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May 29, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-29

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T V& ASS,.MAY D., 1930



IRV STQN SR } ORES_ __ __ _ __ __ __U Hard-Foaught Contest'
(Continuca from Page 1 First Inning1 right Berwnger forced Cochrane (y Asocitd Press)
ew( Cincinnati: Daniels threw out! at second, Murphy struck out. No' LOS ANGE3LES, May 28. - Dave
stpon b yrn ndNesGo oe yCochrane. Whiter fouled to runs, no hits no errors 'iaae, Concord, Calif, veteran, to-1
____Doran. HudsonandBerwangerpoppedto;
AwrsLtesThe summaries: i uso ndBrane ppedt ichigan: Suerko was safe c', . daya was believed assured of anoth-
Six Goe~la.AarsLfersICHIGAN i INDEPENDENT TEAM FINALS. D;aniels. No runs, no hits, no errors.: Fleig's error. Tompkins hit through 1e engagement with Mickey Walk-i
to, arstyABNo0xeERlinlsasnaoatiitesfoste'Michigan: Butler singled through! second sending Suerko to scxond. er
forStela WoklBtlr, A......41 !0 1inpent enonalatvte campus jthe box. Superko sacrificed and' Hudson doubled to center scoring er, mdeweight champion, follow-
.-orSela WrkKBur, ro .......4 1 0 . 01'idpnetmnothca us was safe on Fleig's error, Butler uperko and putting Tompkins on ing his defeat here last night of Ace'
SESN sSCCSFU uopkins,31f. 0 .2, 1U 2 extending from January to June, !going, to second. Superko went to0 third. Straub drew a base n balls.; Hudkin , Nebraska Wildcat.
___Hdonlb....6311102cinfrtate; the Buckeyes wi- seond and Butler to third n the Myron sacrificed to short center Athecnlsoof1rudso
Joseph Royston; veteran member '9Straub f. ... ,...5 1 00 U0 2'nn !rtpae;teMaonscrplay. tmpkindSutrpedk. t d o u edcoring ompkines ruwassfi staybteigSaeshn a
of, Micnaigans golf team that fin-I Myron, ss.......4 2 2 5 1 4 ond; Kansas City, third; and the'' songBteanSpro.Iu-fldtoFig Dnes was safe eady batering hade'seandowa
.sishd second to Illinois in the Con-' Truskowski, c. ..4 2 4: 0 0 1, Actuaries, fourth, o a aeo ewnes o. and went to second on Whiter',5 raised by the referee. The Califor-
f~ec etls ek a enDnes b... )Thirty-seven groups were repre- Hudson then stol second and error, Hudson scoring from second. !nian was given five rounds, Hud-
choen to catlaint wehe asyea oan, bp ...20 40 100 0 0 srented in the various events the ;Tompkins stole home. leirtook, ill batted for Holtzman and walk-; kins one, and four were even.
fo h 91 sao. P~ytn hs M naup.....0 0 1 0 0 0, winners, being as follows: basket- Straub's high fly. _Myron sn le Cd. Butler forced Bill. Three rns meHu n o suce sa wich fsor the
" bfo .r 13 egu a smemberofstoh aWol- Hill.. . . . . . 0 0 0 0 U 0 ball, Rockets; volley ball, Chinese ito short sending Il hcson to third.! two hits, twio crrors. nenH o ud n clo sd ahieceaor t -
tverine linksmen for, the past twoj McCormick; rf. . .1 0 0 0 0 0' tdns"";bo8nRabesrskwk igedoe eodiit nig
Lagn f ... .handball, Cachets; track, Maroons; scrn tdo n td y'!Cicnai otger oody Shade, fighting his 41st bout.
.,yea. D'n......~~0~0&relays, Kansas City; horse shoes.; ron to. second. Altmir took, Dan-,Cinchlinat Montgu repacd I1he victor retaliated with a steady
At the same time tatRoyton s 1Duck , ....oa~ 1Maroom; tennis, Maroons; and "els e op fy. Hlz an owaikd,,filib ertmninte o.Muth wentIbarg o et as
elctonwananoncdCoca teaass.Bule0 ls0wlkd+or-out, Hudson to Montague. sanFnleiocg sf bl oces The Wildcat was warned against
Truebloo issued he namesof the r~lbasaWith..in.t0amura.ls atMichigan;WithgiinamMyron.t SicpiankmggrnMunded utorkopped todeDaniels.pedWestDnrean.losteblowsowatlleast lsix s times.s.Shade
sfr men who were awarded letters, eloraie adutr odo hird. Five rus fur t is, wo aked. Altmier hit to short, No~md opoetaantHdis
To as . . . .4 5 2f 1 5 runs, no hits, no errors. i actions.
forleterwokin esndes, i ad-Batted for Hltzman in.ffth. fiiating the season has been one;eros
ofuusafscesbohfomte eonrnn .Michigan: Distler went in to _________
tion to Royston, Arthur Ahlstrom, t;INU1NNIA'TL students' and the department's.Cnint: Dnestrwotctc o icnai uek le CALCUTTA-The po o h
Jarvis Hicks, John Howard, Jack TB EO P AO R stnpit( Murphy. Muth singled through out to center field. Tompkins foul- Calcutta sweepstakes at Epsom l
Lenfesty, and Richard Livingston.: Cochrane; cf; ...107001_________ the box. leig forced Muth at see- ed to Fleig. rHu~dson sent a high Downs on June 4 totals aproxi-
~oso ossetGle. Whitker, ss.. .3 0 2 1 1 0I FACULTY B4ASEBAL STANDINGS. nd. Superko threw Out Wester- fly to right fild. No runs, no hits, mately four and one half millions
ThBWlernewang-eec asM rph, 2b .4 0 1 1 2 01 W L Pt man. No runs, one hit, no errors. ' noero's. ;of dollars. The first pr'ze will thus
The.W.le.i.e.ap.a..ele.t.....Mup.y.............4 0 2.0 0 0' Chemistry.......5 0 1.000' Michigan: Tompkins sinled Seventh Inning, amount to9bu$1,40000, and
a- consistent golfer for a num- ! Muth, 3b.....4 2. 0 0 1 0~ Chemistry Stores......,, ,4 2 .66 Hudson singled to right field send- Cincinnati. Rooff fanned' and I this, accrdn to custom will be
scaro es, t ursnng in thyie Fdua l b:.., ,..4 0&. 0I2 O n.Research. .......3...2 60001ing Tompkins to third. StraubCochrane walked. Whitker hit into dvie dnd into thre first prizes of'
Wire thi seaon i thedualWesterman, If. .. 30 1 0 0 0:1 Physics. ............... 2 4 .333! forced Hudson at second, TompkinsI a double play, Daniels to Myron to $645,000 each.
maatches with Conference oppon- Altmier, c........4' 1 4 0' 0 11 Army-Eng ... ...... ....1 4 200! coring n the play. Straub stoleI Hudson. No runs, no hits, no errors.
ens ehisoiial rmRogoffp........ 2 0 1 2 0 0~ Geology -History .....03 .000' seond. Myron walked. Truskowski ihiaiStabbetot a hit 1WNE opno otu
]Rtsbrg, hee e hs tare, 'o irst, Myron singledoe hr Yellowstone, Yosemite, Ls An-
over manyh, wheheedihasctarseds'Kunz............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 TdysGns sacrificed to right field. Rogfftofr
5:.5-Pyscs s. rm~ng., e-I blkd alowngStrub o cor !sending Straub to third. Truskow- geles, etc. Tray cheaply in
otava ve a ofte d iffticualt rse s515Ph si s.arm en gG- ble alo ig tru toki w kd filling the bases. Dan- brand new roadster. Write Papp,
t~athv ae ainlrpt- Totals........30 3 24' 5 6 2; ology-History vs. Eig. Research, and sending Myron to second. Br- siwle 33Mridl eri.241
tsous that city. During thetus'Bte for Rogoff in ninth. Chemistry vs. Chexistry Stores, wanger fumbled Daniels' grounder otgead gnbte
tliat he has played over these __________alwnIyo osoeDnesfrMnau n ruddott 9303 Martindale, Detroit. 234612 f
eare ehsturned in-many ox- Cincinnati ..,......002 000 000-j taking second. Hioltzman fanned. first uperko was out Whitker to I
oo*1urtse he hs ihia .....5423 011 Ten Tennis Teamls Three i us, two hits, one error. ii.1w us he ~tn r
oelligntTsoores. Michiree.hi..,.n530r23002Tonigh5
Michigan's dual meet season was; lidIii as Three: base hits, Tompkins; two to Play in Title Meet' Thirdtl Inning. i
distinct success, in spite of thej base hits, Hudson, Truskowski; ____'Ei~'' nig
Cincinnati: Atmnier singled o er j Cnint:Tmkn ok h n vr hrdyoe
;fact that matches were lost to~i double plays, Daniels to Myron to (iCotinued'From Page 6) i second Rog oft' popped to short.'boxforc ihigaomn. D okathe-atiovryThrsalovr
Nvthtwestern and Illinois. The Husn-aks-oof src u I Cochrane walked. Whiter also IbxfrMcia.Dcmnr ;
Wolvrin tea wa copose1 ,'- Ntioal Broadcastinl1
motl f opoorstht a n udon alsRgof srukouStagg as the teams two mainstays, wleDnil osdou 8r i larplackwk ehDniels at.c
mWs ofpoolvrne tatwasdcom oedHoltzman 2, Montague, Tomnpkins, j must also be included among the pakd ail ose u Br ilaeplkoakc e hinathelsbat.c-Company Blue Network 1
Rogoff 2.emstahv acacet Itkvaner, Altmier scoring. Murphyi dcl.DawetifrMynatdecfomNwY k
previous Conference experience,' temshathaveacanctoakegy
and under the circumstances their the title. In the dual meet against was safe on Myrons low throw to M on.Mcorn c went in orionht
play was all that could be expect-' BROWNS GAIN 4 '2 the Wolverines the Chicao team, first, Cochrane scoring. Mu hor.M~rikwn na ih
°'field and Langen at center. Ber- TW AM U
Cd VNO E IE Sthrough its excellent play, brought; struck out. Two runs, one hit,one wnger grounded out. )Murphy went'
". Wolves Suffer Two Losses. - the scare to four apiece, before the Michigan:asarwangursthrewuout'ea
Michigan took the four first Con-~ In the junior circuit, the Tigers latMcin doubles combination;Bte.Spek opdt Whit- out a bunt. Doran fumbled Fleig's
ference matches on its schedule,! lost a 4-2 decision to St. Louis. The' could come through with the vic-grndrbtecveditohowT ein n
defeating Purdue, 14-4, downing i Chicago Cubs, mourning the unex- ltory that cinched the arnmatch. a al-,e.i Tdompklietonhtr orughsfirst.'ut Muth at 'third. No runs, one
OaahatyersiaonoatanHSsnfieaotetr.Ner,,on it n err
Oi Stt,13-5, whitewashing' pcted loss of Hal Carlson one of ma utsm 'r i hi i n ro.% r
Objcg,18-0, and trouncing Wis- !their, leading. petchers who died'lomyct oefgrFi h~t ors Mcigan Tompkins fled to cen-
cni, 13-5, before losing their! very suddenly yesterday, eked out'fnlotmefth Cnerce Cincinnati: Flieg grounded to nde ln.Ccrn okSru'
foursh meing. terrHudsontingledaalngdthemfrst.and uyyour
fis et otw tr andaa 6-5 win-over the Cincinnati Reds.fmeet.
cto 17 ictoy oer te Wl- ush nd alon pichedforthe Joe Hratz, Iowa number one! short. Holtzman struck out West- :high fly. Doran was out Rogoff to'
v en when thaz'adBu Cb hl Fe npIoptiledmarethe two leading ontendersimer. No runs, no hits, no errors. I h a li. N i s nhnitnos
izig 20 consecutive ig Ten wins. !only other game paeBostonfoIow wetrat hleaser the emataldM yroignws aflwef Mth! ininnti Wdsema fDle t
Illinois concluded the dual melt downed the Phillies by a score of wl ne1a es nera h thed.rewwd on sfrst. n uh.itrfle oLne,.
season by trouncing the Michigan 15-1. ; may be expected to be among the theiiet a is.Tusowskiun Li and Kunz, batting for Rogoff, fan-'HT O i
teamn 14 1-2 to3l1-2: _1edr nteQnfrneme. duldtocnesoigMrn ned. No runs, no hits, no errors.
AM11ERCICAN. LEAGUE. ihsnigan'smcanes lie largely in 1Daniels singled scoring gTruskowski. I-_______
Unvriy HgDaksIetroit...200 00 000. 2 6 3 f lay of the doubles comnbinationsIlr' runeTfrte hraot1r vi'iyof 3Michigantreivted
Seon Pac n Mt I 0has been steadily improvr!. Tw r' uns, tawo hits, oe terror.otUisitytoflasthyean theReived
ZlcntSt. Louis . ... 001 00012- 4. 9. FithInin.ns'tr .,ucindersthyeaorfice R of the1esR
Whitehill and Hargraves- Ste- throughout the entire season. Ham-T.Cudrteofcsof h1f
."U "Iniveroity Hig1 i 4ok second place w iart and Ferrell. mr Beal, and Brace are the chief Cincinnati. Rogoff and Cochrane United States Army stationed at!
in the first annual Huron League: ; threats for the Wolverines, both walked. Whitker flied to short i Ann~ Arbo., 322324 South Main Street-
w o . nl F el a n v l ho d o l u sd y o p t ti n b t e n the . B oston-Philadelphia, cold w eath - t l -______91i1aliilllll t~ltillillllllli111II1111111111i i
eight schools entered proved to bej rahnt-NwYkrin--
Avery close with Roosevelt High of Wahigto-e ok an
' "'psilnti osin outUnivcity Chicago-Cleveland, rain
'Iigh for first place 35 to -32. The !
elay decided the result, Ypsi heT-,JATONL EAUe
ing the quartet from Ann Arbor by I R H E -
: a scant foot to win the competition. Philadelphia ..10000010- 1 6 21-
.Red Howell of University high was Boto...11 0120-5
xhigh point man with a first in the Collins, Alexander and McCurdy;
,8180 and a second in the broad jump. Seibold and Spohrer._
WASHINGTON-The ban against' New York-Brooklyn, rain.-
=the transportation of fight films x

MOE LAUNDRY gives prompt
!service ory all laundry work. Our
Sdelivery service is efficient.' 204
N. Main. Dial 3916. 3C
208 W. HURON ST. 3C
per cent without bonus to loan
on modern Ann Arbor homes
Phone 4356. 1350
PIANO TUNING -- Phone 077.
Victor Almendinger. The Stein-
way concert artist tuner. Office
at residence, 1608 Morton Ave.
HEMSTITCHING, Altering and Re-
pairing neatly done. Miss Lyn-
don, 210 S. Ingalls. C
310 S. STATE PHONE 7927
TYPING-Theses a speciaty Fair
Iraters. M. V. Iiartzuff. Dial 9087.
SAND-Washed and screened sand
and gravel; all sizes. Immediate
Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014 ,C
FOR RENT-Apartmnent---on cam-
pus-State street - delightfully
f ur ni s h ed- grand piano-2
rooms, available June 15. $5500.
Inquire immediately. Dial 22751.
FOR RENT-Furnished house for
rent from the owner for four
months from middle of June. A
beautifully furnished five room
bungalow, completely enclosed
iii its own well kept grounds, ex-
cellent library, fine radio, du-
ble garage. Ideal for summer
months. Rent adjusted. Dial
8900. 3
FOR RENT-For summer months,
near campus, 5 room completely
furnished apartment with yard
and garage. Phone 5929. 346.
For summter-6 room beautiful
jfurnished' home on Lincoln Ave.,
±flowers, shade, garage, $80,
Near Campus-Living, dinette, bed
rooms; tile shower bath, Kel-
vinator, new furniture, $75.
2 rooms furnished $45
j Call Mr. Lechner
Kemf, Lewright, Benson and
Staebler Inc.
23245 Evenings 8840
FOR 136c
FRRENT-Furnished apartment
jfor summer months. Call Uni-
versity extension 631 between 8
!and 10 a. m. 23461
{FOR RENT-Furnished apartment
Soccupying entire second floor,
two rooms, bath, frigidaire, com-
plete kitchen, cool and quiet.
Call 8904. ' 23
FOR RENT -- Next year-large
room with kitchenette $.00.
Doubles and singles $300 up.


from one state to another may be E
lifted if- a bill that. is before- Con-j Cincinnati . . 000 013 001- 5 9 0
gress now is passed. The bill would. Chicago . . ..400 011 00*~- 6 9 2
'enable each state to decide for it- I Frey, Kolp and Gooch; lushi,
self whether such films are to be1 Malone and Elartnet.
shown.L St. Louis-Pittsburgh, rain.


a 1 .


Fo 4ciesirsteei o mr esbe atr
. th soGilld Sddl Oxfrd.Notonlydoe th
sadl ad eortv ouh... tgvs4otsp
not 4ai rmtohroi~n. hdso lo
Toug, no-ski Gritle ol4

--I -

SGradues-busi5n. ss 1wmen
=Withini a few weeks we will occupy our new store jPoe78.13
- flow under construction on Main Street, next to = FOR SAXL4u
- the First National Bank. In order to reduce our = F4OR SALE ON WA$HTENAW-
stock before moving we are offering these excel. ( Sorority exceptionally Well fur-
lent values during thsget3 la eoa nished including rugs, beautiful
thisGret 3-DayRemvalpictures, silverware, drapes, ecx-
Sale. -'c e ll en t bedding, wonderfully
-= equipped kitchen with electric
- mixer large dormitory, new water
- I softener, steam heat, seven fire
Su ts an T pc at 141f places, will accommodate 25
Suit an 1- of Top oat - gils.Beautifully wooded lot
73x300. Priced very low. For
~'further information call Mrs.
E McHenry with
SOffice 23259 Evenings 9800
±Pao = Pickny, Mch.Will sell stock
.88 anto fistoreaen ad rugtstore for
~.8 37 50 = ndtures benand rntstrefoThis3
Sover 50. years and is only drug
store in 10 miles. 25 lakes with-
of E in 5 miles. Mrs. C. W: Barry,
Most of themi have two pairs of : Pinckney, Mich. 234612
trousers - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
______ -WAI VED
SOrTY B ANN WANTED-A neat and modern
_ r. apartment for three days-Jutne
-OTHER INE MAKES 21, 22 and 23rd. Must be private.
_ Write Box No. 134, Michigan
- -Daily. 346
j 50 dozen Men's Fancy Hose. POSITION WANTED-Young manl,
j" an0qalty white, wants porter job i'n fra-
and 75c eqaliy.Sale= ternity for fall. Willing worker,
price 5c, three for I $.00 - Call 6374. 234
=WANTED-Canoe, 17 or 18 foot,
must be in good condition, cash.
-- Call phone 7265. 234
D sc u to r, WANTED-Position as handy man
0" Uj around house and yard, janitor
work. Able and willing. Phone
16346. 23 4
SWEATE.RS-NECKW EAR LOST-A '"Bat~ tennis rj~ipirrt .+


L l

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