- ~-wv PAGE FOUR THE ~ M TC H.TG. A N DAILY a s a - a s v- - -r v S { 111a-V1a a~ ' nwAJM I ,i 1 jU , 1.y J Published every morning except Monday luring tie University year by th ouad In Conti ol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference 11itorial 'Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- yatces credited to it or not otherwise credited ithis paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.os; by stall, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May. murd Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFl Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tilley City Editor..............Pierce Rosenbcrg News Editor.............Donald J. Kline Sports;Editor.......Edward L. Warner,Jr. Women's Editor, ..........Marjorie Fullme Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama....... William J. Gorman Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wild Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J Manley ~Bertram Askwitk Lester May* Helen Bare Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nickol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein Hughr ierce S. Beaoh Conger Victor Rabeinowita ThoBas M. C John D. Reindel hoas M CJeannie Roberts Helen D~omine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansosg Ginevr Gin Jane Thayer jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Croverman Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine J. Cul-n Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr. ,eant Levy G. Lionel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zi-mis BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising............T. Hollister Mabley Advertising,............Kasper H. Halverson Service.................. George A. Spater Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis Accounts........ ..John R. Rose Publications ............ George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assi&tanvs James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer l.ee Slayton Norris Johnson Joseph Van Riper Charles Kline Robert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Stall. Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice McCully Ethel Const s Sylvia Miller Josephine Convisser Ann Verner Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese Hortense Gooding sacola, Florida. Last fall 108 men entered at Florida, and about half will complete the course this month. The loss percentage through mustering out was almost 75%, from Gi-eat Lakes to fliers wings. The elimination in the army train- ing course is not quite so high, av- eraging around 60%. Proponents of this system mayt well defend it by arguing that only the most competent men are ad- mitted to the flying corps, and thusI a higher standard exists than else-} where. The higher standard may{ be excellent for demonstration or peace-time purposes, but in a war numbers have to be counted also., Where other countries will have their fliers all trained, the United States will have a small, to be sure, select, group, which will have to battle against odds until new men can be taught the art of flying. At present the course takes 21 months. In time of war the delay, would be disastrous. The next war, accord- ing to more far-sighted men, is to be fought in the air, and now is the time to start training men and building ships, both of which can, in peace time, be turned to an ex- cellent advantage in commercial lines. 0 WHEN GANGDOM STRIKES. Chicago's famous crime-wave-j that perennial boast of gangdom over law and order-has a rival whether Detroiters acknowledge the fact or not. The recent Grosse Pointe double killing, wherein two policemen died in an effort to run down one of the more desperate groups of metropolitan criminals, is the latest gesture of might over right in the adjacent Michigan city. Seldom in history has any one center of population been so spas- modically afflicted with gang war and vice as Chicago, but the reign of the windy city's underworld is coming to an end. It is being dis- placed by New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit and the dozens of larger metropolitan areas in the nation whose unadvertised crime leech is rapidly outdoing the high- ly developed Chicago "gangdom". Chicago has, naturally enough, a prominent place in the sun despite her seeming loss of first position in the race toward ruthlessness and law-breaking. The fact re- mains, however, that while news of the crime world centers in Illinois there are other places where pub- licity has not been developed so expertly and, as a consequence, the casual reader, on seeing the headlines "FIVE DIE IN GANG WAR," immediately refers the kill- ings westward to the shores of Lake Michigan. Hon. Frank J. Loesch, Chicago SASTD ROLLi DON'T READ THIS. It's no use, boys, you might as well turn to the women's page to- J day. The weather has laid low everybody on the staff, with the exception of the Rolls Artist and he doesn't count. Besides, a time like this with exams coming on is no time to be funny anyway. (The Pherret has just waked up to make a verry verry nasty remark which I think was entirely uncalled for). Found on yesterday's front page: INLANDERS TO GO ON SALE TODAY There has as yet been no legal method of preventing this fraud, but the Pherret is hard at work with his law books and has dug up a lot of stuff on the subject of obtain- ing money under false presen- ses and using the males to de- fraud that should provide some solution. The Rolls Artist was so delight-j ed over the manly straightforward way in which the Gargoyle took back all the nasty things they said about nice, altruistic Mr. Saun- ders and his unimpeachable canoe livery in their last issue that he has sat down and made a picture of the medal that he thinks they de-' serve for their tenacity and con- sistent policies. MEDAL. Courtesy Rolls Art Department. Rolls is going to keep a line on the sports of that Museum gang. No sooner does the con- fession come out that they are "gratified by hybridizing ex- periments in the fish depart- ment" than the still more re- volting fact comes to light that they are revelling in an orgy of slaughter, with a lot of in- nocent and defenseless rats as their victims. Come on, you humanitarians, how about it? * * 4; A story in The Daily says that Music and Drama TONIGHT: In University hall auditorium, last performance of "Jonica Starrs." JONICA STARRS. , A Review. Mrs. Smith has had the exceed- ing boldness to write a long com- edy without a sympathetic char- acter. Jonica Starrs, for all her admirable self-possession, is what Lennox Robinson called her, "rath- er horrible." Her penetration and her technique of mocking growing out of that penetration are merely annoying evasions; she never faces her emotions squarely enough to master 'them. She is an intelligent woman "trying to get along," but in the wrong way. Her intellect is an annoying thing to watch be- cause it is not a solution for her, but a disguise. David Starrs, especially in the juvenile interpretation given him by Robert Adams, is only a pitiful adolescent who dramatizes himself, caressing the slight suffering that self- righteousness affords, the sort of man Who goes through life re- acting to something or other. Stella Hart is-well Mrs. Smith has been admirably clear in clari- fying this parasitic cooer with a picture-cover attraction. Then there is the ever-closing circle of they-say-ers. This group of gossipers Mrs. Smith twice styl- izes that their nastiness might be all the more apparent. No, none of these people are at- tractive or sympathetic. One tends to interestedly despise them all. The result is a very interesting play, a good play, the best student play that has yet been produced. Mrs. Smith makes none of the easy, stock appeals of comedy; her play is not sprinkled with characters about whom one murmurs how cute or how adorable. She works f with people whom she thoroughly comprehends and relies on our sat- isfaction in a new comprehension. One certainly felt here an integrity unusual in student writing, for the tendency to be pleasing is general- ily characteristic. Our demands for entertainment which will sustain our interest in character is satisfied by Mrs. Smith's easy, intelligent writing and her good eye for visual witti- cismg (Jonica Starrs kneeling in the middle of the stage, caressing her stolen rug and remarking "I'm I just sitting here trying to be broad- nminded"). Though the whole plot is considerablyconventional, Mrs. Smith has given it distinctly newf twists. She repeats the whole first 1act in the new setting in the sec- ' ond scene of act II: merely to wit- tily suggest that gossip transcends class and town distinctions. She uses Jonica's mocking technique to make of the conventional scene of wife discovering husband and mis- tress a very ingenious act. She pre- sents tractable well-worked mater- ial in a new light, a personal light -and from the results, this would seem to be the best formula for amateur writing. The. production, though extreme- ly faulty, is adequate enough to indicate, if not realize, all the pos- sibilities of the play. Harry Allen's direction is sound and commend- able; his most considerable achie- vement is in planning all the mo- tion very subtly. The group of gossipers he stylized to just theI right degree: the meaning was sug- gested without breaking the unity of the play's style. The tempos, one thought, might all have been more rapid. Florence Tennant had a firm grasp of Jonica as character; she made her completely clear at all times. Her technique, however, seemed to me a little less satisfac- tory. She tends to split her part up, in the Ethel Barrymore man- ner, into natural and witty lines. There were always indications in her manner, a sudden speed or quick shift of body, of a witty line to immediately follow. This was either self-consciousness (which is I deplorable 'in a comic technique) or a too conscious, too evident de- sire to put the part across. Robert Adams, as I have sug- gested, played the Doctor with too many reminiscences of his juven- ile part in In Love With Love. Frankly, his inadequacy seems to lie in making too many faces; he presents pictures of woe, pictures of happiness, pictures of indigna- tion, all of them too obvious. His voice, too, is always unconvincing. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1930 Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL. MAN POWER IN THE AIR With the boisterous, trouble- making senators tackling the Lon- don Naval Treaty at the present moment, the air now, and for the past few months, has resounded with explosions of "cruisers," "eight-inch or six-inch guns," "submarines," and many other terms of naval warfare. Nothing has been said about reducing air- plane forces to date, and the for- eign powers seem to be taking ad- vantage of that fact, while we neg- lect it. With the long range guns the battleships and cruisers are now equipped with, most of them hav- ing an effective range of 40,000 yards, a trifle under 23 miles, the airplane is the most useful part of both the offensive and defensive. The plane sights the enemy ship, and after its own ship commences firing, directs the guns to the ship by radio. Each gun on the ship shows a different color smoke upon exploding, and by sending "red up 600 yards," or "green down 200 yards" the pilot can virtually place the shells in the vital parts of the enemy ship. At the same time he has to keep the enemy spotters away from his ships, andedirect the course 'of the latter. He has the eyes of the fleet, and without him the ship, no matter how excellent its guns, or how fast its speed, would be helpless as a weapon. At present the leaders in avia- tion-building are Italy and Great Britain. Great Britain has an Air Ministry of its own, which is not only experimenting, but construct- ing ships at a rapid rate, as well as training hundreds of fliers. Italy seeks young men who wish to be- come government pilots and, after training them, presents them with a plane for their own use which is cared for free of charge. Their building program is also advancing rapidly. j Meanwhile Uncle Sam- twiddles nff~nnpv ad n mmhpr f Prain Te iS. C. iA..is to attempt to bet- auborney u a nam nminue. 'ui j dent Hoover's Crime commission, told members of the Lawyers' club and their guests at the Founders Day banquet last May that Chicago is only "worse in degree" than the remainder of American cities. Loesch stated that "other cities merely conceal their crimes. Chi- cago gets the publigity." It was not long ago that Loesch himself headed a commission which is still functioning in the windy city to clean up crime conditions there. It is not out of memory that Loesch and his commission broke the Crowe-Lundin ring that had con- trolled the mid-western metropo- lis' underworld for over a decade. Loesch himself told members of the Lawyers' club that Chicago was getting past the stage of be- ing perennially the "worst crime hole in America." He stated thatI there was a lower violent death rate in Chicago at the present timej than in a majority of the cities over half a million in the United States.{ These recent Detroit killings bring us immediately before a darkening problem - a problem which few realize and which fewer still are attempting to combat. It is obvious that growing crime and' lessening control of lawlessness will eventually eat away at the foundations of American freedom and civilization. Americans seem to accept this increasing gesture of the underworld as more of a joke than3 a reality; they feel aloof from all responsibility in the control of such vicious forces. The feeling prevails to "let them kill eachj other off." But in doing so, gang- dom will kill many an innocent bystander whose interests, al- though they may be merely pas- sive, are immediately focused up- on a remedy for the tightening situation. Europe, with her strict laws and sure punishments, is comparatively rid of the menace.S to 4 i r its talks."' Good thought, boys, I've been waiting for that. REVIEW. The Rolls reviewer has just dashed in to say that he was really amused by the produc- tion put on over here at the Henderson House. He says that "Lady Windemere's Fan" is the best thing he has ever seen Robert Henderson in. He also said he liked it. I went to the thing myself, just to see that he wasn't ne- glecting his duty, and Mr. Wilde and Mrs. Anglin certain- ly deserve a lot of credit. I particularly enjoyed the Rugs by Mrs. Domboorajian. DAN. RETRACTION. i I I jThis column utterly retracts its statement made in yesterday's pa- per to the effect that the W. C.T. U. is the only good place to have Prof. Yost's views on liquor! quoted. The W. C. T. U. is not a! good place to have Professor Yost's views on liquor quoted. The Rolls Artist has made a lit- tle picture of how Dr. Fielding H. Yost thinks the students celebrate victories, get worked up for parties, and spend their week-ends. A4 No Ep - STUDENT Courtesy Rolls Art Department I J I