ESTABLISHED 1890 It LwA ait& MEMBERI ASSOCIATED PRESS XL. NO. 179 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS MT TM\ FAMOUS ACROBAT TO APPEAR HERE LINE PROGRAM~ COMING YEAR Sets October 2 as Date r Annual All-Freshmen Get-Together.,z ANNUAL CLASS DAYMANY STUDENTS AI AIDED BY LOANS9 Bursley, dean of studentsA that over $15,00will have been loaned to SATURDAY,_JUNE rityst sdig the N JUNE 20 AND 21 1929-30 period by the end of theO ,J N 109 ? week. To date, Dean Bursley stated, Todd, Houghton, McAndrews, Athere have been 768 new loans Expect More Than 2000 Alumnij Kline Scheduled to Talk w wgranted since September, 1929, eight t Klie cheuld t Tlk of which were issued on June 4 by t Participate in Gathering SHIRLEY C. TITUS RESIGNS POSITION . OTHER PLANS DISCUSSED New Pamphlet Will be Given to Freshmen, Warren I Announces. More than 50 freshmen, appoint-! ed Wednesday to the various com-! mittees of the Union, met yester- day in the Student offices of the Union for a general organization aid an announcement of the ten- tative plans, especially for the class of ''34, which will be carried out In the fall. fnder the direction of the under- class committee, headed by Alfred! J. Palmer, '32, plans were announc- ed for an All-Freshmen banquet on Oct. 2. This is a departure from the regular policy of promoting the banquet in the spring. By this pro- posal, Palmer hopes to obtain a better organization of the entering class and to simplify the work of! the pep meetings to be held just previous to the annual fall games. program To Be Arranged. Although no definite 'program has as yet been arranged, negotia- tions are being carried forward for a speaker and it is expected that the captains of the various athletic! teams and the leaders in other campus activities will be present. Tickets for this banquet will be on sale in the Union during the week! of registration. As in previous years. a special rooming committee has been ap- pointed under the chairmanship of Duiane E. Baldwin, '31, to co-oper- ate with the office of the Dean of Students in assisting the incoming class to , find suitable rooming ac- commodations. Plans are being made to maintain a general infor- mation booth at the side 'desk of, the Union which will have charge f tht roinng lists and will also aid in the general orientation of the freshmen. Warren to Issue Pamphlet. Under the direction of Harold o. Warren, '31, recording-secretary of the Union, a small pamphlet is be- ing drawn up to illustrate the fa- cilities and proposed additions to the activities of the Union. This booklet will be distributed among the freshmen. With this new organization of the Union committees, the merit sys- tem has been definitely inaugurat- ed. CARNERA FLOORS CHRISTNER IN 4TH Ohio Fighter Takes Count After -Winning First Round. (By Assoeiated JPress) DETROIT, June 5,-Before 18,-' 000 fans who paid $75,000 for the privilege of watching him perform, Primo Camera, giant Italian knocked out Meyer (K. O.) Christ- ner, of Akron, Ohio, i the fourth1 round of his ten round bout here tonight. The fourth round had gone only one minute and twenty seconds when Camera landed a terrific left hook to the point of the Jaw and Christner went down and out. Carnera worked up to the grand. finale most systematically, after losing the first round by a wide margin. Carnera weighed 265, Christner 201 in the afternoon. J. A. TAYLOR WILL STUDY IN EUROPE J A. Taylor, '29A, the seventh holder of the George G. Booth Traveling Fellowship in architec- ture, sails today for Europe where be will spend the year in travel and study. Taylor will visit the outstanding art centers of the Continent, and may spend some time at the "Ecole de Beaux Arts" in Paris and at the American Academy in Rome. Three Believed Dead In AutoCatastrophe (By Associated Press) Togo, Japanese acrobat, who performs the thrilling "slide for life" in "Excess Baggage," the third of the Dramatic.Festival series, which will be given all next week at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. SRICES FR9 COK TO BE HELD TODA Smith, Murfin to Attend Rites for Deceased Michigan Philanthropist. WORK TO BE SUSPENDED! Funeral services for William Wil- son Cook, 180, L. L. B. '82, who died in New York Wednesday afternoon, will be held at 11 o'clock this morn- ing in Port Chester at his home. The University will be officially represented at the funeral by Shir- ley W. Smith, vice-president of the University, and James O. Murfin, ' Detroit regent. Word was received here yester- day from James Baird, New York .contrator who is in charge o: the law buildings con ti+uction, that Work will be discontinued at 11 to- day for five minutes in honor of the deceasec donor. Mr. Cook, aged 72 at the time of; death, was one of the outstanding alumni figures'having given the University over $5,000,000 in build- ings and funds. The 'present Law yers' club, the Martha Cookk dor-. mitory, and two rich endowments were all presented to Michigan1 within the past decade by the de- ceased. His most recent gift was the new law library, which is now being constructed, and :the new John P. Cook dormitory for law students which will be ready for occupancy by next fall. One of the endowments which Mr. Cook gave the University was a $200,000 fund for the bringing to Ann Arbor of famous speakers on American in- stitutions. Chief Justie Charles E. Hughes was to have appeared un- der this fund last winter, but was unable to fulfill the contract be- cause of his ascendency of the supreme bench. William W. Cook was also the author of several books on law and American citizenship, his treaties on "Corporations" being the stand- ard in its special field. The book 1has reached eight editionshand the royalities from the eights edition were given to the University lawj department by the deceased for! the purpose of securing the best writers available for the "Michigan Law Review." Museum Officials Will I Attend Boston Meeting Three members of the Univer- sity faculty left yesterday to at- tend the annual meeting of the Association of American Museums at Boston, Mass. Men who will represent Michigan at the conven- tion are Dr. Carl Guthe, Director of the University Museum of An- thropology, Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of ethnology in the Mu- seum of Anthropology, and Kimber Kuster, librarian of the museum libraries. Automobiles Collide at Street Crossing A minor accident occurred on the corner of Wshtnw avnuen anr on Program.j INNOVATIONS PLANNED Exercises to be Held in Center, of Campus; Program Will be Shortened.1 Class Day, one of the final events of the traditional round of senior ceremonies leading up to com- mencement, will be celebrated on Saturday, June 21. The exercises, which will be held at 2 o'clock Sun- day afternoon in the center of the diagonal, will be attended by grad- uating students of the University as well as by alumni, parents and! friends of the seniors, townspeople, members of the faculty, and other students. Extensive plans have been made in orderto insure the success of the affair. The program has been completed, with the exception of the alumni speaker who will be an- nounced later, according to a state- ment made yesterday by Harley D. Kline, chairman of Class Day committee. Todd to Open Program.- The program V11 'be opened by Stanton W. Todd, president of the, senior literary class, who will wel- come the alumni and the parents, attending the ceremony. Virginia Houghton will read the class poem and Donald J. Kline, who is tak-/ ing Harry W. Wallace's place as class historian, will read the class history. Lorinda A. McAndrews with Richard S. Cole will deliver the class prophecy while Jones B. Shannon will present the class ora- tion. A noted alumnus, who will be; announced later, will deliver the principal address of the day. AnI etgort, 4s eing 7madp to..gecore a disVriguni ed graduate from Wash-, ington. The program will be con- cluded with the presentation of the class memorial. Dean John R. Effinger, will accept the gift for the University.- Short Program is Featured. Several innovations have been planned for this year's Class Day, among which have been the short- ening of the program and the hold- ing of the ceremony outdoors. The stand that was erected for the sen- ior sing in the center of the dia- gonal, will be used by the speak- ers. Amplifiers will be installed on the stand to facilitate hearing. In case of rain the ceremonies will be transferred to Hill auditorium. The traditional garb of graduation - long flowing gowns and tasselled caps-will be worn by the seniors for the occasion. ~ A special meeting of the Mem- orial committee of the senior class will be held at 11:30 o'clock this morning to decide what the mem- orial gift will be and how it will be presented. The members of the committee are: Charles Marcotte. chairman, Sidney M. Cowan, Cath- erine G. Fitzpatrick, Ailene M. Yeo, Beatrice A. Fromm, and George I. Wohlgemuth. Robert C. Chapman, treasurer of the senior class, Kline, and Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University, will also be pres- ent. BAND WILL PLAY FOR GRADUATION A band of over 40 pieces will play for the Commencement exercises, it was announced yesterday by NicholasaFalcone, leader of the Varsity Band. The band will be composed of members of this year's organization who are staying over for the extra few days.j Four occasions will necessitate the use of the band, he stated. On Thursday afternoon it will play for one of the events listed on the program while on Friday, it will as- sist the alumni in their annual sing. Saturday, the band will play for the senior class day exercises and on Monday morning for the Commencement program and ban- quet. i I the loan committee. A total of $102,705.20 had been loaned previous to the June 4 action of the committee, and Dean Burs- ley yesterday stated that this amount would reach well over $105,000 before the end of the pres- ent semester. It was also thought that the total number of loans would pass the 770 mark by Satur- day. Loans by the University averaged approximately $135 each during the 1929-30 scholastic year. I FESTIAL TO SHOW1 'EXCESSBAGGAE' Play Depicting Backstage Life of Theater Comes Next Week as Third of Series. CAST INCLUDES ACROBAT "Excess Baggage," a play depict- ing life as it .is lived by people of the theatre back stage, will be pre- sented all next week as the third of the Dramnatic Festival series. Performances will be given at 8:30 o'clock every night at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, with two matinees at 3:15 o'clock Wednes- day and Saturday. The cast, announced yesterday by Robert Henderson, director, in- cludes the sensational Japanese, Togo, who doubles for Lewis Mc- Michael in making the thrilling "slide for life" from the railing of the balcony. This acrobat has been doing this slide ever since he was nine years old. It is done back- wards on a rope stretched from the balcony to the stage. .Thaast forl the dutioi uin- cludes Lewis MMfcliael, as Eddie Vane, Claire St. Claire as Betty Ford, and Amy Loomis as Elsa Mc- Coy. Others are James Trent, Mar'- jory Field, Edward Fitzgibbon, Rob- ert Henderson, Lillian Bronson, Edward Powell, Ainsworth Arnold, Victor Adams and Elizabeth Whit- tier. McGowan, who also wrote "Tenth Avenue," was himself a "hoofer" once, and since he speaks the lan- guage of the "boards," he tells his story in a realistic manner. Togo was in the original production in New York. Tickets are now on sale at the box office in the Lydia Mendels- sohn theatre. Advance reservations may be made, by phoning 6300. Schorling .Receives Letter Commending Educational School Two years ago, Frank Bachman, at that time director of the Gen- eral Education Board, visited the University to inspect the School of Education. After a three day sur- vey, he reported to the New York office that, in his opinion, Michigan had the best program for the prac- tical phases of teacher training in the country. The board then sent four persons, all directors of teach- er training in their respective cities, to the University under fel- lowships. These fellowships, given by the General Education Board, which was founded by John D. Rockefel- ler in 1902, amount to $2,000 for the receiver and $250 for each depen- dant child in his family. In a letter to Prof. Schorling, su- pervisor of directed teaching in the university high school, Mr. Favrot general field agent of the board said that they thought so well of the university's plan of training high school teachers that they had assigned fellowship aid to two more men, Guy Hill, director of teacher training in the university of South Carolina, and A. M. Jarman, direc- tor of teacher training at the uni- versity of Virginia, with the pos- siblity of a third to be added later In concluding, Mr. Favrot said, " feel sure that this group will re turn from Michigan as enthusias- tic about their work a the rnon .) , rficJay. FREE LUNCHEON LISTED Will Attend Alumni University; Presentation of 1930 Memorial Scheduled. Alumni from all parts of the country will attend the annual class re-unions to. be held Friday and Saturday, June 20 and 21, accord- ing to an announcement made yes- terday by T, Hawley Tapping, gen- eral secretary of the alumni associ- ation. More than 2,000 graduates1 of the University are expected toI take part in the two day exercises, which have become a traditional event for the week end preceedingt the Commencement exercises. t The outstanding function on the program will be the free luncheon; that will be given by the Univer- sity as an expression of good feeling* and understanding for the return- ing alumni, Saturday noon in Wat- erman gymnasium. Accommoda- Lions for more than 1,500 will be provided for at the luncheon. The I tables which will be arranged ,y classes, will flank the three tables! of honor in the center of the gym- nasium, one of which will be occu- pied by President Alexander G.I Ruthven and the speakers. The! other two will be reserved for the 1 I class of 1880 in commemoration c1 the 50th anniversary of their grad- uation, and for the "Tappan Alum- ni" who received their degrees dur-t ing the administration of Presidents iTappan.,l I To Attend Class Exercises. i Following the luncheon it is ex-!,( pected that many of the alumnii will attend the traditional class day! exercises of the present graduating class. An alumni speaker is sched- t ;led to talk in addition to stu- dents. The' memorial of the class of 1930 will also be presented at. I this time. Those who received their degrees in the engineering college will have the opportunity to attend a con- ference in honor of Dean-Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture. Class re-unions where old ac- quaintances will be renewed and new ones formed will be scheduled for different times throughout the two day period. Opportunity to meet members of the class of 1930 I will also be afforded the old grads. Reunions Last Two Days. Although the class reunions will only last for two days, many grad- uates will remain in Ann Arbor for the Baccalaureate and Commence- ment exercises. A large number, also, is expected to take advantage of the sessions of the Alumni Un- iversity, to be held the five days immediately following commence- ment. Ten prominent members of the faculty will conduct classes in such fields as American history, I contemporary 'drama, modern art, C music, as well as many other sub- jects, for the returning graduates. UNI VERSI T Y PLA Y BOOK IS SHIPPED Shipped yesterday .by 'the De- Kleine Printing Co., of Lansing, 800 copies of the "University of Michi- . gan Plays" will be placed on sale j on the campus tomorrow. The book will contain this year's prize-play, "Lassitude," by Hobart D. Skidmore, '32. "Wives-In-Law" and "The Dy's Work" by Elizabeth Wehner Smith, Spec., "Three-A- Day" by Hubert S. Skidmore, '33, "Many Happy Returns" by Robert Wetzel of the rhetoric department,' and "They Too" by R. Leslie Ask- , ren, '29, will also be included. , The volume is sponsored by the f Division of English. It has been edited by Prof. Kenneth Thorpe Rowe of the rhetoric department,I and contains an introduction by Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the Eng- lish department. The book has been published through the cour- tesy of George Wahr. I Graduation invitations for j the Senior Literary class will be - distributed today after 10 o'- 3 - -1F iv.. - ivn .i e n h ll i+ rcs Mti+f rfnc i Miss Shirley C. TitusC Director of nursing here for the past five years, who has recently resigned from her position to ac- cept the office of dean of the School of Nursing at Vanderbilt universi- ty, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Titus will assume the duties of her dean- ship on July . RULING ANNOUNCED FOR FAL RUSHINGI Saturday, September 27 Set Beginning of Rushing Period. as TRACK CHAMPIONS GATHER FOR MEET AT CHICAGO FIELD Representative Athletes From Entire Nation Will Participate. 100 YARD DASH FEATURE Southern California Has Best Chance to Replace Ohio as Champion. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, June 6--Ten defend- ing champions and hosts of threats to keep them from repeating their 1929 victories will aescend in force ( on Stagg Field at Chicago today for qualifying tess in the ninth an- nual track and field championship. The event, the final collegiate track and field test of the season will be more truly national than ever before. All sections of the country have sent their best, in- cluding the Pacific coast delegation l of Southern California, Leland Stanford and California. Simpson Enters "100". Interest, as usual, will be cen- tered on the classic 100 yard dash in which George Simpson, the Ohio comet, will have a three fold task before him. He not only has the job of defending his time in his event but will disappoint his fol- lowers if he does not equal his great 9.4 performance of last year. His competition will be tougher than when he made the mark. Against him will be Frank Wy- koff, California winner of the cen- tury in the Eastern Intercollegiates last week, and is also possessor of a 9.4 mark; Cy Leland, of Texas Christian, Claude Bracey, the Dixie flyer from Rice Institute, who won the 100 and 220 in the 1928 na- tionals; Eddie Tolan of Michigan, world record holder at 9.5; and Hu- bert Meier, of Iowa State, another "'9-2"man. Simpson will face the Ssamefield in the 220 yard dash in which he is co-holder with Roland Locke of Nebraska of the record of 20.6. Hurdle Races Close. The winners of the hurdles a year ago will have even tougher jobs. Steve Anderson of Washitg- ton took the 220 lows in 23.5, but will have to do better to defeat Lee Sentmen of Illinois. The same goes for Dick Rockaway of Ohio State who won the high hurdles. Sentmen has defeated Rockaway several times this season and has shown consistent improvement. Jesse Mortenson of Southern Cal- ifornia, will be back in the javelin but must beat a great pair of stars in Churchill of California and Wel- don of Iowa. Harlan Rothert of Stanford and his running mate Eric Krenz dominate the shot put and discus field respectively. Roth- ert should repeat in his favorite, while Krenz should win the discus in which he placed sixth last year. LOVELL SELECTED j ASSISTANT DEAN Will Succeed Prof. Patterson - in Engineering School. DEAN BURSLEY SETS DATE Final announcements concerning t.' e new University ruling on fra- terr"ity rushing were issued yester- day P fternoon at the- office of J. A. Bursley, dean of students. The rul- ing will go into effect in September of .this year with the opening of the next semester-, The statement issued by Dean Bursley stipulated that "hereafter, sorority and fraternity rushing shall not" be allowed "'before the noon of the Saturday of Orienta- tion week." Under this ruling, fra-. ternities may make appointments with freshmen at any time for en- gagements to be kept after Satur- day noon, September 27, 1930.. It was further stated by the Dean that any preliminary contacts which are merely for the purpose of making appointments and do not interfere with the freshman's time in any way would be permissible, under the new ruling. No actual rushing will be permitted, however, until the last day of Orientation week, Saturday, Sept. 27, and in no case may any fraternity interfere with the activities of that week while making appointments with first year men, Dean Bursley stated. I Alpha Tau Sigma Initiates Engineers Alpha Tau Sigma, honorary en- gineering journalism fraternity, ac- cepted six new men into its group as well as electing officers for the coming year at an initiation ban- quet held last night at the Union.Al Prof. Robert D. Brackett of the en- appointment of Prof. Alfred H. Lovell of the Electrical Engineering gibeering school was the principal department to succeed the late speaker, talking on "The Engineer's!Prof. George W. Patterson as as- Place in Journalism." The new sistant dean of the College of En- gineering, was announced yester- members include L. Verne Ansel, G. day by Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Lawton Johnson, William Merrill, president of the University. John J. White, Robert A. Wolf, and Prof. Lovell, who has. been a Lyle F. Zisler. The officers for next ! member of the faculty since 1910, year were chosen as follows: pres- will immediately take over the du- ident, G. Lawton Johnson, '31E; ties of the position made vacant by vice-president, L. Verne Ansel, '31E; the death of Prof. Patterson May secretary, Robert A. Wolf, '31E; 23, and will act as admission officer treasurer, John J. White, '32A. to the College of Engineering ac- C cording to the recommendation Auto, Victim Succumbs:;sanctioned by the executive com- mittee of the board of regents. at University Hospital In addition to holding a brilliant war record and being discharged Lilly Sizill, 29, of Detroit, died at from the army in 1919 with the 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon in rank of colonel in the engineering ,!University hospital as the result of company of the third Michigan injuries sustained on Friday eve- Training regiment, Prof. Lovell is ning while driving with five com- a member of the Society of Amer- panions on M-49 near Rushton. ican Military Engineers, the Amer- Miss Sizill sustained a fractured ican Institute of Electrical Engi- skull when the car in which she neers, the Society for the Promo- was riding side-swiped a truck and tion of Engineering Education, Tau turned over into the ditch. She Beta Pi, and Sigma Pi. 1wxa h lhn n bIy Ismhou of f l was tne only member of oe; party who was injured seriously. Miss Sizill's condition had been grave during the past three days. I E'2t LIIJ 3. H1/-L Rabbits Lose Prestige as Goat Enjoys Lunch (By Associated Press)