY FRTDAY, ?RIBRUARY 28, 1008 a DAILY OF FICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1930 No. 104 i NOTICES Catholic Students: A mixer will be held Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30 in the auditorium of the Chapel. Medical School- Candidates for Admission; All candidates for ad- mission to the Medical School should file applications not later than Saturday, March 1. Blanks may be obtained from the Medical School Office, 127 West Medical Building. This applies, to candidates for ad- mission on combined curricula as well as those not interested in com- bined curricula. Jeannette Noble, Recorder ..University of Michigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office announces the issue of the Bulletin on the Housing Facilities for Wo- men, which is No. 49 Vol. XXXI of the University Official Publication. Ira M. Smith -,.University of Michigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office announces the issue of the. Bulletin of the Report of the Director of the Museum of Zoology to the Board of Regents, which is No. 47, Vol, XXXI of the University Official Publication. Ira M. Smith Natural Dancing Classes: All natural dancing classes are to be held in Barbour Gymnasium. First Semester Students of M. E. 2 and 2a: Will the men who took M. E. 2 or M. E. 2a from Professors Calhoon and Mickle please call for their examination papers and drawing room plates on or before March 7. F. N. Calhoon, F. A. Mickle Senior Mechanical Engineers: Will those seniors who have not yet purchased a class picture and who wish to do so kindly attend to this at once. They can be obtained in Room 221 West Engineering Building for twenty-five cents. H. C. Anderson Graduate School: Grahluate students who have not handed in sec- ond semester election cards should do so this week. Students who have changed their elections since submitting elec- tion cards should call this week at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall. This involves the dropping and adding of courses, the substitution of one course for another, as well as the change of instructors. Sahina Conrad, Recorder Physiological Chemistry 102: Refunds for the second laboratory section in Physiological Chemistry may now be obtained in room 218, West Medical Building, from 12:45 to 4:00 daily except Saturdays. Attention is called to the fact that the credit slips are void if not cashed within six months of the date issued. P II. I. Lewis, Professor 'EVENTS TODAY' University Loan Committee: The University Loan Committee will meet today at 2:00 p. m., in Room 2, University Hall. All 'applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of Students for an appointment with the Committee. J. A. Bursley, Chairman The Fourth Freshman Lecture in Hygiene for Men will be given in Waterman Gymnasium, today at 3-4 and 5 p. m. This requirement includes all freshmen In the regular training classes, athletic squads, and others that have been excused from these groups. Balancing Big Turbines and Generators: Mr. T. C. Rathbone, Ex " GROUP SELECTED perimental Engineer in charge of vibration problems, Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., will speak on this subject at 2 o'clock, Room 348, W. Fn1FUOR CLASS DUES E .The Cosmopolitan Club will hold an "International Night Rally" 1U1 I I P H (Continued From Page l)FE ICH at 8 o'clock in Lane Hall. Social meeting will follow. FCfreshman in the professional school,; belongs,so that a single payment of Polonia Literary Circle: Meeting in Lane Hall Auditorium at 7:30 Impoverished Bulgarian Students dues will put the student straight Studio Club Hears Instructo p. m. Mr. Wende-Lipaczynski of the Polish Consulate at Detroit will to Receive $15,000 as Soon financially with both classes. in Architecture Describe be the guest speaker. as They Raise X11,000. To eliminate any possibility of Paris as Art Center. misunderstanding as to the distri-- COMING EVENTS TO BUILD HELPCENTER bution of senior class funds accrd-I STUDENT A EXHIBITED _____ ing to the budget recently made___ Make-up Examination in Philosophy 31 will be held in Room 201 public, Todd yesterday explained S. W. on Saturday, March 1, at 2 p. m. In response to a letter from the that all income from class dues is Emphasizing the diverse ways of National Student Federation of turned over to the office of Robert ;;ettig an art education in the America, immediate action will be Campbell, treasurer of the Univer- French capital, Walter J. Gores, of Math. C-Solid Geometry meets on Tuesdays and Thursda.s at 9 taken by a student committee to- sity, and that all disbursements are the architectural school addressed o'clock in room 21, East Hall. ward raising a fund for the allevi- made through that office Cwatio of the impoverished condi- The seniors' who will work with he meeting of the Studio club at Chf d en's Rhythm Classes: Children's Rhythm Classes will meet tions existing among the students Chapman in the collection of dues leach Saturday at Barbour Gymnasium instead of the Women's Athletic of the University of Bulgaria. At- include: l League building on the topic of Building. tention was brought to the Inter- in"Student Life in Paris." The hours are as usual, 10 o'clock for the younger children and 11 national Student Service of the sit- Fance committee: dary aL"t o'clock for the older group. ; uation by a request for assistancelnPe ____in building a student hostel in Bul- Virginia McCreery, Sally Nederlan- the greatest art center of the aria. ider, Lawrence Walkey, and Rob- world. attracts art students from house Organizers of the League: Important meeting on Monday garia. , dHolmes. at 5:00 p. m. in the Concourse on the second floor, in the League Build- As soon as the native students -1all parts of the world." He gae ing. Will you please bring the cards with the names of the houses you can raise the sum of $11,000 the In- Auditing committee: Charles Bish- as a reason for this the opportuni- are in charge of? ternational Student Service has op, chairman; Farrington Twee sd Elisabeth DeVol, Chairman of the Board of Representatives jpromised to give them $15,000, the dy, Valborg Egeland, Melville Dol- ties which Pais affods for the __ _ _amount necessary to buy a lot and tenbein. Leone Belleville, and Ken- art student m the way of the great Seniors: Dues for the Literary class will be collected starting erect a building. The hostel will neth Birney. museums, the numerous art schools, Tuesday morning, March 4. Payments must be made at tables in the serve as student center for self- Memorial , committee: Charles and the current art shows. Angell Hall lobby or University Hall. This year's assessment is $5.00, help, and will provide a restaurant, Marcotte, chairman; Sydney Cow- student lif th Lati Qrte' and it includes a year's subscription to the Michigan Alumnus. Retain club, and bedrooms for the forty- an, Beatrice Fromm, Katherine C. amouslferintesantuaren your dues receipts, in that they are necessary in order to attend class four per cent who are now attempt- Fitzpatrick, and Ailene Yeo. famous for centuries as the ren- 3 "__________ dezvous. of student artists. He functions, to participate in class activities, to buy Senior invitations or ing the practically impossible of gave a vivid description of the announcements, to obtain caps and gowns, etc. living on little more than $10 a H. L. Moon DisCUSSS Quatz Arts Ball, a brilliant affair, month. given annually by students of the Senior Literary Class: There will be a meeting of all members of The necessity for making regular Rise Quaker Faith Ecole d Beaux Arts. the Finance, Auditing, and Memorial committees of the Senior Literary payments on the war debt, and for Gores was in Paris for three Class in room 302 of the IMichigan Union on Sunday, March 2, at 4:00 ; handling the minorities that have. 'clock. mMsettled in the country since the Showing the rise of the Quaker years as an American Field Serv- -lWar, have depleted Bulgaria's re- religion in the years since the great ice Fellow to French universities. This fellowship is similar to the Social and Industrial Conference: All students who are interested sources to such an extent that an- war, H. L. Moon spoke Wednesday Rhodes scholarships offered to in attending this conference to be held in Detroit on the week end of imals of all kinds, railway equip- on the subject "President Hoover'sAmerican students to study in March 7, 8, and 9, under the direction of Dr. Jerome Davis of Yale ment, and agricultural products Religion-the Quaker Faith." England. While in Paris Gores was University, kindly register at the Student Offices at Lane Hall. have all been sacrificed. The value The speaker pointed out that ever a lecturer on the Staff of the Lou- of the Bulgarian lev which used to since their foundation 300 years ago vre museum. International Forum: The first forum for this semester will be exchange at 5 for the $1.00, now there had never been one major To fill a vacancy left by Alexis held in Lane Hall, Sunday, March 2, at 4:00 p. m. Prof. J. R. Hayden exchanges at 138 levs to $1.00. reform movement in which the so- Lapteff, '30A., Austin A. O'Brien, of the Political Science department will lead an informal discussion In spite of ths financial condi- ciety of the Friends had not played '30. was elected to the office of tre- on "Colonial Problems in the Far East." All are cordially invited. tion, students have continued to fill a leading part. He showed further surer oftthe Studio club. the universities. It is for the pur- that, after having -dropped their Esperanto: Professor Charles D. Brokenshire of Alma College will pose of encouraging them in their old customs of dress, theyhadIUT lecture on Esperanto, Tuesday, Mar. 4, at 4:15 p. m., in Room 231 Angell efforts to maintain certain educa- 'grown tremendously in size and Icollege production of "The Barker" Hall. The public is invited. Those who wish to meet Prof. Brokenshira tional standards that the Interna- power, and stated that this fact in calleenduion o "he wre" at luncheon Tuesday at 12:30 in the Women's League can make reser- tional Student Service has promis- the face of their age and the length for the Princetonian audiences. As vations by dialing 21751 ed assistance in the erection of a of time they hade remained inac- a a result the Intime Theatre has _aios___ilig_75,student hostel, and has asked for tive showed that the religion was turned to more highbrow drama in Michigan Dames will meet Monday evening, March 3, at 8:00 the backing of American universi- oine that appealed to the people of preparing to present Shaw's "An- o'clock in the Cave Room of the Michigan League Building. ties in the project. today. drocles and the Lon. All members are urged to be present, and all wives of students are, cordially invited. Varsity Band: Short rehearsal Saturday afternoon at 4:00 a Morris Hall for microphone placement. ing. Formation at Morris Hall on Saturday night at 7:40 for broadcast- mg. Seniors, E, E. a d M. E.: Mr. A. M. Dudley and others will recruit for Westinghouse in the E. E. and M. E. Departments today. A. D. Moore I Senior Meelanical Engineers: Mr. R. N. Keppel of the Standard ! Oil Company of New Jersey, will be in Room 221 West Engineering 1 Building today and Saturday, March 1, for the purpose of interviewing any men interested in employment with this company. 1Y. C. Anderson To Chenieal and Civil Engineering Students: Mr. C. B. Collins of the Koppers Construction Company, will be in Room 221 West Engi- neering Building today to interview prospective graduates who are in- terested .i employment with that company. A. 11. White, L. M. Gram Mechanical and Chemical Engineers: The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey is desirous of employ ng chemical and mechanical engi- neers. Mr. Russell N. Keppel of that company'will be at the University today and Saturday, March 1. He will be in the East Engineering Building on both days and appointments may be made through Miss McKim in room 2028. There are a number of pamphlets telling of opportunities with the Standard Oil Company which may be obtained from either of us on application. Henry C. Anderson, Alfred 11. White A Representative from the Buick Motor Company of Flint will be in Room 221, West Engineering Building, today to interview prospective graduates, relative to employment with the above Company.