PAaT FMIM' THE MICHIGAN DAILY wmmWsDAy, fl~I~uARt , 193 Published every morning eveept Monday during the University year by the Board u Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in: this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ¢cbigan, as second class matter.' Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. master General. Sobscription by carrier, $4.0; by mail, $4.50. filces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- spard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2r214. EDITORIL STAFF 4w , Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........Gorge C. Tilley City Editor....... .. .....Pierce Rosenberg News.Editor.............Donald . .thine Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner,Jr. Women's Editor ........... Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama......William J. Gorman Li ary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry Wiliam C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kan'fman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barc David M. Nichol Maxwell Bauer William Page Mary' L. Behymer Howard H. Peckhanrr. Benjamin H. BerentsonilughPierce Allan H. Berkman VictorDRabinowitz Arthur, J. Bernstein John D. Reindel S.rBeach Conger Jeannie Roberts Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell John H. Denier Joseph Ruiwitch Helen Domine William P. Salzarule' Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl Kathearine Ferrin Adsit Stewart Carl F. Forsythe S. Cad well Swansost Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Richard L.Tobin j ack Goldsmitk Elizabeth Valentine 1 orris Croverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr. )'oss Gustin Charles White Margaret Harris G. Lionel Willens David B. Hempstead John E;. Willoughby, t.Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise an Levy Barbara Wright ussell T.McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee down upon as one who still has much to learn. The sanction given bootleg liquor by every rank of so- ciety has lent it a certain smart- ness that is liberally copied and! even enlarged upon by college men and women. Beer used to be the staple col- lege drink; at five cents a glass it produced the desired results at an1 insignificant cost. But now thatl prohibition has placed a premium on ready concealment, hard liquor is easier to buy and produces a much more devastating intoxica- tion for a smaller initial invest- ment. Home-brewing has been given many a trial, but on the whole its results are so problem- atical that the pseudo-busy college man cannot give it the necessary attention. Obviously to repeal prohibition, would not be to dry up the colleges, but we feel that flagrant intoxica- tion would no longer be a thing to parade as conspicuously as possible, and certainly good wholesome beer would be restored to first place in ,the hearts of college students. t 0 .,,,.,7,n ,,,,,,, :. - "I run.=rmm smnnnmvnnt,/fir .4.- I TOASED RL LOST AND FOUND , DEPARTMENT. To the young lady who lost the close-fitting hat: What color was that hat? I saw one lying half submerged in the mud yesterday on N. University near Forrest but it didn't fit me very well so I left it there. Feminine hat experts might call it elephant sneeze in color but it looked like a sort of raspberry to me. If that's your About Books I THE LOVELY THORNTON WILDER. The Woman of Andros By Thornton Wilder, Albert and Charles Boni, New York City, N. Y., Price $2.50. This is a book to sit up all night to read, to read aloud with a friend. A book which upsets mimic /. - / m Wuv I' I BETTER RELATIONS. BUSINESS STAFF :. Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER. A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant ManagerI ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.............1'. Hollister Mabley Advertising;.,..........Kasper . Halverson Advertising..... ..... Sherwood A. Upton Sevice.................eorge A. Spater Circulation....... ......... Vernor Davis Accounts. ............ .....John R. Rose Publications..........George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistants Byrne M: Badenoch Marvi- Kobac'ker J es E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas MuirI Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas' M. Davis Charles Sanford N~ormian Eliezer Lee Slayton m es Hofer JosephaVan Riper Morris johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboy Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully Laura Codling Sylvia MUiller Agnes Davis elen L. Musselwhite Bernice Glaser }leanor Walkinshaw Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman I NIGHT EDITOR-HENRY MERRY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1930 Concentration on convocationsI with the aim of increasing student- interest in religion appears to be the principal order of business for the Student Christian association. While their efforts are, within bounds, fruitful, other fields, which because of their greater fer-' tility would reap larger harvests if given the attention afforded con-' vocations, are being left untouch- ed. Foremost among these is the establishment of a more intimate and cordial relation between stu- dents from foreign countries and the general student body. The University is recognized universally for its cosmopolitan character, its abundance of stu- dents from other lands, who are frequently the most promising young men and women of their re- spective countries. Despite the high calibre of these students and the importance of their receiving a favorable opinion of the University and of the Amer- ican people generally, they are treated with an air of frigidity. The building of a friendly rela- tion with foreign students is di- rectly in line with the association's endeavors, and it has done some- thing toward that end. But cor- dial feelings can not be thoroughly built through orating on the value of international friendship. It must spring from a source of more specific and intimate nature. Advantages of the association's arranging the entertainment ofI foreign students by fraternities, will come not alone-"to the former but also to the student body, who 1 7 i hat you'll probably find it there. sophistication (that malady of I'll bring it up here if it dries out college literati) and makes you as, within a reasonable time. emotional' and enthusiastic as * nlight dim- Charles Lamb was on the night he' I see that gongs and lgtdm rners are to be installed in Hill returned late from Eastcheap with. auditorium. The reason for the the old folio of Beaumont and dimmers was explained but the Fletcher. It effects you like your' gongs remain a mystery. Maybe Complete Shelley; it fills you with they're to wake up the audience m after the dimmers have put them sympathy for existence. It pre- to sleep., sents mental life in confusion. * * * about the reason of being. The According to the D. 0. B. the I life presented is not normal; but Clogging class did not meet last it is the privelege of old storytel- night because of the Chicago bas- lers to heighten or deepen the ex-' ketball game. They probably felt perience, especially storytellers who clogging that goes on at the en- are subtile lyricists. trance when 3,547 people try to get The Woman of Andros is Mr. in at the same time. Wilder's third book. The Cabala * (1926) attracted small attention, J. C. X., the operator of The Spot but The Bridge of San Luis Rey Light on the Women's page, crash- (1927) was received by a public ed through with some good Library which stormed the book shops and suggestions in her column yester- Ibought out edition after edition. In day, and I for one am in favor of an introduction to this new book, the smoking room. The coffee idea Mr. Wilder suggests a basis for his isn't so good because coffee keeps story in the Andrian of Terrence. me awake. But J. C. X., I'm dis- Such suggestion is modest, if not appointed that you didn't mention downright misleading. The play all the scuffing of the seal that of Terrence is a light comedy with has been going on. Won't you help a 'happy ever after' ending; in Mr. me in my campaign? Wilder's novel a sympathetic in- S* * terpretation replaces the comedy The Beachcomber and The of errors, and the characters are Chink, for instance, have submit- moody individuals perplexed about ted the following report: "There is the meaning of existence. a need for a guardian of the Li- story is of Simo, a merchant brary seal. We stood there for 55 on the island of Brynos; of Pam- seconds yesterday and nobody philus, his son; Chrysis, a hetaria stepped on it. Nobody went by." from Andros; and Glycerium, her * sister. Simo has plans that his BULLETIN. son will marry the daughter of a I'm now entirely well again, friend. But the youth hesitates; he * * * Iis moody and 'priest-like' by na- Lark, former editor of this col- ture. He attends the discussions umn, came up and sneered at me of Chrysis' banquet hall. She is a yesterday. "I removed by own ap- woman of culture like many of her pendix with a letter opener," he profession. This Chrysis dies lov- said, "and walked out an hour later I" ing Pamphilus, and sadly accept- to eat a 12 course dinner." All dng the impossibility of love for a! right, pal, you win. woman> of her caste. Glycerium :k* bears Pamphilus' child, the result 'One of the night editors just of a swift, intoxicating love. She is mentioned in passing that Purdue accepted into Simo's household is sueing Helen Kane for singingdespite the forebodings of social "Pooh, pooh, Purdue," and you iostracism. Mr. Wilder dismisses can take it or leave it. Personally, the tale with Glycerium dying ofJ I've left it. childbirth, and Pamphilus, still the1 The*Rl pphilosopher, in confusion and with The Rolls photographer hasn't flagging courage, repeating the last been doing much work lately and words of Chrysis: 'I praise all liv- I've had to run the same pictures ing, the bright and the dark.' over and over again, much to my The ideas in this romance are as and your disgust. I fired the old I old as the hills. Many are even photographer and hired a new one trite (e.g., the disertation that who is now snooping about campus pains of childbirth are more in- with ,his camera.-' tepse than any suffering men are susceptible to). Mr. Wilder in Here's an announcement I've reading his Plato again has been been wanting to get off my chest wrought up by emotionalism. He It has won more peop to Kellogg's Corn Flakes tha to any other ready-to-eat cerea Just because they taste so good- that's why 12,000,000 people en j them every day. On the campi and off-from coast to coast-Ke logg's get first call for breakfa CO0R N FL AK E The most popular cereals served t. .in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Corn Flakes, ALL.-BRAN, Pep Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Krumbles and Kellogg's Shredded Whole S Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee lethe coffee that lets you sleep. _ TY m - 4;v I i!CtONVXN p FLAKES tow i - ( mfI.'-w I MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO* Telephone Home Long Distance Rates are surprisingly ' Low The representative rates listed below are for day Station-to-Station calls and are effective between 4:30'a. m. and 7:00 p. m. A Station-to-Station call is one made to a telephone number rather than to a particular person. You may reverse the charges to your home telephone if you wish. PROHIBITION'S FAILURE could gain a deeper insight into IN THE COLLEGES. the nature and character of other races, than could be obtained by Freedom of petition having fin-rayes, thodbevobtaey allytrimphd; n Cngrsstheanyother method, even by travel- ally triumphed in mCongress, the ling, as travelling is conducted to- wets are having a significant op- 'day. portunity; long-denied, to give While the sincerity of the asso-' their objection to prohibition an ciation in sponsoring convocations official airing. Constitutional law- has its merits, it could better the yers hove scored the Eighteenth name of the University and aid Amendment as contrary to the the general welfare of the student spirit of our' fundamental articles body, in a large measure, by apply- ,f government, distinguished trim- ing its energies to another field, i~iologists have hung the presentI yet virgin soil. The creation of a crime wave upon the Volstead act, friendly relation with foreign stu- industrialists have denied the eco- dents is one of the University's niomic efficiency that enforced greatest needs and it is an endea- temperance was guaranteed to pro- vor that rightfully falls within the duce, and a North Dakota farmer duties of the association. The need paid his own way to Washington is apparent and the association is to blame prohibition for the wheat the proper organization to sponsor surplus. Another school of wets activities, more definite in their have probed the moral delinquen-results thamoseeches, 'god-wil," cies of the nation and blasted the banquets a:id the like, toward this dry efforts to make our country end. "safe for hypocrisy," while still an- 0 other school have compared our - enormous expenditures for enforce- Opinion menu attempts with Canada's four- a p sO iin million-dollar income from state- Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 sale of liquor. As yet, however, no words of possible. Anonymous com. munications will he disregarded. The one before the House committee Rames of communicants will, however, has called attention to the failure be regarded as confidential, upon reC quest. Letters published should riot be of prohibition in the country's col- construed as expressing the editorial leges and universities.. opinion o Th Daily It is a weld known fact that pro- To the Editor: hibition, whether enforced by fed- eral, state, or university officers With the increasingly imperti- has not rooted out the stubborn nent newspaper' articles on the drink tradition among college men. I "wetness' of the University, with Rather, indeed, has the reverse consequent subordination of more been true; the fascination in do-. vital and far-reaching college acti-1 ing something forbidden has prov- vities, the student can reasonably1 ed irresistable. The very dangers wonder just what his Alma Mater! of being drunk have added a little- amounts to., needed incentive to drinking, and Among the students this pecu-j college students in their sophistica- larity is notable more particularly tion have taken the feeble enforce- i than among the faculty. If he be-I mpent attempts so lightly that a comes a tea-hound, a fraternity thoroughly soused individual has man with a small field for inter- become a joke instead of a pity. ests, or a self-centered, noisy poli- " There was a time when alcoholic tician, there is a difficult problem incapacitation in public was con- for the university to handle. sidered a disgrace. Men were ex- Fortunately, Michigan has in the} pelled from their fraternities for past held the majority of her stu-# being drunk at football games. To dents loyal, by her football and for some time. From now on Rolls ! will confer honorary degrees to consistent contributors. Those who ! succeed in getting five contribu- tions past the blue pencil will be known as Cubs; ten printed con- tributions will entitle the writers' to the degree of Reporters; and fifteen published contributions au- tomatically make the contributor; an Assistant Editor. A careful rec-, .ord will be made of the number of, contributions accepted and public] announcement will be made of those who win degrees. Let's go, gang. The new Rolls photographer just rushed in with his first photo. He says it's a picture of a prominent landlady taking a walk across campus. "Isn't it a lovely day?"I she is alleged to have remarked. squ Several contributors are on hand but in order to give everybody an equal chance for the Rolls Honor-t ary Degrees I'm holding them for a day or so. The price of the Ensian goes up has thought much about ideality. jHe has not been able to find it, and the customary 'Platonic melan- choly' has resulted. Mr. Wilder has set these ideas (or disillusion-' ments, if you will) in clear and beautiful-classical prose. It is a 4oy to read someone again who isj jubilent over the loveliness of words, someone who is enthused over graceful form. But there isI danger here. We forget what is being said to how it is said. Lit- erature cannot thrive on wordsj alone. Mr. Wilder is charm, grace, and beauty, but we cannot live by his formula. Literature must help us to live. We cannot spend our time in weeping. Perhaps this old adage expresses our attitude: One' can love Plato, but must obey Aris- totle. R. E. M. l0 COLLECTED POEMS OF JOHN MASEFiELD. Published by The Macmillan Co., New York City, N. Y., Price $5.00. A new collected edition of Mr. Masefield's poems, including his latest work, "Midsummer Night and Other Tales'in Verse," and al- so the .introductions, notes and glossaries contained in his previous two volumes. The principal of ar- rangement is chronological. The book is distinguished in format. It lacks an index, but the tables of contents preceding Parts I and II are sufficiently adequate. o HUMANIST DOCUMENT. U4 Step m lwmj" reverence?? Here's a speedy, peppy galloper that shatters all collegiate inhibitions! Victor Records bring you all the latest, hottest hits. Hear Reisman, Vall6e, Olsen, etc., etc... .Victor, picks the cream o the orchestras. Vivid Victor arrangements "set the pace!" The best cost no more. Ask your Victor dealer to play these for you... TODAY! 22254ALMA MAMMY Fox Trot and NAVY BLUES- Waring's Pennsyvanians 22258-THE ROGUE SONG-Fox Trot and WHEN I'M LOOKING AT YOU-Nat Shitret and the .Victor Orchestra 22259.MONA Fox Trot and I'M ON A DIET OF LOVE-- George Olsen and his Music 22257-I'LL STILL GO ONI WANTING YOU - and I DON'T WANT YOUR K IS SES-Welcome Lewis 22269-IM FOLLOW- ING YOU-and HOOSIER H O P--The Duncan Sisters- 22270- CHANT OF THE J UNGLE-and WAITING AT THE END OF THE ROAD- The Revelers ATLANTA, GA.........-...$2.35 BAD AXE.... . . . . ............. .75 BUFFALO, N. 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