WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,,1930 T14 F: ' .M l l a S T' A, 1 A N Y A rT- [ , 'f PAGE S TVxrL N .... uAP a u 11 ... .E E .~.' ~ A ~ .4 ~ A . AA. ,IN L11 TO FACE. Coach Mann Meet Nor fists Afte NEXT GAM Following th Mning meet aga Evanston this !gan tankmen ple team in a Northwestern's regarded in th swimmers, ha Conference titl for four straig Illinois tied wi the water polo Coach Matt N ing his water p November in a an effective co only Conferenc ines easily del However, the holds two vict and Blue poloi them 8-2, and runner-up to t for the Mark.Hi matic of the st Linen Bob Walker, has developed scoring threat Frank Walaitis FRESHMAN WRESTLING SQUAD I AS LifiN BEST MATERIAL fN RECENT YEA iT With only about seven more In the 125 pound class whic weeks left in their season the fresh- man wrestling squad under the eye of Russ Sauer has been putting on matmen, Cortes, Halliday, Male is Swimmers Will some of the finishing touches. of the and Digby are leading the field' thwestern's Polo. art. In the history of the sport at but little to choose between an r Tank Meet Michigan there has never been them. In the last meet with k ' more interest shown than this year. Iarsity, Cortes and Halliday pr Coach Sauer has now a squad of that they will make strong a [E WITH C. A. A. more than fifty men that are com- tions to next year's team. Sta ing regularly for practice. and Horner in the 135 pound c ieir important swim- In the offing there are three of are also showing rapid impr inst Northwestern at the most important matches of the icnt. Kay, .raville, Wilson, Saturday, the Mich- season. The All-Campus, All-State, Bishop are leading the 145 pou will oppose the Pur- and All-Freshman meets soon to be ers. run off and the yearling squad Kay is the most outstanding r water polo game. should take more than their share having come out late, but h water poloists are of the honors in all of them. Coach showing more improvement t e same class as their Sauer has developed some of his any other man in this tveight d %ving annexed the men into the most promising ma- sion. Frank Wyokuski who is le in the water sport terial ever to be handed over to the the present out of the game wi ht years. Last year varsity squad. bad knee, wrestles at 155 and th Northwestern for Saturday Sauer will take the perhaps the best of Coach Sau championship. cream of his crop down to the mats grapplers. The heavy divisio Mann has been work- with the Junior Varsity. The men led by Oehmann and Baus at olo players since last to go are the same that have shown 'while Wetherbee tips the scal an effort to 'develop up well in other meets with Clif 175. mbination. In their Keen's crew earlier in the season. Sauer believes that he has a gr ;e start, the Wolver- Hawkins and Sigwart, the outstand- of tough fighters and he exp feated Indiana, 8-0. ing men in the 115 pound class, them to go a long way in the sp Detroit Yacht club have shared the honors throughout The squad has been trained Dries over the Maize the entire season and will both handled like the varsity and t sts, having defeated compete in the coming meet. j should be ready to go next year 7-3. Michigan was he Yacht clubteamm Northwestern, Purdue, Veterans Are Return anna tropye. b- ophers Meet on Trqck to Purple Mat Sq.. tate ,title.I up Strong ,e_ o_ te__ Wolverine sprinter, (Special to The Daily) (Continued From Page 6) into a dangerousEI EVANSTON, Il1.-Spirited compe- to effect Coach Keen refuse at center forward. tition by top notch performers in announce, but that he will put is a valuable player +1't h-. A a a e rrle., . I' n strongest team against the inv RSI h is rling witz with? y of the oved dddi- lker i :lacss Dye- and nd- nan, :e is han Jivi- s at th a d i3 uer's n is 1651, e at coup ects ort. and they r. f 3 f r :.: Int.tram'usral mews C LASSIFIET ADVERTISING LI NOTICE FRATERNITY STANDINGS Theta Chi ..................544 Phi Beta Delta .............,488 Theta Xi...................419 Alpha Kappa Lambda ......414 Alpha Omega ..............381 #Phi Sigma Delta ............ 377 Kappa Nu ......... .......360 Phi Kappa Psi ..............329 Sigma Alpha Mu ...........288 Tau Kappa Epsilon ... ....288 WEDNESDAY'S GAMES Basketball. 7:40-Senators (Corsan) vs. Wild- cats (Read).. Roofs (Klintworth) vs. Sioux (Shreefer) 4 8:30-Sigma Delta Kappa A vs. Psi Omega 4. Chi Phi A vs. Phi Epsilon Kap- pa A. Beta Theta Pi A vs. Sigma Delta Kappa A. Hillel A vs. Congregational A. 9:20-Alpha Sigma Phi A vs. Del- ta Chi A. Theta Chi A vs. Phi Rho Sigma Basketball Leagues Enter Final Rounds Fifteen fraternity class "A" teams start today in quest of the basket- ball championship of 1930. These teams are the league winners and are playing an elimination tourna- ment. Last year's champions, Phi Sigma Kappa, are not in the run- ning this season. Alpha Delta Phi, the runners-up are also out of the race. Ten fraternity class "B" teams are also ready to start on the final jaunt to the coveted championship title. Sigma Chi, last year's title- holders were forced out before the finals, while Phi Sigma Delta, win- ners of second honors are the fav- orites to take the title as the final round begins. 1CaptainEngleman's champion Rockets from last year's Indepen- dent tournament has his team well up among the leaders in the race again this year. However, the Rock- ets will probably encounter plenty of competition from the Michigan- NATIONALLY known corporation, will employ college men for sum- mer under special contract. Good pay. Apply Mich. Unicn, Rcom 302. Hours 10-1, 2-5. 23 2nd SEMESTER TUTO1ING MACK TUTORING AGBNCY 310 S. STATE. PHONE 7927 1230 RADIO SERVICE Competent service men on all I makes of radios. STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE Dial 21408 521 East-Liberty 246c THE STUDENT INN is serving special 35c noon-day luncheon, 11:00 to 2:30. 712 Hill St. Eugene Betts, Mgr. ''W r) at forward, while Gar Ault has ' TAJ .%yarU aasn, muerun anu shown ability on offense. Fel Hos- hurdles is on tap for the triangu- mer and Bob Ladd can also be used lar track meet between Northwes-, at the forward positions. Mac~aff- I tern, Purdue. and Minnesota here ree, Hughes, and Thompson com- Thursday night, Feb. 27. prise a veteran trio of backs who All three schools possess capable should help hold down the Wild-i sprinters. Zack Ford, Northwes- cat scoring aces. Ben Fishman will f tern's sophomore flash, i'ates as a probably get the call as goal ten- favorite'by virtue of his victory over der with Bob Miller held in re- Simpson in the recent quadrangu- serve. Gus Hubley and Irv Valen- lar meet. However both Purdue and tine are other reserves who may see Minnesota boast of sophomore tal- action. ent in the persons of Odom and C. A. A. Defeat Wildcats. Hass. On Saturday night .the Wolver- In John Hass the Gophers have ines have another hard water polo a boy who appears destined -to show game on the card, facing the Chi- well in both the sprints and hurd- cago Athletic association team. The les. He won these events in lastj ers Saturday is certain. If he defeat the Purple by more than points and if Ohio State wins f Indiana the Wolves may yet claim to the championship of eastern division, and battle winner of the western half for Conference championship. It seems highly probable t both Kelly and Parker will be rn ed down a weight into the 148 158 divisions to make room for erfooslin the 168 class. Altho not a regular all year, Siger has been 'showing great impri ment in practice, and since the veterans from last season r been going above their weight change will be to their advant NEW YOR-The Boston 'Bru champions of the National Ho( league, have established a high point record for the cir making their 65 points against New York Rangers recently. f ___________________________ C. A. A. poloists are regarded as! even stronger than Northwestern, I having defeated the Wildcats, 3-2 this season. John Halstead, a for- mer Michigan swimmer, plays for the Chicago team. Al Schwartz, Purple captain, is the ace of the Northwestern polo- ists as a high-scoring forward. Dick Hinch, Covode, and Hofer are other' Purple stars, while Eddie Lennox is a. capable goalie. The Northwest- ern team plays a fast brand of polo, depending upon teamwork rather than individual brilliance to 'Iwin, games. Associated Press I'Iwto ,cders and the Zicls. Adolfo Luque (above), veteranA Sigma Nu A vs. Phi Alpha Delta Schiller's Senior Lits. are the fav- orites for the class title, with the Cuban hurler of the Cincinnati Alpha Phi Delta A vs. Sigma Pi A. hardest competition expected to tReds,a and Douglas McWeeny, of the bowl tg come from the Sophomore Physical hs Brooklyn Dodgers, figured in the 4:00-Delta Chi vs. Delta Tau Del- Ed. cagers. ad- latest trade of the hot stove sea-7tas.LambdaHockey. can snbfrthbae l7:00-Delta Upsilon vs.L n 15son before the baseball teams got Chi Alpha. 10:00-Alpha Delta Phi vs. Delta 'rrm under way to their training camps 8:30-Alpha Omega vs. Delta Sig- Alpha Epsilon. lay in the south. ma.Pi. 11:00-Chi Psi vs. Olympics. the Luque, for manor years a fixture "___l _il3 3 i11 3 13 the with the Redlegs, felt the ax when #Dtwoe the { Dan Howley, former St. Louis ! The owntown Store for Michigan Men"7 hat Brown pilot, took the helm of the 1w tov- Cincinnati team. The Cuban was and I turned over to the Dodgers in an Sig- even trade that brought McWeeny I ugh to Howley's club. No money figured foos in the transaction. oye- While both of the pitchers have= two long been recognized as stars, nei- have ther of them had successful sea- the Isons in 1929. It is highly probable age. i that the change in scenery will do them both a lot of good and pro- ,HIRTiVALUES ins, jlong their effectiveness by several ckey j ears. Luque, ever since Miguel rz-~ A)~X new Gonzales was handed his release by WITE A R WH T A R W cuit, the Chicago Cubs, has been the on- OXFORD CLOTH BROADCLOTH the ly Cuban player on the roster of SHIRTS SHIRTS any big league team. 1.95 $1.95$1.95 3 for $5.75 3for"$5.75 A SEAT IN WHITE IMPORTED BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 1nfu 1Roorn I $2.45, 3 for $7.00 200 CHAIRSK- One Block North from Hill Auditorium VLgg ner $6.00 Per Week 319 SOUTH MAIN STREET st $7.50 Per Week F. G. Staeb, Mgr. i 11111111111133111 lI I ill III III IIIII I III Il IlI III III11111U 1111111 3I III11 3 PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776. Victor Allmendinger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Office at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. 2340 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C FOR RENT FOR RENT (MEN)-Will rent large room with shower bath, either single or double. Half block from campus. 1215 South Thayer. Phone 7981. 234561 FOR RENT-One clean warm well furnished suite. Hot water day and night. 304 E. Jefferson. Call 23580. Also single room. 3456. 23456 332 E. JEFFERSON ST. Large dou- ble room; 3 windows, trunk and clothes closet. Suitable for stu- dents or business men. Can be used by three. Phone 6976. 123 FOR RENT-Quiet home, reduced price. Large suite 'and single room, also garage. 425 S. Divi- sion. Call 22352. 612 FOR RENT-Will rent large warm room with shower bath, either single or double. Half block from campus. 215 South Thayer. Phone 7981. 612 FOR- RENT- Single room and pri- vate bath, suitable for studeni. $25 per month. 22886. WA *CED WANTED-Students to enjoy. a real meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. 246C WANTED-Single, quiet room by graduate woman student. Phone or mail to Box No. 119, Michigan Daily. 123 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Fox scarf never been worn. Very reasonable. 6786 Goodman. Call evenings. 12 REAL BARGAIN: Zeiss Vest Pocket Camera at one-half price. Call Marer. 5754. 612 LO' week's dual meet with Wisconsin. The one mile'run should mater- ialize into a flashy affair with Or- ville Martin, of Purdue, the Big Ten champion, a heavy favorite to win. ORGANIZE SQUASH LEAGUE. With a view of increasing inter- est in squash, the Intramural De- partment is organizing a team squash league.mThis consists of three man teams ,playing matches. Teams are made up of interclass units. Each team will play each other team once. Matches will be for the best two out of three games. I: RESERVI Washington at Thayer Lunch and Din With Breakfa liiliiiiin Minj Presents the NEW MODEL for Spring 1930 Specially designed to fit all shapes. The new colors for spring are light grays, tans, browns and -blues. Personal service of Mr. Del Prete, 25 years a tailor, insures you a fine fit plus quality. $35t0 5Q '., 9- H'. , a1 LOST-Pearl and black Parker pen. Either E. Engineering building or Oxford road'and Geddes. Name, Milton L. Rob- ing engraved. Reward. Phone 9283. 1824 Geddes avenue.' 123 ILOST-Topcoat left in --cabSun- day night after arriving ' on 10:45 train. Finder please -call 23809. 2 j LOST-Small blue and gold pin with letters M. A. H., Monday p. m. Reward. Dial 22687. 2 The subscription rice to the Michigan Daily for the second semester is $2.50 Call at the Press Building and order yours now or Dial 21214.Y. FURNISHINGS TO MATCH THE SUITS III 1. NEW SHIRTS in fine broadcloth and ox- ford, in white, green, blue, and tans. $1.95 3 for $ .50 SPRING TIES They are better $1.00 and than ever. $1.50 SPRING HOSIERY. in clocks and neat figures. 5Qc and 76c' s!, p' I s i .