'T r7 w..w w rvw7 rw :+. w ww r w.'w....-3 FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1930 TIH E MICHIG AN £DAIL Y A. AJ6%AA;A A; A. V AA' i ,wl~v " { 'I NNW JENNIE s 0 Om \ LEAGUE COMMITTEEKANSAS SENIOR I WINS CONTEST PLANS OPEN HOUSE Graduating Students and Guests to be Entertained DuringL Commencement. INVITE UNDERCLASSMEN The Women's league will hold open house Friday, June 20, from .. 3:30 to 5 o'clock in the ballroom of : the League building. The reception is being held in honor of all grad- uating students and their guests, and alumnae who are in town for commencement. Any underclass- men who r main here, and all Ann Arbor people are cordially invited. There will be some variety of en- tertainment throughout the after- noon in the ballroom, and refresh-- ments will be served there. The University Girls' Glee club quartet will sing melodies from the junior girls' play presented by the class .:: of '30 and other music will be pro- vided. Prominent alumnae and members of the alumnae councils will be present, and will be glad to meet students and other guests of the League., Senior Society will occupy a cor- ner of the ballroom where they will; receive guests. Mrs. Irene B. John- son is in charge of the Senior So- '''' ciety program.*"X The committee who are making arrangements for open house have been appointed from the board of ~ . governors of the League. They are Eva Jane Leatherman, Margaret Bush, chaiman, Mrs. W. Who is a senior at the Univer-' D. Henderson, Miss Alice Lloyd, sity of Wichita, took first place in Helen Fellows, and Jean Wallace. a reco ntWich rto urstmenace orn Sa recent archery tournament for "n A r-TCEC CT T' MV Kansas college women. MUSIC FOR JUNIOR FORMER DIRECTOR OF NURSING !JUNIOR I3JIP D WILL ASSUME DEANSHIP IN JULY! P L Y IS__PLANNED Will Hold U e Position at the Carnegie corporation haveA VanderbiIt niversit i given large sums of money to Van-. Vanderbilt University in ( derbilt university for the develop- Women Interested in Writing Tennessee. iment of an outstanding medical Proceeds From Bridge Will be Music, Lyrics Should See M it wcenter. With the opening of the Forwarded to A.A.U.W. Miss Shirley C. Titus, who has new medical buildings, hospital, Fewhi F dr Katherine Sitton:-I been director of nursing of the and laboratories in 1925 and withFelowshipFund. bec - - 'University hospital for five years, Ian endowment of $12,000,000, the by 50 tbl fb WORK IS DUE NEXT FALL has recently resigned from her Vanderbilt university medical unit aeOver s of bridge will be position here to accept the position took its place with the other med- in play at the A. A. U. W. bridge of Samples of lyrics and music for of dean of the School of Nursing, ical centers of high rank. party from 2-5 o'clock tomorrow plo next year's Junior Girls'play will be Vanderbilt university, Nashville, The Rockefeller foundation, be-lafternoon, at the home of Mrs. wo: called for the second or third week Tenn. Miss Titus will assume the coming interested in the develop- L. W. Oliphant in Barton Hills. The ' of school, next semester by Kath- duties of her deanship on July 1. ment of the Vanderbilt university affair is being sponsored by the ing Miss Titus new position promises medical center in 1925, appropriated erine Sitton, chairman of the com- to be unique in several ways. Thy a. sum of $100,000 to be used over newly formed Junior group of the the mittee. Consequently, any women newly created School of Nursing to a period of five years for the ad- A. A. U. W., to raise the Ann Arbor th( who are interested in writing this which she goes will be the third vancement of nursing education. quota of the Milli'on Dollar Fellow- tac part of the Play should get i independent school of nursing of With the expiration of this period ship fund. wo touch with Miss Sitton before they university rank in the United of time on July 1 of this year, the ip n. leave for the summer. States, the first being the School of Vanderbilt Hospital School of Nurs- The committee in charge of the wil The type of music which is want-i Nursing, Yale university, New ing will go out of existence and the party, of which Mrs. George Adler ~~ ed must be explained to the pro- Haven, Conn., and the second, the new School of Nursing will take its is chairman, has planned an en- spective composers before they School of Nursing of Western Re- place. tertainment which will be given begin writing it in order that none serve university, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Titus and the faculty of the 1 while refreshments are being serv- will have to be rejected because it The Yale university School of School of Nursing will be expected ed. Miss Helen Gould and Mrs. is not suited to the Play. Mem- Nursing was endowed by the Rocke- Int only to develop the school Louis Raemann will give a group of bers of the music committee will feller foundation while the School along strictly modern educational old fashioned songs. be chosen on a competitive basis of Nursing of Western Reserve uni- lines but are to concern themselves i Further information may be ob- after the manuscripts are turned versity was endowed by Mrs. Ches- likewise with the problem of im- tained by calling Mrs. Adler at in next fall. Miss Sitton can bei ter Bolton of Cleveland. Each of proving the standard of nursing 4731 or Mrs. Fred Englebach, 6804. + reached at 7717. these three university schools of, -- I nursing has its own dean, faculty .. ......_ . . Hindu Woman Leads and budget and each is entirely in- dependent of hospital control. They in Indian and Political ibear the same relationship to the . . Iuniversity hospital as does the med- and Social Circles ical school, namely, the hospital is used merely as a teaching field for I students. Mrs. Saironji Naidu, who was re- The new School of Nursing at cently sentenced to nine months Vanderbilt university will receive its imprisonment as a leader of the financial support from the Rocke- Hindu salt raiders is one of the feller foundatio~n. It will offer sev- eral programs of study for graduate l most accomplished women in India. nurses, in public health nursing, She has written poetry which is teaching in schools of nursing, ad- ranked very highly, speaks perfect ministration of schools of nursing, i English, French,. German, Saih and supervision in schools of nrurs-I and athleast six Hindu dialects. She Ing. It will also offer two curricula for undergraduates; a 36 months,! was the first Hindu woman to go basic curriculum and the five-year against caste rules by marrying far or combined curricula in letters and below her own group. nursing'. Particular emphasis will be Mrs. Naidu opened the first radio laid on public health in all these contct etwcn te UitedStaes'programs of study. lontact between the United States Because of the' high standard of and India on Dec. 27, 1928. Al-I work maintained in the Medical! ! though she dresses in classic Hindu school of Vanderbilt university for robes she is a business woman and: many years past and because the oitca ofeteeiprac location of Nashville favors it as an!onI l politician of extreme importance educational center, the General! and courage. Education Board of New York and f 1.. _1 A____I44A_____________________ NEW STYLE OF INTERPRETATION "A new type of dancing which- very much resembles the German method has been studied by Orche- sis this year," said Miss. Editha Barthel concerning the society of which she is director. "It is a. type introduced and taught by Martha Grahams, one of the fore- most artists of the dance in Amer- ica:" "At the dance recital given by Orchesis this spring this type of natural dancing was exhibited, as well as the work of the National and tap dancing class. This recital dertaken as a complete program of' was the second ever given by Or- chesis, and the first ever to be un- itself. Last year's recital was pro- duced in conjunction with thef opening of the League building. Although the dance production was not confined to rhythmic dan- cing alone and the national, clog,' and tap dances, the work of classes I outside Orchesis was included as never before, the responsibility of directing and producing the recit-' al was entirely in the hands of committees composed of Orchesis members. "Orchesis was also one of thel sponsors of the Kreutzberg and' Georgi dance recital given in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre last winter. Eight Women Added to Detective Staff, Eight women, called the "Mys- tery Eight," have been recently ap- pointed to the staff of Scotland Yard. They are the first women in London's famous department of criminal investigation. They were enrolled by Lord Byng, Chief Com- missioner of Police, at the sugges- tion of Miss Dorothy Peto, staff of- flicer of the Metropolitan women police at Scotland Yard. ATTRACTIVE REDUCTIONS In Black and Colored HATS DANA RICH ARDSON 7 NICKELS ARCADE Lamps make. a most appre. dated Wedding and Grad- uation Gift. Lovely showing of BOUDOIR, TABLE and FLOOR LAMPS LILLIAN COLLETT SHOP 605 East William Street .. I I A PERMANENT OF SUBTLE CHARM- The "GABRIELEEN" Comfortable and Safe: When you take your initial GABRIE- : LEEN" treatment, your first agreeable sur- prise comes with the rapid, smooth pre- paration and complete comfort during the process. The banishment of clips and ' tubes do away with annoying "pullings." : LANE HALL r r The Choicest of Wholesome Foods WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL OF SUMMER SESSION COLLEGE BEAUTY SHOP Open every evening Phone 2-2813 I. Mrs. Anna Kalmbach w -I wE rfZ ftWt~G 4 / - = m ,,y et iCo//' o ":Jhgope 1, I Cool though corseted .... it's easy now With this light, cool Nemo- flex foundation, the prob- lem of being properly corseted for the mode and still being very, very cool, is solved. For it is such a very thin, light garment (in spite of its molding qualities) that 1111 noThis Nmo-fex smmerU I