THE MICHIAN DAILY. PAGE SEVEN + , MVAY Il10, 93 rt vc bI110B eignA)-e nt reerve tict MIN NE AP OL IS-Minnesota'sI TOiRUNA N EASTIJO E NG E S S I L U E S pccongress adopted a reso- f ~ Yi W ITH1 N'i A N 9Y V ICTORIES ABROAD , mateurism. in the conduct of thI tober 10, 1931 to meet Stanford'sI a_(CntinedFomPge_6 _gams. football team in the first game of!I TU I Rthe scoring, althtough neithier has( Robert T. Jones, rising young form In. the aternoon heplye the regulations and rules of thenir 11I1] ___ power enough to twin, Of the east- Iawyer of Atlanta, Georgia and the mast,:stir ring round of -all with !national federation are considered NEW YORK - Fidel LaBarba, Forer barpins ~:c a rne group Pennsylvania, Harvard, world famous aiateur golferi has Cyril J. H. Toley,prsn defending amateurs for the Olympics pro- featherweight, recently defeated ? I ~e Capon ie aoed'aean onelsan u a h been making some more briliant' Briish amateur charmion, one that vided they are qualified in compli-I Bushy Graham of Utica at Madison! to Leand'today's Field most formidable challengers. chpest!d oh~a~ec *A~~bfr ance with resolutions passed at Square Garden in a bout that cos- EdiIoa ilcahwt rn Prague by the Olympic congress. d the indoor fight season for New at Indianapolis. Edyiofi, anwlleclDyeritwo Westk~ iant career as amateur chamnion Bobby took it one up. Jones' play "An athlete taking part in the York. T BIL~RODA OE Catflseoe ohtecn and the most popular player of the va, again mazrked by thlat uncanny' Olympics must satisfy the fllow-WN1-Cao,1 o 8fo ______ I try an furlng rotesand this' grand old Scotch pastime. nuit! izn; ability of his, which inci- ing conditions: First, he uto must eioot odton ah Everthing is in readiness at the three-cornered battle should fur- I Bobby is now showing the. Scotch ety cne 1.o his rescue since his1 be or have become a pofessiai~l Call phone 725. 234 - gninplsMto pewyfr msh a pretty race. Wykoff has antthemselves how the game should be; drives refused to follow the right in the sport for which he mi n ___EC______________ aramunt he anual500-ilehis credit in the 100 yard dash three sterling rounds of ton notch Record galleries have followed ond, he must not have received re- around house and yard, janitor prmut ramounxcetfo the a n ioal 0-mlewile Tolan is the recognized rec- Igolf. In the first he defeated Sd- this -;youg golf wizard for each; imbursement or compensation foi work. Able and willing. Phone finishing touches that the drivers 1 Ord holder for this distance at the ney Roper of Wollaton Park. whse cd:ty round, dr awn from all sides loss of salary." and mechanics will be putting on present time. Dyer is in -position to cossetgm ffuswsntmgneialy1 the trail of golf - - ___-________ Ihi ahie ptotesa tgwin if the oather -two stirs canonen- good enough to match Jones' four ;darn king. No other activity is as i- gunf, in accordance with the tradi- trate too much on. each other. .brisadoeege Cniun motn oth.cnySo"tee- Two Wolverines tiltk ati yesterday Jones took the morning days as that of following the Amer- -= tioy niltha racea is nevr the 440 yard dash, wte only. event in round from Cowan Sankhnd, St: isaZ star is he cons itentiy dlrives, . 21 reI ni-h'ac so.I-~aprahs n olsot"cod Asqaiiainine ens which mnore than onec'Michigan George's Hill, without straining prahs nohlsot"cod' As qaliicaion ened Wdne- ahlee i entred Ide =eyiourhimself beyond his usual matchless intg to Jones." clay 34 entries had taken the tests atlee s nerd.DaeSemor S orndtheescalltethipoiinaEdRsel-wl-c ofy theirqaiyigadaueclriz hse ent wit llti11111101111111111111111111 1111111111111111111:S both lu m en r intfavorednt it ,toon the sc le f t ei qu lif in ' b th en a[redto " e c edi - I D O WNO W tithe best time drawing the, able showings. In-eke Crmeit, h C0 N UIN~ OUR S LE OF ME 'Ip, "e timepstinHolly AnolCdmpbell- P poepsto.BlyAnldiigWestern Conference champion m iFni r =m Marry Hartz's fr'ont drive special, th amrtroi neediITI T~ will stamrt in the coveted place this haeve tnhoulds btegod ifor1, year. Others in the front line are1 thisevnadshudbgodfrr°i Loi Myrpesn capinta place. Johnny Pottle, pole-vaulter I V E N U ,Lriving yar16-cylinderchampon! and Booker Brooks, weightman, diiga1-yidrSmsn!complete the Michigan delegation jH special; and William "Shorty" Potesoldpaei h efrs-;, Cantlon in a four-cylinder, rear- a sl edidlaat the Conerencem - whel rie The Michigan vaulter, char- T De Paolo Enters.j ed 13 feet, 10 inches at that meet I -,f Those who can be figured on for( placing behind MDermont of illi- places are all experienced drivers nois and Warne of Northwestern oien nth-oret suha ee ePoo hminBrooks will compete in both the In [Two Special G#'oupsiS in 1925 and 1927, Egbert "Babe" discus and the shot put.= ness of his atire the wearer S Stapp, Deacon Litz, Tony Gulotta, ofFriendlFiveShoe and Wilbur Shaw. The first three HihG les_-fsesdw h vne will be piloting Dusenbergs. Al-Hg School Golersstes owntheAveue lowance must always be made of1 Will Meet Saturday 7 " 5 0 $ 3 195Me0ur t amie i course for the unknowns who are taste. And as he notices a apt to make good. Among them Teams from 24 high schools of I om ryFr~dF r el re _-wno ipa fepn are Louis Schneider, Chester Gard- }lower Michigan will compete in heryPiedFr el rcd ~dwdsla fepn Aen. Thsenowth esnBiLly leo Regional Golf Tournament of Re- at at rieeshoes he sisforhe- Ale.Te hr sBlyGesngion No. 4 of the Michigan. High an='rmmestestsa' whose type of driving always School Athletic association to be I $33.50 an 4 ' ndlon he got as he pocketed r pleases the public with its spiritI played at Loch Alpine tomorrw i$40llrs hag$40m of fun. morning beginning at 9:30. This #c iten when he bought the - The foreign entries include the will undoubtedly be the largest reIcuin e enow s on' two 16-cylindem' types, Icuig both Maser- gional tournament in the state 5: F atis driven by Borazacchini and Last year only nine teams con- H R ,S HA F E M RIU T Cucinotta from Italy. The formerI tended, Mt. Clemens leadingA T the rinnuMARXIUITSV has made 152.85 miles an hour over {field to take first place .and Ann Me!Thsisasledd {rtn t ettatNWSUMRDUT oL I 1I I a lflrkilometer straightaway but( Arbor following directly for se- - correctly shod for ,t - what he will do on the oval track ond. This year's tournament should 1 at a very important saving. CONLIN AND WETHERBEE quality is - five dollars. May wo r t Y-IG g, in the racing traffic is hard to say. be hotly contested and markedI dominant in every suit. This is your assurance of complete satisfaction. show you the new H~ Joe Caccia's Alberti is the only! with brilliant individual lay. With d .I Friendy FiveS o E other foreign model entered. J such a large numrber of entries T I Use Old Cars.( some high class golf should feature BUY YOUR HOSE AT THIS- l) Many of the cars this year have the day's rounds. SPECIAL - ,E _ a common characteristic in that The tournament is divided into; A E41 each is to some extent an unknown four classes corresponding to the i 47c or 2$5 quantity. Johnny Seymour for in- school rresented. In classesA f41pa rL iUI~ IiIL stance has used one of last year's and B are 14 schools: AnniArbor,1 _ __ ___ __ _- ~atos o oer his Gauss front Mt. Clemens, Port Huron, Jackson ,~ n~ ~Le ~~ajoity of theI Plymouth, Fordson, Royal ak, i p I _J1~ othes ~r nlsliits- oar~yig IOwoso, -ontac, earbrnothing for Lad and Dad pa t f c r r mother races. I inham , Ad an Fernd ale, I n p(F.1T1 C ohn At; ~~cCentral Standam'd filanti Cntra. The other 10 im 2L09LSouthvtMainLtStreet T ehispcacular and sensa- I'classes C and D are University I=a d ( tional race will start, 'lasting until jHh-Ann Arbor, St. Thomas-Ann I_ ol n1 the blurring racers have completed I Arbor, Farmington, Trenton, r Ilc- 20 laps of the two and a half mile; keley, Grosse Ile, Wayne, holly 118 E. W3ASINGTO3N brick amd concrete oval, Hudson, and Ypsilanti Roosevet ---- - ----- "LASSIIEr h... LVERTISING D NOTEO EMSTITCHING - Artistic tecot edge, gold and silver thread work. Dial 9714. White Sewing Machine Co., 205 E. Washington. 4612345 Y'PING-Thesis typing, etc., also mimeographing work called for and delivered. Dial 8620 or 4544. 461 0R PROMPT, EFFICIENT, AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 5916 AND ONE OF OUR DE- LIVERY TRUCKS WILL CALL. MOE LAUNDRY 204 N. MAIN 4 -J NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 5 E. Washington Phone 4310 246 PECIAL WARM WEATHER LUNCHEON AT FOREST INN. 538 FOREST 24 ANO TUNING - Phone 6776. Victor Allmendinger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Offie at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. 2340 [EMSTITCHING, Altering and Re- pairing neatly done.- Miss Lyn- don, 210 S. Ingalls. C 'YPING-Theses a secialty. Fair rates, M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. d AND-Washed and screened sand and gravel; all sizes. Immediate delivery. KILLIN'S GRAVEL 'CO. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 2104. G FOR RENT ,OR RENT-Completely furnished apartment for two girls or young couple. Also double room for girls. Shower. Garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 461 ,OR RENT - Furnished apart- ments. Reduced to ten week summer student. Three rooms, bath, shower, frigidaire, hot soft water. 516 Packard. Phone 3212. 461234 'OR RENT-One double room and a single room, completely fur- nished in new private residence. All home facilities at disposal of renter. Well located In best esi- dental section. Garage if neces- sary. Available for summer school students or students de- siring rooms for winter terms. Phone 3378 for appointment. 461234 OR RENT-Apartment-on ,cam- pus- State street- delightfully f u r ni shed - 'grand piano-2 rooms, available June 15. $55.00. Inquire immediately. Dial 22751. 346 OP. RENT-For summer months, near campus, 5 room completely furnished apartment with yard and garage. Phone 5929. 346 ,.i..-....] .....apatment. . t1> I p rity astryho JZLFRESH ROLLS FOR PARTIES 90 77Packard Street ]Phone 90 IL~7 7.--- -~ ~ 11111 s I e "T0aste Tells" UPNO And when you taste Ann Arbor Dairy Ice, Cream, your taste tells you that it's delightful! Its rich, creamy flavor is winning new friends every day, and holding old friends as well, because of its unvarying goodness. Order From Your PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER See this page cach Saturday OUR MEATS Are Always the BEST QUALIT'Y LIBERTY fMARKET Phone 4312 U' TRY HOAGLIN'S BETTER PIES A DELICIOUS CRUST AN APPETIZING FILLING PURE EGG MERINGUE A PIE YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE YOUR FRIENDS II1 Miller Avenue Phone 5501 1 for summer months. Call Uni- versity extension 631 between 8 and 10 a. mn. 23461 FOR RENT -- Next year--large room with kitchenette $9.00. Doubles and singles $3.00 up. Graduates-b u s i n e s s women. Phone 7485. , 1234 FOR 8L~ FOR SALE - Chevrolet touring. Low mileage. A. bargain to drive home in. Dial 21348 or call 1236 Prospect. 12 FR SALE-Six bur'ner Detroit Jewel Gas Range with two bak- ing, ovens, a broiling oven and warming oven. Good condition.. Phone 4629, after 6 p. m. 461 FOR SALE ON WASHTENAW- Sorority, exceptionally well fur- nished including rugs, beautiful pictures, silverware, drapes, ex- c e l l e n t bedding, wonderfully, equipped kitchen with electric mixer large dormitory, new water softener, steam heat, seven fire places, will accommodate 25 girls. Beautifully wooded lot 73x300. Priced very low. For further information call Mrs. Mcllenry with% THE F. A. SERGEANT CO. Office 23259 Evenings 9800 234C FO0R S A LE-Drug business at Pinckcney, Mich. Will. sell stock and fixtures and rent store. This store has been a drug store for over 50 years and is only drug store in 10 miles. 25 lakes with- in 5 miles. Mrs. C. W. Barry, Pinckney, Mich. 234612 WANTED ' I f t s t 118 W. Liberty St. 11 CORN WELL COAL, COKE Scrantoo, Pocahontas lientucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing evcr since it was established. 'The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you 11117' I l'' I Broilersj AF'r I-I- 40;c lb IVeal Shoulders I I IFRESH MEATS I FRUITS t?-d~q1 AD V ~f I 1 WANTED--One passenger to drive to San Francisco. Leaving June 12. Call 4804. 461 WANTED -- Companion to tour Yellowstone, Yosemite, Los An- geles, etc. Tray cheaply in I lilt I