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June 07, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-06-07

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Air A4,
i s 1

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). 180 ANN A


xcess Baggage,' by Gowan,
to Open Third Week;
Tickets on Sale.
rena Blandish,' 'The Royal
Family,' and 'The Sea Gull'
Conclude Dramatic Series.

s by ichiganT PN TUSAY
Wells Award. O UIN T E01
S. Elis o e I
ltm yesterdayAFER RDUTON
Harvard econom-
a as the David A.
his thesis entitled Over Fifty Alumni Have Already
1Vlor'tiry Theory." Enrolled in Series of
ven yearlyby! University Courses.
Oo ic department; .:.::.: :
sites andcoleges Five Courses Will Be Offered;
1 A1r+A1i i A'A-

President Ruthven Will Deliver
Baccalaureate Address on
Sunday, June 22.
Over Two Thousand Students
WI ^R 1.Xitaf DiY .. lY

Following the presentation of
Cxcess Baggage," which opens on
:onday and continues throughout
ie week at the Lydia Mendelssohn,
heatre, two weeks of plays in re-
ertory will bring Ann Arbor's first
rarnitic Festival to a close. Prices
r the last three weeks are 75 cents
nd a dollar for the evening per-
rmances, and 50 and 75 cents for
e matinee performances which
e given every Wednesday and
aturday. "Serena Blandish," "TheI
ea Gull," and "The Royal Family" I
e the plays to be given in Re- ]
Togo to "Slide-for-Life"
"Excess Baggage," the play which
111 occupy the boards at the Men-!
essohn house starting Monday, is
n exciting comedy drama of the
ieatre life backstage. One of the,
natures of the production is the1
resentation of a vaudeville show,
uring the course of which Togo
lakes his sensational slide for life.
ogo appeared with the original

it was announced late last night,
has accepted an associate-director-
shi'p in the Association Against the
Prohibition Amendment.
Summer Play Production Class
to Present Seven Plays;
Tickets Now*on Sale.
| ,
"Holiday," by Philip Barry, will
open the summer season of Play
Produc'tion's repertory players on

h," the first play
ng the last two
is by S. N. Behr-
;he author of the!
ecesses, "Meteor"
1an." In this pro-
Wick Kelly, the

- x

rne nnai
only is!
al Family
a very gr
y to bringt
cast for
he most]
or this
nsfield wil

y the Countess. Floro July 2 at the Lydia Mendelssohn |
Any Loomis, direc- theatre, according to an announce-
a Mendelssohn.Thea- ment made yesterday by Valentinet
ar in the title role. B. Windt, director.
e these performances Seven plays will 'be given this6
andish," Anton Che-
a Gull" will oplen. summer by Play Production stu-
one of the outstand- dents. One will be given on Wed- 1]
ae recent New York nesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat-n
it was presented by urday of each week at the LydiaF
xallienne's Civic Re-
ralind's by LeoRu- Mendelssohn theatre, Season tick-s
,re and by Leo Bul-
ay. This play has ets are priced at $4 for the sevenC
;gniZed as one of the ' plays, and may be otained by mail
dramas. Miss Kelly 'by addressing the Play Production;
the actress and Rob- offlces in University hall. Singlea
as Treplev, her son. ky
[ansfield to Star. tickets for each play will be '7
ling comedy success ; cents..s
ar has been selected Three other productions have
play of the festival, been scheduled for the season. They
Edna Ferber's "The are "The Criminal Code," by Mar-t
a delightful comedy, tin Flavin; "Beyond the Horizon,"
at play, and a fitting by Eugene O'Neill; and "The Three
he Festival to a close. Musketeers," by Alexander Dumas.1
this play will be one The three remaining ones will bet
irilliant seen in Ann Ichosen from "Liliom," by Ferenezt
'ear. Mrs. Richard Molnar; "Ulysses," by Stephen Phil-
i play the part of lips; "Dr. Knock," by -Jules Ro-
fish, which it is said mains; "A Marriage of Conveni-
,bout her. Miss Kelly ence," by Stephen Grundy; andt
the Ethel Barrymore "Close Harmony," by Dorothy Par-
Cavendish, Robert ker and Elmer Rice.t
Tony, and Miss Loo- The staff for the summer willr
consist of Mr. Windt, director, as-
sisted by Professors Chester Wal-
on of Union lace and Elmer Hickman of the i
Pd drama school .of the Carnegie In- -
ons 5Planned stitute of Technology. The student I
staff will be composed of Harry Al- I
text Semester len, '30, assistant director; Donald j
Kauffman, '30, business manager;
- t wFlorence Tennant, '30, assistant1
cts for the two new business manager; Charles Holden,,
the Union building Grad., scenic artist; Dean Currie,,
r. .- -,. - - n.- , -

(/;v Associated 1'
CHICAGO, June 6.-
band of athletes from
ity of Southern Calif
;he danger of pnemo
nake their bid for n
nd field supremacy<
:ompetition of 425 of
stars in America.
Trojans Lead QU
The Trojans, alread
in the Eastern interc
Pacific coast champion
through a cold, dritzzli
biting wind that swep
this afternoon, overw
place 12 athletes in 9
the preliminaries oft
Collegiate Athietic
championshi'p meet. A
their performances in
the Trojans will enter
norrow heavy favorite
the challenges of
Washington, and Illino
Ohio State, Illinois a
ton were next in thei
six men apiece, whil
Notre Dame, Stanford
each placed four in
breaking trials ofa ath
universities and colleg
Pacific to the Atlanti
New England to Florid
conditions are favorab
a half dozen recordsf
and perhaps worldr
A disheartening
throughout the aftern
niscomfort of contesta
tators. The rain, the
not stop the runners
in marks that came
near record, or pre'
Rothert, Stanford weig
smashing the N. C.
in the shot; put. R(
the slippery 16-pound
1 3-4 inches to eclipse
ord of 50 feet, 3 inches
Disregarding the,
starting blocks which
American Athletic F
throw out his, worldr
ing performance of 9.
the 100 yard dash, G
son, of Ohio State, wit
koff of Southern Cali
ed in the fastest times
tury trials this after
Tolan Qualif
The Buckeye bullet
each broke the tape
their heats in 9.6 seco
als in the century t
bring together the grf
sprinters in the natic;
son is confident he
youngster to win
against him will be
University of Michiga
and holder of the w
the two Texas streaks
cey of Rice Institute
land of Texas Chri
Meier of Iowa State,v
ited with having runt
9.4 seconds with thea
blocks; Al Poppino, o

"ts i tI5* J41 aud Ann Arbor Alumni tAre Able w 'eceveupomas
0 ton, ' I I1ao to Attend Lectures. at Commencement
ofth h e the tarv o series
' )dto t conoiks and More than 50 alumni have al- Vincent Massey, noted Canadian
-A gflter- Pof n the stdy ready enrolled in the Alumni Uni- diplomat, will deliver the address to
ip versiy to be conducted during the
tha niVir f the dr n ntary system edays folloing the graduating students of the
n td y brave snd ii m ende er int it has Cbeenannounced by Wilfred University at the annual Com-
tia t,.ay I an ing the at that tme B. Shaw, director of Alumni Rela- niencement exercises, M o n d a y,
agI it thea ions. The graduates of the liter-C Assc i ted Pre0oass June 23, at Ferry Field. More than
greagest ary college are in the lead, but they Capt. Charles Train
the greatest are being pressed by the engineers, Of the battleship "Utah," who 2,000 seniors from all colleges and
according to Mr. Shaw. was recently selected as President schools of the University will re-
a c i.rinaugurates New Plan. Hoover's naval aide ceive their degrees at the cere-
ylietrious ; This year marks the inception of mon
nship sraced ILthe idea. For many years the only First Minister to United tates.
rain, MI chance offered the alumnus whoFisMnstroUiedae.
ng rein, and was desirous of more knowledge I nrrN C Dr. Massey who was elected as the
t Dyhe field . °-~ was summer school. While this ar-iEfirst Minister to the United States
heltigly to ; steroesche, Russell Edith rangement has been, and is, satis- from the Dominion ofc Canada,
out ofNtionof Annual Publication for factory for those who wish a more ILL 1UUf 1 has held this portfolio sincethe fall
the aation comprehensive enlightenment, it of 1926. Born in Toronto in 1887, he
Associationresmen. has been scarcely available to the attended the University of Toronto,
s a result of man or woman who had but a few Former Students of'President and later Balliol college, Oxford,
ithe trials, 5,000 WILL BE PRINTED weeks to give to study. The new Tappan Schedule Special and Princeton University. Upon the
the Anal to-'- plan will permit the acquisition of I completion of his work at Prince-
s to beat off Publication of the annual fresh- a more condensed knowledge at a Gathering This June. ton, he became a lecturer in mod-
Ohio State, ' man handbook next month marks great saving of time. It is expected ern history at the University of
ois. the concluding event on the Stu- that many Ann Arbor alumni will PLAN MANY FUNCTIONS Toronto. He was later appointed the
and Washing- dent Christian association program sign up for the courses. Dean of Residence, which position
ranking with for the current year. Copies of this The subjects offered cover a wide Banquets and breakfasts,. recep- he held until his entrance into dip-
e Nebraska, guide for first year men will be range, including American History, tions and informal gatherings, all lomatic and business life. He soon
and Kansas ! sent out by mail about the last Modern Art, The Far-East, Music 'are to be enjoyed during the four gained prominence in the diplo-
the record- week in July to all incoming fresh- Symphony, Investments, Landscape day reunion of those surviving Un- matic circles of the Dominion un-
letes fron 90 men. Design, Philosophy i'i Art, Drama, iversity alumni who studied here til he was appointed in 1926 to rep-
es, from the John Webster, '30P, retiring pres- and Heredity in Evolution. The during President Tappan's long resent the Canadian government at
c and from ident of the Student Christian as- courses are each to' be covered in assed but fondly remembered re- Washington, thereafter considered
[a. If weather sociation, who had charge of edit- five lectures. The last mentioned gne to take place from June 19 to the mst important post in the
le' tomorrow, nng the booklet this year, stated subect, Heredity in Evolution, is tto 23. Only nine men are left of all service.
for the meet that while the general appearance b given in the afternoon; the those who graduated under the ThrBce
records ma of the publication would remain others will all be concluded duringUn iversi'Y of Michigan's first presi- The Baccalaureate addresswill
'fundamentally the same as in past the morning. dent. be delivered by President Alexanderdrzl fel'e r , t ee w ud b im r v -S eil pot P a s M e.F r o et me n ,a c m it e G.R h en u d y J ne2 ,,t t e
drizl fllyears, there would be improve- pecia Sprtmlan Made For some time now, a committee G. Ruthven Sunday, June 22, at the
ioon, slowing ments and changes throughout the This schedule will permit the under the chairmanship of J. Ral- traditional exercises in Hill audi-
ntsn speo -enhbock. Among these wille e the re- Thes topartake if pher, p eigh Nelson and also numbering torium. Rabbi Adolph H. Fink of the
weathid ppe versity showing new buildings and r t hn tose afoe i te Prof. Hayden, of the political sci-'illel foundation will fo e
fromturi stt chnge i deassroom. The Intramural Sports ence department, and Wilfred G. invocation and benediction.
street changes. Shaw, secretary of alumni rela- Assembly Plans Announced.
dangerously Fenelon Boesche, '31, president of building will be open and arrange- Lions, have been working towards Graduating students will assem-
dangeHrows the organization' for next year had ments have been made with sev- the compilation of an entertaining ble at 10:15 o'clock Sunday morn-
vent starlfomw 2hreoftebuie orane ral of tthe local golf courses
star from harge of the business arrange. rah strsTe program for the time that the men ing in the center of the diagonal
A. A. record ments for the book. Joseph E whereby the visitors will be allow-are to be here. They have an- before marching to the auditorium.
othert threw Russell '31, sports editor of the ed to play at special rates. hnounced a schedule which they in case of rain, the students will
sot 51 feet Daily, wrote the articles pertaining repertory company playing at the hope and expect to result in a most proceed directly to the auditorium,
his own re-' to Michigan athletics. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre will satisfactory half week for them. where seats will be reserved until
s made a year It is planned to have about 5,000 provide excellent entertain ment The committee has selected the 10:50.
copies of the book printed, only a during the evenings for those who Michigan league as headquarters. The assembling will take place
controversial small fraction of which will be used desire it. Many things have been planned; as follows: literary seniors on the
h caused the for distribution to freshmen. Three Another feature of the week will some of these are an inspection of main diagonal walk between the
Federation to thougand editions will be given be an account by Professor Law- i Dr. Tappan's memorials in the Un- Library and Engineering building;
record-break- away by the University to various rence Gould, who was second in iversity library, a sitting for a pic- education students on walk at
4 seconds for high school groups that visit Ann command on the Byrd Expedition, lure under the Tappan Oak, and north side of Physiology and Phar-
George Simp- I Arbor during the course of the year. of his experiences in the Antarctic.attending the Baccalaureate Ser- macology building; engineers on
.h Frankl Wy- Gould, in giving this lecture, will mon and the commencement exer- main diagonal walk in Engineering
ifornia, trn GEOLOGY EXPERT be fulfilling a promise sent by wire- cises of the class of 1930. The men" ; architects behind engineers;
ls for the cen- less from Little America. will undoubtedly observe quite a medics on diagonal walk between
medis WILL GOABROAD The last announcement of the change from their own commence- Ceist dingalbrary;
nien. - ---courses will be sent to the alumni ment exercised to those of the pres- Cres bid med lwrary;
tand Wykoff Senstius to Represent Michigan early next week, when more than ent. nurses beh mdics;lwkst
in winning ats n eventy thousand circulars will be The presence of these honored dents on east and west walk, west
nds. The fin-. in France. sent to as many men. Registration alumni on the campus will recall to of the intersection in front of Li-
somorrow will blanks are to be issued by the Uni- many minds the University of old, brary; pharmacists behind the
eatest field of has, e se versity upon the arrival here of together with the, inception of lawyers; dental seniors on north
n, and Simp- geology department, has been se- the men intending to take the 'countless traditions, some of which and south walk in rear of north
will be the lected to act as the official repre- courses. The total charge has been still survive, and memories of those wing of University hall; business
it. Arrayed sentative of the University at the set at ten dollars. days when the University itselfgwas ads on walk in front of Physiology
Eddie Tolan, hnrdh niesr o h e-laying the foundation for the great! and Pharmacology; forestry and
Eddne star, logical of The cee- name which it enjoys today. conservation students behind busi-
n negro logicalSociety of France. The cere- D. V. Baxter to Attend ness ads; seniors in the Music
world's record, monial functionsfor thishoccasio
, Claude Bra- monial functions for this occasion International MeetntoStudentslMustnAskischol on th nalkMemorial hall;
and Cy Le- will take place on July 1and 2, andb tmo '
stian; Hubert in connection with the'celebrating Prof. D. V. Baxter, of the school for Driving Permits graduates on east and west walk
who was cred- there will be excursions to the var- of conservation and forestry, hasw
the century inFdt. I The assembling for the Com-
aid of starting Jous parts of France. left for Sweden where he will at-Before T r-e i mencement exercises will be the
f Loyola, New Preceding the Anniversary cele- tend an international forestry same as for Baccalaureate, except
Hutson, of brations an international congress meeting. While in Europe he will Announcement was made yester- that it will begin at 7:45 Monday
for mining, metallurgy, and applied also do some research work in Eur- day afternoon by W. B. Rea, assis- morning. The exercises will be
with the speed wgeology will be held at Liege, Bel- 'pean forest tree diseases. tant to the dean, that students transferred to the Yost Field house
also turned in wishing to secure driving permits G should the weather be rainy.
the 220 yard gium. In connection with this con- - for the summer session must getI Weather Bureau storm flags, how-
at in'21.4 sec- gress many excursions will be con- W. B. Shaw to Address them. after June 10 and before the ever, will be hoisted on the cam-
y and Leland ducted to the coal mining regions L(wdopeningof the new term on, June pus flagstaff to indicate that the
er with Farm- of Belgium. --i .30 in his office. Early application exercises have been transferred.
a, Root and 1 i en se ytedasofc
Wells of Iowa Professor Senstius plans first to Wilfred B. Shaw, Director ofsbeing asked byithe ordering
I attend the congress at Belgium and Alumni Relations, has accepted an In ordertoatesxhich will be avail- Zeppelin Rests at End
then to take part in the hundredth invitation to deliver the com- able by the end of the month. of Important Flight
tructors anniversary of the Geological So- mencement address at Lawrence, In regard to next year's driving,' ( s d s
Re satd ha i wshedeire(0y Asocia td Press)
man Staff ciety of France. From there he College, Appleton, Wis., on Monday R t th atsit was te dsire 7
will go to Russia where, on July 20, morning, June 9, acording to an, deof t Unive oficals fo tu- FRDECiSHAF sN June 7--
announceent received today fromI dents to leave their cars at home The Graf Zeppelin . rested tonight
tors will be he will deliver a paper before the tnnAumn Reins odfrcm when returning to school next fall at her home base at the end of a
te Alum Relations office. n department second international congress of ih than storing them in .Ann historyaking voyage which has
rding to infor- Soil and Science. This congress willf Arbor. Inacases of absolute neces- carried her to North and South
hedp 'ng c m osiofl andoSeetigs ofngrvesdayslGerman Head'to Travel sity, Rea explained, where an ac- America, over a portion of Africa
he department. consist of two meetings of five daystul angfmnywudrsutndwiecrstheutrinI
resuE a an wc costeeuator in 9
itto Graf, Otto each, to be held in Leningrad and in Europe This Summer u vmoneywouldreult
Som student use of automobiledays

earnes are th Moc.
h M wProf. John W. Eaton, head of the transportation to and from school Judging terrific electrical storms
s. grad- -German department, will travel in because of the extreme distance the which threatened her with disaster
ity and Hwab atrEurope this summer. Immediately request doess on d ving will, oe southe rany th Ga
ume.Graf w fter the close of school he will Sumrssindiigwlhw detoured to Germany, turning aside
he meutssail for Dublin, Ireland, to attend ever, be slightly modified by the from her customary course in the
h etsche r 4i* mr . -, o + ~,.t clause "the use of cars for recrea- Rhone vallev. nassing over Solletre

is as Kitty.
by N
The contrac
dlensions to

ill be let the first part of next
eek, according to an announce-'
ent made yesterday by Paul {
uckley, general manager of the
nion, who stated that these ex-
nsions will be completed by the
eginning of the fall term.
The extension to the south of the
uilding will make it possible to
iove the Student offices of the
nion from the third to the first
oor directly off the lobby of the
uilding. It is expected that this,
rrangement will keep the students I
Wore completely in touch with the
rork of the student offices.
At the same time the present
afeteria will be considerably alt-
red, increasing the capacity by
0 per cent. The serving counter is
o be extended and will be placed
ntirely outside of the table room.
loth the extension and the present
afeteria will be treated accousti-
ally to reduce the noise.
The work on these extensions
'All in no way interfere with the


'30, electrician. Orleans, and George
Sociology Journal Has Simpson, runningw
Aof a frightened deer,
Article by the fastest time in
Appearing in the May issue of dash, winning his he
onds. Tolan, Brace:
the American Journal of Sociology, also qualified, togeth
an article by Prof. A. E. Wood, Uni- er of North Carolina
versity of Michigan sociologist, sets East of Chicago, and
forth in summary the highlights of State.
the year 1929 in the field of crim-
inology. Four New Ins
The report of President Hoover's Added to e
National Commission on Law Ob- r
servance and Enforcement last No- Four new instruc
vember last November, which dealt
mostly with the problem of prohi- added to the Germ
bition enforcement, the writer re- staff next year, acco
garded as one of the salient events mation released by ti
of the year. E. Clark Stillman, C
Hwab, and A. E. Ste
Architecture Students new faculty member
Form Honorary Society uats tanhaUniver
Formation of a senior honor so- will graduate 'thiss
. . .1 ..was president of t


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