PAGE FOUR T HE MT{CHICAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1930 .u ... - ft Published every Morning except Monday, during the University year by the Hoard in Con jai oi Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ftor republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- wiaster General. Subscription' by carrier. $4.00; by asil, $4-go. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildiag,. May- paid Street. Phores: Editorial, 4925; Business, s14. EDITORIAL STAFP Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley City Editor.......... ,.... Pierce Rosenberg News Editor......... ... Donald J. Kline Sports Editor.......Edwar L. 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Tobin Morris Crovermas Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine J. Culn Kenedy Harold O. Warren, Jr. ean Levy G. Lionel Willens Russell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zis BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.............T. Hollister Mabley Advertising............Kasper H. Halverson Service................... George A. Spater Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis Accounts...........John R. Rose Publications............George R. Hamilton business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistanbs James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton Norris Johnson Joseph Van Riper Charles Kline Robert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff. Marian Atran, Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice McCully EthelConst s Sylvia Miller Josephine Convisser Ann Verner Bernice Glaser D1orothea Waterman Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese Hortense Gooding WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1930 Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL these texts written by Michigan professors were the best books available for the teaching of the courses in which they are used? If the truth were told it would, probably be found that for many of the locally written books, substi- tutes of a much higher calibre could be obtained, and, what is al-! so of significance to the student, at a greatly reduced price. An application of the simple I laws of mass production in a case of this kind should convince any academically minded professor of the stollifying conditions that im- pede the progress of his teaching by requiring the use of an inferior text. A standardized product pro- duced in great numbers and dis- tributed to a large market is like- ly to be of the most superior qual- ity and is certain to be priced dis- tinctly lower than the specialized product written for limited con- sumption. Shall we allow the springs of knowledge, at least not entirely clear and clean, to be muddled and rilled by certain selfish individuals within the academic pale, who strive for ill considered prestige and monetary enrichment at the expense of the highest teaching ideals and the welfare of the stu- dent? 0 Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less tnan aoo words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- TED ROLL r l/ « , 7}A111II wIMf9}} JJ3 i CAMPUS EXPIRES. 1 Music and Drama --{ } r l 1 The campus these days has al- ready assumed that moribund lookf that we always connect with vaca- tion periodes, graduation, and weekt ends. I know not what it may por- tend, but if the rest of the boysX feel as dead in this weather as It do, it is a wonder that there is any sign of life whatever. a : * * The Rolls Reviewer is about 1 to blossom forth again on the s subject of Lady Windermere's 1 Fan. Watch for areviewwto- morrow. We'll have to work this member of the staff over- 1 time now on account of the de- cease of the Poet's Coroner. * * * AMONGST THE CLASSIFIEDS.j FOR RENT-Three room apart- ment, near campus for the sum- mer. Snap at this one, boys, they are going to move it way in the fall. A filler on page two proclaims that 43 Purdue students have re- ceived appointments as insect scouts. Well I'd like to see them call me that once, that's all. It is a commentary on the manhood of Purdue men that such things are allowed to hp erntra'tedb b the JONICA STARRS. "Jonica .Starrs" by Elizabeth W. Smith, the prize-winning student play this year opened last night in University Hall auditorium to a large crowd. Two performances tonight and tomorrow night will be given of Mrs. Smith's play which proved to be an extremely enter- taining comedy. -o0 MOZART A MAJOR CONCERTO Played by Joseph Wolfsthal and Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dr. Weissman: Columbia Master- works Set No. 137. Aricl: Before you can say, Come and Go And breathe twice; and say, so, so, Each one, tripping on his toe, Will be here with mop and mow: r o: o ylove mie master ?no Pros: Dearly, iy (delicate Ariel. Pros: Hwno now? moody? What is t thou canst demand ? Aril *\1y liberty. Pres: But arc they Ariel, safe Ariel: Not a haiir perished...... The king's son have I landed by hiniscif; Whom I left cooling otf the air with sighs In an odd angle of the isle, and sitting, His arms in this sad knot. l i i i I I I i I i I 1 I! i' I Arid To every article I boarded the kings ship; now on the 4 1 beak Now in the waist, the deck, in every TEXTBOOK RACKET. While it is generally recognized that university professors as a class are devoted quite conscien- tiously to the ideals and ethics of' their profession, there exists a condition at Michigan and else- where that throws quite a different light on the supposedly unselfish and idealistic status of the pro-j fessor. We refer to the graft of the textbook writing pedogogue. A professor who writes a text in his particular field and then in- sists that that book be used in his department of the university is in all probability sacrificing the teach- ing effectiveness of himself and his colleagues besides actually tak- ing money from the pockets of his students. It would be an injustice to issue a blanket condemnation of all pro- fessors who write texts, for Michi- gan can boast of a number of na- tionally recognized leaders in sev- eral educational fields who would be expected to contribute a book on the subject of which they have made a study. Even with these men in mind a rule could still be rally written textbooks; for the revenue from Ann Arbor sales of a book written by a nationally recog- nized expert would not amount to a drop in the bucket compared with his total royalties. It is not evident that where a course is taught by the same man who wrote the textbook which is used, the information which the student gains will necessarily be narrowed by a singleness of pre- sentation. The least protection the universitiy can offer its stu- dents against the inadequacy of a mediocre professor is a widely used and widely recognized textbook. An example will show to what extent teachers are feathering their own nests at the expense of the student and the reputation of the ..ia-it 3c a m a r quest. etters published should not be cabin, construed as expressing the editorial faculty. Maybe that's only another i aed amazement opinion of The D'qily. name for light cavalry or some- ......t thing, though. Pros: And mine shall. MEDICAL SCHOOL PROVINCIAL- Bast thou, which art but air, a touch, ISM. **! a feeling While we are on the subject of their afflmictons To the Editor: of liquor, as anyone can very It has long been the policy of I easily see we are, I think this I hope no one will mistake these Michigan to .maintain a spirit of is a good time to note that Mr. quotations as an attempt at read- non-provincialism or even inter- Fielding Hooray Yost has been ing program into music. If on, quoted by the W. C. T. U. as inprga itomsc Ifne nationalism. (Witness the variety saying that the drinking in however, has a feeling for "Ariel, of students on the campus.) This colleges is decreasing. My per- an airy spirit" one will delight in has gone hand in hand with the sonal opinion is that if any- this Mozart Concerto. If one is principles of democracy on which one has to quote our learned able to conceive of Ariel execut- modern countries of the world are mentor it might as well be the ing such an apparently incongruous; based, principles which pay men W. C. T. U. that does it.Ithn an eager, according to their merit and set thg as a sea-wreck, the limits only at the bounds o ;complete joy-in-the-process con- their personality. For the first time in many years juring of bogey-men and sprites, There comes the possibility that someone has seen fit to explain one of Michigan's schools (the Ijust what all the beautiful ribbons, and startles, "now on the bek, Medical school) will in the future tassels, and whatnot mean amongst now in the waist, the deck, in every be open less and less to students the lordly seniors. This is very cabin, I flamed amazement," or of from other states and more and nice and is doubtless a much need- Ariel, "which art but air," sensing more for the residents of Michigan ed service so that the seniors may tenderness for "the good old lord Here is the defeat of an ideal of wear the correct thing, but I hope Gonzalo. His tears run down his American democracy and the it will not hurt anyone's feelingsb lto death of American freedom from if I come right out sand say that Is prvnilsdon't care. And what's more, Mr.I eaves of reed," one will have a1 Shall we witness a school for Campus Collegian, Ill just wager Mozart. Michigan residents only? Shall we a pretty that you don't care either. i Interestingly, one is more appre- see the loss of that cosmopolitan * * hensive of this essential unsubtle- richness of personality that is ac- ty of effect and joy-in-the-process complished over the ruins of pro- SUGGESTION. of the violin concerto than in the vincial boundaries? Let us hope I wish to offer a humble word of nearly equally delightful G major that this blindness will be defeat- advice to the good, kind adminis- piano concerto recorded for Colum- ed, that the geographical confines tration on the subject of examin- bla by Dohnanyi. It may merely which have been fought so long ations. It is that they move the resolve itself to the piano opus and so opposed by the American scoreboard up from Ferry Field to evolving from a different state of width of spirit will not rise again some handy place about campus creation, or belonging to a more from the narrow bounds of eco- such as the top of the Romance mature Mozart. It is more perti- prejudice. Languages building and place nent to note that the difference Lit, '31thereon all the examination rooms i may lie in the solo instrument. For THE LAST WORDS OF A and the hours of all the exams. the violin with its greater pliancy MOARCHIS. A The present system may be all is a more direct outlet for melodic MONARCHIST. right as a substitute for cross-word creation, and with its greater inti- To the Editor: puzzles, calculus, the University macy (the notes are made by the Bulletin, and other such mind player), it becomes the most ideal No, Mr. Masses, I don't advocate! exercisers, but as a means of help- I mediator between the composer's any of the strictly oriental doc- ing busy fellows like me get to psychologic state and its communi- trines of resignation, but rather a their places in the same week as cation. Since this concerto is writ- return to Attic epicureanism. Had the exam comes off they are about ten by the relatively young Mozart, it not been for the autocratic pre- as effective as a liquor ban in a since the vehicle of communication rogative of the Editor to lop off fraternity house, is most sensitive, and since in this my last paragraph you would have, concerto there seems to be a noticed this fact. Much as I may I psychologic identity between Ariel secretely admire those like your- I see that hybridizing experi- and Mozart, is it unsafe to assume self of a 'stoical turn of mind (we fishm department. Wellgratifyingtothe that Mozart is basically an Ariel, often rap most unmercifully those j fsh deatment We IIke becoming tempered under human whom we much admire!), still I pose that's all right if they like bondage? find I can no longer find any solace it, but I can't say that Iam One would like to say that the in making myself as efficient as particularly enticed by such solo playing by Joseph Wolfstahle, posibl a og n yur astinds-fornms of amusement. Isl lyn yJsp ofthe possible a cog in your vast indus- , a continental violinist, is perfect trial machine as my life objective. Yesterday's paper carries a sad (the orchestral interplay is per- My last paragraph also conta-yarn about a student who was ar- fect), yet I find myself qualifying ed a hint or two regarding upris- It as practically so. I feel that such ings, or 'warnings of the masses" r s fscandal shliNperp vertheles music can only be played perfectly; as you would dramatically term campus saalsheet. theless by a child (for instance I sense! them. Now it is distressing but;I ta mn fearless before the wrath ere is somethmg wrong with the true that the masses have a way of of the calumnied faculty and defy of the opening part of the beheading their leaders when un- them to do their worst. My public adenza). Music that is created due advantage has been taken of come firs andtheR's to u without the intermediacy of the them. (A power which, curiously "All the News That's Fit to Sup- intellect must resent the mere enough, they would appear to have press still holds good. I have so d presence of the intellect in inter- eschewed in this country.) And I far stood out against bribes offered pretation. The reason music like would be the last person in the by exposed members of the faculty, this concerto, and the violin music world to deny this as a most legi- and I shall not now quail before of Bach (in the case of Bach be- timate and effective means of re- ;their ire. cause it is depersonalized and form. Indeed, I doubt sincerely therefore pure music) can be in- whether we have ever found an The Astronomy department, terpreted so perfectly by children effective substitute for it, despite to add to the joy of the various like Ricci and Menuhin is that its the endless legislation of our Con-! assortments of showers that comprehension is not cortical but gress. we are now blessed with, has thalamic, i. e. not governed by in-I You prefer to designate my atti- been kind enough to prophesy tellectual resolution of experience, tude as one of cynicism; rather a shower of comets. This is I(but by emotional awareness of would I term it a sense of reality about all I can stand, and I form. One cannot be certain that temnered with humor. With so wish to go on record as saying ; any recordin of this eonnerto hy i I i To assist in settling the estate of our late president, raise the above amount of money and must depend entirely upon the extremely reduced prices which will be placed upon our entire Spring stock. o Elr Sale Ten Days Only to Raise The following price reductions should be convincing of the necessity of obtaining a quick turnover, therefore distinctly to every woman's and miss' advantage to pro this unlooked for opportunity. proof it is fit by acobson'& I At I $89.15 to $139.15 VALUES, $69.75 $59.15 to $15.00 VALUES,' $39.75 $39.15 to $59.15 VALUES, $24 .75 $29.75 to $35.00 VALUES, $19.75 oll WAMNr we must All Wool Ensemble Suits in Four $15, $25, $35, Groups $;50 Values $29.75 to $98.75 DasESSAdam ES Former ly $19.75, $29.75, $24.5 $39.75, I a Lingerie, Pajamas Robes at reductions from 25 to 59% One Special Group -at- A%$ EXTRA SPECIAL One Rack of Coats, Suits, Dresses at- I 1111