THE MICHICAN DA ILY PAGPE SEWEN __ __... FYU of big stars. Captain Garnet Ault, FO TY-FOUR a regular fish in water, is the big MEN WILL LEAVE star to depart. (Continued From Page 6) Benson who won hi's letter in cross4 country will be the only loss whilei DAN CING I Coach Clifford Keen will see sev- ARTIA S IINE k.,oADVERTISING Open Evenings and 514 East Washin HEMSTITCHING edge, gold and work. Dial 9714. Machine Co., 205 NOTICE DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION HOME Sunday A. M. HEMSTITCHING, Altering and Re- igton Street pairing neatly done. Miss Lyn- don, 210 S. Ingalls. C silver thread tAND-Washed and screened sanc White Sewing and gravel; all sizes. Immediatt Whi ng delivery. E. Washington. KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C) t Home! quipment heduies I TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fai ratts. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9067 C TYPING: Evenings. Reasonable rates-all kinds of work by ex- --enced typist. 8:30-5:00 Dial 7116. I eral of his stars depart from the wrestling team. Captain Robert Hewitt of Hazel Park, Big Ten 128- pound champ, Otto Kelly of Mid- land, 158-pound champion and; Parker who holds the 168-pound' title are graduating while Al Steinke the heavyweight title hold"- er will be ineligible for further cerm petition due to attendance at an- other college. Joe Woodard o' Owosso who wrestled in the °145-i' pound class will be among the black I gowned seniors on Commencement Day. Swimming will also lose a galaxy L at the ARMORY Every WED. AND SAT. KITE Hot Music By BEN'S BLUE BLOWERS Dodge Sedan . ..............$75.001 Studebaker Coupe..........65.00 Touring, only 6,000 miles.... 95.00 Dodge Coupe.............. 95.00 Buick Touring.............75.00 R. H. ALBER WANTED-Companion experienc- ed in traveling and camping for a 10 weeks motor trip through California and Arizona. Would have to share living expenses only. Call 7676. Dr. Mosauer. LOST-Phi Gamma Delta frater- nity badge, name on back. Calli 6017.1 Lowest Cos Luxurious E Frequent Sc Low Studen tDEPEI Union Side Desi 1 Ph-ne 2-2266C t r ares N D Arcx'i NDABLE EL BUREAU 2-2 4-6 n. m. other hours I C 3 4' Everybody Welcome 1111lii 11111111 ii II luilln III no - liili ]]]) I til I] tti4L1::JJfLItJirr21 UIIII3rrrrIILW11rtirriri " as t and FIa S ,. .. ' . -. r > " o, / F sr, , , i ' r ~.. //' L 't Y ._...., . :a } .: out Prices Cut to, the MinCmj.n Scarts,"its";d $1.W00l Nneckwear 55c Gloves, Deerskin $1.75 f . k .. . .. .< M.M=Aol morlw" gvmfflramnl . - Slickers $3.00 Shirts 9 5 c .w..:. -- _ , .. .. SUITS OVERCOATS, $12.50 Former $16.50 $7.50 $10.50 TOPCOATS Formerly $45 to $60 If you still think your barefoot days were your happiest days you haven't worn Friendly Five Shoes. Try them, Sir! 41 And in addition to their barefoot com- fort is the style leadership characteristic of Friendly Fives. Mentionable, too- their friendly price of five dollars will leave money in your pocket for other things.' Values of $16.50 $55 and $75 Formerly $55 to $85 woAW d anaKil 0 re FRIENDLY FIVE STONE SILLS AND ENTRANCES For the Home, Fraternity, and $orority. JOSEPH L. ARNET 208 W. HURON ST. THE MONROE caters to instructors and married graduate students. No children. One block from campus. Al residence section; apartments one, two, and three rooms; very nicely furnished, Fridgidaire, private bath. Selec- tion is. good now for next school year. Reduced prices for full year. Summer prices one third less. For appointment call at 721 Church or phone 22839. FOR RENT FOR REr-Six room house on Onondaga St. Fine location. Call 2-1218. FOR RENT-Six room furnished home near campus. Teachers preferred. 702 Tappan. 45 FOR RENT-Two room furnished apartment $35 for summer or school year. Rooms on third floor $2.50. Near Ferry Field. Dial 5863. SIX ROOM upper brick duplex with sunroom, study and brick garage. Completely furnished. free with shower, frigidaire. $60 a month. Available Sept. 1 for one year. 1118 Woodlawn. Phone 22962. 45 FOR RENT-905 Forest Ave. De- sirable apartment. Rent $50. Available Sept. 1. Phone 6137. 45 4 ROOM completely furnished apartment for summer or year. Electric refrigerator, e 1 e c t r i c washer. Phone 3403 or 9230. 345 FOR RENT-6 room house in south east section. Beautifully fur- nished. Available for the sum- mer months. Reasonable. Phone 6776. 2345 FOP RENT-Completely furnished apartment for young couple or two girls. Large double for two girls. Shower, garage. Dial 9714. 422 E. Washington. 2345 FOR 'RENT-Single room or suite for students or business men. Between campus and down town. 425 S. Division. Dial 22352. 612345 FOR RENT-Small, east apart- ment, porch, suitable for one or two. Price, one $30, two $38. 513 E. Jefferson. FOR RENT-2 three room modern- ly furnished apts. Call 4632 day or 23446 evenings. 5 RENTALS APARTMENTS BROOKLYN AVE.-3 rooms and bath, $55. 4 ROOMS-And bath, beautifuuly furnished, $85. NO. DIVISION - Furnished apt., summer months, very nice, $75. HOUSES SOUTHEAST SECTION-6 room house, garage, $75. BURNS PARK-(Near), 6 rooms, garage, extra lavatory, $100. SHADFORD RD.-Six rooms, lava- tory, 2 car garage, $90. BERKSHIRE - Seven room, sun parlor, garage, $85. CALL-Mrs. McHenry with- F. A. SERGEANT CO. Office 2-3259 Eve. 9800-22225 FOR SALE FOR SALE-1926 Word Coach. Good condition. Phone 562. TENOR BANJO; like new, $20. Also 31x4Y4 Kodak for $20 that cost $60. Phone 3236. FOR SALE-Fine store suitable for a fraternity house, sorority house or restaurant. Tea Cup Inn, 330 Maynard. Phone 7864. 45 'FOR SALE-Cadillac sedan-per- fect running condition; good tires; good buy for $100. Dial 4933. 413 E. Kingsley. 345 FOR SALE-Law library, many new and recent volumes included. Itemized list furnished upon re- quest. Box 137. 456 WANrIED WANTED - Woman student in sumer session to work for room and board. Phone 5602. 45 WANTED-Good cook wants posi- tion for next year in fraternity or sorority. Phone 2-2097. 5 WANTED-Situation by colored cook. Experienced, city refer- ences. Phone 23433. George Brown, 711 North 4th Ave. WANTED-Fifty college men in- terested in making good money for summer employment. Call J. E. Littell, 6717. SAE House. 1 PERSONAL $5,00 KRP SL LinoshitAfl& Co. STORE OPEN UNTIL TEN IN THE EVENINGS State Street Over Calkins 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET .r WFI, E'~ 1vIAI ETS 1 7 . a aa FOR THE roor jklImooms Economical FOOD STUFFS AND I Careful Buyer -.-,®., urity astry Sho FRESH ROLLS FOR PARTIES ?ackard Street Phone 9605 07 F I mm"Nam" ... f TRY H-OAGLIN'S BETTER PIES A DELICIOUS CRUST AN APPETIZING FILLING PURE EGG MERINGUE A PIE YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE YOUR FRIENDS 111 Miller Avenue Phone 5501 JUST TRY THIS TASTY TWO-LAYER BRICK OF ICE CREAM-IT'S GREAT! OUR MEATS Are Always the BEST QUALITY LIBERTY' MARKET Phone 4312 118 W. Liberty St. Fresh Dressed Fowl 4c PATRONIZE. YOUR NEIGHBOR HOOD GROCER See this page each Saturday ® w CORNWELL COAL COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Goal Solvay and Gas Coke Vanilla I Nesselrode Pudding i' All the goodness of fine-flavored Ann Arbor Dairy icc cream will be found in tis spccial brick for the week-end. vr'c. :-v rr.m -4,.n r m;il1 ha e t m. v 11 . - I FRESH MEATS FRUITS I roilers 45ctb This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too.,let's get together. AND I VEGETABLES * PARTY wishing to go to Indian- apolis or nearby, this coming week-end, will share expenses with anyone with auto going to that destination. Inquire for G. W. Butler, printing dept., ,I,, I Lx--- I k E