porn T14 TZ!14Tra'AN nATi: .A IMP TTA14V Lr-r M r 4 c N 1 TVelWAA\F . "' /ZA Lt rrctrV~ J.ab.F Jn rLi.. zotJ 1 r U 14t siitgatt fai Published every morning except Monda, during the tJniversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial :Association. " The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- V atches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the loca news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-' master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail, pfFtces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-1 sard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2r214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........Genrnre C. Tilley City Editor...............Pierce Roenherg News Editor...............Donald J. Kline Sports Editor. ,.. ...Edward L.* Warner. Jr. Women'sEditor..........arajorie Foimer Telegraph ditor........ cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama.....William J. Gorman Literary Editor.. ...Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City ditor.. . Robert J. Feldman right Editors-Editorial' Board Members1 Frank.];. Cooper llenry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloas Charles R. 1autman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters , Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barec argaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckhan Arthur J. Bernstein hurgh Pierce h Caonerley John . Rndel Heom in Cey Jeanie Roberts Hele Doniue Joseph A. 'Russell Margaret Eckels oseph Ruwitch Catherine Perrin Rp h . Sachs Carl F. Forsvthe Cecelia Shrivr Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes fi. Cadwell Swanso Ginevra Gin Jane' Thayer Jack Goldsmitk \l argaret Thompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris rovernan Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine . ullen $ennedy Harold o. Warren, Jr. ean Levy G. Lionel Willens . ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit Bruce J. Manley BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.. -.......T. Hlolister Mabley Advertising...........I;aspr' fl. Halverson Advertising............Sherwood A. Upton Service .......... ........eorge A. Spater Circulation ............ ...Jr ernor Davis Accounts....................John R. Rose Pu'bliceitiors............ eorge R. Hamilton Business Secretary- Mary Chase Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Koacker 1 ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey obert Crawford Thomas tMuir Harry B. Culver George R. Patterso Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford NormnI, liezer Le Slayton James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper } Norris Johnso obert Williamson ! Charles Kline Wilam R. Worboy1 Porothy Dinoomgardnr A lice McCully1 $,aura Codling Sylvia filler Agnes Davis Hele E. Mus elwhite Bernice Glaser 1 Ivanr Walkinshaw Ifortense Gooding Dorothea Watermanf Night Editor-GURNEY WILLIAMS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 19301 HOW MANY PAY HOW MUCH? Now that the class treasurers are organizing their annual drive for dues, it seems pertinent to en- quire who pay dues and why, and for what are the class dues ex- pended. With regard to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, the an- swer to the first half of this ques- Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be hrief, confining themselves to less than 300 words of possible. Anonymous comn- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, he regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. ANTIQUATED PEDAGOGY. To the Editor: I am amazed to note that your editorial on the deposing of Dean Cabot has failed to evoke any let- ter in defense of that leader in medical pedagogy. There is cer- tainly no man in the history of the Medical school to whom students ought to feel any greater personal gratitude and devotion, for he has sacrificed his chair as dean by his efforts to combat an archaic edu- cational system. Medical pedagogy is antiquated OASTED FROS!S I The Student council is taking some definite action regarding frosh who persist in violating thel pot rule and it begins to look asI though another frosh will be per- suaded to wear the characteristic headgear. If this is accomplished it will mean that at least two freshmen will be wearing them, anyway. There was a shakeup some time ago, which accounts for the other guy * * * If the vigilance committee hadl draped itself around the entrances, of any of the roons where the re- rn. + 4rnch Pvn mnnnnarp Ir - cn rusn exam aLn wee giv to a degree which probably cannot en LhVy'd have obaUind edee been they'd have obtained evidence campus. The local Medical school to keep them busy for weeks. I is numerically the largest in the dropped in at Mason hall the other country, and is not unlikely the day to look over the psych exam mostiry, nd sonalndmechikal.they gave the frosh and I'm will- most impersonal and mechanical. ing to bet I didn't see more than The student's time is vcry largely half a dozen frosh caps in the spent in writing down the lectures which the professors drowsily drone whole place. to him, in stuffing himself by rote They wouldn't, by the way, let with as much of these lectures as 'me see the exam. I suppose they possible, and in regurgitating them 'thought I'd make copies of it and on examinations. It was. against send samples to all high school this system of thought-stiffling senios ,Islso sllyhwhou routine-of intellectual spoon-feed- seio rs It s alloit.i cod n you comg-thathinknoCabt. Iagodldajust ing-that Dean Cabot waged war, as easily have sat down,.taken the with the ,result that he aroused exam, signed my name DeWitt Clin- the antagonism of complacent sen- exam, semyhnam gttn-h .ton or something, and gotten the information I wanted. Only trou- I shall mention one department ble is, I didn't have time. as an example, not because it is at , m all more deserving of censure than The Rolls photographer just any other, buttbecause it serves toIcame in with a picture of a frosh make the matter clear. In the whim he accosted on campus. United States the death-rate of " r, ,, mothers in childbirth is more than photograph pherrit. Photo shows twice that in the more enlightened fhoogeplaini . frosh explaining. of European countries. Many ob- servers have agreed that this is due to the defective training of medical graduates. What is our Medical school doing to remedy ~ this condition? In my junior year I passed the year's course of lec- tures in obstetrics, and the eight- week "Demonstration" course, with-1 !out ever having seen a confine-; ment in my life. This year, along with a large share of my class-, mates, I have completed my sen- I ior work in obstetrics without ever! having assisted in a delivery, or examined a single case in early1 pregnancy, or made a post-partum examination. Yet when I receive Something ought to be done my M.D. this spring I shall be eli- ! about the exits in N.S. auditorium. gible to practice obstetrics in most If the doors could be rehung so states without any further train- that they'd open all the way itj ing. I might add that other medi- would relieve the terrible conges- . cal schools generally require each tion that occurs there between lec- graduate to perform fifteen or tures. This is addressed to the more deliveries, and that the ap- B. & G. boys or somebody and I'm palling situation here has brought not trying to be a bit funny. protests from the American Asso- ciation of Medical Colleges. Yet "All natural dancing classes are Dr. Cabot's urgent requests that to be held in Barbour gymnasium." the faculty act to remedy matters Notice in the D. O. B. Well, I'm has been met only with the sullen bglad they're segregating that resentment of those who are inert- un* * ly satisfied with the status quo. LOCAL GIRL MAKES I could mention innumerable AGOOD I BIG CITY! other instances, if necessary, { Florence Tennant, local actress," where Dr. Cabot has suffered by his is now playing with a stock com- effort to improve the status of stu- pany in Utica, N. Y. Gracious, how I am sure the medical students these youngsters do grow up. s would recognize with gratitude. * "*I Frederick C. Lendrum, '30M. YES, AND THERE'ILL BE A LOT o IN THE SAME BOAT BEFORE NO SPIES. THEY SAY LONG.I Music And Drama TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn Theatre, Play Production offers George Kelly's The Showoff. COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS CESAR FRANCK: Quartet in D Minor: by the London String Quar- tet: Set No. 128. This work, written just a few months before his death, when Franck was sixty-six, is quite the most eloquent proof of the claim so often made by his admirers as to his superb architectonic power. One has begun to question the symphony from that angle and to lose any sense of the inevitable re- lation of the form there to the ma- terial suspecting them both of be- ing induced with calm factitious rationality. But the quartet seems more per- manently convincing. The archi- tecture, less obvious and less facilely apprehended, seems more necessary to expression. The first movement is unique in musical lit- erature. It is really a union of two separate pieces of music subtly interpenetrating, commenting on, and restraining one another very effectively, but kept quite free of confusion by Franck's perfect structural manipulations. The us- ual first movement form, the elas- tic sonata structure, is incorporat- ed into a simple lied form, the theme of the lied being conceived and employed as a generating theme. The meditative, prayer- like slow movement is conventional as to form, but certainly Franck's most profound piece of music. The last movement is dramatic, com- I prehensible (in the manner of the elaborate structureofB eethoven's last movement in the Ninth) only by very subtle reference to the meaning of preceding movements, the themes of them being actually quoted and hinted at. The London String Quartet's! performance is technically quite superb. In the way of interpreta- tion, they are a little unpreten- tious 'being content with rather broad depiction of the score with- out deep analysis of underlying feeling. The quartet seems to de- mand . a rather peculiar blend of tender acceptance and optimistic aspiration for its ideal perform- ance. If the London organization lacks this feeling, they are at least successful in the musicianly mat- ters of the performance. PUCCINI: La Boheme, an opera in four acts: with Rosetta Pam- panini and Luigi Marini and the La Scala Chorus: the Milan Sym- phony Orchestra conducted by Molajoli: Operatic Series No. 5. The phonograph is a little rigid on Opera, especially on bad Opera. Puccini's last act bears up quite well; it is vivid and the actual writing is inclusive enough to con- tain and.suggest all the nuances of the moods without the addition of more superficial pictorial appeal, which stage production adds. The more spectacular second act, with its street scenes, etc., suffers. The phonograph exposes quite ruthless- ly the actual poverty of the writ- ing, its complete reliance on a viva- cious, shrieking theatrical' produc- tion. But there is an advantage too in phonograph presentation of Opera. One learns to know voices, to learn their precise quality, to catch their tricks of expression: the sum of it all being a more authentic insight into the operatic art than one can get from a 'single theatric experi- ence. When the voices are as well worth knowing as those of Rosetta Pampanini, the Convent Garden star, and Luigi Marini, there is reason for owning this album. These are both powerful singers and their playing down to the small proportion of the Mimi and Rodolfo parts. They have both l caught the natural fragility and childlike single-mindedness of the two young Bohemians and the study of their technique in doing so is a delight; This present recording is gen- uine Italian Opera, deriving its vi-} tality from the Italian exhibition- istic feelings. The La Scala Chorus, especially in the men's ensemble, 802 PACKARD ST. SALMON SALAD WITH CREAM POTATOES PEAS OR FILLET OF SOLE WITH FRIED POTATOES PEAS 35c OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenses and Frames Made to Order Optical Prescriptioni Pidhed HALLE R'S STATE STREET JEWELERS Sure You Can Go ABROAD via STCA!! STCA passage costs only about $200 Round Trip and you can live and travel in Europe for $6 a day ... $300 ... $400 ... $500 for a summer Abroad. .. if you can't believe it ask IDON'Sl BARBER SHOP Dependable Work 702-S. State St. at Monroe I Fritz Kleene Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity he is our representative in your college and knows all about this modern miracle of travel ... beg, borrow or steal money if you must ... it will pay you eternal dividends in the best experiences you've ever had .:. STCA sailings are weekly to and from England, France and Holland. STUIDERT ASSO(t IAIIOP WI I 441 , I I I HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, 24 STATE STREET, NEW YORK The Hand-me-Down STCA's expose of Europe's swellest secrets and the best 5 Drlvursei( service in Europ are yours when you sail STCA. pi tion is simple: a few students happen to have the money dues because they either don't or don't know any better. An answer to the second half o question is even simpler: $30 o resulting funds are used to pictures of the class officers the names of class committe in the Michiganensian. Wh who pay care d the f the f the > put, !1! I collected in excess of around the treasurer's $30 office In its last year the class disc some. way to spend it. The system is manifestly u isfactory and unfair. A ha: of students, moved by some v consciousness of class spirit, ance the class with $1 cont tions through its first three y The others contribute nothing til their senior year when $5 capita is collected by making exercise of certain senior p leges contingent upon paymer dues. The senior ante has t quintupled to enable the clan discharge all its financial ob tions and leave on the car some monument to its memor Obviously, if the classes ar continue to finance themselve dues, some more effective sweeping method of collectionr be devised. To date the most w able suggestion that has been r would include dues in the tu fee by adding a class treasu coupon to the long coupon- filled out by each student upon rolling in the University. He would all be touched in the r painless possible manner, an fallible income assured the c treasuries; there also exist: strong nrohahility that if+ a aNd Dear Joe: Overheard this the ; emen To the Editor: other day: tat is In order to adjust the apparent '30: Hey, frosh; why did you bolt kicks' misapprehension which still exists rhet this morning? until regarding the policy of the Wom'- 33: Oh, sir, I was Hell weak. overs en's League concerning discip-,Little Eddie. linary measures, we wish to state Thanks, Eddie, Come again. You nsat- the functions of the .organizations are now a Contributor. ndful which we represent with reference . * * * vague to the problem of drinking among REPORT. fin- the women students. , The Rolls Honorary Degree com-' ribu- It is true that the Board of Di- mittee wishes to make the follow- ? years. rectors - of the Women's League, ing report:, un- Mortar Board, and Senior society Contributors...........2 per have cooperated with Judiciary Cubs ...................0 the council in enforcing all League Reporters ...............0 f rivi- rules, these rules having been Assistant ditors ........0 nt of made by the students themselves, o be and endorsed by the acministra- Sixtyhtryouts milled about up tion At o tie hs thre ben4 here the other day, so it looks as ss to tion. At no time has there been a though The Daily won't die out for liga- system of spying suggested or ac- lack of interest, anyway. By the! Mpus cepted by these organizations, or way, tryouts, this column receives4 y. by Judiciary Council in regard to contributions and often prints e to drinking, or to any other matter of ' same. . s on discipline. **I*c and But at first, let us explain again I have the lowdown on the' must the attitude of Judiciary Council lady who lost the close-fitting t ork- in this respect. Undoubtedly there ! hat. Watch for further an- s nade have been some reports made un- nouncement! iton justly, but nevey Judiciary Council in Note to Mr. Carveth Wells, whose card making a final decision on a case. picture appeared on page one yes- I en- Witnesses for both sides of each eday My, how you -have chang- reby case testify, in order that every I 4 * - . in- 1 Class s ali fair means of trial may be used. All evidence is weighed by the Ju- diciary Council, and the decisions are upheld by the administration. If at anv tima mvac oif Note to Our Weather Man, whose doesn't hesitate to sacrifice beau- picture appears every day on page ty and balance of tone-quality to one: "Will you come up to the of- superficially impassioned utter- fice this afternoon between 2 and ance. Luba Mirella's singing as R n'rinnk n T -n- i,... - ,- . -- __, i inrtn n~v« - __