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June 04, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-06-04

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4 aU33t




Two Are Captured as Officers,
Citizens Search Near-by
Swamps and Woods.
Cgever Ruse Aids Prisoners in
Escape From Bad' Ward;
Attack Two Guards.
(By Associated Press)
IONIA, June 3.-A posse of near-.
ly 100 officers and citizens searched
the woods and swamps within a 25
mile radius of this city here tonight
for 11 criminally insane patients of
the State Hospital who early this
morning walked out of the institu-
tion to their liberty in a break void
of bloodshed.
An all day man hunt for 13 luna-
tibes who had gained their freedom'
by threatening the life of an at-
tendant and a supervisor of the
Hospital brought the capture of
but two of the crazed group. Istuan
Csordas, sentenced from Wayne
county in 1926 for murder, and
Charles Kinney, 27, sentenced from
the same county for breaking and
entering were captured within 5
hours after they had fled from the
Citizens Aid Troopers.
A day force of about 30 deputies
and troopers was augmented to-
night by about 70 citizens and addi-
tional troopers. Sheriff William
Frances of Ionia county said that
he was prepared to launch the
greatest manhunt in the history of
the county. The posse concentrated
its efforts tonight on a swamp 10
miles square about 5 miles south-
west of the city in the belief that at
least four of the lunatics were in
hiding there. The two captured this
*iorning were captured near here.
Fourothers were said to have made
f+: the saule dstrict followin their I
br q..
The thirteen patients were of
dormitory "3" the "bad ward" of
the Hospital, and escaped through a
ruse at 2:30 o'clock this morning.
U. S. Davis, attendant on the third
floor of the hospital, told officers
that a patient had "warned" him
that, another inmate was sawing a
bar and suggested that he call the
supervisor, Eugene Owen. When
the latter opened the door the two
men were attacked by Joseph Za-~
bijak, 35, Flint murderer, and Frank
Garrison, 36, Marquette robber, the
ring leaders of the break who de-
manded their liberty at the point of
knives. Helpless before the attack of
the two men, the hospital officials
offered no resistance, and were
marched ou of the main entrance
to the dormitory. The maniacs un-
kicked the rooms of 25 patients on
their way out of the building but
only 11 followed the ringleaders to
Maniacs Release Hostages.
Once on the grounds of the in-
stitution, the patients argued
among themselves over disposal of
their hostages.Owen and Davis
persuaded the lunatics to release
them b? impressing on their crazed
minds the necessity of a quick get-
Left alne, Owen and Davis press-
ed a, general alarm signal button
and in a few minutes the entire de-

tective force of the hospital had or-
ganized a search. Sheriff Frances
had his men in the field within 20
minutes. One inmate was caught
in the hospital yard with a bundle
of clothes under his arm and was
quickly persuaded to return to his
Radio Station KYW of Chicago
Will Give Program Friday.
State Street of Chicago and
State Street of Ann Arbor will meet
Friday evening, June 6, when ra-
dio station KYW broadcasts a mu-
sical program dedicated to the
The selections to be rendered in-
clude "The Victors," "The Yellow
and Blue," and "Varsity." They will
be sung by KYW's well-known
quartet, "The Chicagoans."

Brazilian Statesman INLANDER TO GO ICannon Challenges '
Will Visit President""L LI III O AETDYIILIVIIII II~i Senate's Questions'
NEW CH RAL NNi neIssue i"Contain BookCOORLIE WASHI T.C ay 3,-Ac-
cichn t hisar atHsingJ refused to tell therSenate
Plans for Next Year's Concert ue ofith ngae, the Jianum- o se, Approves Three of Four loby c mittee about his southern
Hou BYSE ioanmihcallningnthi 1928.t
Course Almost Complete ber for the year, will go on sale thisP Hoover Proposals for He promptly was warned that he
Sink Announces. mornmig on the campus. rClearing Courts. must take the consequences, but it
tProfessor Jack has contributed a - was not apparent tonight what
dicuin ofhasritherane'sreenly
:ROBESON WILL APPEAR publised bo t "e Brgen- WET OPPOSITION BEATEN those consequeanothes out e
der the title of "Hart Crane, Brook- will bnweri nother opotnity
Don Cossack Chorus Consisting lyn Bridge, America." Stobbs, Moore, Christopherson tow.answea from testnd tomors-fy
FIot.Ia.d.Morris, also of the a before the Senate oil committee
Frmer A Rssa Impetria rhetoricwdeplartent, has written i Hfor Final Action. that Harry F. Sinai w ent to ail,
Army Ao ncesoS. (amril n oetBigsfr!__ usttaokentonhseqincetedbatde-
Seve of he en dstinui e r poet-laureate of Eng land, who UBy ,'ssociaued Pres) Isire to deal similarly with Bishop
musical attractions which will comn- Dayns Work," a one-act play by WI a
pose the Choral Union's 52nd an- iElizabeth W. Smith, Spec., which of vigorous opposition from the Today's committee session reach-
nual c~oncertcours were sannounc- was originally presented last fall as Iwet bloc, the House today approved ed its close in eaa momntas da c
head of the School of Music, follow- Pla Production classes, appears in ment proposals o vreliev eeral- seen since the days of the oil in- r
ARLWcTatcA Presa Photo ghe on of these arm d p i etquiry itself. ,sc
Julio Prestes, . igpthe exuton oesn t he contracsuarewritenfrands pGed courts of congestion from prohibi- Hoots and applause throughout
President-elect of Brazil, who is withtaten mndagr andth t-Whr. the cluddirts ofeorgh-tio n cases. the crowded committee room greet- ,
I neotiaionspendng fr th re Wah. Itis icludd inthe ort- ! he Sobb ill oadeinerisd-redtheheclaationof themlttl
enroute to the United States for a maining three attractions. coming volume of student written Tmeasord r bill wtoe rsn Southedr n thoditle t c
short visit. He will repay a call Among the outstanding numbers plays. Mrs. Smith is also the au- oneo ther the mnae nw uthe w etd Ro a thlic
made by President Hoover on his which have already been obtained thor of "Wives-in-Law," which was oes o the Sene heere it i press waeekng toma dicdt hoi
South American tour. for the series are Fritz Kreisler; presented recently. doubtul the Senate re ati prand ha hek committeestim,-
. ~ ~ ~ ~ IMine. Clare Clairbert; the Don Cos- Max Ewing, a former Michigan Prdnt Hoover reuetvorae athe)an that__ecmmtteinvstia-_
~sack Russian Male chorus under student, has contributed severalcan be had this session despite tion amounted to "persecution."
the direction of Serge Jaroff; the photographs of his unique sculp- Pleisltin. ovrs eusjfrt,
boDetroit Symphony Orchestra under rnar nn
HIEDNER TO 5100 the direction of Ossip Gabrilowitsch phisticated dialogue. abtofs- I aDediins thseeSnobb. bil n r D E I P I
O'mawconductor; Jose Iturbi, Spanish pi-h ;ixed te Mximum ier
ECeve0nvi HoSTtandtera ndMoinrguest{die ________________n,"Th y
muscNegrotaione.whScC AilWILLmINOUCy'andoakfin oeatpa y WSIGOfN0, he Housfae! FTCi aNno!w
anist; and Paul Robeson, world fa- horopunishment at six months n
mul onetcuewr e nnun-waaoignlltenne. lstndllas etblcteHous$e ,thyape d H oiscoei omn sda
Receives Fellowship to Study Maame Clairbert to appear passed 228 to 107, the Moore bill to i
GetrgteaFrtrtwerste Kreisler, the world's outstandg Tauthorize an accused to waive the
violinist, will inaugurate the series ri IIpright of trial by jury in criminal Eckener Says Trip Should Take
Englan, S pain.-h on Oct. 13. He has been heard in m ar i proceedings. It also passed 181 to i Fifty Hours to Cross
TRA EL XTESIVLYHill auditorium on many occasions, --- 48 the Christopherson bill to amend IAlni.
TOw the last time being two years ago. To Hold Meeting for Discussion the United States Code to deineA
Madame Clairbert, of the Thea-pty nesosndn appa
Awarding the "Economic History atre de la Monnaie, Brussels, whose) of Plans and Proposals pestty offes e a todfi thepen- IL
Hil neotopetivs ening tor thcunr freYear.ha.tIesiof thelsame s unerftheh-ILL LND AtEVLE
Fellowship" to Ernest G. HdnroprpetvcmngothsontyfrComing Ya-Stobbs measure. There was no rec- I
the history department, marks the has been the subject of much spec- - ord vote on the Stobbs bill. (ely Associated Press) i
third time that this opportunity for ulation among critics and mana- iWILL INSTALL BOESCHE The wet bloc and the group of LAKEHURST, N. J., June 3- By
European travel and study has been )gers for the past two years, has ___members who are lawyers attempt-i midnight tonight the German dini- (
given. . This 'fellowship, given been known during this period as To formally induct into office ed to prevent action but the Re- Igible, Graf Zeppelin, should be at
anonymously to the University, is "Madame Coloratura." She will ap-e ls hte - Ith a
awaridd annually to a man chosen pear here Oct. 31 after a brief en- ed oo esche,"r ctec- dry p Dbmicanras and mot fn odthe Seig Sad tohem eith ocany
by the history department who i gagement with the San Francisco ed president to the StudnttChys krymeatohverrd t ipr acrssig adedntoder itofm
studying economic or European his- Opera company. .tian association, and the other |cdaramntary skirmh ver proalurelFfyus.i ol akD.H
ty.The Don Cossack chorus, recog- members of his staff for next year,'.were tobe considered .However, they jgo Eckener said before lifting his
The purpose of the scholarship nized as Europe's greatest and most the trustees and the board in con- succeeded in delaying until tomor- great sky cruiser up against the <
of eoinsie hinrstoy in~als tohen- wudy Come tol Americater its fis to : of that organization will gather row action on the fourth commis- stars at 9:12 o'clock E. S. T. Mon-
of -connne istry ad aso d e'sion fneasure to broadehi the power day night and scattered reports
courage research and travel in Eu- concert tour and will be heard here tonight at the Michigan Union Iof United States commissioners to from ships and the dirigible itself
rope. Ron Nov. 20. The horus is compos- where both the outgoing officers permit them to handle prohibition have indicated that this schedule
edIofr3sisingersoall'former offfcershe
The fellowship requires that the i e uonsinmerpeal afrm, o e and those newly elected will dis- misdemeanor cases. would be easy to maintain.
! holderorkspendrittheabiajofor- partisofioa
ylear inEpe. th inot cfie xa iatesa The hav iven 1-cuss plans and hopes for the comn- InOppose Last of Measures. Drn h is e or f
300 concerts in the last five years yaIn.addition to the wets, a large flight the most perilous part of the
h y ryded iec Gr ia idsdg aIgroup of members maintained that journey above four continents and
hE n heri e ttened indurope, G tritan, a s-hBoeshe was in charge of the all- the fourth measure is contrary to twice across the equator the ship
quires that the holder take his doc- adia. irb topaadto re- held closely to the route outlined
tor's degree at the University of IOn Dec.1 Iturbi Pa.'mps forumstevr w i ere the lds existingtuical prcdr adu- t Lakehurst, N. J., just before the
ic$,0 hi chn isos pianist, will mnake his Ann school year. He The first three measures are ne-1tkof oteato e ok
$felorwhi is provided by the 1Arbor debut. Coming to America was also respon- cessary to make the fourth effec- for about 8 hours, southeast then
be spent in travel for a short season last fall, he met Fsible for the cs- tive. The latter bill was the prin- for four hours, to .40th parallel
and study in Europe. No restnic1 with the highest acclaim in his ed forums that cipal proposal suggested by the which leads eastward close to the
tions are made as to the amount of concert debut in Carnegie hall and were held at Lane Law Enforcement commission in north of the Azores anid so direct
travel or the specific study made. again at his orchestral appoearan- hall for faculty its recommendations for relief of Wto Spain. D.TSEI
Hildner is to spend most of his ps members. 0 u t - I congested courts. The world girdling airship will
time in England and in Spain. Du-' 'Paul Robeson, dynamic Negro side of his activi- jOnly one of the commission pro- stop at Seville only for an hour or
ing his stay he will probably study baritone, will also make his Ann t i e s h e r e a t posals has been enacted into law. wo just long enough to debark sev-
at universities in both of these Arbor debut, coming on Feb. 2. Michigan he was That was the bill to transfer the frA of the 22 passengers and trans-
countries. His spyial topic of Beson has g to e front meye mrwhonaremawersntrmpthee mail. Then it will again seek
study will be concerning the fron- nand has won artistic triumphs sim to the presidency Treasury to the Justice department. te sk20 h ino s o d be hre
tiers in Georgia. Prof. Aiton of the ilar to those of his compatriot, Ro- -at____u__Frdeicyhfe,
thisory department whhaivga een astoudedb his accoen- of Student Chris- MARGARET ANGLIN lightabove Europeindthemaer
plishments and in the recitals amSUv p tian Associations -LEAVElS SATURDAY icas.
Programs for Summer wich he has given inhi te usia annua rnmeting this sprin heat teToApaSeoeTme nC m nyW lRei
studyingeonomicoEu pe negacotatny .atreapf air cmp r associnneyt Joh Web- Lady Windemere's Fan' Motorbus Schedules1
Special programs outlining the three other attractions and as soon ster, '30P, retiring president of the
plays, excursions, lectures, and en-i jas they have been completed, fur- organization, has held the position Seven more performances of Os- Ann Arbor's inter-street bus
tertainment to be offered during I ther announcements will be made, of treasurer of the federation dur- car Wilde's "Lady Windemere's schedule will be changed with the
the summer are being revised and I the series as formerly, consisting of ing this past year. Fan," will be given in the Lydia closing of the regular session of the
will be ready for distribution next 10 numbers Chester Bennett, '29, assistant se- Mendelssohn theatre during the re- University, it was announced yes-
week, according to an announce- Supplementing and in addition cretary of the S. C. A. for the past mainder of the week. The final ap- terday by officials of the Michigan
ment made yesterday by Dean Ed- to the 10 numbers in the Choral year will act as toastmaster at the pearance of Margaret Anglin, na-es oorss Cn. the digibletiten
ward H. Kraus of the Summer Ses- 'Union series will be the 38th an- banquet. The principle talks of the tionally known actress who has .
S ni. nual May Festival of six additional occasion will be made by Fenelon been seen in the Dramatic Festival iwhich was presented to the city
concerts about the middle of May, Boeshe and John Webster who company's productions during the council at its regular meeting on

Former All-American 1931. wo Monday night. The new schedules,
sociation for next year. h - evening performances'today, to-
Dies i New ' rhCses The new organization to be wel- morrow, Friday, and Saturday and which will be better adapted to the
Quarterdeck Chooses coned tomorrow night is made up at the matinee^ today, " tonmorrow use of local permanent residents,
(bY lssociated Press) ( Straubel Commodore as follows: Fenelon Boesche, '31, ! and Saturday. Iwill be announced immediately.
NEW YORK, June 3. - Samuel president; Lyle Passmore, '33, sec- Miss Anglin has acted as director Boulevard lights have been ord-
Brinkerhoff Thorne, banker and At its annual election of officers retary-treasurer; William Kearns, of "Lady Windemere's Fan" and is cred installed on East University
old time Yale football star who as held last night, Quarterdeck, hon- '32, open forums; William Knox, also appearing in the play in the betwee dW onawtan stU
"Brink" Thorne gained All-Amen-orary naval architecture and ma- '32, freshman; John Brumm, '31, role of Mrs. Erlynne, a part in n Washtenaw and South Un-
i Thorne gained All-Ameri- rine engineering society, selected E. International; Nelson Armstrong, i which she has become famous. iversity avenues, and on South Un-
can fame in 1895-96, died suddenly S. Straubel Jr., '31E as Commodore; '31, convocations; William Comp- ! Included in the cast for the cur- iversity between State street and
in Harbor Hospital after being. J. B. Robertson, '30E, Vice Commo- ton, '32, extension; and Beakes rent offering are Amy Loomis, Rob- 1 East University by order of the
stricken during a business confer- dore; M. A. Wright, '31E, Purser, Dickerson, '31, faculty student re- ert Henderson, Lillian Bronson,'nh
(and S. M. Swan, 32E, as Steward. lotions. Claire St. Claire, Lewis McMichael, council. Installation of the new
ence. He was 58. andandnS.oMthSwanld.2poleaswSteward.nIimmeiont.
eThorne had been at his office Five students were also formal- The object of the banquet, be- and Ainsworth Arnold. poles will begin immediately.
Ty elected to membership, J. B. Rob- sides that of officially welcoming Following the closing of Wilde's1
1 earlier in the day and appeared in erttson, S. M. Swan, M. A. Wright, the newly elected staff for next drama, the company plans to pre- Band and Glee Clubs
good health. He was rushed to the IJ. A. Adkinson, '1E, and R. B. Ladd, year, will be to tie together the sent Togo in "Excess Baggage." id Annual Banuet
hospital after collapsing. '32E. program of activity of the past year Togo is renowned for his "slide for ®__
I with the aims and asperations of life" acrobatic act-a feat which)
next________year.______ he will perforni during the presen- Speeches by Robert A. Campbell,
Eita Krom Sociological next year. atiof"EessBggage.-treasurer of the University, and
GARGOYLE RETRACTS . .ofaculty advisor to the Band and
STATEMENTS PUBLISHED Prize Given to Dusseau Glee Clubs
I ISU FO JUEI____ on GleeClub; Earl V. Moore, Director
IN ISSUE FOR JUNEI Margaret M. Dusseau, '30, was u eather ar. Von Elm Wins in First of the School of Music, and Major
eesterday announced as the win- ounds of French Golf Basil D. Edwards of the R. O. T. C.-
S .It has been brought to the at-ysedyanucdthwi- featured the annual banquet of
tention of the Gargoyle by W. O. ner of the Eita Krom prize, a $50 (IA s feaue the and anqet of
.., . . . rsow., t, 1 rvss the 'Varsity Band and Glee Club

eremonies to be Held in Ftont
of Library; Pragram to
be Shortened.
Class Prophecy-, History, Poem
and Oration to be Given at
Exercise June 21.


Tentative plans for Class Day
vere announced yesterday by Har-
ey D. Kline, '30, chairman of the
lass Day committee of the senior
lass. Exercises will be held at 2
'clock, Saturday, June 21, in the
enter of the diagonal.
Stanton W. Todd, president of
he senior literary class, will wel-
ome the alumni and parents at-
ending this traditional ceremony.
Following Todd's address, Virginia
Houghton will present the class
oem while Harry W. Wallace, the
historian of the graduating classes,
will read the class history.
The class prophecy will be read
y Lorinda A. McAndrews and
Richard S. Cole. The class oration
will be delivered by Jones B. Shan-
ron, class orator.
Alumnus Will Speak.
An alumni speaker, who will be
announced later, will present the
principal address of the day. Pre-
sentation of the memorial for the
class of 1930, which will then take
place, will conclude the program.
Class Day, one of the final events
of the traditional round of senior
ceremonies leading up to com-
mencement, will be held out of
doors for the first time. Another in-
novation this year will' be the
shortening of the program. The
grand stand in front of the Library,
erected for the senior sing, will be
used by the speakers for the ex-
ercises. Ampli'fiers will be install-
ed on the stand so that the spec-
tators may hear each speech.
Provisions will be made to accom-
modate parents and students, as
well as townspeople at the exer-
cises. In case of rain, the ceremonies
will be transferred to Hill auditor-
Ruthven to Give Baccalaureate
Following the class day functions
on Saturday, will come the Bac-
calaureate exercises Sunday mor-
ning. President Alexander G.
Ruthven will deliver the Baccalaur-
eate address in Hill auditorium.
Commencement exercises on Mon.
day morning at Ferry Field will
mark the culmination of the activi-
ties of the present senior class. The
principal address will .be presented
by Vincent Massey, Canadian min-
ister to the United States. With the
awarding of the honorary degrees
and the presentation of the diplo-
mas to the graduates, the ceremony
will berbrought to a close.
"Every senior is urged to attend
the Class Day exercises," stated
Kline. "The class of 1930 voted to
retain the tradition of3the cere-
mony,iand the committee in charge
is doing everything possible to
make the event a success."
Board of Education Decides Tax
Cut at Meeting Last Night.
Approximately $55,000 was slash-
ed off the 1930 school tax budget
for the city of Ann Arbor by the
board of education in ar special
meeting last evening. The cut will
enable the tax to drop from $15 to
1$14 per $1000. With the assessed
valuation of the city increased by
more than half a million over the
past year, the board decided that it
would need less than the proposed
$800,000 budget.
Defended by Otto W. Haisley, su-
Fperintendent of schools, the $15 tax
I rate which would net the city $800,-
1 000 for its schools would enable
Ann Arbor to "pay as we go" on
school house improvements which
are annually more acute with the
I steady increase in the city's popu-
lation. Haisley accepted the new
budget, however, and said that he
would do everything in his power to
minimize items already listed.
The proposed budget of $839,003
'which was turned down was an in-

j crease of less than one per cent
over last year's figures of $831,119.

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