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June 05, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-06-05

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I. tI1




House, Publicity, Banquet and
Underclass Committeemen
Chosen by President.
Men Wishing toTry for Union
Positions Should Report
to Student Offices.
Union committee appointments
for the coming year were announc-
ed yesterday by Albert F. Dono-
hue, president.
In the house committee under
the chairmanship of Hobart D.
Skidmore, '32, and the assistant
chairmanship of Joseph Winter, '32,
and Hugh Conklin, '32E, will be
Hugh Baker, Melvin Rabe, John
Werner, Phillip Arnoff, Ralph Fried,
Charles 1S. Worst, Edward Thayer,
Harold Weinstein, Robert Sawyer,
and Grover Logan. This commit-
tee will arrange and direct the var-
ious contests and .tournaments
sponsored by the Union.
Crumpacker Heads Publicity,
In charge of the publicity for the
Union and under the direction of
Frederick Crumpacker, '32, chair-
man, and Robert Culver, '32, assis-
tat charman, will be Clark Ful-
ton, Ralph Sachs, Kenneth L.
Yurd, 'Albin Telford, Kenneth
Hopkins Allen H. Keally, Joseph
Zias, and John Townsend.
Headed by George Nichols, '32,
and W. Daniel Boone, '32, the dance
committee for the coming year will
be composed of Stewart Dougher-
ty, John Landon, J. Eugene Bald-
win, Vincent Nash, Edward Kuhn,
and William Page. This group will
have charge of all dances whichl
are held at the Union during the1
coming year.
Baldwin Named Chairman.
The ptomotion of banquets at the
Union will be under the reception
committee headed by Duane Bald-
wi, '32, and Edward hMcCormick,
X32. naddiitin, there will e.
Theron 0. Ressler, John Huss,
Charles Hildner, Norman Shikes,
George Fisk, Harold Seamans, Mor-
ton Frank, Stuart Williams, and
Edwin Beardsley.
The underclass committee, under
the chairmanship of Alfred Palmer,
'32, assisted by Leonard Kamins,'32,
and John Lederle, '32, and will be
comprised of James Harris, Robert
Wilson, Harrison Plum, Malcom
Otis, Charles Corey, John S. Van
Sant, Milton Frank, and Kermit
Brask. This group will direct all
the underclas 'activities in connec-
tion with the Union during the
next year.
(Continued on Page 8)
Barographs to be Checked Before
Mark Is Official.
(By Assoiated Press i
WASHINGTON, June 4.- Lieut.
Apollo Soucek climbed nearly eight
miles above the earth today in a
navy plane but only a check of his
barograh will reveal whether he*
broke the world's altitude record
for airplanes.
His special altometer recorded
42,000 feet but the graduation was

so small that he was unable to tell1
whether he had reached the 42,000.
foot mark necessary to surpass the#
record now held by William 'Neu-1
nenhofen of Germany.
The two barographs installed bya
H. B. Henrickson, official observer
for the National Aeronautical' asso-.
ciation, were taken to the bureau;
of standards where it will take sev-
eral days to check them.
Taking of. from the naval air
station field at Anacostia in the
same plane that he used to estab-
lish the world seaplane altitude'
record a year ago today. He was
in the air three hours and seven1
He was visible for less than five
minutes and the first trace of hiss
descent was marked seven miles in
the sky .when the vapor from the
engine exhaust froze into a white
streamer long before the tiny plane
could be seen.
"The altimeter registered 41,500

Ex-Governor Osburn
to Seek Nomination


The groundwork of the 1930 Repub-
lican contest for the nomination of
senator from Michigan was laid to-
day with the definite statement of _
Chase S. Osburn that he would op- Baccalaureate, Commencement
pose Senator James Couzens. 1
The former governor's re-entry = Ceremonies to be Held k
into Michigan politics follows the June 22, 23.

Students to be Photographed for
Identification Cards
Next Fall.

Campbell Announces
Varsity Band Awards

Was Donor of Lawyers' Club and Martha Cook
Dormitory; Murfin and Smith

refusa of Covernor Fred W. Green
to lead his party against the senior
Michigan senator or to seek anoth-
er term at Lansing.
In his announcement Osburn1


Seniors to Assemble at Center of

to Attend Funeral.

., r

Literary, Music, and Education

said, "As I see it, the nation can- Diagonal; Class Presidents Students to Classify in
inot endure unless women and men, to Lead Groups. Waterman Gym.
who have sfitness and taste for fill- y_'_
ing public position, offer them-
selves. These are critical times in Plans for the assembling andj Preliminary plans for registra-
the world. America is a serious marching for the Baccalaureate tion and classification next semes-
subject in all world consideration. and Commencement exercises were ter were announced by Prof. Daniel
There is a demand for the best ma- announced yesterday by Prof. L. M. L. Rich, of the physics department,
terial that can be obtained, in all Gram of the engineering college, who is in charge of classification.
that combines an intellect, courage chief marshall. The two ceremon- While over half the students ex-
and moral." ies, which will mark the end of pected to return to the literary col-
In Washington, Senator Couzens, their college days for more than lege next fall have classified in ad-
informed of the opposition develop- 2,000 seniors, will be held on Sun- vance; classification for the re-
ing against his renomination, said: day and Monday, June 22 and 23,1 mainder, as well as for the entering
"Let Mr. Osburn come in, the water respectively. students, will be conducted in Wat-
is fine." Graduating students of all erman gymnasium for the students
1 classes will assemble at 10:15 o'- of the literary college, and the
{ i lK S PH nIS r clock June 22 in the center of the schools of music and education.
!N1 S diagonal and proceed to Hill audi- Fees will be paid at the treasurer's
Utorium where President Alexander office, which will be maintained in
G. Ruthven will deliver the tradi- Barbour gymnasium.
tional Baccalaureate address. Pictures tobTaken.
Classes Will Assemble. Anew requirement which will be
i ntroduced by Dean Bursley next
The assembling will take place fall will be that of taking pictures
Boesche Installed as President as follows: literary seniors on the of all the students registering in
main diagonal walk betweenth theofullitestudTeituresriglin
of. Christian Association Library and Engineering building; be taken just before the student
at Annual Banquet. education students on walk at pays his fees at the treasurer's of-
Jnorth side of Physiology and Phar- fice. They will be affixed to the
WEBSTER ALSO SPEAKS macology building; engineers on identification cards, which will be
main diagonal walk in Engineering another new feature next year. The
Tracing the history of the Stu- Arch; architects behind engineers; cards will be issued shortly after
medics on diagonal walk between the opening of school.
dent Christian association down Chemistry building and Library; This summer; as last year, regis-
through the 72 years of its exist- nurses behind medics; law stu- tration cards will be sent out byI
ence, S. W. Clarkson, resident of dents on east and west walk, west mail to all students. Those who so+
,Ann Arbor, who is a member of the of the intersection in front of Li- desire, may register by mail. Their
brary; pharmacists behind the cards will then be checked over,
board of trustees of that organiza- lawyers; dental seniors on north and may be called for during reg-
tion, stressed the usefulness and and south walk in rear of north istration week.
the accomplishments of the assoc- wing of University hall; business May Classify After Payment.
iation at the annual installation ads on walk in front of Physiology After the payment of fees has
banquet held last night at the and Pharmacology; forestry and been made, the students may clas-1
Michigan Union. conservation students behind busi- sify. Those who have done this in
Mr. Clarkson pointed out that the ness ads; seniors in the Music advance merely show their treas-
S C. A. has been the-. proving., chQA on the, walk fro th Li- rer's reeipt at the classifiationi
ground or labokatory for most of brary to Alumni Memorial hall; ofnice. the fculd w
the, outside activities that exist to- graduates on east and west walk The advance classification will
day on the Michigan campus. The west of Library entrance. The
first student dramatics, he stated, members of the faculty will assem- continue throughout this week, un-
began with the S. C. A. Roming ble in the dressing rooms on thetil the closing of the office at noon,
lists, employment agencies, and second and third floors of Hill atur day, June 7.
dormitories were first fostered by auditorium where they may robe.G1AA
the association and later, when Presidents to Lead March. GRAF TO ARIVE
their usefulness had been proved, Each class president will direct IN SPAIN TODAY
were taken over by the university the assembly of his class and will -A
itself or by other student groups. lead its march so as to arrive at the Dispatch Received From Captain
Feelon oprene '1, te recn- auditorium at 10:45 o'clock. Classes
ly elected president of the organi- will pass through the outer en- Sir Hubert Wilkins.
zation in whose honor the banquet trances directly into the parquet.1
was held, gave a talk outlining his The entire lower floor will be re- I' "
plans for the comig year. The served for students. In case o NEWYORK, June 4--The New
stre sedw thislstyarw bat tars rain, the graduates will proceed York American published a copy-
sed n s n at year l stated.Thea directly to the auditorium instead writed dispatch from Captain Sir
variou t yhairen o committees of assembling at their respective Hubert Wilkins, aboard the dirigi-
wil again receive a monetary re- paes. sC ble Graf Zeppelin enroute to Se-
ward for the time and interest that ville from Lakehurst, N. J. The
they devote to the work. mencement exercisesJune 23, will
Prof. F. N. Menefee of the eng- be the same as for the Baccalau -~dspatch says: "The Graf Zep e- (
neering collegelJohn Webster, '30P reate ceremony. l in.pursing its untroubled way
the retiring president, also ;gave - home, will dock at Seville, SpaiII
talk. Cester Beni, '20, the re- N. B. A. Will Announce and discharge passengers and mail
tiringassstant secretary of the or- t omorrow morning.
gi tionacted srtasytter Bout Winner Champion "This became apparent late today
Besides the outgoing board and 1when after the Azores were passed
the recently elected officers there (By Associated Press) 1 speed was cut down by the wind to
were present Russel Cooper, the CINCINNATI, June 4-Stanley M. about 60 miles an hour, and Spain
state student secretary of the Y. Isaacs, president of the National was still far away. Chances for a
M. C. A. and Martin Mol, '29, for- Boxing association, tonight an- record crossing went glimmering,
mer president of the Student nounced that . the N. B. A. would but that made no difference to the
Christian association. recognize as champion of the world, 22 passengers, many of whom are
the winner of the Jack Sharkey- enjoying their first Zeppelin tour.
Many to Inspect New Max Schmeling heavyweight box- "The easy relaxation and socia-
an O npe~ ing bout in New York June 12. i bility current on ocean-going
Greyhound Line Coach) There has been some doubt as to steamers, is even easier on board
what action the N. B. A. would the Graf Zeppelin and already the
Several members of the coach- take, efforts havingkbeen made last traveling company is well acquaint-
ing staff, and a number of stu- winter to draw Jack Dempsey, for- ed.
dents and professors, will inspect mer champion, on his feeling tow- "Weather has been favorable and
the new General Motors parlor ard re-entering the ring. At that we have enjoyed the panorama of
coach which is being placed on ex- time Isaacs said, the winner would i ocean mists rolling ever onward on
hibition today near the Union by I not be recognized if Dempsey still both sides. The calm seas and the
theGrtoun dynesr t was Un-ywanted to fight. Dempsey, how- ever fresh salt air have done won-
nhed yesterday. ever, never gave the N. B. A. a defi- ders to quiet several cases of
nounced yoftesy. nite answer. 'nerves' which manifested them-
Features of ie newest model Isaacs, said Thomas E. Donahue, selves shortly after our takeoff.
reputedly embodying all the latest ford, Conn., chairman of the "We passed over Horta, the prin-
developmenta in motor transporta- championship committee, had been cipal town of the Azores on the
tion, imilude a 175 horse power mo-in communication with the other Island Fayal, at 11 o'clock, Azores
tor, dual ignition, plush-upholster- members, and that a decision was time, 8 o'clock E. S. T., after a re-
ed recliing chairs and a number reached to recognize the winner of cord trip of 33 hours since we left
of other innovations. The finestthe Sharkey-Schmeling fight as the Long Island. We passed over the
yet built for passenger transpor- world's champion. colorful little city quite low, and
tation, the coach is said to repre- -went along the island of St. George,
sent an investment of over $20,000. Students to Conclude and over Angra, giving the passen-
gers a birdseye view of the beauti-
eonica Starrs Play ful little cluster called the Azores.
At1 p. m. local time we left the

° The final performance of "Jonica island behind and headed for Cape
-' Starrs," the winning student-writ- Vincent."
ten three-act play, written by Nt
5, Elizabeth M. Smith, Spec., will be
. ay

Robert A. Campbell,
Treasurer of the University, and1
faculty manager of the band, who
awarded 19 "M's" to Varsity bands-
men, as well as five charms, to re-
s i
will RECIVE ''

\Villiam \\ilson Cook, '80, I '1B.82, aged 72, donor of the Lawyers'
club. Martha Cook dormitory and several funds for work in the Law
school, died yesterday afternoon at his home in New York city after
a prolonged illness. Funeral services will be held at If o'clock 1Fridav
morning at his home in Port Chester. Word of his death was received
by officials of the University shortly after noon yesterday.
Ihe Gversity will be represented at the funeral by Regent James
C. Nlurfin, Detroit, and Vice-president Shirley W. Smith, President
Alexander G. Rlutiven said last night.
In an official statement from the University, President Ruthven
said vesterday that the deceased was "one of the most distinguished
alumni of the University law school. His work on corporation law
marked him as an outstanding figure. He always maintained the highest
ideals for the legal profession. He felt that the good of the country
-d epened on the character of its
SCHEDULES ISSUED lawyers. Ihe University deeply re-
grets the passing of this most dis-
Seniors may obtain their tinguished alumnus."
schedules for assembling and Mr. Cook's generosity to the Un-
marching for the Baccalaure iversity made him an outstanding
and Commencement exercises iest aehma usadn
from Shirley W. Smith, secretary 'figure in alumni circles. During the
of the University, at his office, 4past ten years, the deceased donat-
Room 3, University hall. ed over $5,000,000 to the Lawyers'
r__ _ _club and the law department alone,
his most recent gift being the John
Potter Cook dormitory for law stu-
dents and the library for legal re-
search which are in the process of
Donated Martha Cook.


Campbell Announces Awards
19 for Good Work Done
in Organization.


Nineteen men received their "M"
awards for good work in the band
during the past year, it was an-
nounced last night by Robert A..
Campbell, treasurer of the Univer-
sity and faculty manager of the
band. Ten received reserve awards
while five were awarded gold
charms for distinguished service.
Those awarded "M's" are: Ennis
Fleming, '30M; Darus Moore, '32M;
Paul Simpson, '32M; Clarence
Schoen, '32A; Arnold Hinterman,
'32E; George Danneffel, '32; John
Martindale, '31E;, Walter .Weiss,
'31E; Phillip Cox, '32; Harold Mac-
Lean, '32E; Edson White, '31; Lyle
Smith, '32M; Bernard Hirsch, '32M; 1
Millard Uphans, '31P; Morton
Helper, '31E; Louis Scovill, '32;
Winchester Richard, '32M; William
Bellamy, '32, and Jack Bracken,
Ralph Wulghum, '31M; Fred
Kidd, '33; James Curtis, '33E; Rob- I
ert May, '33; Samuel Bernstein, '33;
George Leland, '33E; Carl Baucke,
'33M; Richard Becker, '33E; Stan-
ley McGaughan, '33A, and Frank
iley, '33S, were the men to receive
the minor awards.
The five men receiving the
charms are: F. Leslie Carlson, '30E;
Dwight Lewis, '30E; Richard Whee-
ler, '30; Adrin Kay, '30Ed.; and El-
bert Trail, '31.
Gilbert D. Saltenstahl, '33M, was
appointed° by R. M. Campbell as
manager for 1930-31. Elbert Trail,
this year's manager was appointed
his assistant, and Donald MacDon-
ald, '31, was appointed alternate.
Wets and Drys to Vie
in Keystone Election
(By Associated Preis)
HARRISBURG, Penn., June 4 --
Pennsylvania's election for a United
States senator and governor was
transformed today into an inform-
al referendum on the wet and dry
issue with the adoption by the
Democratic state committee of a
prohibition appeal platform.?
The committee without a dissent-
ing vote and amid cheers and ap-
plause, instructed the party's can-
didate's for the two offices to ad-
vocate repeal of the eighteenth
amendment, the Volstead Act, and
the Snyder-Armstrong state en-
forcement act. Nominees, Sedg-
wick Kistler, of Lockhaven, and
John H. Hemphill, Westchester, for
senator and governor respectively,
pledged themselves to the plat-
Both Republican nominees, Jam-
es Davis and Gifford Pinchot, are
committed to dry enforcement.
Gophers and Maroons
Divide Double Header
(By Associated Press)
MINNEAPOLIS, June 4-Minns-
sota and Chicago closed the Big
Ten baseball season today by divid-

La-ge Numbers Assist in Hunt,
for Three Remaining
Escaped Convicts.
(By Associated Press),
IONIA, June 4.-Ten of the 131
criminally insane inmates of thel
#Michigan state hospital here who
forced their way to freedom early
Tuesday were once more in custody
tonight as posses directed their ef-
forts to recapturing the three still'
at large.
The three men who are still at,
large are Roy A. Wynkoop, Henry
Vaden and Gerald Badgley. Officers
believe they may have stolen an
automobile during the night and
escaped from this section of the
state. Approximately 150 ' men
made up today's searching party.
Three of the fugitives were cap-
tured near the hospital during the
night, three others were found in
a nearby field this morning, an-
other was taken from a freight
train at Owosso and the tenth was,
captured 15 miles north of Ionia in t
Montcalm county. The recaptured
inmates included Joseph Badajak,
the ring leader of the escape plot.
The armies in Ionia county con-
tinued to keep a lookout for the
fugitives today. Deputy Sherif Ed-
ward Jood narrowly escaped being
the victim of one alert farmer's
wife who fired on him when she
took his party to be a group of the
escaped inmates.
Information came to Sheriff
Franch today that a large maroon
automobile had been seen cruising
near the hospital shortly before.
the escape yesterday. The inform-
ant told the sheriff that the car
was driven by a friend of the lead-
er of the escape plpt.
Yaden, one of the uncaptured
fugitives, is a slayer. He istbelieved
to have been the man who assisted
Badajak in the escape plot. Wyn-
cook created a near panic in a De-
troit courtroom in 1929 when he
confronted Judge Fred F. Lamb
with two pistols.
Badgley is also considered a dan-
gerous criminal.
Governor in 'Undies'
Receives Commander
(By Associatrd Pess)
BATON ROUGE, La., June 4.--
Governor Huey Key Long, has
proved that he can be downright
Not so long ago, he got notoriety!
by receiving the commander of the
German cruiser, Emden, in green
pajamas. But when Brigadier Gen-
{ rnl ,'" 1 t? Ar- i of k Cifk

Martha Cook dormitory for wo-
men students, erected in memory
of his mother. Martha. Wolford
Cook, was another of the many
generous gifts which were present-
ed to the Board of Regents by Mr.
Cook. Aside from the donations. for
buildings, the deceased included a
$200,000 fund as a basis for securing
prominent men in the law profes-
slon as speakers during the winter
months in Ann Arbor. Chief Jus-
tice Charles Evans Hughes was
scheduled to appear at Hill auditor-
ium last fall under this fund but
was unable to. keep the engage-
ment because of his elevation to
the supreme court. Further lec-
tures on American institutions are
being contemplated, however, for
the next scholastic year.
Mr. Cook's nationally known law
book on "Corporations" which has
gone into eight editions, was the
basis for another gift to the Uni-
versity in the form of royalties
from which are now being used to
secure expert opinions and stories
for the "Michigan Law Review."
William Wilson Cook was born
at Hillsdale, Mich., on April 16,
1858. He was the son of John Pot-
ter Cook and Martha Wolford Cook,
and was a descendent by the ninth
generation of 'Governor William
Bradford of the Massachusetts
colony in 1620. Cook was graduated
from the University in 1880 and
received his degree in law two
years later. In 1883 he Was admit-
ted to the bar in the state of New
York and practised as a corpora-
tion lawyer in New York City until
1921. He was a member of the Un-
ion and Lawyers' leagues in the
eastern city.
Wrote Several Books.
In addition to his teatise on
"Corporations" Mr. Cook was also
the author of "The Power and Re-
sponsibility of the American Bar,"
published in 1922, "Principles of
Corporation Law," published in
1924, and "American Institutions
and Their Preservation," issued in
Although he had been ill for sev-
eral years, Mr. Cook was not
thought to be in danger until sev-
eral days ago.
One of the most interesting side-
lights on the life of the deceased
was the fact that he never saw
either of his two building dona-.
tions on the campus, the Lawyers'
I club and Martha Cook dormitory.
According to Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President, Mr.
Cook had not been a visitor in
Ann Arbor in several decades, al-
though he was constantly in com-
munication with the officials of
the University through his num-
erous donations.
Bishop Silent Before

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