rSUDAY, JU~NE 1, 1030. I E11 MCH1!GA'N D A.ILY PAGE SEVEN F lop w fLAlED ADVERTISING NOTIGx PROFITABLE summer employ- ment. Michigan men see Mr. Failey, Room :,304, Union,. Mon. 9 tol11and 3to:5 p.M. 612 DEPENDABLE "TRANSPORTATION HOME Dod4ge ,Sedan ..............$75.00 Stutdebaker °Coupe .......... 65.00 Touring, 'only 6,000 miles. ... 95.00 Dodge Coupe .............. 95.00 : dck ToUr g ........... ..75.00 'R. "H. 'AbBER Open Evenings and "Sunday A.,M '514 East Washinigton Street STON2E SILLS AND ENTRANCES For the Home, Fraternity, and Sorority. JOSEPH L. ARNET 208'W. HURON ST. HOUSE FOR RENT For summer-6 room beautiful furnished domne on Lincoln Ave., flowers,: shade, garage, 1$80. APARTMENTS Near Campus=i~ving, dinette, bed reoom; tile shower bath, Kel- IHEMTN,"1:.v'.tr e uiiue 7.ia ICHJNG, Al(-inc. ane- 2 rooms furnished $45 don, 210 S. Ingalls. C Call Mr. Lechner - -__ Kemf, Lewright, Benson and ;SAND-Washecd and screened. sand Staebler Inc. and gravel; all sizes. Immediate' 23245 Evenings 8840 delivery... 13# KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. - - Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C OUR MOTTO is satisfaction t }1TYP1ING-These? a specialty. '=.z every customer. We care for and; rates. M. V. Ihar tsufX. Dial 9037 deliver. Moe Laundry, 204 N. C Main. Dial 3916. CC3- - -- --- -FOR RENT SPECIAL STEAK SUPPER EVERY I _ SUNDAY AT FOREST INN. FOR RENT - Next year--lurge 538 FOREST 6CI room with kitchenette $9.00. - - Doubles and singles -1. () up. H-EMSTITCHING - Artistic itecot Graduates--'o u s i n e s s wlomzen. edge, gold and silver thread IPh1one 7135. 0l'.' work. Dial 9714. White Sewing Machine Co~, 205 E. Washington. FOR RENT--905 Forest Ave.--Up-- 46 12345 per Duplex-five room,--bath----' TYPIG-Tesistypngetc. alo Isleeping porch-available Scp t 1.' TYIN-Teistyinet.,alo Garage. Phone 6137. 612; mimeographing work called for______________ and delivered. Dial 8020 or -4544. FOR 'RENT-Single room or suitej 461 for st udents or business men.! - __- - Between campus and down town. NOTICE 425 S. Division. Dial 22352. 1 WE BUY USED CLOTHING j 612345 H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 ,FOR RENT- Furnished. apartment fro:nt south three rooms. F'rigi-' FOR RENT --- Furnished aat claire; oil heat; private bath; $55. ; ments. Reduced to ten cweAx S}summer student. Three rooni ;;. Call~6'7. 6 bath, shower, frigidaire, hot so k ?water. 516 Packard. Phone 321 - ----- -- --'WANTED-One passenger to drive FOR SAU;~ to San Francisco. Leaving June 12. Call 4804. 461 FOJR SALE--Some twelve dollar'ATED .- Companion to tour Alexander shoes at six-eighty-I Yellowstone, Yosemite, Los An- ive. _ 1 geles, etc. Tray cheaply in L Read The FOR RENT--One double room am] - .., SALE--Six burner Detroit brand new roadster. Write Papp, a ;;ingle room completely fur- iewcI Gas Range with two bak-i 9303 Martindale, Detroit. 234612 nished in new private residence. lng evens, a broiling oven and WANTED-A neat and modern All home facilities at disposal of warwIrng oven. Good condition, apartment for three days-June Phone 4629 after 6 p. m. 4611' 1 2 n 3d.Ms epiae r nter., Well located in blest resi-___ ______________ 2122ad3d.Msbepite Write Box ,No. 134, Michigan dtental section. cGarage in neces- " n ary. Available for sumrzl e Daily school students or students de- 3siring rooms for winter ter'ms. je f wPhone 3378 for appointment. 461234 1 Clas ifedsFOR RENT-Apartment-on cam- 1)11-StMate street - delightfully If u rni sh e d- grand piano-2 rooms, available June 15. $55.00.1 Pay li n 14elli Inquire immediately. Dial 22751.; FOR RENT-For summer mnonths, Inear campus, 5 room completelya furnshe apartmentwith yard FORHE T--Completely furnished;__and__garage.__Phone__5929.___346! apartment, for two girls or youngi FOR -RENT-Furnished apartment couple. Also double room for! for summer months. Call Uni-) girls. Shower. Garage. Dial l est extension 631 between 8 8544. 422 P. Washington. 461 and 10 a. m. 23461 1 I 3 x F 0 R S A L E--Drug business at3 Daily.--- - -- -346 Pinckney, Mich. Will sell stock and fixtures and rent store. T iLS store has been a drug store for;'__________________ over 50 years and is only drug; store in 10 miles. 25 lakes with- L 0 S T - A valuable silver and in 5 miles. Mrs. C. W. Barry,~ amethyst bracelet in League Pinckney, Mich. 234612 building Thursday night. Return WAJ2IJ--------~ to L. D. office. Reward. 6 POITO as__second------- ___-- LOST-A golden opportunity to POITONa scod ep i Ifa save money on shoes if you do ternity; white; references. Callj not attend Alexander's Removal 5156. 6121 Sale. MALE pass'enger to PortlandI BLACK and white Waterman foun- Oregon wanted. Leave June ! tain pen-Lost Friday evening- third. Going straight through.f campus business district. Phone Phone 5677. 6i 5776. Reward.. 6 PODSITION WANTED-Young man,i FOUND-Some exceptional bar- white, wants porter job in fra- ~gains in shoes at Alexander's ternity for fall Willing worker. I Removal Sale. State street over Call 6374. - 612 Calkins. i yM T a 246C0 near can pus. South east section,