6 'O=. Ir. AY, BR7AP.Y 26, 1930 1 1 [..P. - M I r i! 1 1 AN rl -W T I- V 0 Iva 4.... w& A A 1 .} [--. I Al C1 L 1 111 N.4. aP.+ wY / MV t ALI a J aa.. ,," COUZENS HALL IdNS WAY TO FINAL OF INTBAMURAL SERIES BY TAKING GAMEF FOM KAPPA KAPPA P1AMMA CARNIVAL WILL BE LIKE (ORIGINAL ONE IN MANYRESPECTS Intramural Basketball Final Is to be Feature of Evening's FLENCE[ TENNANT ERS PRESS WILL SUMARIZE TI CARNIVAL ILlL L I NUMEROUS UIESTPESANNOUNCEMENTS OF YEARiS ING CU IL D.Robbn W ACTS IN_-NEW YRDr.Rbisi YIOHK'l Editor of W --d II V..Organ: VUA V^mn Artac i . t I i Entertainment. i w ell known ti IIc~Lress in11%.ampd1IJu iS ; -- - A L 11.- _ l l .- "'ERB.urn u tltuIEn ll11 a112-iI Dramatics Plays With At tnh last me Final Score Stands 15 to 14 inj When, in 19 7, the first Penny Stock-Companies gents it was vote ,Favor of Couzens Hall JUNIOR PLAY REHEARSALS Carnival was giVen by the Women's Smversity Press whi After ard Batle.r Athletic association, the main fea- After Hard Battle.--Atetcsscaithminf- TAKES PART OF PORTIA fair start, for a si Wednesday, Feb. 26: tures of the affair were a jitney dance held in Sarah Caswell An- ficial publication REEVES IS HIGH SCORER 3:30-4:30, chorus B, commit- gell hall in Barbour gymnasium; Florence B. Tennant, '30, who is year amounts to ____ tee roomthe original booths conducted by well known as an actress in cam- { titles, including Coutens Hall to Meet Alpha Xi .3:30-4:30, chorus E, Cave. the sororities, dormitories, and pus dramatics has been playing books, pamphlets Delta in Final Game of 3:30-4:30, chorus C, garden league houses, and the intramural Portia in "The M ht of Ven plete books. Dr. Delta iortFinal Game ofrbasketbflleI ,championship basketball game. ...assistant to the P Series on March 5: 4:30-5:30, chorus A, commit- T nI ice" with the Utica Civic Theatre been designated teTom.vlhe only thing about the Carni-1bendsgad val which has been changed since guild in Utica, New York, for the of the proposed Couzens Hall won the right to 4:30-5:30 chorus D, garden the first one is the dance. At the last two weeks. Miss Tennant will has compiled an play in the final game of the In- room. second Carnival, held in 1928, an be remembered for her splendid publications and tramural Basketball series by win- 4:30-5:30, chorus H, Cave. entertainment, "The Show Boat," 'ork in "Granite," "The Constant U rions. 7:083,chrsIae was substituted for the dance, and (Udrteof ning from Kappa Kappa Gamma 7:30-8:30 chorus F committeewa Wife," "Redemption," and many Dr Robbins ment 15 to 14 in one of the closest Games room r similar sort of performance has play production performances. This 5 t been offered since that time. latest offer by an out of town stock ports of the Reg seen here this season. The score :30, Cast, garden room. At geto frnyaksoug.fonss These reports a Amon th oriina boohs erecompany speaks highly for Miss1 gether every three was tied a number of times during Thursday, Feb. 27: a fish pond, a bean bag booth, for- Tennant's ability, volume of some the game, standing 7 to ;7 at the 3:30-4:30, choruses D and E, i tune telling, shoe shining, penny Before entering the University as volume of some half. Couzens Hall, however, was Cave. peep show, and a puppet show. a sophomore, Miss Tennant attend- hal. C e H ak h 3:30-4:30, chorus G, commit- The same type of booth has been ed the Mt. Pleasant Teachers' col- since 1837 contai usually the team to take the lead tee room. maintained each year, many of the eg thert Pleastuedchr s e ceedings of the R logewhee sh stdieddraatic end 'form of ofllc when the tied score was broken. 4:30-5:30, chorus B, Cave. houses keeping their original ideas. under Prof. Beddow. She appear- The guarding of the Couzens Hall 4:30-5:30, chorus I-, lounge 2. A prize is offered at every Carnival ed in a number of smaller plays lthe "University .o team was one of ,the outstanding4:30-5:30, chorus A, commit- for the most original booth, and for F during her two yearsthere but her cial Publications tee rduringhherntwohyearsakthein but her lisp~ed semi-weekl, features of the' ame Whel tee room the one which takes in the most principal role was that of Craig's August and week ga. pley 7:30-8:30, chorus F, committee money. Last year, however, the wife in the play by that name. ber to February. and Ingram, holding these posi- room. Carnival was made especially in- After her two years' course iss ve 30 ad tions, kept their nerve during the 7:30-8:30, chorus C, garden triguing by two booths called "Men Tennant taught kindergarten in which ad to entire period of. play, which enabl- room. Only," and "Go to Hell." Saginaw for one year where she which added 3n ed them to intercept many passes 7:30, Cast, lounge 1. Clowns and tumblers entertained was a member of the Little Thea- vusi 1 between the Kappa forwards, whose .... .. between halves at the finals of the tre Guild. During this time she Issue All Ann -Ks- m____ intramural basketball tournament played Marguerite in 'Faust" and In addition to th playing was slightly off form, due in 1928, to keep the excitement at Portia in "The Merchant of Ven- tnofso and probably to nervousness. The pass- nWOMENueBOWLINGs a high pitch throughout the eve-}ice., schools and ing of both teams was not as goodBIeTOURNEYvPLANNED n..Active in Play Production. curricula. There as usual, and the game was prae- FOR EVERY MONTH Last year there were thirtyiMiss Tennant is now secretary the Summer Sessic tically won through the guarding. ____ booths in Barbour gymnasium, toM alentin B nd, dieo aSummer Session tial-o hruh__ and an equally large number i of Play Production, and does a Teeaeas Dorothy Sample and Annette Beginning March 1, women's planned this year.gThe big fea- great deal of directing. She also a gThere are also Cummings, guards for Kappa, were bowling will be conducted on a ture of the 1929 Carnival was the played the leading part in "Lassi- chiding the Presid outstanding on the loosing team, plan slightly different from the traveling tent show which had set- tude," one of the three prize win- report of te Sec but were unable to intercept the tled in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, ning one-act plays which was the ness Manager, an excellent shooting of Reeves, Cou- one whc aseen useheeto - giving several performances during latest project of Play Production the Health Center tens' forward. There was quite a fore. A system of monthly tourna- the evening. It has been rumored this year. si'ty Museums. An bit of floor playing on the part of ments has been organized, by that a similar group are expected Last year when the music and in last year's pub both teams through out the game. means of which the high point I this year, but nothing definite has drama crltlc of The Daily made his, reports from conf Couzens Hall and Alpha Xi Del- scorers and runners-up, of each yet been announced. annual summary of the outstand- the Highway Tra ta, winner of yesterday's game, will Wednesday March 5 "Lincolns ing work done during the year, he feth Hig meet in the final game' of the ser- month will be noted, and points { and buffaloes" will come into their called Miss Tennant the fulfillment conference and ies, to be played Wednesday eve- given to the house from which the { own at Barbour gymnasium, and of a great need in campus dra- Schoolmasters' co ing, March 5, at the annual W. A. women come. the past Carnivals have proven matics, an "actress of real emotion- included all of th A. Penny Carnival. The time of the i Fifty Women's Athletic associa- that more can be purchased for a al depth." He spoke of her work The bulletin is ed wil game hasnot yncedbeen decided, but tion s penny at this time than at any is the villainess in "Take My Ad- istrar's office, un wil b anouce laerimn points will be given those wo- other time of aheanya vice," -as the sophisticated heroine ______ men who bowl twelve times. The of "The Constant Wife," the Com- ORCHESIS OFFERS alleys are open from 4 to 6 o'clock Representative Talks tese Karenin in "Redemption," iWomen Law t RC ESI ; O FER evey dy, ad fom 7to o'cockReprsenativ; T lks and probably was her most out- i Form1 SOC]" PARTS IN RECITAL evey day, and from 7 to 9 o'clock at Meeting in Havana standing success as Jordan's wife Monday and Wednesday nights. in "Granite." The culmination of P e a Tonight will be the last chance There is free instruction at all I Miss Doris Stevens, who repre- Miss Tennant's college dramatic been organed rec for any one who wishes to take times at the alleys, and a charge sents the United States at the career when she was invited to play in the Michigan part in the dance recital which is of five cents a string is levied for meeting of the Inter-American the leading part in the New York purely social group being planned byOrchesis, to at- Commission of Women, which op- Stock company. Press reports' from tionynowaalim tend the meetings, as work will be he pin y to Dorothy Birdzell ened Monday at the University of Utica indicate that Miss Tennant'sutnexpecst'i started on the recital itself at the '32, these to Dorth Bioul , Havana, said just before leaving appearance was attended with mtelycaffiliate meeting following the one which is frormet o o for Havana that "women refuse marked success. Delta, a national 1 fole h lowing30theone ih er a chance for competition among to have their nationality held any iie.t oe to be held at 7330 tonght at Bar- the women bowlers, besides stimu- lone i nt t any Delta is the seco borgmaim' lating interests in th'e sport amnu iitdt oe As usual, the meeting will be di- beginrssscore o al amng She continued, "Nationality de- Notice school. vided mto two parts, the first oc- will be kept, the eight or wl termines allegiance to the state Every member of the W. A. A. cupying itself with natural danc- twelve and is of so great importance that board must attend the meeting ing, and the second with clogging highest scorers will be selected to men are asked to give their lives in which is being held at 6 o'clock and solo and couple dancing of the compete in the all-campus indoor [its defense. Yet of so little impor-4 Thursday at the Field house. I various countries of the worth. meet, which is being held March tance is the allegiance of women There are several matters of vaiosconrisofte oiU 27. In order to priiaei h This will begin at 8:30 o'clock. m7. a oman participa'te i the that it exists only as an indirect vital importance to be taken up, GL O Anynclhokhtryoutmeet, a woman must practice at relation determined by her hus- and every one must be there. for Orchesis, or any former mem- least five times. band or father. bers who desire to return to the or- -__ -____ ganization may come out toniht. ;Iiiiiiilll(#III#IIIII#IIIqI#I#IIIitiiiiIIH#IIIIlIIIIIIItIII -r- « U.,, .I . _"+ rr r . . - ®,. .w ,,s11= 1 ill be Managing Miss Stella Brunt, editorial assist- Proposed Iant. ization. Graduate School Has Fund. Dr. Robbins went on to explain eeting of the Re- how the fund of $23,000 set aside d to create a Uni- by the graduate school for publica- ich already has a tion is utilized. Among the vari- cmmary of all of- ous books published are the Hu- manistic series which already in- s during the last elude 18 completed volumes with more than 100 six more ready for the press. Three announcements, facsimiles of manuscripts have and nine com- been published. These are not for Frank E. Robbins, sale but are deposited in certain ?resi'dent, who has 1 libraries here and abroad. Other managing editor I series include the Scientific series, University Press, I Memoirs of the University of account of these Michigan Museums, Series of Lan- scholarly publi- guage and Literature, and many others. Last year a total of seven icial publications volumes and one monograph were ioned first the re- published by the graduate school ents' proceedings. alone. Dr. Eugene S. McCortney re gathered to- edits these publications. e years, and fill all The Museum of Zoology issues 240 to 260 pages. many publications which may be are to be found grouped under scholarly publica- ning all the pro- i tions. These are of two sorts, oc- Zegents. The sec- casional papers and miscellaneous cial publication is papers, of which 15 were printed of Michigan Offi- last year. Several handbooks areI ' which i's pub- also published through the Mu- y from March to seum, including Dr. W. B. Hins- ly from Septem- dale's "Archaelogy of Michigan." Last year's was There is also the department of ontained 52 issues engineering research which pub- ine additional is- lished last/ year five bulletins, cir- makes a total of culars and reprints, Michigan Busi- 192s. ness Studies publishednby the nouncements. School of Business Administration he announcements through the Bureau of Business colleges. are an- Research, and the Clements library. departments and Last year two books were pub- ere 17 issues in lished either wholly or in part un- on relating to the der the auspices of this library. or parts of it. Curiously, one of these books was various reports published in France. publications, in- Court Campus Publications. dent's report, the;1 Another, separate heading aside retary and Busi- from the official and scholarly id the reports of publications might include publi- and the Univer- cations on campus not by the Uni- nother large item versity but in official connection lications was the with the University. These include ferences, such as the Michigan Alumnus, the Law Re-, nsportation con- view and the Michigan Technic. hway Engineers" There is also the School of Educa- the Michigan tion Bulletin which is new this inference, which year. And if the studentnpublica- e speeches given. tiqns were added the list would be ited in the Reg- pe ceptibly swelled. der the care of A fifth classificati'n could be made to include the publications v' tudnts made on specific' occasions, such as rStudents dedicatons a"nia urtos dal Sorority There were publications of this type on the 75th anniversary of the gal sorority, has founding of the Uni'versity in 1912, cently for women and on President Burton's inaug- law school as a uration, but there were none last p. The organiza- year. ited membership, However, Dr. Robbins states that xpand and ulti-1I there are no adequate .facilities for with Phi Delta storing of the stocks and handling aw sorority. Phi of the sales or distribution. At nd organization'present the library takes care of a in the local law great deal of this and handles the1 SCHEDULED TODAY m IER Y VES A. El ~V'V'~V~Y-y- _ ~ - ~ Second semester freshmen who are. eligible for campus activities are most cordially invited to attend the meeting. The latest census of Portuguese population shows 321,355 more wo- men than men. The excess of fe- male population has been a regu- lar feature of Portuguese vital sta- tistics,' increasing in proportion to ! the relative numbers of the two Does it rain on the Hark To- His Master's Voice! Saying GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Lowest TERMS to suit. Play while you pay.. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records ow w 1its fM Tw rack rw t. u 'i'+n - + Theiug mu.~ BEAUTY SHOP DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH Our Special Permanent Wave, $5.00 With 6 Months' Service Also 25% off on all work done every Monday and Tuesday except Permanents. d m 1110 S. "U". Phone 7561 -- - a - r1 ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East Wilam Street Phone 7515 I Grand Banks? C RAIN and sleet and spray are all in the day's work for Fish Brand Slickers. They've cov- ered the backs of deep-sea fishermen for 92 years. The famous "Varsity" model is built of the same sturdy stuff. It's a handsome coat, full-lined, with big, book-carrying pockets that won't rip. Strap-collaror plain, buttons or buckles, and your choice of colors. If you want a lighter, dressier slicker, there's the "Topper"-smartly cut and finely tailored. Tower's Slickers are sold Only A Furrier 4" 11 { .,... { S~ x" "' After the dance end the evening in I Can Clean, Repair and Remodel Furs Scientifically and Satisfactory 40 YEARS of Experience is the safeguard for your furs entrusted to us. No job is too big or too small, from the finest 'fur wrap to the matching of fur trimming, you may depend on our skill. Special low prices NOW on all fur we .-c as well as New Neckwear and Fur trimmings. CHOOSE YOUR FUR COAT NOW AT 50% SAVING! A small deposit will reserve your selection. a perfect way by eating at t 11 THF RFTRY R OSS Ill . II' iI 11 11 I