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February 27, 1930 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-27

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Humorist and Scientist to Talk
in Hill Auditorium on
'Coldest Africa'.
Lecturer Gives Whimsical Touch
to Truth and Brings Unusual
Facts to Light.
Carveth Wells, humorist, author
and scientist, will speak at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium
on the subject, "In Coldest Africa."
As the sixth speaker-on the Orator-
ical association program Mr. Wells
is expected to draw an unusually
large audience because of the pe-
culiar nature of his talk.
Mr. Wells is known as the man
who makes facts fascinating and
the truth sound like a lie, and with
a whimsical touch that puts life
into facts that might other Ise lie
dust covered, he stimun his
hearers to actual research -
ences check his statement ;, refsi
erence books but always fil then
fully substantiated, for evelsv state'
ment he makes, no matter , -
diculous it may sound, has , sis
of fact.
Has Popularized Science.
It is 10 years since Mr. Wells be-
gan his career in America, and dur-
ing that time he has revolutionized
the art of lecturing. He has broken
Clown the traditional attitude of'
seriousness toward scientific sub-
jects and built up a reputation as
one of the cleverest lecturers of the
Tonight he will take his audience
through a strange land wherein he
says "nature leers from all sides,
mocking man's incredulity with ir-
refutable fact." Fish that sit in
trees, deer and bears only seven
inhes high, and bouncing fish
balls are :some of the fantastic
sights which Mr. Wells will de-
Mr. Wells recently returned from
an expedition to Central Africa
where .he explored the famous
"Mountains of the Moon" for the
Geographical society, and his lec-
ture will be made tip of the strange
sights he witnessed while on this
Ticket Sale Now On.
Carveth, Well is a Fellow of the
Royal Geographical and American
Geographical societies, as well as
an associate member of the Insti-
tution of Civil Engineers and a
member of the Explorers Club, the
Adventurers Club, and the Circum-
navigators Club of New York. I
According to Henry Moser of the
speech department, business man-
ager of the Oratorical association,
tickets for the lecture may be pur-
chased at Slater's or at 3211 Angell
hall at one dollar each, or at the
box office in Hill auditorium to-
night from 7 to 8 o'clock.
(1 y Assiated Pres f
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 26.-Despite
a faltering putter, Horton Smith of
Detroit, today won his thirteenth1
golf crown in 15 months as he cap-!
tured the title of the $2,000 Central
Florida open tournament with 139 1
for the 36 holes.
Smith's work with the putter

was good during his first nine
boles today when he scored a 33,
two strokes below par, on the Or-
lando Country club course, but the
club failed him inthe last nine
"holes and he missed a number of
strokes to take a 37 on the par 36
One stroke behind him were Mike
TIurnesa, Elmsfqrd, N.. Y., and
Harry Cooper, Los Angeles, who
poled twin 68's to lead Smith by
one count yesterday.
Neil McIntyre, Indianapolis, of-
fered a 72 and a 69 for a 141 to1
follow Turnesa and Cooper, while
Bobby Cruikshank and Al Watrous,J
Detroit, each had 143.
Carl Morris Dann, Jr., Orlando,
Fla., was the low amateur with a
Smith took $600 first noney in
the tournament, Turnesa and Light
Norse Harry gaining $350 each. Mc-
Intyre got $200 and Cruikshank
and Watrous got $112.50 each.
ton f~. 01h~r .rnrc a + f I-



Word was received here yester-
day that New York university had
honored President Alexander G.
Ruthven by naming him to the Co-I
lege of Electors of the Hall of
Fame. More than 100 prominent
men throughout the country con-
stitute the college which passes up-
on those distinguished Americans{
who are to have their names andI
busts placed in the colonade on the
Heights at New York city.
Nominations to the Hall of Fame
are received by the trustees of the
fund from all over the country.
This year, when the college will
vote additional names to the Hall,
Dr. Harry Burns Hutchins, late
president emeritus of the Univer-
sity, was, among those nominated.
WID S 291

TO RESUME DUTIES ; Relatives to Receive Property ofI
Late President. I IH 9
The estate of Dr. Harry Burn
OLLO WI NC B ESP III Hutchins, late president emeritus[PYSCtN EO
FOLL WINGof the University, valued at $35,000,
will be divided among six relatives.1
France Will Not Be Represented According to the will, which was [Condition Is Critical Though
Officially Until Internal dated Dec. 30, 1927, two sistersrs- Suffers No PainStates
Trouble Is Over. Belle Hutchins Fleming of Ann Ar- SufrNoPitae
bor, and Mrs. Carrie Hutchins Doctors' Bulletin.
Worden of Newtonville, Mass., and
TO REFVIVE DISCUSS~fWqiOanS nntd HenPar f! Hytrhin1 .,..,...,.r.'[7--,



Student Council Special Board
Holds Hearing for Score of
Tradition Violators.

Conference Leaders Take
Game While Stressin
Defensive Play.





(By Associated Press)
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb.2 P -
due defeated Northwestern(2 to 35,
to win its seventh consecutive Fig
Ten basketball game of to~e season
and keep its conference record tin-
marred here tonight.
The Boilermakers stressed defen-
sive play in tonight's game and al-
though their offensive machine
worked less smoothly than in past
performances, managed to stay well
out in front at all times.-t
After holding a 13 to 5 advan-!
tage at half time, the Conference #
leaders played a listless style of
ball during the first ten minutes of
the last period. At this point the!
Harmeson - Wooden combination
got busy and the flashy floor guards
scored six baskets in the list few
minutes of play.
Stretch Murphy, Purdue center,
added 10 points to his season's to-
tal. Walter, Northwestern pivot
man, lead his teammates with four
. Purdue

v '. r<Alo an a ope e son, riarry u. u icni UNABLE lO LEjA E Bi iLONG LNAW COUNCILMAN
of Scarsdale, N. Y., will each re-
Decisions Reached Before Return $daught4,000GeorgiaMHuthi uatn h Great Strain Imposed on Blood {Secret 'Vigilance Committee Is
of French Delegation to ins and his daughter-in-law, Lou- Circulation by Constant Appointed to Punish Any
be Tentative. ise C. Hutchins, will receive $5000s Future Delinquents.
' !each. Loss of Strength.
By Frank H. King, A.P. Staff Writer Mrs. Fandira Crocker, a sister- Forceful warnings were adminis-
LONDON, ng., Feb. 26. - The in-law, who managed President([v tered to a score of freshmen who
naval conference will continue, Hutchins' household for several WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 26. last nt byea secal c te "o
with a five power agreement hold- years, is named executrix. She is Constant loss of strength by Willast night by a special committee of
i to receive the Hutchins home at Liam Howard Taft has lead to un- +he Student council, with the pro-
h 508 Monroe street, its contents, the certainty as to how much longersis mise that future violations will be
After a week's enforced adjourd residue of his personal property he can withstand the great strain Carveth Wells
ment, the conference was revived and some real estate in Mt. Clem- imposed on his blood circulation. Explorer and humorist, who will tion committee composed of several
today by the "big-four" of the igens.I "The former chief justice is not speak tonight in Hill auditorium husky freshmen and sophomores
delegations remaining in London- so well as yesterday," the attend- on the topic "In Coldest Africa." in a manner customarily used on
France will not be represented 'of-ing physician reported to the White The lectuie will reveal the strange first year students who persist in
fi'cialy until her internal crisis is House.facts of natural science which "ighhatting" University tradi-
bridged, but nothing will bc ise "He is gradually growing weak- were observed in Central Africa on tions.
inimical to ,her interests. Ier," the bulletin continued. "e a recent expedition. The election of Theodore S. Long
The news that former Premier suffers no pain, but his condition '30, as a senior councilman was the
Tardieu had been asked to form(IN9i TH U is worse than at any time." pTother highlight in last night's meet-
another French ministry to suc- IConfined to Bed. Iding.
ceed the short lived Chautemps ( For several days now, the 73 yearH The names of several freshmen
government cheered the American,; Plans for Night Sessions Made old man has been unable to leave who have also been reported for
British, and Japanese delegations,; bLeaders to Conclude his bed, although for a time the I Inotwearingthebensignia of the
but the decision to avoid another doctors had allowed him to spendU LN first year men, were forwarded to
adjournment was taken this after- Work on Bill. brief intervals sitting up. He is ttradition mttee for prompt
noon before the latest turn in yet able to take nourishment but
French politics was known. SMOOT TO PLAN MOTION in smaller quantities than last Auditing Committee of Student action. Those who were notified
No Change in Policy. _iweek. Council Calls Meeting for butnc ilcd to apewere likewise
The chief delegates made their (ry Associated Pres) , Since his resignation as Chief Discussing Methods. reported, with the recommendation
decision to carry on in a meeting WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 26.- Justice early this month, his blood that strict disciplinary measures be
at Prime Minister MacDonald's of- Plais for night sessions b mi circulation has been more and UNIVERSITYseENDSbBnLL taken.
fice in the House of Commons. Be- r beginig more impaired. As a result, un- FrUNIVERSITY SENDS BILLr
fore that meeting, Ambassador De- m w were made by Senateen have bee Forceful Warnings Given.
fleuriau of France had conferred leaders today as a fina drive or placed on his heart which for sev- Treasurers of all classes in the Several of the "yearlings" brought
sped cnluio otorhoeheplce n ishar wic orse-
with the Prime Minister and indi- tariff bill gt under way withcom- eral years required the most care- veral schools and colleges of the before the council were explained
cated hi's willingness to carry on as pletion of actin on amendmens ful nursing, with precautions UnIversity will meet with the au- the necessity of the maintaining of
a representative of France. The to all the rate sections. against demands upon it by exer- diting committee of the StudentI this tradition and then allowed to
Ambassador, as direct representa-te cise. Also he has lost considerable! go home after promising to comply
tive of the French government in Senator Smoot, Republican, eight since his return from Ashe- cou icil t 3 o'clock this afternoon with the regulation, while others
London, is in an extra-political po-Utah, charge of the bill for the ville. in the student offices in the Union were given more forceful warnings
sition and his status as a naval Republican regulars, said he wouldsm and reminded of the possible Con
makea motion, if necessary to Predictions Hazardous to formulate plans for the colle-anreiddothpsibec-
defegate remains unchanged maeamtoffncsayt sequences of further vilation.
delegt remashting unchne hold theSenate in continuousses- The bulletin was signed by Drs. tion of class dues. se ofttion.
throughout theshfigces'o"ol
Pari minitry. sfgsion from 11 o'clock in the morn- Francis R. agner and Thomas A. The council has, under power will check up on the "frsh" wh
Thus private conversations be- g until 10 o'clock, but excludng Claytor. granted by its constitution and ap- reported and many others, has been
tween the delegations are to con- Saturday. h tEarlier in the dad Dr. Hagner I proved by the Senate Committee picked by the council fron the un-
tinue despite the fact that a prop- Leaders of the coalition of Dem-I hadt said, he had no immediate I drlsmno h aiu ot
ery accreditedhrech tdelegati ocrats and Republican independ- apprehension, but that the weak- on Student Affairs, general super- declasqmen on thephoaoures and
will be absent. ents, who have a majority in the ened condition of the patient and vision over activities which obli- freshmen were named From the
The work of the technical com- tariff schedule, joined Smoot in i his advanced years made all pre- gate classes financially, and it has latter class those studets known to
iThee swokcon tinetparticualyoin support of night meetings which idictions hazardous, placede this duty indens itsn t
particularly in have been resorted to near the end The noon bulletin was the most plc ee tyig believe in the need of maintaining
recasting the root proposals made of all Congressional tariff debates. discouraging in more than two committee. traditions, because of their record on
at the Washington conference for The plans for night sessions weeks. After the collapse which Collection of class dues is legal the campus thus far, were select-
humanizing submarine warfare but arose after repeated attempts to forced Mr. Taft's resignation only when made on receipts issued ed. The personnel of the commit-
which proposal France has not rat- speed action by limiting debate or from the bench and his confine- by the council, and all funds re- tee is being kept a secret. Simi-
ified. If these can be quickly whip- meeting earlier in the day met ob- ment to his home here, he showed ceived will be audited under a lar vigilance groups have been
ped into shape for a treaty, it may jections from individual senators. some improvement, and for a two- bookkeeping system installed by the formed in previous years and their
be possible for a public plenary ses- ! A move by Senator Simmons, Dem- week period his doctors reported committee. Similar control has al- efforts have been found highly ef-
sion on the submarine issue to be l ocrat, North Carolina, to limit de- each day that his condition was ready been exercised over class fective.
held soon after the French delega-1bate on remaining amendments to unchanged. j dances. Propose Alumnus Plan
tion returns. Thus would Tardieu's 10 minutes for each Senator was Yesterday he was reported not so Receipt books will be given the Long was named the new coun-
new colleagues be introduced to the blocked by Senator Copeland, Dem- well. The physician did not dis- various treasurers this afternoon cil member over George S. Leon-
formal work of the conference. 1ocrat, New York, who said his state I close details of the further decline and' the general system for audit- ard, '30, after the two had been
Only Tentative Agreements. had had no opportunity to present today, but indicated that the sus- ing of the class accounts will be reported as candidates by the nom-
The British spokesman emphasiz- ,its side in the tariff controversy. tained attack which the patient's explained at the same time inating committee of the council,
ed today that all agreements reach- Similar moves to accelerate dis- system had undergone was , re-Lg Meetings of thefandmn who is also business mana
ed at London before the French i position of the measure which has ducing his (resistance below the' hme ss of the lteary gong, whGargoyle, will take the
delegation returns will be purely been before the Senate since Sep- danger point. sophomore classes of the literaryaylill t , 30
tentative and also will depend up- tember 9, were made by Demo- and engineering colleges to on- place left by Willard Lowry, '3,
ine dfct nure aaueo who resigned last week upon com-
on their eventual inclusion in a Icrats,Republican regulars and Re- Bro age Tells Adeiphi damage deto Universit prop- pleting his requirements for gradu-
five power pact. Ipublican independents, but the re- }p Iain
The British are emphatic that no- quired unanimous consent was not of Educational Trends eve o "t""udecass ationa
bodyis ging ff nto corer o fothcoing games last fall, are being arrangedI Adoption of a plan, now in effect
formulate a three-power treaty. All "Harvard Exposed" was the topicA by the council committee.I for the literary and engi eering
talk of such a way out of difficul- olmes to Finish Book of a talk by Prof. Arthur W. Brom- A bill totaling $154 has been colsofthe Universty frthe
ties which have arisen here must age, of the political science depart- presented to the classes by the
be definitely put aside, they say, During Semester Leave ment, at a smoker last night spon- Building and Grounds department fo the Michigan Alumnus in the
and considered only as the last pos- sored by the Adelphi House of Re- for repairs necessitated because of dues of graduating classes, by the
sible way out should the French - Professor Roy H. Holmes, of the presentatives, campus forensic so- action of several underclassmenfothereges aneschool of the
parity squabbles develop into a ser- sociology department, is absent on ciety. Professor Bromage told of attempting to create class spirit" y,as o n
ies of cabinet dises which' would his sabbatical leave this semester. his undergraduate days in New prior to the games. Of this amount the council. James A. Jordan '0,
wear out the patience of the re- He will spend the time finishing his England, and discussed modern $25 has been allotted to the fresh- was named to present e ntter
maining delegations. text book in rural sociology. I trends in the field of education, men, and the remainder to the personally to the officers o e
sophomores, as the latter were [several classes.sbnmdeyth
the most active. It has been de- An offer has been made by the
PROMINENT MEN CONDEMN PROHIBITION AS FAILURE cided to split these sums between Alumni association that will allow
I the respective classes in the engi- graduating students a year's sub-
AND AFFRONT TO PEOPLE BEFORE HOUSE COMMITTEEineering and literary colleges. scription to the weekly magazine of
the association at one-half price.
(ByA--cate- cIn this manner the prospective
(By Associated Press) j "clogged" with liquor cases, to the said "The attempt to enforce total Fl ef SaeBegins for alumni are given a definite means
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 26 -1serious and alarming interference abstinence in the United States has George Kelley's Latest of acquainting themselves with the
Prominent citizens testifing today with administration of justice gen- set up a serious friction between benefits of the publication, it was
be t --a com-erally the government and the people." Ticket sales for "The Show Off," stated at the meeting.


Harmeson, F........
Kellar, F..............
Murphy, C. ...........
Wooden, G.......... .
Booth, G...........
z ' '

Lockhart, F. .......... .
Bergherm, F. ..........
Walter, C...........
Riel, G.............
Mundie, G ............
McCarnes, G........
Marvell, G..........


.1 1 1?
.2 0 0'
.3 4 21
.6 0 2'
.0 0 11
12 5 6.
.0 3 1i
.0 0 11
.4 0 1'
1 0 01
0 0
.0 1 0
6 4 4$

Referee: Kern, DePaul.
Umpire: Schommer, Chic

Dr. Raphael Named to
Health Service Staff
Dr. Theophile Raphael, in charge
of the psychopathic clinic attached
to the Detroit Recorder's court, has
been appointed to the staff of the,
University Health service, it was
announced by the President's office
yesterday. Dr. Raphael will assume'
the duties of psycliatrist as well as
some teaching responsibilities in
the Medical school.
Until 1927, Dr. Raphael was as-j
sistant professor of psychiatry on
the medical faculty; he was grad-
uated from the University with a
bachelor's degree in 1913. The year
following he obtained his master's,
and in 1915, he was made a doctor'
of medicine. In 1920, he became
assistant in psychiatry and a short
time later was advanced to rank
of instructor.,
0 " W~eatherl aa

mittee condemned prohibtion as a E Raymond Pitcarian, also of Pii "Until' recently," he continued,!
dismal failure and as an affrontjo adelphia and identified with the Utia prion of,"he ctt is I
the American people which is en- Pittsburgh Plate Glass' Company"that portion of the public thatis
gendering widespread resentment. described the 18th Amendment as about it, while ten go mn aured
One of the most outspoken was a "rotten failure" saying "the pres- been fighting it hard, and at times,
W. W. Atterbury, president of the ident and cabinet know it, Mr.* savagely. There are signs that the
Pennsylvania Railroad, who is also Hughes knows it, Congress knows public is becoming less good natur-
Republican national committee- I it and unhappily the young know: ed and more resentful of the ex-!
man for Pennsylvania. He was pre- I it best of all; but the prohibition- treme measures of the govern-i
ceeded by the presentation of a ists do not know it." neu."-
statement from Nicholas Murray, Today was the fifth day of hear- nd.
Butler, president of Columbia Uni- ing within the past three weeks all In addition to Mr. Butler's, the
versity, who was unable to appear of which time has been taken up committee also received a state-
in person. so far by advocates of the repeal ment demanding repeal of the dry
The Rev. John A. Ryan, a widely of the 18th Amendment. After the amendment from Wallace Irwin,
known sociologist and member of committee had heard opponents of an author. He assailed it as ty-.
the Catholic University faculty de- prohibition, who were expected to ranny and declared that if the peo-i
clared prohibition had "seared 1 complete their say tomorrow, the ple should not revolt against it,

Play Production's next piece, will
begin today at the box office of the ISEVERAL QUAKES
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre in the ROCK CALIFORNIA
L e a g u e b u ild in g . T h e y w ill b e s o ld R CKwn t e o r o f 0 a d o ' ,
between the hours of 10 and 5 o'.
clock each day until Friday and (By Assuciated Press)
Saturday, when the sales will con- BRAWLEY, Cal., Feb. 26.-Near-
tinue until 9 o'clock. ly forty earthquake shocks, the
}____greatest number recorded here at
Illness Keeps Peers ione time in more than a decade,
rrocked Imperial valley between
From Giving Lecture 3:30 p. m. Tuesday and 9:15 a. m.
Cancellation of a lecture on Buildings in Brawley, Westmore-
"The Appeal of the Spanish Cul-' land, and Calipatria were damag-
ture," to have been given by E. ed. The largest loss occurred at
Allison Peers, of the University of , Westmoreland. No casualties were


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