- -ww.r-ww-' PAGE0 TWO TH4 Mltl--T CAN btAT rv .4nI ...._______________________________________WED~ nJ 'I f-.'5D~ ~ , JNE!- 4,-!-.PMU) I R ill C ID GRAAFZEPPELIN AT REST IN JESEY AFTER TRIP FROM SOUTH AMERICA M TTHEWS PlNS FR0 COSEVTION OSBORN MAY SE'L. SENATORIAL Pi.ACE MOUSE SLAUGHTERING TIME ARRIVES IN MUSEUM MAMMAL DEPARTMENT Rodents Give 'All' to Science as j ether as the agent of a merciful Massacre Progresses. death. To further soften their Four Believed Dead As Port Arthur Fire Reaches Brent .]Park { ': . 3 Recommendations of Forester Received Favorably by Government.4 TO HIRE MICHIGAN MEN Wheeler, Winter to Officiate' as Assistants on Brazil Forestry Staff. Prof. D. M. Matthews of ther School of Forestry and Conserva- tion, who was absent during the first semester of the current year,: during which time he visited Brazil at the request of the Brazilian gov-I ernment for the purpose of pre- paring for them a plan fcr the or- ganization of a forest service, has received advice from Rio de Ja- neiro to the effect that the plan wlhich he submitted -in December !. .. has been given favorable considera- tion by the government. As a result of the recommenda- 4ion submitted in the plan men- tioned, the Brazilian government has decided to employ four young Associated Press Photo! American foresters to act as assist- The Graf Zeppelin at rest in the hangar in Laxenurst, N. J., after, ants to the organizer of the Brazil- its flight from Pernambuco, Brazil Thousands visited the giant air ian forest servie, W. T. Cox, for- liner before it took off for its home port in Germany. mter state forester of Minnesota, and has requested Professor Mat- CAMPUS MYSTER Y Goddard Accepts Job thews to select appointees and ar- range for their early departure for SOLVED AT LAST in Geological Survey Rio de Janeiro. - Professor Matthews has already Science Greenhouse Only Guards Mr. Edwin N. Goddard, instrue- clected for appointment two i Ordinary Plants. !or in geology, who has been car-r Michigan men, Philip Wheeler, who I _ _rying the work of Prof. Laurence obtains the degree of master of for- Interest has been high and re- (Larry) M. Gould during his ab- estry from the university this year, quests for enlightenment numer- sence in the Antarctic has accept- and Donald Winter, who graduated ous as to the purpose of the white- from the School of Forestry and painted greenhouse now to be view- ed a position as junior geologist on Conservation last year and who is ed adjacent to the Natural Science the staff of the United States Geo- at present in the employ of the building. At the request of his su- I logical survey. Goddard will be as- Long-Bell lumber company at Long periors a "Daily" reporter set out signed to field work in Colorado View, Washington. and soon solved the mystery. and will be stationed during the A third appointee will be Mr. Plants, like people, are often the winter at Golden, Colorado. George B. Hamil, a graduate of subject of sunstroke, and not wish- the school of forestry at Syracuse ing to have any cooked grass on who has previously had some ex- their hands, the department de-i Rae Theatre per'ence with the Firestone plan- cided to find suitable shade forNG tations company ip Liberia. Appli-j the sunburned fauna. This phen- NO HW G cants for the fourth position are omenon' has appeared every year Marion Davies now under consideration and the on campus and creates just as appointment will be made shortly. much interest each time it ap- iMin pears. However, the students go- " ARAN E" Chamard to Conclude I ing to classes past the greenhouse All Talkie may rest assured that the Univer- Lecture Course Friday sity is not guarding a valuable ad Summer Prices dition to the collection of plants, Adults 25 cents, Children 10 cents Prof. Henri Chamard, of the Sor- but only trying to protect the WHY PAY MORE?i bonne in Paris, will deliver the con- 1lants they have. eluding lectures of his course in - 16th and 17th century French lit- f(death-bed, cornmeal is used in the, (ByAssociatedPrs) Will Oppose Couzens Providing bo hha deaththebadrdthrr-eeskinning; it incidentally has the PORT ARTHUR, Ont.. June 3- No 'Good Republican' family woulc perhaps alter their advantage of absorbing the fat of t With four persons believed dead. Enters Race. attitude toward the lowly creatures the mammals to facilitate the several others unaccounted for and _____ numerous homesteads Wiped out, were they to visit the rooms of the skinning process. rangers and volunteers today were (Bv Associatrd Press) mammals division of the Univer- Curiously, the lives of the student battling a forest fire which threat- SAULT STE. MARIE, June 3.- sity museums this week. Dr. Lee assistants while at work seem more ti town f 3,500co the Opposition for Senator James Couz- H. Rice and his assistants are scur- lacking in ease and luxury than riorthwest shore of Lake Superior. ens in the person of Chase S. Os- rying about w th knives, scissors those of their subjects. Some of Flames, driven across hundreds enn trer gerno, Chasen S. - and wire cages in their hands. them have the genial task of clean- of miles of timberlands and under- yorn, former governor, was seen toM- ouse-skinning time is at hand. mg the cages and giving the still- brush by winds of gale force, reach- day following' the latter's announce-! With species an sub-species of nye rodents water, while others are ed Brent Park, a suburb of Port ment that he would enter the sen- wild field mice as subjects, Dr. Dice engaged in the actual process of Arthur, and many residents had atorial contest providing no other and his staff are analyzing the cutting the fur-coats ,of the once- abandoned their homes before the goodAmerican Republican" align geographic races of mammals with wild roamers. progress of the fire was checked. a view of possibly throwing some__ himself against the Michigan sen- light on the geographic races of ator. man. Held until they are fully Osborn hinted at his re-entry grown, which is about their birth- B efo re G o inH o into Michigan Politics Moniday in day, they are then prepared for a statement in which he deplored the workers rompt the use of MICHIGAN PE LNNANTS the withdrawal of Gov. Fred W. - JEWELRY AND Green as a possible senatorial can- Edith Mt Vi didate. He said the governor had UivertoVsit LEATHER GOODS promised him last summer he Museu'n ofUnversity would oppose Couzens. Mrs. Edith C. Munger, president The former governor said that of the Michigan Audubon society zwhile he had no desire to quit his is visiting the University museums Michigan home for Washington, he today as a guest of Geneva Smithe, would do so if necessary in the face f secretary of the museums and the - of what he termed "a dangerous chairman of the recruit work de- 1111 South University Ave. % Block East of Campus itutopartment of the society. . . ., . 11Ill It111 F t'Itlllltii NOW PLAYING III IIIIIIIgIIIIII li i 4 PERFORMANCES DAILY, 2:00, 3:50, 7:00, 9:00 Again! The Magic of the Masters' IIPST -=I i fill if III Iiit ggililiii - Two fisted tactics win the women!l Bancroft smashes into a woman's heart and breaks out again. You can't iudge a man by the clothes he wears or a man's heart by his mann rs See why! And get a bigger thrill than you got in "The Mighty. 'Efir. 'rGE. '. R\w I3ANCROFIT 1a-ieslove' Brutes AE . HE TRUMPED HER ACE"fSONG A HE All Talking Comedy F1CARTOON NEWS .. THURSDAY-"THE BIG PARTY"-A REAL SURPRISE ._ " Illlillillill1111 UllllllfllMllllllitl~lliillfilltililtlili1111iii itEtillltllil itZ Appointments With "WINGS OVER AMERICA" CONSTANCE BENNETT GILBERT & SULLIVAN Story by Rex Beach Paramount News DIRECTION OF FRANK LLOYD SOON-CLARA BOW-"TRUE TO THE NAVY" erature at 2 and 4 o'clock Friday.! All French students are invited to attend either or moth of these lec-1 tures. Professor Chamard, after finish i g up his affairs in Ann Arbor, will go to Berkely, Cal., where he, will deliver a series of lectures for the University of Southern Cali- fornia during-the summer term. He will then return to France. There were 1,921 undergraduate, women enrolled in the University of Michigan during the year 1928- 29. Of this number 672 lived in ap- proved roomil-g houses for women, ! 408 in sorority houses, 367 in girls' dormitories and 298 at home or with relations. Sixty-five were working in Ann Arbor homes for their room and board. c % TOURIST S 1THIRD CLASS ANY LINE. ANY COUNTRY Ooe Way, hound Triji' pc a Reat Low Price Tom A ~ R00K NOW. AUTHORIZED STEAMSHIP' AC, E. G. KEBLER, All Lines 9,011E HURON, ANN ARROK~ SH4OWS AT 2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 WUER TH SHOW ING GAY C ~wkOPER in "N DAYS LEAVE99 Remember 'his loving in "Legion of the Condemned" and "The Vir- ginian." Remember how he held you sellbound in "The Shopworn Angel." His first starring role brings you a greater Coo er. In a role that surpasses for human drama, love and laughter anything in which he has ever appeared. "-- f ... MMF l P P i I DRUG 207 South Main STORES 723 N. University 217 North Main Rudy Vallee's Latest Hit, Reminiscing and The Veidict Is Life (with you) ALL T'E MUSIC YOU WANIj WHEN VOU WANT III 46w It ICTOR RtECORNDS Get them from ' A FEW OF OUR LOWER PRICES IN EFFECT EVERY DAY Rubbing Alcohol Mellins Food Dextro Maltose ! 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