WED'E A, JUNE 4, 1 TIHE MICHIGAN D AIL PAGETHREE PAGE THREE NTON MICORNELL YOUTHS CROSS ATLANT;IC;I TOUR MEDITERRANEAN IN SAILBOAT BANOVET TO TAKE I r.....,..... :::x:: 1 F PLACE ATBOST-ON s Eve of Michigan- !{ard am Set as Date for Alumni Celebrations LARGE GROUP EXPECTED] Special Train at Reduced Rates d Will Convey Hundreds From Middle-West. Plans are being formulated for: the National Michigan Dinner;k which will be held Nov. 7 in Bos- ton when Alumni from all parts, of the country gather for a ban- . . quet on the evening before theI Michigan-Harvard football game. CaI Weagant (left) and Henry D The Hotel Bellevue, the inter-Atlantic and toured the Mediterra collegiate Alumni hotel of Boston, the return voyage Devereux took will be. the official Michigan head- to meet in mid-Atlantic, and met h quarters for the week-end of the celebration. Officers of the Alumni association. have already made COHEN WILL VIEW their reservations as well as a large 'FOEIGN HOUSING number of Alumni who have indi- cated their intention of attending . the dinner and the football game. Sociologist Plans to Investigate Special Trains Announced. European City Planning. Many are expected to take ad- vantage of the reduced rates that In an effort to secure first hand are being offered by the Michigan !information on the subject of city Central railroad. A special National planning and housing in several Michigan Dinner train from De-i large continental cities, Joseph Co- troit to Boston has been announc- ed. The fares are in effect from hen, instructor in the sociology de- Ann Arbor and Detroit to Boston, i partment, will undertake an inves- but will be taken advantage of by tigation trip to Europe this sum- Alumni all over the Middle West. mer. Cohen, who plans to be gone These Alumni will come to Detroit' where they will board the special, nPourrmonths, will visit Berlin, Vien- or their cars will be attached to. na, and Paris, gathering.infora- the special, which will run as the tion through publications in the li- second section of the Wolverine. 1 braries of these metropoli, as well Reservations from Chicago. as through interview. He will also Railroad officials have announc- enroll at the Berlin Academy where ed that they will attach two or most of the work will be carried three extra Pullmans to the Wol-on. verine at Chicago for the Alumni,! from that city. In these cars will be made reservations for the Alum- Jarachute jump Saves ni from St. Louis, Indiana cities, Life of Army Aviator and from the cities of Michigan which are not already planning on (fly Associated Press) special cars of their own. i KINGSTON, Ont., June 3-Seven- Under the schedule of reduced'teen airplanes from Selfridge Field, rates the round-trip fare from Anne Mt. Clemens, Mich., reached here Arbor will be $37.63, with Pullman Monday afternoon to take part in of $8.25 and $6.60. From Detroit the eastern Ontario air meet to- round trip fare will be $35.90, and day. the Pullman rates $7.50 and $6.00. Lieut. Morley Slaught dropped out of the group when his plane NORTHWESTERN-Bob and Er- fell near Kitchener. Apparently nie's, a campus restaurant and ren- something went wrong with a wing, dezvous, has been taken over by according to the others of the par- Charles Fields and Jerry Williams, ty, while he was flying at an alti- both students in the College of Lib- tude of 3,000 feet. He jumped and eral Arts here. alighted safely with his parachute. C0M'M[HC19[ J |S|F BURNS PARK TURNS PARADE GROUND Disaster Threatens COMMERCIAL ~JBSB AS ODD FELLOWS PRACTICE DRILLS: fraternity. House as TLodge Men March in Moonlight dier, "have got to do better. You Frying Pan Explodes pII IIPreparing for Meet. I1haven't done anything right yet. Allright, ATENTION! RIGIIT Frying bacon was the cause of Exellent Opportunities Found the night air and 12 uniformed "Thank God I'm right about a small fire at the Zeta Psi frate- by Michigan Men in Large men bearing swords wheeled something," came faintly from the nity house at 512 South State street Laboratories. around into position. "HALT!" reprimanded subaltern, as the army late yesterday afternoon. The fry- came the next command and the once more began its nocturnal ing greese caught fire and the leap- Michigan's physicists, who are miniature army that for hours preparations for the forthcoming ing flames ignited a curtan at the t Monday night' had been marching meet.indaeite completing their course for the:ad ontrarhgovrhe__ ______ window. The Ann Arbor fire de- and counter-marching over the . eAnAbrfr e doctor of philosophy degree in moonlit sward of Burns Park ceas- Separtment rushed to the scene but physics, have found few teaching ed its martial maneuvers. dbefore they arrived the conflagra- jobs awaiting them despite the "At Ease" was given. Albert Michigan at Ceremony had been extinguished. present business depression al-'Zahn, drillmaster of Canton 30, I. though they have found many ex- O. O. F. of Ann Arbor, then ad- Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the(- etoppottiey havesfoindcomny eialdressed his "Company." "Men," he engineering .college will attend the said, "it won't be long now before ,inauguration of Carl Taylor Comp- For a fields available. we enter drill competition with ton, new president of the Massa- Three men now attending school cantons of Odd Fellows from all chussets Institute of Technology, I here have already accepted com- over the state. We must march bet- June 6, at Cambridge, Mass. outh ter than we are doing now. You,' He is going as the official repre- positions. L. B. Headrick, he pointed to one perspiring sol- sentative of the University.r e who is conducting engineering re- Sm-----ot S search in the physiks department, I 1 will go to the Western Electric com- pany's laboratory at Hawthorne; J. CORN1VWELL COAL COKE S. Donal, instructor in physics, will work at the Westinghouse Electric Associated Press Photo evereux, both of Cornell, crossed the anean in their ketch, Carlsark. On pasage on a steamer they chanced his friend later in Long Island. N. Y. r OHIO STATE-Five fraternities on this campus have abolished ' "rough initiation." They are: Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Kappa Tau, Al- pha Chi Rho, Sigma Nu, and Alpha Tau Omega. Hark To His Mast OT0 UNIVERS Foi Radio Majestic, Vice Lowest Prices: TERMS Planoi To Suit. Baldwin, Koh er Play While Orchestral I You Pay. Victor, Columb Leco ASK THOMAS 601 East William Street Elf __ __ __ _ 0 The Down Town Store for Michigan Men 4 l" -I VACATION SUGGESTIONS Upon the completion of your examinations, you immediately turn to a much needed vacation. Swim- ming, golfing, and tennis will occupy much of your time and will require many new items of clothing. Before leaving school, it will repay you well to visit our store of summer goods, including- - =I Jantzen Bathing Suits . . $4.50 and up Linen and Wool Knickers . $3.50 to $10.00 Duck Trousers . . . . . . . . $2.00 Straw and Panama Hats . $3.50 to $6.00 (Sweatersa-5 (Sleeve8 and Sleees . $3.50 and up i ra -e eae n= I Ii