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May 30, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-30

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FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1930

Publiased every morning exeept Monday
owing the Tnvrity year by the Boad4 in,
Contro)l of Student Pblications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
atethes credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper -and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Ulchgan, as second class matter. Special rate
of.postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mater General
*Subscriptiox by carrier. $4.Oe; by mail,
ffices: Ann Arbor Press BuildIng, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492, Business, 2114.
Telephone 4925
tditorial Chairman.........George C. Tlley
City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg
Flews Editor... .....Donald J. Kline
Bort Editor......Edwar L. Warner, Jr.
Wmen's Editor......Marjorio Fumer
Telegraph Bditor.......Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama.......William J. German
Literary E'ditor........ Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor... Robert J Feldman
ight Editors-Editorial Board Members
Prank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kanff an Walter W. Wild.
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley
ertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nioeol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein Htugh Pierce
VictorR abnts
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin alph R. Sachs
Car F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprow
Ruth Gallreyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansog
Ginevra Gumn Jane Thayer
ack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
roily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Ciove-ma Robert Townsend
Mrgaet Haris Elizabeth Valentine
a. lwn Kenedy Harold . Warren, Jr.
can Levy G. Lionel Willens
usell E. Mc~racken Barbara Wright
Doroty Magee Vivian Zimis
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Manager
Advertising:...........T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising ............Kasper H. Halverson
Sryice .............George A. Spater
Circulation.... ..........Jr. Vernor Davis
Accounts ............John R. Rose
Publications....... George R. Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Janies E. Cartwright Thomas Muir
Robert Crawford George R. Patterson
Thomas M. ,Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eiezer Lee Slayton
Norris' Johnson Joseph Van Riper
Charles Kline Nobert Williamson
Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy
Women Assistants on the Business
Marian Altran Mary Jane Kenan
orothy BIoaomgarden Virginia McCob y
Laura Codling Alice McCully f
the Constas Sylvia Miller
osephine Convisser AnnVerner
ernice Glasr Inromthea Waterman
Ansa Goldberger Joan Wiese
liortense Gooding
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1930
Night Editor-BEACh CONGER, Jr.
Taking cognizance of the value
of radio broadcasts in the field of
education and at the same time

means of one of which he must one
day earn his living. Invaluable
advice as aguidance to these per-
sons in their choice of a life work
can be proffered by faculty mem-
bers who are able to outline au-
thoritatively the advantages, or
the reverse, of each type of work
and to set forth the qualifications
necessary in the individual who is
considering a career, setting up
standards for intraspection by
which these young persons will be
enabled to make a more nearly ac-
curate selection, thereby eliminat-
ing random judgment which final-
ly leads to the placement of stu-'
dents in the University bent upon a
course for which they are gross.
With the inauguration of these
radio broadcasts in the fall, the,
University will be entering upon
one of the greatest advance steps
in education which could be desir-
ed-fulfilling more completely its
potentialities as an educational in-
stitution for the many.
0 --
Campus Opinion
Contributors areeasked to bebrief,
confining themselves to less than zoo
worts of possible. Anonymous co.-
ninnications will he disregarded. The
names of communicants ill, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The iily.


r Music and Drama
o ~


participating in the national cam-
paign to further radio as an edu-
cational medium, the Regents, in
providing for six programs to be
broadcast weekly, have added ar
extremely commendable functior
to the already lengthy list of ser-
vices which the University offer,
citizens of this and other states.
In instituting such a* program
Michigan is one of the first of the
six universities which were repre-
sented at a meeting called last
winter by President Hoover anc
Secretary of Interior Wilbur at
which time a movement was in-
stigated to broad1en the scope
schools and colleges throughout
the country in the dissemination o:
educational addresses and discus-
sions by the means of the radio.
Diverging from the policy follow-
eb by the majority of collegeQ
which present such programs, the
University, it has been announced
will broadcast talks of such a na-
ture as to invite wider explora-
tion in educational fields on the
part of adult listeners-in; to pro-
vide timely comments by faculty
members on current events; and tc
give useful hints and suggestionm
on hygiene and public health mat-
ters, offered by members of the
medical faculty.
In the role of an aerial "Alumni
university," the latest finding
from research in various fields will
be available to professional men;
coming to them from scholars or
the faculty.
Programs featuring cultural top-
ics, according to present plans, wil
be freely interspersed among the
one hundred fifty broadcasts whic-
are to be given during the year,
with the view of stimulating in-

To the Editor:
I was very much amused by what
"One of the Herd" had to say in
defense of the present herd sys-
tem as opposed to the proposed
caste system, based on a report of
an address at the Phi Kappa Phi
last Wednesday night. In its ro-
mantic disregard for the facts of
life it sounds for all the world like
one of Tom Paine's tirades: a plea
for equality of opportunity when
biology tells us there is no such
thing, for the right to liberty when
mass prejudice has already made
personal liberty an anachronism in
this country, and for the right to
pursue happiness when common
sense tells us that the more we
pursue her (through a violent ef-
fort to keep up with or to surpass
the. Jones' next door) the more she
eludes us! It is no exaggeration to
state that the democratic shibbo-
leth, wherever it has been taken
even half-way seriously, has been
more destructive of personal peace
and contentment and of property
through crudeand thouhtless ex-
ploitation of natural resources
than any other system of goverp-
ment. We have become a people so
obsessed with the idea of becom-
ing that there is no time left in
passing out few mortal hours in
the enjoyment of being for its own
sake. The American-neurosis!
I was not present at the Phi
Kappa Phi banquet, but if the plan
there proposed points the way to-
wards an intellectual aristocracy
in this country which will enable
us to put intelligent and well-
trained men into our government-
al positions both at home and
abroad (as in the case of Great
Britain), instead of a lot of petti-
fogging fillibusterers, why I am en-
tirely in favor of it. I should like
to see, moreover, a reinstatement
of the patronage system in our
arts which the caste system alone
could effect. Perhaps then we should
see the end of the "Mammy Song"
period in our artistic growth and
begin to produce serious works of
art which are not slavish imita-
tions of what is being produced or
has been produced under the Euro-
pean caste system.
And what of the masses? Well,
I feel quite certain that if the writ-
er of the indignant letter in de-
fense of democracy had travelled
as far and as wide as he claims to
have done he would most certainly
have observed how under liberal
monarchies like those of Great
Britain and Italy there is infinitely
more understanding between the
nobility and working people than
there is n this country. Just fancy
Henry Ford visiting the home of
the Lake Superior miners during a
strike as the Prince of Wales might
do any day in the week. Do the
President and members of Con-
gress in this country visit the
farmers in their affliction? Of
course not-they quote statistics.
I was born in this country of
hard-working, self-made people.
Through their efforts I was put
through college. During my four
years at college I was taught to be
dissatisfied with my lot in life and
with that of my parents. The fear

Much to my surprise and disgust
I see that my remarks about that
boxing ring in front of the LibraryE
have gone unheeded by the B & G
boys. This is no trifling matter,
and what's more, if I have any-
thing to say about it, it won't go
on. I think they have left it thereI
because they are too lazy to move
it and are hoping that when it gets
old and weather beaten enough'
people will think its a tradition or
something. It's just a big hoax. You
know, the old hoax at home.
* * *
Say, another thing about the
B & G boys that may partially
redeem their sins is that they
are now co-operating with the
Rolls Department of Evolution-
ary Study to prove the origin{
of the species. It would cer-
tainly delight good old Mr.
Darwin's heart to see them
leaping and chattering in the
trees about the campus these
days. It's a shame that the for-
estry department hasn't pro-
vided a few cocoanut palms for
them to monkey around in.
* * *
I see that the old ad about the
"Bronze Tablets for Every Pur-
pose" has put in its appearance
again. My sales resistance has fin-
ally broken down, and I'm going to
order a couple. One for my indiges-
tion, and the other-a handy ten-
pound size-to heave at the gentI
next door who has a radio that
can't seem to get anything but
Rudy Vallee.
* * *
Johnnie has just breezed in
with a plot to foil the exam-
ers in the coming period of
mental torture. He says that.
instead of the usual silly meth-
od of carrying written stuff in-
to the room, it is much better.
to go to the room and select a
seat for the exams. Then it is
perfectly simple to write down'
the necessary information on
the back of the seat in front
of you beforehand. That sounds
like an admirable substitute
for the honor system to me1
when you consider the chances
that someone will get there
first, or that there will be a
regular seating arrangement.
Another New Feature Today!E

TONIGHT: One of the last few
performances of Sophocles' Anti-
gone with Margaret Anglin in the
title role at the Mendelssohn The-
atre at 8:15.
A Review By Helen Watier.
Margaret Anglin's interpretation
of Antigone which is sustaining it-I
self this week in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre amidst an un-
fortunately conceived production is
perhaps the most significant dra-
matic event of the season.
To undertake a Greek drama in
an intimate theatre is to encounter
tremendous difficulties requiring
,adroitness of adjustment. Mr. Hen-
derson's experimental productionk
has met them with more than ne-
cessary elaboration.
The production opens with a
slow, impressive unfolding of the
curtains (fittingly accompanied by
hidden music) which, after the pro-
logue in Greek, makes one feel that
he is approaching... . say a Greek
temple. But, the curtains back, we
find displayed a stage set with
constructivistic levels upon which
a number of dim figures are run-
ning about in unintelligible fash-
ion. The director's note on the pro-
gram explains this: "We have plac-
ed our setting, as Sophocles' own di-
rection demands, in 'an open
place'; rather than the conven-
tional Greek interior.. We have
also made a careful psychological)
use of varying levels on which the
actors play." The "open place" of
Sophocles' own direction would
have been cenventional Greek set-
ting . . . the open place before a
temple or palace. The place is un-
important . . . the levels, as they
were employed, are not. Their
"psychological use" consists in
each actor's mounting and de-
scending the levels as he speaks;
regardless of his social rank it is
the degree of psychological dom-
inance of the line which he is de-
livering that determines his phy-
sical position. This, together with
the conversion of the chorus into
one of Greek peasants in place of
the Theban elders of the text, has,
it seems to me, lessened the dra-E
matic conflict, robbed the drama
of dignity and repose, refuting the
purpose of the production as Mr.
Henderson states it: "to make you
live with, as the struggle between
the human heart and the rigid laws
of man in this Greek drama of pas-
sion." When a soldier, several pea-
sants, a son, a prophet, and a mes-
senger, can all stand above the
sovereign of the state, by reason

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D o you remember
Wilkins Micawber w ho
was always waiting for
A n something to turn up"-
and nearly starving in the
meantime? tJJMicawber was
only a creature of Dick-
A rborens' imagination; but he
has his counterparts in rear
life-good men, men of
talent and wit, but waiting
for Opportunity to send
an engraved invitation.
qNo, it's the men who a
Bank have ready money to invest
when they see the chance
who attain Success.
Main at Huron Street TODAY: Open A
Savings Account
An ever-swelling sum, augmented
707 North University Avenue by3%n interest compounded half-
yearly will save you from Mi-
cawber's melancholy fate. We
will welcome your account.

Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying
For Everything Musical


In order to instill a little more of their address to him, we lose
ambition into the hearts of the the sense of the rigidity of the
campus poets, a new system is to law of the Greek state, and a real-
be inaugurated in this column. The ization of the courage of its indi-
old custom of providing limericks vidual members. They looked so
with missing last lines is to be re- perfectly safe up there; and Creon
vived. The first one follows, this became, not the firm, conscientious


too is furnished
There was a y
Ann Arbor
Whose thought
to harbor
He'd go about1
In hopes they'e
I think that or
a lot of trouble t
for about five m
all I got was si
barber, which di(
too much'sense.
And then the
the following
which goes:
A co-ed from
Was doing a P
A proceeding q
When done in
-And it shocke
very much it
That is the
things must not
sundry beware. I
sult to the pub
ever sent in to n
all, and don't
you weren't war:
The ROLLS fiv
dual-control, su
lace-border prop
consulted again
that we are pre'
whatever the we
and next, it will x
where else in th
probably be lar
rain, snow, or sl

by Johnnie. ruler of a people unwise in anger
oung man from which has been incensed by an out-
rage to the tradition of the race,
s were too nasty but a hasty, stubborn wielder of
transient power. There was so
biting babies much movement up, down, and
d get the rabies around the stage that it left the
.actors no time for proper gesture
ne is going to give in interpretation of the lines.
o the boys. I tried The lack of stability is intensified
inutes myself and by the .lighting effects on the cy-
omething about a clorama which becomes a lighter
dn't seem to make shade of the color of each major
actor's costume, as he enters. A
* * further lack of faith in the ade-
He Man submits quacy of the drama and the his-
complete number trionic ability of the actors is a
drum beaten off stage at each dire
fair Ypsilanti pronouncement.
olka andante Miss Anglin stood her ground
uite flighty 'gloriously. With the rest of the cast
a nighty-.. running up and down the levels,
d all the people she remained on the level of the
ndeed. stage throughout her entire per-
last straw. Such formance, dominating every sit-
be. Let all and uation with quiet dignity and re-
f another such in- strained passion. She wore a heavy
)lic intelligence is costume of indefinite, drab shade
ne, look out, that's j which was badly supported by the
ever pretend that costumes of the rest of the cast.
ned, either. The sister, Ismene, was well, but
* * a little too rapidly executed by Miss
Loomis who looked very slight in
her cotton costume.
The young men appeared in dou-
blets of bright hues, more nearly
Elizabethan than Greek.
The chorus was too small and too
e-speed-in-reverse, lightly costumed to be a fair bal-
per-iodine-with-a- nace, let alone an isolating factor,
hesyer has been to the force of Miss Anglin. Creon
with the result made the only approach to this
pared to say that, function. We have already pointed
ather is this week out that the situation was against
be worse than any- him, and his lines were cut, but he
e country and will achieved a masterful rendering of 4
'gely composed of his final scene after the return
leet. The forecast from the tomb of Antigone. Rob-

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