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June 06, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-06-06

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w f. . w w T w s T T w _T #I T T# T Tw # v T- w T T w ## T f# R T w w w w w T w



FRMAY, JUNE 6, 1930

~AOE STX F2R.I~AY, JtTN~ 8, 19Z1
~1SF _______ __________________








National Gamnes~
as Varsity
Entering five me
annual collegiate
meet which starts
Chicago today, 00o
wvill definitely end
nection with the
Michigan after the
While the pick of t'
will not be entered
N. C. A. A. meet tl
west and middle w,
In Chicago in que
and records.
Representing the
will be the outstan+
the squad who ha,
sisterit ability allq
are conceded a ch-a
in competition wit]
country. Eddie To]
Michigan entriesi
,events, the 100 an(
picked off two sec(
,last Saturday. E
giant Wolverine we
entered in the sh
discus and is cotisi
placer in both °evej
Holly Campbell
Holly Campbell
will also be enter
and is Coach Farr
a first place, as th
tossers will not be
co~p etition today
Pottle, pole vaulter
next year's captain
his skill against the
tional collegiat~e m
gain some points R%
In an 'inovationi
evenit Dale Seymot
other representativ
wvest against' rel
tither sections of t1
er of Northweste~i'q
Detroit will probV
three other risen or
Southern CUeiafoi
Southern Califor:
the meet at Harvai
be again f avored to
the team title tod
row, although som
est midwest teams
stars may give th(
competition for th
Several of the i
will be closely conl
the dash events wt
fastest men in the
pitted againist eaci
holder of the work
Wyckoff, and Simi
(Continued o0

ES NT BCAMPUS SOCCER Kipke Has Many Good CHICAGO PILOT9 Phelps Wins Trophy r
ST TTEA ADD Football P rosp e ct s 'ILW RE For Athletic Skill L
Yesterday's finali ii t* Mal-cam-I for 1930 Grid Squad inIta rl
IN __TI Ita urlS o
pussocercofiptit~f 'ws on yjCoach arry Kirke has overSp r
the South American team in a close)___
WilMr atgame with the Hindu squad. The thirty outstanding prospects fromI( In recognition of the idividua'
WilMr atSouth Americans won by scoring which he will be able to draw a w hoofFrel..v..:.... possesses all around athletic! TI
ofFrel two goals while holding their op- strong and well-balanced lineup i-.~ ability, the Intramural department
ponents. p scorelnuess oh goals wre and reserve for nex t year's football is awarding this year, for the first
Coh.soebyGnunewoplayed aso.ai n fti
KD O VNconsistently good game throughoutsao.Nal n afo hsI * time, a statuette known as the All
_As a result of their victory the number are men that have alreadyk Around Championship trophy. I
n in the ninth members of the South American seen action on the varsity to date.; j The winner of this year's award is
takadfedgroup will receive medals emble- Sevep pPromising candidates will ?Wlim .Pelsa3L.fSgia.b
trak ad felc mai~cof thecapscapo-F'WlimGPhp,32ofSgnwiis
At Stagg Field, ship.cmu hmin vie for the flanks of the line. Threea<' I Phelps, in order to gain this honorI
ach Steve Farrell Saturday will witness another of these men have already done' accumulated sixty-eight points in we
hsthtcco-soccer match with the Michianf commendable work on the varsity; a' eight events; - golf, handballco
University of team opposing the Detroit Motor- 'Francis Cornwell, Norman Daniels, a w } horseshoes, life saving, Sigma Delta 19
finals tomorrow. bugemrlasBiapin fad William Hewitt. Added to this {...:: Psi (national honorary athletic so- I mn
,he eastern teams Detoia_3_'cocoFeryFild
Deritt3ocoko er il rio are four ,new aspirants for the ciety, squash, tennis and twenty- Ia
1seriously in the Trnd positions; Jay Sikkengta, Sylves-l h
he cr'eam of the arTlIlf[ter Sh-ea, Ivan Williamtson, and I one. His strongest event was tennis. pth
rest will assemble IU ilV iU IdKenneth Manuel. 'eamed with Cole he won the fre,
ist of new titles ckle !Competition Keen. spring doubles while last fall he cl
,Maize and Blue son r A ~ l~ ihould be keen with Ed Hayen, Leo Lae of the ChicagoCb wo In golf, squash and twenty-one,I
Oding five mene on jTbH HINmrCoetitionHor he ackeae TomcatyCb «h cchdtefiasi snls
,ve showneon- t avei 'Hoar ue, n Tm at last seems to ae roused his; Phelps was not so successful, be-i
ye sown on-I Roach, all of whom have already charges out of their lethargy The' ing eliminated in the first round. Of St
sason and who Anticipates successful SeasonI taken the field for Michigan, be-; Bruins are now in second n ace ii the twelve events making up -,-he Cc!
,ne to win points T 7 sides Waliae Miller and Wilf red s eo hefc ht hyae~ SigmaDlt'sitst epase
Ii hebes i th I ex xar s eveai Johnson, new mtre, out to hold the1 posed to be crippled wih in juries to 1,sx; shot put, football kick, baseball ti
Ian will lead the.1 Veterans Returni. berths down next year.! their star players. The loss o j throw, mile run, 100 yard swim, l M
n, his favorite 1 Four men rate highest for the !Fwnsy was the most recnt )Slow.;posture test. Of the Red Cross life Sl
d 220, where he Completing a successful season b3y guard positions, one from thsis ____ saving test which has eighteen T Ii
:ods at Harvard winining the Conference dual meet; year's A team, Thorwald Sorensen; S udT) events, Phelps passed the twelve;'
Brooker Brooks, title and coming within striking( two from the B team, Karl Mich- Sorel! il' tests that he attempted. In the cli
ight man, will be i ardson, and Robert Morgan, who toV Ovr eatr other event, horseshoes, Phelps 1 el
otput and the' distance of the i Ten crown the a'started the season in fine shape as { - --j reached the second round in singles; St
idred as a likely Wolverine tennis team finds that the B-captain until an injr~y pti t I the National Leagueie cir- and the finals in doubles. m
ns ~mm with the opening of the sreason next ! him out of play; and Abe Mrcov- ci edn Brooklyn Do g rohSecnd oPDeroitwt h 56 onts Li
in hayearr they shiould be in a position toj sky who comes up from the Presh- Ioverehnothetoitwitr56.esLi
nthe hammerItrupeovrtePrts6-,oisI
mkevnabteshwn thnman squad. Ile was the winner of all-campus !H
et i the meet At the center pst there maoye! while the Cubs stuck right behind crss country last fall, this netting br
'ell's best bet for" last year. The newly elected cap- I any one of the following: Ivan, Uncle Robbie's boys by beating the him twenty points. His other events
.e strong eastern tami Freddy Brace Will lead theI Smith, substitute center of ast sea- Braves, 10 to . { were: baseball field meet, golf,l
aentd it hero Michigan racquet swinirs and will sonl with a good record; Claire Pur- ConeMc' tleisfl e horseshoes, rifle shooting, Sigma ! te
be sufyorted by a squiad of vetefas.' nut, from tie Physical Ed squad; foeteIo F -.Th t oi Delta Psi, tennis and track. St
and Mlcb~h aS I club scr r ilim n- oredveBruns iThe S it. is'Joe Woodard Owossoplcdt
ti saed~~yjBrc, h hsshW vr ~1ndCrl~elegorime'n, jVc'l therefrte third with 44 points. He received Wv
~ feldin he a-throughout the seasen, will c a 6'i fre , bh fg ona oftheta' o e .
aeads t b team anid will pobbly sk in str Tigers yesterday, defeating the nit o inn h l apst
thApsto.RtrI sas. Washington Senators G to 2. Mark, boxing championship (lightweight n
or the Ml a6i 'thed unlber one position.rerack. Konieenalshotitogecnflvdivision), 20 points for making C
intemt ea oternsaetevtrn d Capt. Jimmy Simrall will be hard obandfo"heYns a Sigma Delta Psi key, and one point a
urwl u ihamr Cob Ryn Rold pushed for the quarterback position good day at bat and in the field I o asbl ildmefu
ir illru wih lar, ob lareandJorni jby three up and coming young!{The Indiana knocked Gaston out of' throwing, tennis and twenty-one. n
es of the middle Reindell. These six players have 'men: Kirk Holland who played ! the em rmbe ne "nefc ieadaee box in the first frame in beat-
[ay tasfo enudr ifric ieadaego ball whIen he was in last year,I n the Red Sox 1: to 7.(
e cinirY. Wit- I xpeted to miake ev , a bette rec- Hi~ry NeWmran, undoubtedly the in[AINA EGE
Iy ab. tooi of eI bdaror emse fetir Ot ~~otstanding 'star of the freshman' R HE
~ t~ oftheI yar f cmpeitiii.tagi, and EBail Tessmer, Physical St Louis .. .. 000 000 004- 4 7 1
i th I In addition two ifreshidt4nii * 01 -.: , who won the Chicago gridiron! Philadelphia 010 121 23-U 14 2
rnia t mre t. and Mills, are 'si red goo4 Var-Itrophy this spring. 1 Lindsey, Haid and Wilson; Col-IN
nia, winners of sity material and they will be I Prospects for halfbacks can be ladan c' ry
rd last week, will drafted to help fill the place made ladvidd hlfandhalcbtwerdte.
romveeasp away with. vacant by the graduation of Bul. et!~ and new mien. Jack Weel- HHES U D R A
LA antd tomr- Both of these mei have pianed e rBillyHEsto, andRoy HdsC(Cincinnati .. ..03 Q000010-4 6 1
e of the strong- celleht games and the*~ driving at- are the varsity mzen, and the new Ne Yrk ..11022-733OnteH onRvrt h
with individual , tacks may be the added zip that men are Ralph Wills, fesm New MaY'oand..10100221e °7 rth; Genewuricheratth
( Trjas som ectritnees oc orgtcaptain, Stanley Benjamin and (and Hogan.
ie title. isepecig to start practice with HlyPtta.(otm~ ae7
!ndividual events the largest a mount of good material ---r--s_-,-(oninedo Pge7
tested, especially Ithat has ever beds at hand. By-- - T~ 2~~~
here three of theI working out a More ,steady eoirn-
country will be( bination of doubles teams anSI re- . ~
-h other. Tolan, vanping the lineup after the try- '
ci's record at J.5, c'uts the Wolveines should have
pson will fapr one Of the st i; t t threat to the
in page 7) 1 Conference title.
that wil
style, th
Sports AllOu Tine Suitsotes
33 1-3(V.. one belr


re -

hirteen Mettihers of Michigan terday, but he will probable be
Varsity Receive Awards; fselected today when the team meets
Freshmen Hon~red.JIto have its picture taken.
______Only four of the members of this
[ILLER NAMED M AAGE year's Varsity team will graduate
this June, the only losses being
T'hirteen members of Michigan's! Captain Harvey Straub, Joe Trus-
tseball team received Varsity I kowski, Harold Myron, and Joe
I's" yesterday, while 10 othersiHotm Truk to -radu~ate.
re given the AMA" award, ac-1 Joe Truskowski, veteran catcher,
rding to an antlouno Pmeeht madeI also will go, and as the team lacks
Coach Ray L. Fisher, Varsity dia-! another backstop with hi's experi-
and mentor. At the same time the ence or battinag power the team will
znotmncement of the manager of1 undoubtedly suffer by his gradu-
ie teamn for next year was made ationl unless some other capable;
ablic, and 20 members of thel receiver can be developed. Myron,
eshman team were given their; regular shortstop, has been slightly
ass numerals, disabled all year as a result of an
'thirteen Dteceive "M's". l ankle injury early in the season,
Those that wvill receive their° but has played some nice bail for
A's" include: Captain Harveyithe Wolverines. H-oltzman, the
-raub, Lawrence Butler. Verne] fourth man to gaduate, was one
ompton, Norman Daniels, Joe Of the substituite- pitcher's on the
oltzman, Roy Hudson, Augustus Varsity mound staff.
iegler, Wilho Lanigen, Richard';Feshmen Honoredl.
Contague, Harold Myron, Arthur Cl'ass numerals were awarded to
Lperko, Jack Tompkins, and Joe 20 members of the freshmian base-
ruskowki. iball team by Coach Jack Blott. The
The list of "~AMA" winners in- list of numeral w-iners includes:
tides: Donald 8artholornew, Arthur S. Berger, Eugene Y. Broen-
ides: D o n a 1 d Bartholomew. dle, Nathan B. Cooper, Michael J.
tephen Donan, Leonard Duck-' Diffley, Arthur 13. Hubbard, William
tan, Alwiyn V. Freeman, Leland! F. Klein, Stanley W. Kracht, Wal-
[11, Clement Kielbasa, Harold i f red Kuijala, Vernon Lapham,
ndsay, Edward J. McCormick, Kenneth 0. Manuel, Sidney A. Mc-
rarley McNeal, and Robinson Pries- j Kay, Frank S. Pleis, Claire E. Pur-
rey dui., Edward B. Reiter, Ro ldus F.
y. Name Managers., Richmond, Charles H. Salisbury,
Miller was named m~anager of the I Kenneth. H. Shriver, Estil S. Tess--
am for next year, succeeding Jack mner, John Thornburg, and Ray
teketee, the manager of this year'sI Altenhoff.
m. Four men to assist Miler -
ere also announced, while an al-
urnate, William 'Crane, , was -
lamed. The four assistants areI 5ROWN-CROSS
"harles E. Willard, '32, Harry Benj- !
.min, '32, Harold B. Rossi, '32, and! - ,,Company. Inc.
Vin Scofield, '31. The captain fori- -
text year Was not announced d'es- lN E TM N

e Foot of cedar Street

Orders executd on gall .x"
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Tielephone 2,3271

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fe Lien Suits
re isa certain fieness about
loring of these linen suits
U pleas you. The cut, the
a wilb wise to purchase




A ttire
White Linen Suits
Plain White and. Striped Flannels
Camel Hair Sport Coats
New Summer-Weight Sweaters
(All colors in Crew-neck or Polo styles)
Paam Has(aro4rm
You will be pleased with your selections of Sportswear
and summer attire.
All three dollar colored Shirts, $2.25
'Three for $5.95


33 1 -3


fore you go home-
ate inexpeflsive==only


Aedu ctio ii
All suits have two pains. Take

advantage of this



Sports Shoes
Our line of sports shoes this
spring is complete, We can outfit
you for any occasion-


All our fine flannel knickers in
the wanted pastel shades pius sixes
at a great saving.


and $ 1200



,, ;'

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