TH!msr~AY, P~B!~UA~ WV, 19~
in Room 306 Michigan Union at7:15 p. m.
0 A I L Y D F Cl A L BULL T IiN Web -and Flange meets at 4:15 p. m. in Engineering Society Room,
West Engineering Bldg. Two-thirds quorum necessary.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membersS
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- gia Gamma Epsilon will hold a luncheon i the Michigan Union
dent until 3:30 p. n, (11:30 a. m. Saturday) at 12:15 p. m.
VOL. XL. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1030 No. 103 Phi Sigma will hold an open meeting at 7:30 p. m. in room 1139
iNatural Science Bldg. Dr. D. V. Baxter will speak on "Molds and
NOTICES Stains in Lumber of the United States." All intere .ted are invited to
University Lecture: Owing to the illness of Professor E. Allison Peers, attend.
of the University of Liverpool, the University lecture which he was to
have given on March 3 has been postponed for the present. Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Important meeting in the tap room at 5:30 p.
Frank E. Robbins tM. All members should be present for the election of officers.
University Loan Committee: The University Loan Committee will: Phi Delta Kappa: Important business meeting of the Phi Delta
meet on Friday, February 28, at 2:00 p. m., in Room 2, University Hall. Kappa fraternity at 7:00 p. m. in room 304, Michigan Union.
All ", inn.+ofns lr^"ov1,,iA n11 t hA nffn of theD nt ~ntff
Ensign William H. McMullen, '29, the result of risking his life to save Ohio State will again furnish th
trophy and act as the blearinl
an airplane pilot with the United a woman and child, who were on house for the annual Western
States Naval Reserve, was killed the beach near San Diego, where Conference telegraphic bowlingr
when his airplane crashed in the lhe was making a forced landing. meet .to be held at the Michigan
Pacific ocean off the coast of Pa -His motor had stalled and McMul- Union at 4 o'clock this afternoon..
len was gliding toward the beach, The match is to be of three games
nama according to word received the only safe place to land, when and the total pins will determine
tie Tuesday night. he suddenly saw that it was oc- the team score, five men making
McMullen, who left s;hool at the cupied. He swerved and made a up the squad. Ohio State won the
end of his junior year after com- I hazardous landing in the water. meet last year with the score of
pleting the ground course in avia- His body had not been recovered 2,819 and Michigan placed -riftn
when his parents, Mr. and Mrs. with 2,680. This year's team will
tion offered by the University, en- Ralph W. McMullen of Detroit, re- be made up of Penniman, Murphy,
listed in the Naval Reserve and was ceived word of his tragic death. Maloney, Overton and Bishop.
assigned to the Naval base at San
All appiliants..xor loans snouid canl at ue orrce ca ue vewi ui
Students for an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman {
Medical School - Candidates for Admission: All candidates for ad-
mission to the Medical School should file applications not later than
Saturday, March 1. Blanks may be obtained from the Medical School
Office, 127 West Medical Building. This applies to candidates for ad-
mission on combined curricula as well as those not interested in com-I
Varsity Band: Formation for Hockey game at 7:15 p. m. at Coli-
seum. Uniforms and overcoats. Morris Hall will be open from 7 until
7:10 and a short time following the game.
Diego. He had previously spent
summers at the Great Lakes Train-
ing school and at Hampton Roads
Wesleyan Guild Banquet: The Wesleyan Guild will have its an- studying aviation.
nual banquet in the ball room of the Women's League Building, to- Although in the service for the!
night at 6:15 o'clock. Dr. Joseph M. M. Gray, of Detroit, will speak on short time of less thanetwo years,
the topic "The Church Somebody Knows." McMullen became one of the out-
standing pilots of the navy. He
COMING EVENTS attracted nation-wide attention
Chldren's Rhythm Classes: Children's Rhythm Classes will meet when he flew with Colonel Lind-
each Saturday at Barbour Gymnasium instead of the Women's Athletic bergh at the National Air Races in
Building. Cleveland last summer as a mem-
The hours are as usual, 10 o'clock for the younger children and 11 ber of the crack air squadron of
o'clock for the older group. the navy, "the High Hats."
As a member of the reserve, he
Chemical Engineers: The Koppers Construction Company of Pitts- was entitled to a year's service in
burgh desires to employ chemical engineers. Mr. C. B. Collins will be the navy. He accepted a second
in my office on Friday, February 28, to interview those desiring employ- year, however, which would have
ment-with that company. Please make appointments with Miss McKim. expired this summer planning aft-
Alfred H. White er to return to the University next
fall to enter the law school. Mc-
Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. R. N. Keppel of the Stlndard Mullen, who completed nearly 1,- t
Oil Company of New Jersey, will be in Room 221 West Engineering 000 hours in the air, was attach-
Building on Friday, February 28, and Saturday, March 1, for the pur- ed to the airplane carrier, the U.I
pose of interviewing any men interested in employment with this com- S. S. Saratoga, at the time of his1
I pany. II. C. Anderson ?death.
Only a short time ago, Ensign
Something Diffrn
FOR an evening to fit the
weather try Joe Parker's
cafe. You'll like it for you'll
find good food, lilting music,
crooning singing, a smart
crowd . . . atmosphere!
The Varsity Seranders play
and a Negro boy sings like a
Negro boy should. See you
F. N. Caihoon, F. A. Mickle McMullen was cited for bravery as
A Representative from the Buick Motor Company of Flint will be in to Mcullenwascitedforbraveryas
EVENTS TO DAY jRoom 221, West Engineering Building, during Friday, February 28, to UNIVERSITY OF IOWA-A glider
Exhibits are being held in the Galleries if Alumni Memorial Hall interview prospective graduates relative to employment with the above is being constructed here by a
as follows: Copay
OAllied Artists of America W :CmE.aLayngroup of students interested in aer-
Oil Paintings by Aonautics who last fall organized the
Oil Paintings by Ernest II. Barnes Iowa State College Glider club. The
Oils and Watercolors by Jean Paul Slusser To Chemical and Civil Engineering Students: Mr. C. B. Collins of craft will have a wing spread of 38
An exhibit of Contemporary American Sculpture is on view in the the Koppers Construction Company, will be in Room 221 West Engi- feet, will weigh about 150 pounds,
School of Architecture. neering Building on Friday, February 28, to interview prospective grad- and will have a minimum flying
uates who are interested in employment with that company. speed of twenty miles per hour. Use
The Fourth Freshman Lecture in Hygiene for Men will be given A. Ti. White, L. M. Gram of the new M-84 wing design, re-
in Waterman Gymnasium, today and tomorrow, February 27 and 28,ently developed by the United
at 3-4 and'5 p. m. This requirement includes all freshmen in the reg- The Cosmopolitan Club will hold an "International Night Rally" States government will make the
ular training classes,-athletic squads and others that have been excused Friday, February 28, at 8 o'clock in Lane Hall. Social,meeting will follow, glider nearly fool-proof.
from these groups. -
G. A. May CHARLOTTE-Lieut.-Gov. Luren ____
C. W. Kelsey Management
ToI'rrow Nigh and
Saturday aght
Ip _____________________________________________
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At the
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