ft'ijbl X VWVV MPY ' 'W 4 ,ft A
:TURSDAY, ."'r=RUARY 2'1930 t J , J. 1.11-1 r h- r *tA,4. C
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College Woman
Michigan Students to be Models
For Creation of
Rose Root.
Entertainment to Include Also
Refreshments and
Elimination of Rotation System
Provides for Election by !
Primary Nomination.
Representatives Still Comprise'
Two Undergraduates and
One Alumna.
Pan-Hellenic Association of
Michigan, formerly the Inter-
sorority Association, has completed
a revision of its constitution,
whereby a greater continuity wilI
be establi'shed throughout the or-
.ganiation as regards the succes-
sion of officers, Jean Wallace, '30,
president, announced yesterday.
The most important change in I
the constitution involves the elim-
ination of the rotation system,
which provided for the selection
of the presilent. each year from the
house whose name stood next in
order on a pre-arranged list. The
choice of president is now made by
selection. All officers of the organ-
ization will in the future be elected
by the method of primary nomina-
tions, followed by elections held on
the same day.
Election of the president of Pan-
Hellenic Association will take
place indFebruary, each dgate onI
41 the board having an i jividual1
vote. The requirement imosd
.*upon the position is that thecan-
didates shall have had four months'
experience on the board. In this*
way, it is assured that the presi-
dent shall be a person who i out-
standing for her work on the board
during the preceding year, and7
that she shall be some one whose
leadrship others will follow.-
Delegates must in the future
!constitute one junior and one sen-i
° or from each house. The junior
,board member will be elected for
,.a term of two years, a methodj
jof which was formerly optional.!
This makes effective provisin for
the presence on the board of sen-
iors who have already had experi-
Representatives of each house
N Will still comprise two undergrad-
=uates and one alumnae member.-
cfOf the two undergraduates, one
must be the rushing chairman.
As formbrly provided, for any
purpose other than elections dele-
>gates will have one vote for each
house. This unit vote can only be
4cast, however, i+f both delegates .are
present, or in the case where one
has been excused before the meet-;
nIng by the president. If both dele-
gates are absent, the house which
they represent will lose its privilege
to vote at that meeting. Under
forner provisions, both delegates
were not required to be present at
board meetings.
With the revision of its consti-
tution, Pan-Hellenic Association
has created the new office of rush-
ing secretary. The duties of this
officer will include the recording of
the names of pledges, of broken
pledges, and of cases in which a
pledge has been deprived of her
pib. The rushing secretary will
stand ready at anytime to provide
information for the use of houses '
who are members of the organiza-
The purpose of Pan-Hellenic As-
sociation is to promote cooperation
and interest among fraternities of
the University, the uniformity of
interests of the fraternity and the
non-fraternity women, and the
regulation of rushing.
Dorothy McGuffie, '31, was the
chairman in charge of the revision
of the Pan-Hellenic Association
There will be an important
meeting of Wyvern tonight at
8:00 in the League Cave. Every-
one must be present.
The executive board of the A.
A. U. W. will meet this afternoon
at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. Clif-
ford Woody; 1607 Granger Ave.
The Board of Representatives
of the Women's League will meet
at 5 o'clock today in the com-
mittee room.
There will be a meeting of
those interested in doing work
in the League library at 4:15f
Friday in private dining rooms A'
and B of the League building.
It is essential that every mem-
ber of the executive board of the
Women's Athletic association at-
tend the meeting which is being
ing held at 6 o'clock tonight at
the Field house.
There will be a meeting of the
Archery club at 4 o'clock Friday
at the ranges in the Field house.
All women interested in fenc-
ing We asked to meet at 4 o'clock
today in the corrective room at
Barbour gymnasium, for prac-}
Associated Press Photo
Mary E. Gross, head of women's
physical education at the Univer-
sity of Washington, appointed by
President Hoover on commission
to investigate the health of the na-
tion's children.
mance at Indiana flourishes ex-
ceedingly well with the four-
teen bridges which adjoin its cam-
I pus. On moonlight nights a veri-
table "standing army" of eds and
co-eds make use of the structures
Although the forthcoming Jun- the 1915 production. Playing op-1
ior Girls' Play will be up-to-the- posite Mrs. Fisher as the feminine s
minute in every detail, there are lead was Margaret Roos.I
many people on the campus today "We felt that it was a decided
who remember the time when mod- advance on the part of the Junior
Girls' Play for its members to be
ern men's costumes were strictly allowed to appear in modern men's,
prescribed, and when women alone costumes," Mrs. Fisher declared,
were permitted to witness their when questioned about her exper-
more versatile sisters undertake iences as the lead in "The Come
mthe portryatlof sler p rts. Back." "Throughout the entire ser-
When the use of men's clothing se's of rehearsals, I wore men's
whe the u se of 'th clothing, and feel that it was that
was first adopted in 1915, it was r
with whs adoten 15 t p-hich gave me the proper spirit for
sons whose acquiescence was infiu- carrying out the role."
ential in establishing campus ap- Mrs. Fisher particularly stressed
proval-President Emeritus Angell, the friendship which she is certain
President Hutchins, and Dean My- was felt by all the juniors taking
ra Jordan, all of whom attended part in the production. "The Jun-
the final rehearsal of the produc- for Girls' Play was one of the great-
tidn for the express purpose of in- I est events of my college life," was
specting the costumes. her observance.
sprr Ai 4-"ng ther-ywcir cur n.
Of particular interest to women
at this time is the fashion show,
which is to be held tomorrow af-
ternoon, Feb. 28, in connection
with the League and Women's Ath-
letic association party. Michigan
women will act as models for all
the latest fashions.
The following women will parti-
cipate: Dorothy Miller, '30SM, Jean3
Wallace, '30, Vincelle Bartlett, '33,i
Phyllis Zeingen, '31. Ellen Reeves,
'32, Rachael Robbins, '30, Mary
Harrigan, '30, Evelyn Lehman, '33,
and Bernice Solomon, '30.
The fashion show will include
the latest spring creations and will
be presented by Miss Rose Root,
who has just returned from New
Dancing will begin at 3:30 in thel
ballroom of the Wbmen's League
building to Bob Carson's orchestra,
and the fashion show will take
place during the intermission from4
4:00 until 5:30. All the women on
campus are invited to attend.
Because so many Women's'
Athletic association jackets have
been unclaimed, Dorothy Bi'rdzell,I
'32, who has been in charge of or-
dering and delivering the jackets,
will be in the W. A. A. office in thee
League building from 1 to 3:45
o'clock this afternoon.
Any one who cannot come at this
time is asked to call Miss Bilrdzell
at 7717 to make other arrange-
ments for getting the jacket. Thel
'rice is $6.75, which must be paid
when the coat is called for.
time. The only city visited was
Toledo, but the success which the
production attained led to its visit
to Detroit the following year.
Mrs. Fisher believes that "The
Come Back" was perhaps the first1
Junior Girls' Play to have been
planned solely by juniors. Former-
ly, lyrics had been written by per-
sons other than the class members,
the only requirement being that
cast and choruses be composed of
junior women. This fact, too, was
a contributor to the further devel-
opment of the Junior Girls' Play
policy as it exists today.
for all makes of
Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures
best quality at a moderate price.
314 South State St. Phone 6615
turn tuis spring. wnen you put
them on, they reach almost to your
elbow; but to attain the proper ef-I
fect, you allow them to wrinkle
about the wrist in a. most untidy
fashion. Topped by an Alice-blue
sport felt hat that droops, with
s'~ . ;blue envelope purse carried by
f I;white capeskin pull-on gloves
' ;(wrinkled), and finished off by
)slate-colored hose that fuse into
pointed pumps of slate-blue kid,
the suit is complete.
-~ II
Thursday, Feb. 27:
3:30-4:30, choruses D and E,
r" Cave.
3:30-4:30, chorus G, commit-
tee room.
4:30-5:30, chorus B, Cave.
t 4:30-5:30, chorus H, lounge 2.
4:30-5:30, chorus A, commit-
'' tee room.
7:30-8:30, chorus F, committee
w ~'~room.
7:30-8:30, chorus C, garden
7:30, Cast, lounge 1.
Friday, Feb. 28:
3:30-4:30, chorus E (2), com-
mittee room.
3:30-4:30,rchorus C, lounge 2.
4:30-5:30, chorus F, commit-
tee room.
4:30-5:30, chorus H, dining
room B and C.
7:00-8:00, chorus G, lounge 2
7:00, Cast, garden room.
8:00-9:00, chorus B, committee
good bridge player that you are, room.
you "follow suit," and hit upon the 8:00-9:00, chorus D, lounge 2.
very newest fashion for spring. Saturday, March 1:
The ensemble suit is the favored 10:00-12:00, Act I, cast and
mode for spring styles, the tailored -choruses, ball room.
costume being most popular, belt- cb
ed, caped, rippled, fitted, or
straight. Of the materials, soft, MCGILL-Over four hundred
spongy woolens, like jersey, covert, dollars were received as a result of
shanta, and telga cloths, and nice, a Tag Day held foz the Bulgarian
"nubby" tweeds, predominate fri all Students Fund. The tag day was
shades of blue, sponsored by the Students' Admin-
The Jenny model pictured has l istrative council on behalf of the
that swaggerish and tailored air International student service.
that every college woman envies.
SElsa W. Apfel, now Mrs. Charles!
Fisher, wife of the assistant direc-
tor of the extension division, was
t-he first woman to appear upon the
stage of Sarah Caswell Angell hall
wearing the modern accoutrements
of a male character. As the lead in'
"The Come Back" by Eleanor
Stalker, the production of the class'
of '16, she portrayed the part of
Gerald, a Michigan student, who,'
with all the other men of the cam-
pus, had departed some time before
to take part in the war, leaving the
institution to the sole care of their
The events 'which ensued in the
year 2002 when Gerald returned to
beg in vain for readmission into
Regarding the manner i whiLch
succeeding productions have 1
brought changes, both in prepar-)
ation and presentation, Mrs. Fish-
er remarked, "I am afraid that the
girls have lost close contact as a
class. We of our year felt that we
were rehearsing as a group, rather
than as members of this chorus or
of that chorus." Mrs. Fisher feels
that, with the increasing size of
rthe production, it is losing the feel-
ing of class unity that so charac-
terized the 1915 play.
A second important event in thej
life of the Junior presentation also
occurred in 1915. It was in this
year that the play was permitted
to leave Ann Arbor for the first
the Universi
ment of a s
tertaining t
The emphas
gained theY
the feminin
ed the perfo
ment of the
return of th
the Dean o
bittered fee:
{wiped away,
that male st
mitted to
ty provided entertain-, 1 11 111111111111111111111 11111111t111111111111i11111111111111111111e
ort that is highly en-
o a college audience. The New Poke Shanes for Snrin
is upon campus life =Par
hearty appreciation of = Hats Made to Order
e group which witness-
rman The denoue-
story came with the SMcKINSEY HAT SHOP
e former sweetheart of 227 South State Stteet
f Women, whose em-ISt
ling toward men was, _____________________________1111111111111111111___1111111 _11111111111 1111111111111 .=
with the happy result : tlllll1111111111!11 1111111 11 1i 111111111li ilI 1111111111111111111111 11111111111
tudents were again ad- -
invade the Michigan
John L . Brumm of the{
of journalism directed'W
Folks Say
vor championship
year by Kellogg's. i
field. Why?XTr yYou have the best
r cream into a Fifty-Cent Lunchcons
of Kellogg's Corn
golden. Relish the in .Low n"
of the first spoon-
atisfaction of the
know why they're Evening Dinners $1.00
ood with fruit or Delicious T-Bone Steak $1.25
.sk that Kellogg's
Flakes, be served ring the family for Sunday Dinner
y house or favor-
The most popular cereals
served in the dining-rooms
of American colleges, eat-
ing clubs and fraternities
are made by Kellogg in
Battle Creek. They nlude
ALL-BRAN, Pep Bran
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Shredded Whole Wheat
Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag
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THE corn flake fla
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On campuses fro
they sweep the $
Pour milk o
brimming bowl o
Flakes, crisp and!
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honey added. A
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